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Official Legal Defense Fund for Harrison Floyd


 USD $650,000


 USD $362,520

Campaign created by Dominion Law Center, P.C.

Campaign funds will be received by Dominion Law Center, P.C.

Official Legal Defense Fund for Harrison Floyd

UPDATE: Harrison is very grateful for all of your overwhelming support. Yesterday, at Harrison's initial hearing where no lawyer was present, the judge denied bond because she said he was a flight risk. We do not believe the judge was correct because Harrison voluntarily traveled from Maryland to Georgia to turn himself in. We will be filing pleadings on Monday to rectify this situation in front of the assigned judge, Judge Scott McAfee. Unfortunately, this caused us to revise our initial estimate of costs and we have increased our budget accordingly. I will be posting further updates and links on Monday so that you can follow progress and see what your generous donations have enabled us to do. I also intend to provide a disclosure for how the money is being spent on his case. Thank you all again.

I represented Harrison Floyd in the hoax J6 case brought by Jack Smith. In case you didn't know, Harrison Floyd is one of 19 defendants who has been victimized by Fani Willis, a Democrat prosecutor bent on advancing her political career. Harrison voluntarily flew to Georgia and voluntarily turned himself in to the police. However, unlike all of the other Defendants, Harrison is the only black defendant and the only one who hasn't been released. He couldn't afford a Georgia attorney and when he asked he was denied a lawyer.

Harrison is also a veteran of America's finest--the United States Marine Corp. He is a disabled vet and lives off that pension. For him to be treated this way is a travesty.

Fani will say he should have called her in advance to work out a bond. But that's what these white Democrats want her to say. She is weak. She knows he's a strong black man who was a Director of Black Voices for Trump. Harrison told me that if she were a strong black woman, "she'd try to lift up a strong black man, not tear him down." 

Harrison is innocent. There is no victim here in this fake case being brought by Fani. Harrison shouldn't have to post any bond whatsoever. After all, how can he be a flight risk when he voluntarily turned himself in.

There's a lot more to Harrison's story and we'll be posting more soon. Harrison does not have the resources to hire an attorney to fight a case such as this. Please help in any amount that you can to assist in his legal defense and get him out on bond. His wife and two year old daughter are very worried about him at the moment and want him home.

We are part of Harrison's legal team in the Jack Smith J6 investigation but we are coordinating counsel in Georgia. I can guarantee these funds will go to help him with his bond and his legal defense in Georgia.


Important Note from GiveSendGo
Regarding Harrison Floyd Legal Defense Campaigns

Dear GiveSendGo Community,

We are aware that there are multiple campaigns to support Harrison Floyd's legal defense. We want to assure all donors that we are actively working to verify the legitimacy of all such campaigns on our platform. Our goal is to ensure that all funds go directly to support Harrison Floyd or his legally authorized representative.

All campaign organizers have been informed that disbursement of funds will only occur upon receiving proper endorsement and authorization. If you've already donated to a campaign you later find is not the official fund, rest assured that we are committed to transferring your donation to the authorized campaign, should you request it.

For more details or concerns, feel free to email our support team at

Thanks for being a generous giver on GiveSendGo.

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
24 days ago

We’ll help you fight the injustice!

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
1 month ago

Praying for you

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
1 month ago

Best of Luck!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

God bless you and your family and keep you strong. What you’re going through should never happen in the US. Keeping you all in my prayers.

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
1 month ago

We’ll help you fight the injustice!

Barbara Hatcher
$ 10.00 USD
2 months ago

It was amazing to meet you at the Rivanna river today. I would vote for YOU!!

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
2 months ago

We’ll help you fight the injustice!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago

May our Lord protect and sustain you, and give you victory in the courts in Jesus Name!

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
3 months ago

We’ll help you fight the injustice!

Ducky Hemenway
$ 50.00 USD
4 months ago

Harrison, sorry you're caught up in Fani Willis' political prosecution of Trump & 18 co-defendants, colluding with Biden's White House (Fani "forgot" to mention a meeting with Kamala on the stand when defense lawyer Merchant asked about White House meetings)-- & her secret lover Nathan Wade billed for 2 full days of meetings! Dem conspirators are trying to nullify our right to choose our leaders.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
4 months ago

God bless, comfort and strengthen you.

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
4 months ago

GOD Bless!

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
4 months ago

Thank You, Good Mr Floyd, for your current, previous, & future services. GOD Bless You, Good Sir. May GOD help us to save His inspired America. v4h3s20-free-worldwide-release-let-my-people-go-by-dr.-david-clements.html ;

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
4 months ago

God bless you sir.

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
4 months ago

We’ll help you fight the injustice!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
4 months ago

Freedom Donation
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
5 months ago

Thank You, Good Sir. GOD Bless You. May GOD help us to save His inspired America. ;

$ 400.00 USD
5 months ago

“He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God.” Micah 6:8

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
5 months ago


Update #7

November 21st, 2023

The District Attorney will be trying to put Harrison back in jail today by seeking to have his bond revoked. The hearing is at 1:30 p.m. and can be watched live here:

We do not think the judge will revoke his bond. Harrison did not violate his bond conditions. He did nothing wrong. The tough part here is the amount of time and resources that it takes to fight what we view as a bad faith pleading by the State. The State has a juggernaut of resources and it is not accountable for what it spends. And this is how a person gets bled when they're trying to lead the fight.

We will update you all today after court.

Keep us in your prayers especially at 1:30 p.m.!

Update #6

November 17th, 2023

Keep Harrison in your prayers--PLEASE. We need them.

The State of Georgia filed a motion to revoke Harrison's bond because they claim his tweets violated the bond order. Fani Willis personally signed the motion which was delivered about an hour before she hosted her own fund raisers in Washington D.C. Coincidence?

The State is likely doing this because 1) Fani Willis wanted to use this as a marketing tool; 2) Harrison is the only one who is fighting and he rejected their "plea deal;" and 3) I think the State knows that its case is falling apart.

We think this motion is hogwash and do not expect the judge to revoke his bond. The hearing can be seen on November 21, 2023 at 1:30 p.m.

Update #5 123/2023

October 23rd, 2023

I haven't updated in a while but wanted to let you all know that we are working diligently on Harrison's case and are preparing several legal pleadings that must be filed on December 4. It may sound like a long time but this is a complex case and we're parsing through numerous issues.

You all may have heard that three defendants pled guilty to misdemeanors with no jail time. Most people wonder why this happens if the person is innocent. Unfortunately, there are any number of reasons why an innocent person pleads guilty. I can only speculate why these folks chose to take the prosecutor's offer. My guess is that they were concerned about their livelihoods or that they would not be able to obtain a fair trial in Fulton County. As far as I know, they do not affect our case at all.

The Georgia prosecutor has not made any offers to Harrison but they are actively calling the other defendants to obtain a plea deal.

Finally, stay tuned for more updates. I think there'll be evidence coming out that has never been heard or seen before.



Update #4

September 5th, 2023

Just a quick update for you all. We are in the process of putting together several motions for the Court to hear. All of the accused people in this case are filing numerous motions attacking the validity of the indictment. Each person is different and requires a detailed analysis. We intend to have Harrison Floyd's motions filed by the end of this week or the start of next week. I will post these motions on FaceBook and begin updating there soon.

The District Attorney, Ms. Fani Willis, did file a motion to try and set our trial and all defendants together. The Court denied that motion in our case. This is good news. 

Finally, you all have relieved the stress in the Floyd family household and they again asked that I convey a warm thank you for supporting him. Please keep Harrison and all of his lawyers and paralegals in your prayers. We don't know the outcome but we are called to act. It is God who determines the end.

Update #3 - GOD IS SO GOOD! Harrison is out of jail.

August 30th, 2023

Folks, thank you for all of your prayers and support. Because of your assistance we were able to get Harrison out. His first call went to his wife (an emotional moment for them). They asked me to thank you profusely so thank you, thank you, thank you. The second thing they did was to thank God.

Fulton County Jail is not a nice place to be held. There are good people who work there but it is understaffed. I heard that it is currently under investigation by the DOJ for a lack of control. They've had several deaths take place in that jail, one even from bed bugs! An angel was watching over Harrison.

Harrison is doing well though he can't wait to take a shower. It's been a couple of days.

I don't know whether you all are interested but I will continue to post progress here. We've got some new developments coming up that I will post so that you can follow what's going on. You will want to hear what we've done after the Bond. Be patient. I expect next week.

In the meantime, I expect to try and answer the emails you all have sent--well over 1000!


Harrison's Legal Team (Chris Kachouroff, Todd A. Harding, and Carlos Salvado)

Update #2 - He’s about to be free!

August 29th, 2023

GOOD NEW:!!!! Harrison will likely be out this afternoon. 

Thank you for all of your prayers and your help. We will be posting updates regularly so you will know what your support has done. 

Update #1 - Bond Motion filed

August 26th, 2023

We have a bond motion filed for Harrison. We should be able to obtain a date for a hearing when the Court opens on Monday morning. We will get him out. Stay tuned!

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