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Supporting the Molenaar Family


 CAD $10,000


 CAD $6,209

Campaign created by Carolyn Bonvanie

Campaign funds will be received by Lisa Molenaar

Supporting the Molenaar Family

Last month, Jace was diagnosed with anaplastic large cell lymphoma.  You can read through the updates to see the details of their journey.  

In order to help Steve and Lisa with some of the financial burden, we have put together a givesendgo so it’s one less thing for them to worry about during this challenging time.

Below has been copied from Lisa’s Facebook:

This week life threw us a curveball we weren’t quite expecting. As I write that, I’m thankful that none of what we are going through comes as a surprise to God. We’ve been carried by Him in ways we’ve never experienced before and for that we’re so thankful! 

I’m sharing this here as it’s become too hard to keep everyone updated on what is going on with Jace. As we have updates or specific prayer requests, I will share/update on this post. We truly are overwhelmed by all the love and support we’ve experienced and we value the prayers on Jace’s behalf. For those not aware of what has been going on, I will try to share a bit of back story. 

Jace developed a large lymph node on his neck back in December, but nothing that was too concerning to us. Around New Years the whole neck was showing signs of very swollen lymph nodes. We made the appointment to have him seen, but as we waited, we realized he needed to be seen sooner, so we took him to emerg. They ran blood work and came back telling us his blood work looked good, but it appeared to be mono. Next day we got the news it wasn’t mono, so we were back to square one. We took Jace to a few appointments with nothing concerning showing up. 

On Sunday, January 14th, Jace seemed to go down hill. He was battling with pain and not himself at all. Monday morning we took Jace to another hospital and this is where everything really changed. Jace has been poked and prodded, had a million (maybe not that many, but to his momma it feels like that 😉) tests done. Yesterday, we were told Jace had a lot of fluid building around his heart and they quickly moved us to the PICU. They did a procedure and removed 380ml of fluid from around his heart (normal is 10-20ml). Yesterday felt hard and heavy but we look back and see God’s hand in all of it. 

So where are we now? We don’t know. We’ve had a lot of scary words thrown at us. Lots of it could be, but we don’t know. The unknown is hard and can seem daunting. Jace is scared but has been so incredibly brave. We’re believing and praying for full healing for Jace. God is so good and we know His plans for Jace are good. We continue to do tests and just trust God to reveal what is going on. 

How can you pray right now? Pray for complete peace and comfort for Jace. He doesn’t want to be here and he’s uncomfortable. He has fluid building up by his right lung that may have to be removed. Pray that the fluid resolves on its own and no procedure is needed. Pray for rest and complete healing. 

Thank you for standing with us and praying for Jace’s complete healing. As we know more or if there’s a specific request for prayer, I will share it here.”


“Update: January 17th.

This is a very hard update to write. 

The oncologist was here to talk to us and they found abnormal cells in the fluid they pulled from around Jace’s heart. It is appearing to be a very fast and aggressive form of lymphoma. This obviously is not the news we hoped or prayed for, but we’re trusting God to guide and sustain us through this journey.

Our next steps are a lymph biopsy to confirm what type of cancer it is. We’ve already talked to our naturopath and she’s advised us of some things to ask for in order to support Jace’s body through this. 

This feels very surreal and it’s hard, but we know God is good! 

Jace has a tremendous amount of peace right now and that is truly a gift we’re thankful for. Please continue to pray for wisdom and discernment as we navigate this journey. Above all, we believe God can and will heal Jace’s body and we ask you to join us in praying for complete and miraculous healing. 

Recent Donations
The Jakubiec family
$ 50.00 CAD
1 month ago

Your son and your family are in our prayers.

Tina Foster
$ 100.00 CAD
5 months ago

We are praying for Jace for complete healing.

Elizabeth Michel
$ 50.00 CAD
5 months ago

Praying for you Jace! -friends of rich and care.

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 CAD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 CAD
5 months ago

Bonnie Pinkerton
$ 50.00 CAD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 CAD
5 months ago

Praying for a medical miracle, a testimony that our God is great, merciful and gracious, full of compassion!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 CAD
5 months ago

Prayers for Jace and his family.

Tracy Porco
$ 100.00 CAD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 CAD
5 months ago

Praying for Jace and your whole family!

Little Emeralds
$ 349.00 CAD
6 months ago

Dear Lisa & Family, We are sending our love and prayers to Jace, you, and your family. LE

Wade and Jacquie Straub
$ 100.00 CAD
6 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 775.00 CAD
6 months ago

Standing with you through this challenge.

Rick and Roxanne Neuls
$ 100.00 CAD
6 months ago

Continuing to hold you in our thoughts and prayers. Love to all.

The Kalis Family
$ 50.00 CAD
6 months ago

John and Kathy Dreyer
$ 100.00 CAD
6 months ago

Frans Catherine Versteeg
$ 100.00 CAD
6 months ago

Our prayers are with you all.

Gillian Silver and Family
$ 50.00 CAD
6 months ago

Our prayers are with Jace for a full and speedy recovery.

and Ann
$ 50.00 CAD
6 months ago

Prayers are being lifted for Jace, his medical team and for your family. May God continue to give you His peace, and much strength as you wait on Him for the outcome.

Rick and Kathy
$ 100.00 CAD
6 months ago

Praying for you, Jace and your whole family!


Update #3

February 7th, 2024

Thank you for your prayers today!! We can’t express how much it means to us to know we were and are being lifted in prayer. 

We have secured Jace’s treatment plan and we have immense peace with the decisions made. There are still a few details to finalize, but we’re moving in the right direction. 

This boy just makes us so proud. Amidst his own struggles, he still has a heart for others. Today, he asked his primary oncologist if he could tell her about Jesus and that’s just what he did and when he was done, he prayed for her. She was truly speechless that despite his suffering, he cared enough about her to tell her about Jesus. Pray that God would use us to continue to be a witness to Dr. Stacey! 

Praise items: 

~treatment plan figured out 

~ Jace’s blood work held and some areas improved!! 

~ Jace, Steve, and I have remained healthy despite the little bit of sickness that Sye had! 

Prayer items:

~ continued and complete healing for Jace 

~ that what Jace shared with Dr. Stacey would have an impact 

#jacesjourney #childhoodcancer #lymphoma #anaplasticlargecelllymphoma #Godsgotthis

Update #2

January 27th, 2024

Today, we received a 99% sure diagnosis for Jace. He’s been diagnosed with anaplastic large cell lymphoma. 

We’ve been given options for his treatment plan that we have to decide on. Right now he’s doing well so we don’t have to make an immediate decision, but over the next few days. 

Please pray for Jace, he’s being so strong but it’s really hard for him. We have some amazing people behind us that are supporting us and helping us through and for that we are so thankful. 

Pray for us as we figure out treatment options, how to balance family life, and work for Steve (especially being self employed). We know God is in the details, but prayers for wisdom would be so appreciated.

Update #1

January 22nd, 2024

Update: January 22

Last night we had some good news come our way….preliminary results for Jace’s spinal tap showed no abnormal cells in his spinal fluid! Thank you, Jesus!!! We still await results for his other tests and we’re told to expect them Monday, late in the day, so we’re still in a holding pattern. 

Today was a really good day for Jace. His energy and strength were way up, he felt like doing things, and was back to his happy self. He’s no longer needing extra oxygen support, which is fantastic. It’s so good to see him a little more back to himself. We’ve also had a huge reduction in the swelling of his neck…..he actually has a neck again!!!! 

We would ask that you pray specifically for the following: 

1. Peace and patience as we await the official diagnosis 

2. That Jace’s platelet levels would hold steady and increase. (They held steady from yesterday to today and we need that to continue). 

3. Wisdom and discernment as we make decisions. 

4. Complete healing for Jace

Thank you to everyone who has reached out and who is praying for Jace and us. We are so thankful for the support we have and feel your prayers carrying us through!

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.

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