CAD $159,400
CAD $15,421
Campaign funds will be received by Anya Pashka
(The financial goal set is what we need to pay the bank to keep our house. As we receive financial help from other areas we will drop the goal on this campaign. Your support will go towards keeping our home, supporting our family through our sons diagnoses, and helping to support our ministry work. Thank you for your support!)
We’re a family of 7, my husband and I and our 5 amazing kids. 5 years ago God had us take a massive step of faith and moved us to a rural community hours away. We knew no-one, had no work set up, and were told we’d never get the mortgage for the house. Yet we trusted God and He made a way! He got us the mortgage (with the help of a family member), brought the work, and connected us to an amazing community that we couldn’t have imagined. It’s literally our dream home with everything God put on our hearts, and during this time He launched us into ministry. My husband pastors a house church, online, and part-time at a local church, as well as running a business that he could only establish living where we are. I lead worship, a women’s ministry, and teach music from home as well as at our local school to the most amazing children! We have made wonderful connections and we get to be a part of a community that gives back in so many ways, with much emphasis on the elderly, veterans, and young families.
We’re dedicated to being family-oriented and what God set up allows us to home school our kids and flexibly work around ministry. We could never do this in our previous home. This was all completely led by God and we’ve seen amazing fruit from it. As I write this I can't help but cry at how incredibly blessed we are to be here and heartbroken at the thought that we could lose it.
This last spring I got extremely sick and was in and out of hospitals. I was bed ridden for several months, unable to work or take care of my children. By God’s grace and with the help of family, neighbours, and my incredible husband we made it through. While I was still recovering, our 10 year old son started to get very ill and within a month he was fighting for his life in the ICU at Sick Kids hospital, suddenly diagnosed with a very rare autoimmune disease that led to adrenal failure. It is now being managed, but to say this has been a difficult time is an understatement! During this time we lost almost a year's worth of income and had to use up our entire savings account (it was just enough money, but that’s like God!). God got us through this and many other challenges this year, but we’re still not out of it yet.
We know that this is where God has planted us and wants us, but now we’re in a hard spot. Everything is on the line as our mortgage us up for renewal in May of 2025 and the family member who signed on is no longer able to. Since we’re self-employed and had a bad financial year, the bank won’t give us the mortgage and that would mean an end to all that God has established and built here (and the ministering in our community). Even finding full-time employment (instead of home-businesses) won’t satisfy the bank because the work out here doesn’t pay enough. We have been in contact back and forth with our bank and mortgage consultant and are exhausting all our options. The option that seems the clearest and are trusting God with is to have a lump sum ready for the time of renewal to carry us through. We do not have the finances and it is far beyond what we could make in time. It will take a miracle.
We need your financial help to keep our home. Our only option to stay here is if the mortgage is paid off. It’s ambitious, but we serve an incredibly big God who can do exceedingly abundantly above ALL that we ask or think (Eph 3:20)! If we lost it I don't know where our family will live and I cannot imagine an end to all that God has established here. If you feel on your heart to donate to us, we thank you a thousand times over! Our goal is quite high but we know that nothing is too big for our God! We know this because we’ve seen Him come through first-hand in impossible situations again and again and again. As dire as the situation is, we aren't loosing hope because we know that our God can do it!!
We humbly ask that you’d consider helping us take this on. Even if it’s just a small amount, our God can take a boy’s small lunch and multiply it to feed thousands (John 6:5-13)! God got us here and kept us here as we followed Him in faith. Your help would not only impact our family and children’s futures, but also the many ministry connections God has established in our community. We know He can and will make a way! Please consider helping us with this, knowing we’ll be eternally grateful. Any and all prayers are greatly appreciated! Let this be another situation for God to get the glory! Thank you for your time and consideration, and God bless!
Adam and Anya Pashka
Lord Jesus please bless these gifts and multiply them abundantly. Would you bless the Pashka family as much as they have blessed us with their words, teachings and testimonies over these years. Amen, amen.
Lord, please provide them with the resources that they need. You are Jehovah Jireh and anything is possible through you. Bless them Lord and keep their faith firm and upright in you no matter what happens. In Jesus name amen!
God bless!
Gonna keep donating when I can much love brother and sister Adam and Anya. His Grace is sufficient and His Strength sustains us.
God is so good! I'm certain that your home ministry and family will continue to thrive. "I will walk by faith even when I cannot see." 2 Corinthians 5:7
God bless you and your family. Our Abba and our Lord/Savior Jesus Christ is always with us. Hope each little bit helps 💙 thank you for your ministry.
I am giving as the Lord leads, God continue to bless your family and ministry,
God bless. I asked God to make it obvious where/how to give and he pointed me to your Youtube.
February 1st, 2025
THANK YOU for all your prayers and support!! Things are looking hopeful for our home and we are praying that God is opening and closing doors. Your support is greatly appreciated while we continue to navigate this season and watch God do His thing. His plans for His children are always good!!! Thank you for keeping our son in your prayers, we know Jesus has ALREADY paid the price and while we are still going through a lot with him we know that it's not forever. We will continue to update here as things progress.
Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
January 14th, 2025
We just want to thank everyone again for their support!! Things are very much still up in the air. We have quite a few doctors appointments that will take some travelling near the end of the month but are so grateful to have access to great doctors and most of all our great physician Jesus Christ! Overall Nathanael is doing very well but every day is a surprise, some good and some not so good. In regards to our home we are continuing to reach out to people offering help or advice, praying for God to open and close doors and make the way clear. For now your financial support is such a blessing and we are hopeful our God, who can supply all our needs through HIS riches, will come through in a mighty way. All glory to Him our amazing creator ♥️ thank you all again for your prayers and financial support!!! We love you from the bottom of our hearts.
December 7th, 2024
As we continue to pray for direction and the Lord to make a way, we want to say THANK YOU to every single person that shows their love and support. Thank you to those who have donated and to those who have reached out just to let us know you are keeping us in prayer. To know we are not alone in this brings us great encouragement. We love each and every one of you!!! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
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