USD $3,500
USD $2,300
Campaign funds will be received by Dawn Ennest
If you know Dawn at all then you know what an incredible person she is!...... and you know that she’ll probably kill us for creating this funding account! She has been through a lot this year and we just want to celebrate her resiliency and strength! She had a double mastectomy for breast cancer and is now completely finished with her radiation treatments, and now on her continued path to recovery…Praise God! We're hoping to give her an amazing gift to commemorate completing this step of her cancer journey. That way she will have a chance to celebrate and to get away with Davis and have some fun. She has been talking and attempting to plan a trip to California to go to Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Holllywood. It seems she has decided to hold off on going at this time....but we feel like we should help her get there now with everything she has gone through, and to have this time with Davis before he enters high school! Davis just had his 14th birthday at the end of May so it could be a double celebration! Let's help see them off for this new adventure and give them both a chance to spend some quality and fun time together. Her journey isn’t done yet and she has to stay on medication for quite some time to help keep her in remission. So please, if you’re able and have the extra money we would so appreciate it if you could help us to do this for her!
P.S. Don't mention this to Dawn or Dave, please...we're hoping to make it a surprise:) We're hoping for them to take this trip over summer break, if possible, so if you're able to donate by July 1st that would be fabulous!!!
With love, lots of prayers, and in extreme gratitude we thank you,
Dana & Chris Ennest
We love you guys!
Love you guys!
Happy healing ☺️
Praying for you every day
Do something fun!
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