Monthly Goal:
 USD $100,000
Total Raised:
 USD $160
Raised this month:
 USD $0
Campaign funds will be received by STEPHEN REDDEN
NOW TAX USA is a grassroots movement to inform and educate through mass advertisements needed tax reform for the United States. 100% of funds raised less basic administrative costs (not to exceed 15%) will go to advertising. Our website features a detailed explanation of NOW TAX USA and the proposed amendment. NOW TAX USA is the first and only 1% Flat Sales & Transaction Tax System. Note the website will publish full accounting of funds raised and expenses.
Thank you, Stephen Redden sir. I have heard about flat tax for decades but this is just. People buy what they can afford therefore is fair across all income levels. We need a convention of the states to replace the 16th amendment with this 1% consumption tax. There is a website called that is pursuing this cause. I signed their petition and donated to them also. Help both!
Good idea
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