Support Orthodox Christians ProLife


 USD $100,000


 USD $2,200

Campaign created by St John the Forerunner Orthodox Pro-Life Society

Campaign funds will be received by Orthodox Christians Pro-Life

Support Orthodox Christians ProLife

Orthodox Christians Pro-Life hold regular prayer services near abortuaries, to provide education on the issue of abortion and to assist those in crisis pregnancies.

Learn more about our activities at

We need new donations for:

1. Providing help to those in crisis pregnancy situation 

2. Helping for families with newborn babies 

3. Printing fliers and educational leaflets and mailing them to parishes 

4. Advertising anti abortion values 

5. Paying for our storage unit (more than $100 a month)

6. Covering rallies and prayer services expenses (taxi and others) 

7. Web domain and website constructor (more than $500)

8. Our nonprofit email ($78 a year)

9. Business bills (telephone and others) 

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 1000.00 USD
5 months ago


Update #33

July 25th, 2024

Prayer is our weapon VIDEO

Update #32

July 22nd, 2024

Today two publications appeared in the media, containing information about our work! 

1. Our banner is in the Infowars’ article 🌐 Link

2. International publication in Russian language at the popular website about Orthodox Faith ➡️ Link

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Update #31

July 22nd, 2024

Please watch this short video, and if you believe that street witness is important - donate right away. We need your help. Thank you.

Update #30

July 20th, 2024

On Friday, July 19 with the blessing of Their Eminences Metropolitan Nicholas and Archbishop Kirill of the ROCOR Fr. Mark Hodges, a cleric of the Western American Diocese served the moleben for an end to abortion in Manhattan. Thank you to Fr. Mark for protecting the unborn. Help us do more. Thank you! 


Update #29

June 29th, 2024

Follow the link to watch the video. If you believe that our work is important - please consider to donate right away. We need your support. 

Update #28

June 28th, 2024

Update #27

June 27th, 2024

Follow the link to watch the video ➡️ Support our witness for life

Update #25

June 25th, 2024

Let’s make America pro-life again! 

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Update #22

June 21st, 2024

We’re going to hold a prayer service this Saturday and 2 days later ann  event to mark the second anniversary of the overturning Roe next Monday. We’ve paid NYPD to obtain sound device permits.

Thank you all who help us! We will need some help to cover transportation to deliver our materials to the events.

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Update #21

June 21st, 2024

❗️ We’re about to mark the second anniversary of the overturning Roe. 2 years ago we witnessed to the truth in front of pro-murder crowd by a court building in Manhattan

🙌 Support our peaceful fight for life!

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Update #20

June 1st, 2024

We stand up to evil. Be a part of the movement. Support our work. 

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Update #18

May 26th, 2024

Our pro-life witness yesterday 

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Update #16

May 22nd, 2024

We’ve just obtained a sound device permit from the NYPD so those who “terminate pregnancies” will hear our voice this Saturday 💪 

Permit fee was $45. That’s the amount we pay every time. Thank you all for supporting our work! God bless you! 

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Update #15

May 20th, 2024

3 years ago in May of 2021 we protected children’s lives with Archbishop Michael of the OCA by the ParkMed abortuary. 

 In May of 2022 we came to ParkMed again, this time with Fr. Peter of the Georgian Church. 

A year ago in May of 2023 we defended life with Fr Zosimas of the ROCOR by the Eastside Gynecology abortuary. 

  This May of 2024 we will protect lives by the Brooklyn Abortion “Clinic”. 

Our event is scheduled for this Saturday, May 25.

☦️ Strengthen the pro-life voice of the Orthodox Church with your support and involvement!

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Update #14

May 13th, 2024

☦️ Orthodox Christians Pro-Life have donated $150 to this couple, which lost almost everything after tornado 🌪️ 

👶 They are anticipating the arrival of their first child in June. 

💡Jenna is an inspirational pro-life blogger, check out her page 🌐

❗️We wish we could contribute more than $150, but our nonprofit is in extreme need of funds. Help us do more! 

‼️ Please donate to our fundraiser as well. 

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Update #13

April 17th, 2024

Our ward mom K.’s son is in the ICU. 


We need your assistance to help mothers in need! 

Update #12

April 15th, 2024

Today we had a prayer service in the very center of Midtown Manhattan on the steps of New York Public Library. 


If you didn’t donate this month, please consider to contribute right now. We need your support! 

Update #11

April 9th, 2024

We’re very thankful to all who support our work! Our next event is this Sunday evening in Midtown Manhattan on the steps of New York Public Library. Please keep supporting our fight for life - your contribution makes a difference! 

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Update #10

April 8th, 2024

Happy Monday! Our ward K. has shared with us new pictures of her children after receiving new beds - thanks to your kindness and generosity! 

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Update #9

April 3rd, 2024

Today we ask everyone to consider donating to support our fight for life❗️

Almost everyone can contribute, and we ask you to be included in the movement through this. 🤝

We urgently need your support to keep our activities alive. Our next street event is on the 14th. 

Update #8

March 31st, 2024

Yesterday Fr. William Bennett led our prayers for an end to abortion by a “clinic” ParkMed in Manhattan.

Our prayer services require funds to deliver our signs to the event and back to the storage, we have to order taxi for this purpose. Also, on the 1st of every month we have to pay for a storage unit more than $100. 

Update #6

March 26th, 2024

Check out this news article!

Update #6

March 26th, 2024

Check out this news article!

Update #5

March 14th, 2024

We’ve paid $45 for a sound device permit for our next street event. 

‼️ Please consider to support our work with your donation. We have to reach out to people before they vote on abortion rights in November. 

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Update #4

March 6th, 2024

Update #3

March 6th, 2024

On November 5 New York will have abortion rights on a ballot. We have to reach out to people right away to educate them on reality of abortion. That’s why we’ve ordered 5 new signs that we’re going to use this Sunday on the streets of New York. You can see 1 of the signs in the picture attached, and 4 more we’ve just weren’t able to attach since it’s allowed only 1 picture. Thanks to your support we were able to order signs, and also t-shirts - we paid $730 for it. Also, we donated $300 to the Diocese of NY and NJ of the OCA since His Eminence Archbishop Michael often comes to serve the molebens by abortion “clinics” - we’re so grateful for this and we have to cover at least gas and parking expenses with this small contribution of $300. 

We have to be prepared to keep educating people before voting on making abortion a constitutional right in New York. Please consider to support our work right now so we can plan other activities, including traveling upstate and to Long Island. Thank you!

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Update #2

February 22nd, 2024

Mom K., which we help to, has shared a photo of her twin boys. They still need our help! 

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Update #1

February 17th, 2024

Watch the video of Archbishop Michael’s sermon by planned parenthood in Manhattan today

Thank you for your support! We’re preparing another event with new signs. 

Prayer Requests

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