USD $3,000
USD $928
Campaign funds will be received by Heather Mardis
This fundraiser will be to help Heather and Wayne with any expenses such as gas, food and even lodging if they need it. Any unused funds will be donated to a charity of Wayne’s request.
If you haven’t heard we have had a crazy few days. Below is the post Heather made if you haven’t heard.
We are thanking God for His hands of protection and healing. This could have been a lot worse. On Thursday morning wayne was unloading some gates in College Station. One fell off the trailer and hit his back, threw him off balance and onto the ground. He suffered three majors injuries and had a 6 hour emergency surgery Thursday afternoon. He dislocated his left hip which was popped back in place in the ER. He also had a dislocated left ankle with an open compound fracture. The ankle was reset in the er, debreided and stitched in surgery. The worst injury is his back. He suffered a spinal injury to T11 and T12, he lost all feeling in his leg. They took him straight to surgery Thursday night. The surgery took about 6 hours. He was in ICU Thursday night and was moved to a private room friday morning. As of this morning he still cant feel someone touching him but he does have a numbness feeling in his legs. Last night he had his nurse adjust his legs because his knee was uncomfortable. His neuro surgion is extremely pleased with his progress. The plan going forward is pain management and rehab. We are hoping to find out if he is accepted to a rehab in Houston. As soon as he is accepted he will be transferred and start rehab. He will be in rehab for at least 27 days. Where we go from here is in God's plans. We are relying and trusting in Him. He is the ultimate healer and comforter. We want to say a huge thank you to all our family and friends for all the help and support. We could not have done this without you! We now understand the meaning of it takes a village. We will get through this just one baby step at a time. GODS GOT THIS!!!
Praying for a complete recovery for you! Lots of love and hugs, Don and Alice Heida
Get well! Praying for you. GOD BLESS.
Praying for a full recovery- God's Blessings😇🙏🙌
Our prayers are with the whole family. We know God will guide you all through recovery and to healing.
Prayers for a full and quick recovery, my friend! 🤗
Love and prayers!
August 23rd, 2024
I know I'm early on today's update but we are so happy, excited and blessed that I have to share it. God is hard at work and giving us miracles every day. He has shown me personally to trust in Him, let Him take my burdens and He will handle it. He is the ultimate healer both a physical healer and a mental/stress/anxiety healer. This past week when I felt like I couldn't go and more I felt Him lift me up and carry me.
The first blessing today was around 915 this morning I received a call from work comp that he is approved for rehab in Houston. He will be transferred sometime today to T.I.R.R. Memorial Rehabilitation Center. They are #2 in the country and specialize in spinal cord injuries.
The miracle I saw happen before my own eyes...me, wayne, and my mom were in the prayer garden this morning enjoying some fresh air. Wayne asked us to adjust his legs because they were uncomfortable. A few seconds later he said he needed to go back to his room now, more like 5 minutes ago because he was in extreme pain. As we were hustling back I ask him where the pain was...he said from my knee to my foot!!!!!! I don't want him in any pain but at the same time I was praising God and doing a happy dance. When I told a member of the trauma team, she did the happy dance for me!
August 23rd, 2024
Update from Heather
Last night he slept with his clam shell off for a total of 8 hrs. I have noticed that his internal temp guage has changed. He is paying me back for all the years of freezing me out lol He keeps his room cold. 🥶
I have noticed that when he coughs, hes not in as much pain as he was a few days ago. He is also alot more alert during the day.
Every once in a while he said he can feel something in both feet, yesterday it was only one foot. He felt the neuro dr when he moved his knee. Neuro doc said his hope is that with him getting more feeling every day that rehab might be able to get his muscles going too. We are still waiting on work comp approval.
We went outside 4 times today. He transfers from the bed to the chair with very little assistance. He tries to move by himself as much as he can. On our last time outside we found the prayer garden. It was so nice and peaceful to sit there and pray. He sat in the wheelchair this morning and shaved 😁. Supper tonight was pizza and a chocolate milkshake 😋
August 22nd, 2024
God blessed us with another great day today.
He has been medically accepted into rehab, we are waiting on financial approval. I hope to hear from work comp first thing tomorrow morning.
He has a little more feeling in his thighs and could feel that the dr touched his foot. This afternoon when we were outside, his eyes were closed enjoying the sun and I put a bottle on his lap. As soon as I put the bottle down, his eyes opened. I asked if he felt that, he said I felt something.
They changed his muscle relaxer and he was a lot more awake today. The pain is a lot more manageable. He slept without his clam shell brace for a solid 4 hrs last night, put it on to take some meds then took it off for another 4 hours. I can tell he is a lot more rested today.
We went outside for some fresh air 3 different times today. The last time both of us worked as a team to transfer him from bed to chair (yes we were supervised so I wouldn't drop him lol) when he started to wheel himself a bunch of the nurses cheered and clapped! We have had amazing care here and all of the staff at St. Josephs has been very helpful and understanding.
Tonight's dinner was a large chocolate milk shake and fries from Whataburger. I think we need to buy stock in Whataburger lol
My sister found a great saying today that fits our situation perfectly. THE DEVIL KNOCKED ME DOWN BUT JESUS HAS MY BACK!
August 21st, 2024
08/20/2024 update
Today we had some ups and downs
I'll start with the downs...he is starting to get a few bed sores. They were caught quickly and are being treated. He needs a little more fat on his bones, and yes i feed him lol
I finally contacted his work comp company, it won't be untill tomorrow afternoon untill they decide if they are going to approve his transfer to Houston.
Today's ups. As soon as work comp approves his transfer the hospital will transfer him that day or the next day and a room is available when he is approved.
When the neuro dr was in this morning, Wayne told him he had a little feeling in his groin area. 😁
He has not been eating much. At lunch I asked him why he wasn't eating, was it his appetite or was it disgusting. He said disgusting. I asked him if he wanted me to go get him mashed potatoes and mac n cheese from somewhere, he said yes please and an apple fritter and milkshake. So off to town I went! After a few wrong turns and my gps scolding me lol I made it to KFC. After KFC was Whataburger for a chocolate shake. He ate and drank the most I have seen since the accident.
He has also been begging to go outside. Dr orders to physical therapy were to get him in a wheelchair and get him outside. He accomplished it!!! With a little bit of help from physical therapy, using his arms he scooted himself onto the transfer board and onto the chair. We got to joy ride around the hospital and outside for 30 minutes! I felt like a kid being let out for recess! When we got back with the help of the nurses he transferred himself back in bed.
Another order from the Dr is to take the clam shell cast off and let his body breath. The only way he is allowed to do this is if he lays flat or at most a 30 degree angle. He spent close an hour today propped on his side without the clam shell. Tonight he wants to try to sleep without it.
I want to thank everyone for all the calls and texts and comments, they are lifting our spirits and helping us through this chapter of our life. Please pray for continued healing and comfort. We can feel yalls prayers coming our way. GOD IS GOOD, ALL THE TIME!
August 20th, 2024
When the neuro surgeon was in this morning he was manipulating waynes hip, wayne looked at him with eyes wide open and said i felt that! The surgeon smiled and said we need to get you to rehab asap. The trauma drs came in after and said the neuro surgeon never smiles. Last night wayne asked me to adjust his foot to reposition his knee. He has been taken off constant iv fluids except for iv antibiotics. They are leaving his cathater in for now until he gets to rehab. This afternoon physical therapy had him sitting on the side of the bed for about 10 minutes. The rehab facility has all of his information we are waiting on their approval. Today was a good day. GOD IS GOOD!
August 18th, 2024
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