Port Hedland Motion


 AUD $20,000


 AUD $813

Campaign created by katie Ashby-Koppens

Port Hedland Motion

The Port Hedland Motion Action Group (PHM) is a small handful of volunteers and supporters who have thrown their support behind the Port Hedland Councillors who took a stand to make sure every council in Australia was informed of the DNA contamination that has been discovered in Australian sourced Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine vials.

How we started PHM:

On 11 October 2024, 5 Australian Councillors from the Town of Port Hedland stood up and called for the immediate suspension of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 injections as synthetic DNA contamination had been found in 3 Australian vials, including a Pfizer Kids' dose.

Why we started PHM:

The DNA contamination was reported by Dr David Speicher of Canada. The levels of DNA contamination discovered in the Australian vials tested exceed the Therapeutic Goods Administration regulated amounts by between 7 and 145 times the legal level. This synthetic DNA contamination at these levels should not be in the vaccines. Nor should the SV40 enhancer that is in the Pfizer vials.

This level of contamination poses significant potential health risks, including genomic integration, the development of cancers, hereditary defects, and immune system disruption.

This is a public health issue - that the Federal government is ignoring.

What the Town of Port Hedland Council called for:

Passing with a 5 / 2 majority, the Town of Port Hedland Council agreed to send letters about the DNA contamination in Australian COVID-19 vaccines to:

  1. The Prime Minister to immediately suspend the use of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines (like the letters sent by Mr. Broadbent).
  2. Every registered health practitioner and medical clinic operating within the Port Hedland Local Government Area.
  3. All other Australian Local Government Councils.

Each letter is to include Dr Speicher's Report of his testing of the Australian vials and Mr Broadbent's letters.

What PHM have done:

PHM is here to support people to bring similar motions within their council as the Town of Port Hedland Councillors have done.

PHM's goal is to:

1. Help people Activate their Council by producing materials and regular updates to support everyday Australians to engage with all 537 councils throughout Australia;  

2. Keep you up to date with all the latest news and media;

3. Keep you up to date with how others are getting on with their councils.

In less than a week, we established a website providing a full overview and explanation of what the Town of Port Hedland Councillors achieved and what it means.  We shared in one place all the material, documents and resources relevant to Port Hedland Council's Motion: https://porthedlandmotion.info 

It's no mean feat but together we can affect change!

Your support helps us to continue to make that change possible.  

Recent Donations
$ 111.00 AUD
2 months ago

Such a great motion. Bring on the inquiry & accountability. Thank you to those who kicked it off & those who are keeping it going 🙏

$ 50.00 AUD
3 months ago

Well done guys. I appreciate your efforts in all this.

Darren Glover
$ 20.00 AUD
3 months ago

Well done and thanks for getting the required resources together

Danial McMaugh
$ 100.00 AUD
3 months ago

Thank you Adrian Mcrae, Julian Gillespie and the entire team working tirelessly to help the Australian community 👍

Fraser Buchanan
$ 100.00 AUD
3 months ago

Keep up the great work

R Rogers
$ 100.00 AUD
3 months ago

Lovely work fellow Aussies!

Kevin R
$ 102.00 AUD
3 months ago

Thank you Port Headland Councilors and members of the public who presented at the 11th October meeting. Councilors around Australia - please give full consideration of the facts and act - you may well be judged by future generations according to your response to this vital issue.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 AUD
3 months ago

$ 30.00 AUD
3 months ago

Thankyou for spreading the awareness of this truthful information about the poisons put in the covid vaccines and please Australian councillors do your jobs and protect all Australians

Barbara M
$ 100.00 AUD
4 months ago


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