Support for PJ


 USD $30,000


 USD $5,600

Campaign created by BARBARA Bradley

Campaign funds will be received by BARBARA Bradley

Support for PJ

November 23, 2024

Hi my name is Bobi Bradley,

I don’t ask for anything for myself. My husband and I have always been givers and today we do not ask for us, nor do we want to be asking at all, unfortunately we have come to the place we are in need of asking Anyone that has a heart to give, to please help our son.

I will try to be brief, not being a writer I am sure you will think of ways I could make this sound better. Please bear with me. It is a VERY emotional & challenging time, where TIME is of the ESSENCE.

Our son has been HELD hostage in a 3-year divorce by attorneys. We, him, family, friends and those he doesn’t know have helped with what they could to assist us. The COST of this divorce is over $471,811.01 and counting. 90% of this has been paid by us, his parents. With no other option, we humbly ask, and thank you, in advance for your cheerful gift.

His 5th and very compassionate divorce attorney Alex had a Heart Attack on Nov. 5th, 2024, and died. The EVE of Custody hearing on the 13th & Divorce JURY TRIAL.19th-22nd. (GA & TX have Divorce Jury Trials).

His child was taken to FL by his wife, after she set him up in false allegations and tried to put him in prison for life and even used his child as a witness. Imagine how the child would have felt knowing her testimony may have put her best friend and father in jail for the rest of his life when she grows up (she was 11 at his Criminal Jury Trial) Alex was also his Trial Attorney for the Criminal Charges 5th criminal attorneys office so we have paid a total of 10 Attorneys involved…

After 90 days in jail on false allegations, wearing an ankle monitor 22 MONTHS, being banned from his home county and the county his ancestors helped to establish. 12 Citizens of Bulloch County found him NOT GUILTY on all Criminal Charges plus the 2 Felonies the DA decided to add because he would not plead guilty and take a plea deal for something he did not do. The JURY saw right through her scheme from the beginning. His friends and family and church family can vouch for his character.

It has been 965 days today that his child has been kept from her father and alienated (lied to and made to believe lies about her father that are not true) by her mother, and her family. His wife’s attorney has pointed her fingers at him for causing this 3-year delay, when in fact it is her holding up the divorce, He also has to pay her fees of $85k He has YET, to have a court date to be able to speak to the Judge to tell his story. He looks forward to his Jury Trial on this matter.

We have spoken to a few attorneys and will need $30,000.00 Retainer for the Custody & Jury Trial. If you have read this to this end, you must have an ear to hear and a heart to give. Thank you in advance to Anyone that will help us even with $5.00. All gifts of money will be appreciated as if it were a million dollars as every gift is very helpful. May the Good Lord Bless You for your outreach to our son. With a Grateful Heart, We Thank you, and appreciate all prayers also.

His Parents;

Bobi & Paul Bradley, Sr. 

for PJ Bradley       

In its severest form, Parental Alienation is Child Psychological Abuse as listed in DSM-5.

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
20 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
1 month ago

$ 200.00 USD
2 months ago

We love you buddy

David and Vickie Collins
$ 500.00 USD
2 months ago

We just keep on keeping on. I don't think our Great Heavenly Father wants us any other way. He loves us even when we may sometimes feel he's forgotten us. He knows what's going on with everyone and he will take care of us if we continue to seek his wisdom. Just you keep your chin up and keep on keeping on. We love ya bubba.

Nora Watson
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

We are so sorry PJ is going through this. Praying all will work out for his good. You & Paul have been our friends for many years. When a child, no matter how old they are, goes through a trial, we as parents will do all we can to help them. Love you guys!!! Dennis & Nora

Anonymous Giver
$ 1300.00 USD
2 months ago

There is no testimony without a test. He didn’t bring you this far to leave you. Don’t ever stop fighting! #afatherslove #equalrights

Rasheen RM
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

My heart aches for you! Every child deserves a father! Continue fighting, be patient, be positive, continue having absolute FAITH in our Lord and Savor. And this too shall pass.

Anonymous Giver
$ 40.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
2 months ago

Jessi Shuman
$ 35.00 USD
2 months ago

Praying for you!

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 40.00 USD
2 months ago

My heart has been broken since learning of this nightmare of a situation. I will continue to pray for you all as I cannot even begin to imagine what you are experiencing. It truly breaks my mama heart to pieces. Sending all of our love and hugs your way🩶

Terrie Stille
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Bobbi, thank you for being there when I needed family! I pray for you and your family, Paul and PJ, I truly believe God will bless you and reunite you with your child! I pray daily for you.... Dear Lord, bless this family and restore PJs name. Stand beside him during this trying time, in your name.

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
2 months ago

God is always working. Trust Him.

Anonymous Giver
$ 75.00 USD
2 months ago

Praying God’s will for you, PJ and for your daughter.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Praying for you all. 🙏

Anonymous Giver
$ 300.00 USD
2 months ago

Praying for you PJ. Allow God to lift you and hold you up. His will and purpose will be done in your life. Stay faithful and trust in him!

Chris Adams
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Linda Bell
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago


Update #6

January 5th, 2025

Update #6

January 5, 2025          PLEASE CONTINUE TO SHARE THIS POST:  and Thank You 

We wanted to say it again, to everyone who has prayed for us and/or given monetary no matter the amount of money or length of your prayers. We feel your prayers- We cherish your friendship, and your giving in our time of need. We Thank You for Sharing our need with others and giving of your time & prayers to help our family.

It was a very difficult Christmas again on December 25, 2024, without any contact with our granddaughter. I still see her as a 9-year-old child who worshipped the ground her daddy walked on. Her daddy and her were best buddies, fishing, hunting, visiting many trampoline parks, water slide parks, riding their boat out and camping on the beaches in the ocean and at Stone Mountain and playing in the snow there, Fearless, hanging upside down her first time riding a Zip Line in Helen, Ga. With no hands, eating chicken-mini’s with her dad on Saturdays, baking chocolate chip cookies & truffles, carving pumpkins, and playing in the tree house he built her. Riding in their side x side and going mud bogging. - Learning things only her daddy can teach her and giving her the LOVE only he can give as her Father-

It has been 1008 Days since PJ’s daughter was taken from his love. That’s 87,091,200 SECONDS- and that’s a lot of heartbeats in much pain. Please continue to pray and speak God’s word over PJ & his daughter. Your prayers, kindness, & generosity are very appreciated by us all.

To UPDATE you;

We have secured the divorce attorney I wished would could have found in 2022 and now must get her paid. Our heart breaks and hopes and prays, NO OTHER child/ren will be put through a DIVORCE with a parent that wants only to destroy their child/ren’s relationship with their other parent because they no longer want the family they chose. None of us are perfect, No Not One- No casting of stones, God is faithful and just to forgive us all, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness For we are NEW CREATIONS through the Blood of the Lamb and we are joint-heirs with Jesus. We have trusted him all of our lives to provide for all of our needs and we have always paid our debts, except the one we can’t- that He paid for us. We know that God loves a cheerful giver, and we THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR YOUR SELFLESS SACRIFICiAL GIFTS FOR PJ IN HIS TIME OF NEED- and during your own financial hardships for some of you through Given,Send,Go & Paypal. 

We Thank You again and again-


Bobi & Paul

Bradley for PJ

Update #5

December 5th, 2024

UPDATE#5 December 5, 2024  977 days without his daughter

Yesterday was a difficult day for me and I want to let each of you know how much you are appreciated for praying & sharing in our need. The Blessings from Give Send Go in addition to the ability to share a need on their site is, they will call you and pray over you & with you. Yesterday I needed that. They assign a Prayer Partner to call and pray with you and I was blessed with a precious sister in Christ who knew exactly how to pray over me yesterday. Please continue to share this need. If we ever helped you in anyway, I ask you to please remember that friends in need don’t like to ask, you just know they need a hand up and because you are blessed with love and compassion and you are a brother and sister in Christ, you find a need, and fill it. Every single dollar will help PJ to get a new attorney. None of the money we’ve spent has been for naught. Our precious granddaughter is worth an amount that can’t even be spoken….. Thank you for helping us to get this trial ended quickly for her sake. Thank you-

Bobi & Paul Bradley, Sr.

Update #4

December 2nd, 2024

We wanted to give you updates on your self-less acts of kindness, compassion and love as friends and family, and many people we have not met. Thank you all. In 7-days you have helped us raise almost $5,000.00 through Give, Send, Go and gifts through PayPal at a sensitive time of year. You are giving to meet someone else’s needs beside your own.
Our hearts are broken and ache as parents to see what our son has endured and grandparents who has not seen our grandchild in over 974 days. Our son is a wonderful father who has had his God given, and Constitutional rights trampled on.
This ungodly thing that has been done of twisting his child’s mind to believe the lies they tell her and want her to believe about her father, that he is mean and we fear him. The child’s version is, you had a bad attitude, you didn’t say I’m sorry, so me and Mommie ran away….
The day (5-14-22) he was accused by her of chasing her and trying to run her off of the road- Falsely, arrested on a TPO (temporary protection order)that was expired already 2 weeks)
At the traffic stop the deputy’s body cam shows the TRUTH right there- Deputy asked: Did he threaten you in anyway? Did he try to run you off the road or ram you? The child spoke up before the mother and said “No, he just pointed up to heaven, did his hands like this (clasped like prayer) and made a stop signal”. To the child 9 at that time, just wanting her mother to stop and let dad get me here to take me to the Balloon festival- SHE TELLS THE TRUTH- (See in the body cam the mother’s face aggravated by the child’s truthful statement of the day)
By the time the deputy met her & her mother to file a report and get the CHILD’S statement- She had been told what to say and someone wrote it as her word. WHY NOT, see how the child told the truth on the body cam and NOW she is being ALIENATED to tell a different story. INSTEAD you take him before a GRAND JURY to indict him on these false charges just to HOLD him at bay so they can further ALIENATE his child from him for years. JUSTICE, Seeking truth? Where/When? A Jury of 12 Saw TRUTH and set him free of the charges that were put on him, and the Ankle monitor was removed after 22 months. We will have another JURY trial in the divorce soon. Please plant seeds now for PJ and his child to be re-untied that very day.
Anyone who uses their child against the other parent can’t say they love their child and have their best interest in mind, they are using the child for their own gain. God GAVE a father and a mother as parents to EVERY child. Everyone knows what kind of person and father PJ ALWAYS has been. The multitude of character witnesses presented as to his character are simply being ignored.
This can happen to you, and your loved ones too. It’s an epidemic and tragedy. If you see any parent in need, please do whatever you can to help, in anyway. That’s what we are called to do minister to others.
Please Share….
Thank You
Bobi Bradley

November 29th, 2024

Today was Thanksgiving, we hope your family had a good day enjoying your time together. For PJ, he has not had his child on any holiday since 4-4-22. His daughter has not had her father a part of her life, and his ability to parent her in 970 Days, 2 years, 7 months and 25 days, or 31 months and 25 days, A VERY LONG TIME, and only because of One Attorney, and of course a judge who had to sign off on anything she wrote and called it an order.

Many of you had PJ on your mind today and took the time to give. Thank you so much for your selfless act of kindness and may you be blessed bountifully. We tremendously appreciate every cent giving.


PJ, Paul, & Bobi

Update #2

November 27th, 2024

PJ, Paul, and I are grateful everyday and are counting our blessings for each of you. Thank you for your love and compassion to our son. We ask you to share his link and please encourage your friends and family to help PJ quickly.

Just a note: Daniel Penny, the U.S. Marine hero who was charged with murder trying to save citizens on a NYC subway used GiveSendGo and raised 3.2 Million dollars for his legal fees by a majority of $5.00 contributions. (Praise the good Lord above, he was also found innocent this week)

With every contribution given, we are very grateful for your compassion and sacrifice to help in such a time as this. 

Thank you again,

PJ, Paul & Bobi

Today We have surpassed our 10% donation mark with the Paypal Contributions ~ thanks to all

Update #1

November 26th, 2024

Above All, Give God The Glory In All Things.

Thank you to each and everyone for Praying with us and giving of that time and your finances as well as sharing this with other compassionate friends.

Thanks to you on this site we are at 8.7% raised and others have shared their contributions via Paypal, making our numbers even higher. Again, it's a humbling thing to see who your friends and families are that care about you and your child to give a $1 of the money God blesses them with and understands God's Principals. So let your light shine- Thank you again, to each of you that gave in the past as well.

Will send another update soon.

Thank you again for you kind and generous gifts of Love to our son.

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.