USD $1,000,000
USD $3,641
Campaign funds will be received by Citizens United For Freedom
Thank you for checking out our donation page. As you likely know, we have taken up the fight against the University of California and the injustices we faced during our employment. I (Chris Rake, MD) was perp-walked out of UCLA Hospital (Westwood) on October 4, 2021, after 15 years of a stellar career. I had always considered it an honor to serve my fellow brothers and sisters in humanity along their journey to improving health.
So, what was my crime? Why was I escorted out of UCLA after 15 years of dedicated service?
Answer: Refusing to take the experimental injections they called "Covid vaccines."
Little did I know that--in deciding to show up "unvaccinated" and being walked out--I was starting a movement to take back our rights, and to hold accountable the University of California, California State, and all government actors who would violate our bodily autonomy. What I did as an act of conscience and moral indignation (walking away from a lucrative medical career) ended up becoming a movement. We are now 8 named plaintiffs of the UC system who have been fired for our stance against the Covid shots and we represent 220,000+ unnamed employees in our class-action lawsuit against the University of California. We believe that everybody has the right to self-determination and to make their own medical decisions. We all witnessed how the Covid response destroyed the patient-doctor relationship, frayed the fabric of a mutually-respectful society, and ushered in a dystopian and Orwellian era where--suddenly--sacrosanct ideals of medical privacy, patient autonomy, and mutual respect were thrown aside like yesterday's trash.
With the help of our assiduous lawyers (Warner Mendenhall, Jeremy Friedman, et al), we filed a class action suit against the UC: Rake et al v Regents of the University of California. In the suit, we are seeking justice for the perpetrators of violence against the human body and against humanity itself. Their violations of the Nuremberg Code, the right to medical privacy, the right to be free from retaliation by employers who disagree with your personal medical choices, and the right to free speech cannot and will not go unpunished.
On January 26, 2024, we passed a huge milestone. In our first in-person court appearance, we survived the UC's attempt to dismiss our case (via demurrer) and to strike certain arguments from our case. We were successful in all our claims except one: the jus cogens / Nuremberg claim. But we continue fighting to keep it alive and--God willing--we believe it will ultimately proceed undeterred with the other 5 legal claims we are making.
We are now in the discovery phase of the trial. That means we are now in a scramble to find help with mining and analyzing the UC's massive database and asking the probing questions which will eventually expose the UC's corruption. This will be an expensive task.
Based on public health data from around the world (Scotland, Canada, UK, Israel, etc), we believe that the UC knew that the injections a) did not prevent transmission, b) led to higher (not lower) Covid infection rates, c) led to higher (not lower) Covid hospitalization rates, d) led to higher (not lower Covid death rates), and e) led to higher rates of many known side effects of the Covid shots (heart attacks, strokes, cancers, infertility, pulmonary emboli, massive blood clots, etc). And we intend to prove that, using their data. The UC has an extensive and rich database, being that they serve the largest population of the Union's most populous state (California has 40 million people and the UC is its largest academic hospital system).
A favorable outcome in this case, with the exposure of the UC's corruption, will lead to more freedom--not just for the employees of the UC system, but--for all employees in the state of California, both private and public.
We are excited about our prospect for great success against this behemoth of a university system. If you believe that people (not their employers) should have the right to determine what medical procedures and interventions they take, please consider giving a generous donation.
If you can't afford a donation now because you are like us and you lost your job, please click the "Pray" button and share your prayers for our legal case. Your earnest prayers are just as (if not, more) important than the donations. God bless you.
Thanks Dr Rake, MD, HERO! 3k raised, what? Hoping for millions more.
May God’s wisdom and peace be with each member of your team, in Jesus’ name, Amen
Too few of us stood up to the tyranny. Thank you for being one if the few that did the right thing.
Good Luck!
Thank you for fighting. your cause is just; your heart is pure, and you will not be denied.
Watched you on featured interview on ‘Refuge of Sinners’. Keep up the good fight!! CheekyGesturton
All the best from a VSRF supporter.
Thank you Chris for standing up to tyranny! This email address is only used for donations - you have my regular personal one. God bless, Sharon
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