USD $5,000
USD $2,780
Campaign funds will be received by Misti Sparka
Hey everyone! I’m Misti! If you’re reading this and don’t know a lot about me, let me introduce myself. I’m 36 years old, and I was born again 3 1/2 years ago. God radically came in and changed my life in an instant when I gave my life to him, it’s been a mighty transformation.
God is about to do something HUGE in my life! He has bigger plans for me than I have for myself! I would’ve never thought of this on my own but he recently put it on my heart that I am going to do YWAM. If you don’t know what YWAM is, it means Youth With A Mission. Those of you who know me, know that there is a calling on my life to minister to youth/children. I truly believe this is where God wants me to be. Not only do I want to minister to them, but this gives me a chance to share the gospel across the nations! And a chance to draw closer to the Lord than I’ve ever been. I’m going to dedicate five months to nothing BUT him!!! He deserves so much more than that to be honest! He left the 99 to find the ONE ( ME ) in my darkest hour!!! He saved my life and I was radically changed in an instant! The LEAST I could do for him is go and share the good news (The gospel) with the nations!! 🥹🥹 I’m so thankful for this opportunity!
What is discipleship training school, you might ask? The DTS is a six month program blended classroom learning, small group activities, personal reflection, practical service, and community living. It comes in two parts. The lecture phase, and the outreach phase. It gives you an opportunity to discover your passions and your part in God’s purposes for the world. It is for those who long to follow Jesus in new ways, with a different perspective. The focus will be on knowing God, his word, and his world. You will seek transformation, personal growth, and a renewed mind. This part is 3 months long. I will be going to California for this, and it is a worship based track! 🙌🏻 🔥
During the outreach phase we break up into teams to serve God out in the world. We have a chance to discover our abilities as we care for people and spread the good news of Jesus. This part is 2 months long. The location is determined by the base. Some of the locations I could end up going to are India, Native America, Central America, South Pacific, Africa or other nations! I won’t know more until I am in my lecture phase.
I need your help to make this happen. The cost of my DTS trip and my outreach phase is $7,500. It will cover everything I need in those 5 months, except travel fees. Can you give any amount to help me reach my destination?? Even if you can’t, please pray for me before and during my trip. I greatly appreciate you for taking the time to read this and for your consideration in helping. You can give here, or message me for my Venmo, cash app or other options. God bless you. Thank you in advance for your prayers!
Know God, make God known.
But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells him?
Romans 10:14
adding a link to my Amazon list for all my missions needs for those of you who are asking.
Love you Misti & so excited for what God is doing in your life! I was fortunate enough to go on mission in Africa at age 16 & again at 18. The missions there changed my life. I can’t wait to see how Jesus uses you to touch so many with his message of Hope. I know you will be blessed in return as well.
luv you friend!
Love you. Praying for you.
I love you sweetheart! Thank you for listening to Jesus!
You are a mighty testimony of God’s power! May the Lord use your testimony and boldness for Christ, to impart many for the kingdom!
Misti, we love you! We are so excited for all the good plans and adventures God has in store for your life!
Praying for you!
May God bless you on your adventure. Can’t wait to hear the testimonies!
God Bless You Misti as you follow the Lord.
Misti, God's blessings over your new adventure in Him❤️
God bless your new adventure with Him.
Go into all the world and preach the gospel. And you’re doing just that. Blessings.
July 8th, 2024
Hey guys! I just wanted to post an update on here because I haven't posted any on here yet! I am so close to my goal of $6,500 for my entire tuition being covered. I am only $1,050 away!!! I am believing God to provide that before I leave home and head to California in 5 days!!! I am so thankful to all of you who have been so supportive in donating and covering me in prayer! After I have enough money raised for my tuition I will just need to raise money for my international travel, and for necessities that I will need in the 5 months that I'm gone. My international travel is going to cost somewhere in between $700 and $1,000. That is an estimate from my mentor because we still don't know exactly where we are going to be going for our outreah just yet. But our possible locations are Mazatlan, Mexico and the South Pacific!!! God is so faithful and I'm excited for this amazing opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus and get to spread the gospel to nations that have never heard it before. Please keep me in your prayers!!!!
Misti - 07/08/24
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