Nursing School Fund


 USD $1,775

Campaign created by Jessica Redmond-Hilgenberg

Campaign funds will be received by Jessica Redmond

Nursing School Fund


May 13, 2024 - I just started my second section of Nursing School.  This means I have finished my first four 6-week sessions. Fundamentals, Pharmacology, Endocrine System, and Integumentary System.  I've maintained an 86.3% GPA.  I have paid off half of my program, about 10k, and have a goal to pay it off by the end of 2024.  Last Thursday I started my first day of clinical rotations in the hospital.  SO MUCH FUN!!! My graduation date is tentatively set for May 2, 2025.


Since I was a little girl, I always wanted to be a nurse.  In high school, I decided I wanted to become a Nurse Practitioner and a midwife.  However, I gave up on the idea many years ago!  I figured God had other plans for me, or I had other plans for myself.  

I started classes just out of high school and after not getting into the nursing program right away I decided to move to Northern California.  There my adventures began!  I spent the next 15 or so years following the will of others and not making the best decisions for myself.  I put others first always.  Although I have no regrets- I got to live in some beautiful places, meet inspiring people, and have my two amazing kiddos! 

Nearly six years ago, I took those two amazing kiddos and headed west, back to the safety of home!  I had been in an almost decade-long relationship that left me broken and bruised many times.  It was the hardest thing I had ever done in my life!  But we did it!  We got out and started over.  

I first got a job in the sign industry again, because that's what I knew.  That didn't last long, I took some work I could do from home.  That lasted a little longer, but not by much.  I was lost again.  Dad told me he was paying for my classes and I should get my real estate license.  So I did.  Once licensed, I hit the ground running.  I was honored by the California Association of Realtors in my first year as an agent and made some pretty good money.  I still enjoy it, I have a small team of agents who work with me to help families facing probate in California.  We've begun to make a name for ourselves in the probate niche.  We know the process, are compassionate, and go above and beyond what most realtors do.

Fast forward to February 2021, Dad got sick.  The thought of him not being there had never crossed my mind!  We couldn't figure out what was going on, we thought he was having little strokes.  I was scared!  He went into the hospital and they still couldn't figure it out.  They ruled out several things but couldn't figure it out.  Then we got a call from the doctor, they had figured it out and he was going to be rushed into emergency neurosurgery the next morning.  He made it through the surgery and had a long and unknown road to recovery.  He was discharged from the hospital to a skilled nursing facility that worked with him on learning to walk again, among other things.  One afternoon while visiting him at Casa Colina he asked me why I gave up on nursing.  He asked what made me not want to finish.  

Since that afternoon, I've thought about it more and more.  Then I had myself convinced that I was too old to go back to school and finish.  Over the years I had gotten very good at telling myself I couldn't do things.  The reality of it was, I heard someone else's voice still telling me I couldn't do it.  When I brought the idea up to my husband he told me to go for it!  He told me he truly believed I could do anything I wanted to.  If this is what I wanted to do he'd support me 100%.  I brought it up to my family while camping and they all told me to go for it!  They believed in me, no matter what age.  

I started looking into it, I looked at several schools, but they were all so expensive if they weren't expensive, they were hard to get into.  I began to think it was just another pipedream, that I just wasn't meant to be a nurse after all.  When I had just about given up on the idea again, I was presented with this opportunity!  I am doing it!  With the support of my husband and kids, cheering me along the way!  I'll be a nurse by July of 2025 :-) 

Although there are loans and things I can get, I don't want to put us in a bunch of debt so I thought I would do the uncomfortable thing and ask for help.  I would be immensely grateful for any help.  Every penny will go directly to tuition, books, and materials.  I am so excited and know this is what I am supposed to be doing.  Thank you for helping me get there!

Recent Donations
Rachael Varon
$ 100.00 USD
10 months ago

Kristen Greenwald
$ 250.00 USD
10 months ago

You got this girl!

Tate Stringer
$ 150.00 USD
1 year ago

Jim and Karen Hilgenberg
$ 900.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 250.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Get after it!

$ 25.00 USD
1 year ago

Hope all goes well!


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