MassConversions Holy Mass Request

Campaign created by Alexandra Clark

Campaign funds will be received by Alexandra Clark

MassConversions Holy Mass Request

Viva ChristMASS!  Long Live Christ's Holy Mass!

St. Claude de la Colombiere said "MORE honor is paid to God BY A SINGLE MASS than by all other Actions of Angels & Men."

The value of offering a single Mass is incalculable! We give God infinite praise, love, thanksgiving, and reparation. Recall the story too, of the Miracle of the Butcher’s Scales. A poor woman could not afford a piece of meat & offered to have Mass said. The unbelieving butcher said, “you go and hear Mass for me and when you come back I'll give you as much meat as the Mass is worth.” When she returned, he took a slip of paper and wrote on it "I heard a Mass for you." He then placed the paper on the scales but no matter how much meat he placed on the scales the paper always proved heavier.

What a great gift then we can offer to not only to God, but to our family and friends for their souls in offering them the Infinite gift of the Holy Mass!

MassConversions is collecting the Mass Stipends here on this GiveSendGo page for various Traditional Missions or Traditional Catholic Priests who will be offering these Holy Mass requests.

If you would like to give the gift of the Holy Mass and offer a Mass Stipend, MassConversions can send a beautiful Mass card to you or who you direct that the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass has been offered for and which priest has done the offering. We will also let them know who it was that sent the gift of the Holy Mass.  Contact MassConversions Director, Alexandra Clark if you prefer to send a check by mail for your Mass Stipend, contact here.

Please fill out the Mass request reply form on our website here or email us at: to request your Holy Mass to be offered. 

(N.B. these Masses will only be Traditional Tridentine Latin Masses offered by Priests in good standing in Communion with the One Holy Catholic & Apostolic Church).

Recent Donations
Regina Green
$ 25.00 USD
10 days ago

Please find my Mass stipend for the Easter Novena of Traditional Masses. Thank you for your holy endeavor. God bless you!

Eddy Antonelli
$ 95.00 USD
1 month ago

Beautiful ministry!

Anonymous Giver
$ 60.00 USD
2 months ago

Fr. Goshie Fr. Carlisle Fr. Wiseman Fr. Aitchison

Anonymous Giver
$ 35.00 USD
2 months ago

Merry ChristMass and God bless you and this movement and the priests offering the Masses.

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
2 months ago

God bless you for bringing our souls closer to Christ with the True & Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

I sent in the names of my four sons. Thank you!! Merry Christmas. May God Bless you.

Jenny Harris
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

God bless you all! Thank you

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

Thank you so much.

Anonymous Giver
$ 1234.00 USD
2 months ago

Ed Pawlak
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

There's a difference between the Catholic church and the true Catholic Faith. Pray for the church but Hold onto the Faith.

Anne Jacenko
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

Oh Jesus, infinitely kind, even though we don't deserve anything, please rescue us from the troubles that overwhelm us. Our only hope is in You and Your dear Mother. Thank you.

Nielsen Family
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 75.00 USD
2 months ago

Novena of Masses for Lucie, Charles, Chuck, Angela, Dale, Jake, Joey, Luke, David, Annika, Sonia, Yannick, Matthew, Amy

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Mass for: Oscar Sumalo, Filomena Sumalo, Burton Kim Sumalo, Zuriel Ethan Sumalo, Zenia Niño, Alyssa Mae Locson. Thank you so much and God bless!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago

Anastasia Li Ping Chang
$ 200.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

masses , 9 larry( my dear husband) lucille (mother), Fay ( father) ,( Rose & Frank , gr parents maternal) (Meriam & Herold, gr parents paternal) Melody & husband Edin ( oldest daughter of pat & Larry Finn ( oldest gr son of larry and pat) Fay ( 2nd gr son of pat & Larry) lucy ( gr daughter of pat & Larry) NATALEE & DAVE (daughter &husband) Huldah & David ( daughter & husband) Matilda Emery gr

Marco Fallon
$ 25.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago

Deo Gratias, Ave Maria!!! Thank-you


Update #10: Join Easter Novena of Traditional Latin Masses

February 23rd, 2025


Dear MassConversions Friends,

We have finally launched our website:

Our next Novena of Traditional Latin Masses starts on Easter Sunday!

“The Blood of Christ is shed for sinners in Holy Mass.” - St. Augustine

Masses will start Easter Sunday April 20th and go till April 28th.

What an immense grace it is for us to possess the adorable Blood of Christ in the Holy Mass. The Catholic Church owns no greater, nor more costly treasure, for a single drop of this Blood, which is united to the person of the Divinity, outweighs in value all the riches of Heaven and of earth. This Precious Blood is not only present with us in the Mass, but we have it for our very own and as our own we may offer it to Almighty God for the forgiveness of our sins.

Send in names of souls you wish to be added to this novena of Holy Masses, either for your own soul, your family, friends or any other living souls or deceased souls. If you have any particular intentions for the Masses to be offered, one can list those as well.

As we grow closer to God, by our prayers, fasts and penances this Lent, what a great gift then we can offer to not only to God but to our family and friends on the greatest feast in the Church, the Resurrection of Christ with this offering of nine Holy Masses for the salvation and sanctification of their souls!

MassConversions is collecting Mass Stipends for a Traditional Catholic Priest who will be offering this Novena of Holy Masses starting on Easter Day with your name(s) on the altar.

One can also request from MassConversions to send a beautiful Easter card to you or who you direct. The Easter card will let a soul know who it was that gifted the Holy Sacrifice of the Masses and which priest has done the offering. This GiveSendGo page is set up for online sending of Mass Stipend or you can write a check to MassConversions Founder “Alexandra Clark” who is transferring the Mass Stipends to the various Priests.

Please fill out the information in this form here to request before the deadline of April 5th in order to be included in the Novena of Masses and receive the Easter card or go to our website here and fill out the form.

Update Update #10: Join Easter Novena of Traditional Latin Masses Image
Update #9: ChristMASSES request Received and Cards sent

December 18th, 2024

"Then the Angels fall down and worship Him, as the Church says in the Preface: “The Angels praise, the Dominations adore and the Powers fear Thy majesty; the heavens also, and the heavenly hosts, and the blessed Seraphim glorify it in common exultation.” Thus, on the night when He was born, they sang: “Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth to men of good will.” We too, together with the heavenly host, will praise and glorify the divine Child who comes anew from Heaven and takes upon Himself the form of an infant for our salvation & grants to all who assist at Mass an abundant share in the merits He has won for us."

Dear Mass Conversions Friends,

Thanks be to God and our Blessed Mother Mary! We confirm that we have received most of your requests with the list of your beloved souls and prayer intentions. For those that mailed, we are still waiting to receive some of those and rest assured we still have time to get those names/intentions to Father.

Father will start the ChristMASS novena of nine Holy Masses on Christmas Day!

Thank you for your generosity in your Mass stipends to the priest! For those that requested ChristMass cards, they have been sent today as requested either to yourself or the souls you wanted to receive them.

Our hearts rejoice as we listen to the words of Pope Leo I: “Our minds enlightened and our love enkindled by the record of the Evangelists and the utterances of the Prophets, we do not seem to regard the birth of Christ as an event of the past, but as one present to our sight. For we hear proclaimed to us what the Angel announced to the shepherds: “Behold, I bring you tidings of great joy … this day is born to you a Saviour.” (Luke 2:10-11). Every day we may be present at this happy birth, every day our eyes may behold it, if we will but go to Holy Mass. For then it is in very deed renewed, and by it the work of our salvation is carried on.!

Read more here about how Christ Renews His Nativity in the Holy Mass, and the many miracles that have occurred to prove this fact!

We have also added each of your names as requestors into the nine Holy Masses as well. May each of you have a very Merry ChristMass indeed!

Viva ChristMass! Long live Christ's Mass!

Alexandra and Tiffany Clark

MassConversion Founders

P.S. Our website will be launching soon, please pray for its success. We will email everyone the link when it is published.

Update Update #9: ChristMASSES request Received and Cards sent Image
Update #8: The Perfect Gift for a Merry ChristMASS!

December 2nd, 2024

Merry ChristMASS Novena of 9 Masses!

Let us not forget what Christmas is all about & why we call it CHRISTMAS! "Christmas" is a shortened form of "Christ's Mass". The earliest record has it in German as Crīstesmæsse in 1038 A.D. What a wonder! Christmas is not just an event of the past but Christ is born & made present at every Holy Mass!

Please fill out the information on the reply form to request your Merry ChristMASS gift before the deadline of Dec.14th (mail date) in order to be included in the Novena of Masses.

Form Click below:

It is our great joy & merriment to find Christ present, (Body, Blood, Soul & Divinity) at every Holy Mass!!! In the night of the Nativity, God the Father brought His only-begotten Son for the first time into the world; but whenever Holy Mass is said, He is brought anew into the world, onto our altars, that He may sacrifice Himself for us, and impart to us the grace-filled fruits of His birth, life, death & resurrection! Thus we join in singing the self-same song of praise which the Angels sang on Christmas morn: “Glory to God in the highest; and on earth peace to men of good will.” (Luke 2:14).

St. Claude de la Colombiere said "MORE honor is Paid to God BY A SINGLE MASS than by all other Actions of Angels & Men."

The value of offering a single Mass is incalculable! We give God infinite praise, love, thanksgiving, and reparation. Recall the story too, of the Miracle of the Butcher’s Scales. A poor woman could not afford a piece of meat & offered to have Mass said. The unbelieving butcher said, “you go and hear Mass for me and when you come back I'll give you as much meat as the Mass is worth.” When she returned, he took a slip of paper and wrote on it "I heard a Mass for you." He then placed the paper on the scales but no matter how much meat he placed on the scales the paper always proved heavier.

What a great gift then we can offer to not only to God but to our family and friends this Christmas if we give them the gift of the Mass!

MassConversions is collecting the Mass Stipends for various Traditional Missions or Traditional Catholic Priests who will be offering a Novena of Holy Masses starting on Christmas Day Dec. 25th with the name of the soul you provide on the altar. Separate additional Masses could also be requested at this time to be offered for your intentions at a later date.

If you would like to give the gift of the Holy Mass and offer a Mass Stipend, MassConversions will send a beautiful ChristMass card to you or who you direct that the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass has been offered for and which priest has done the offering. We will also let them know who it was that sent the gift of the Holy Mass. We have a GiveSendGo page set up for online donations or you can write a check to MassConversions Director, “Alexandra Clark” who is transferring the Mass Stipends to the various Priests.

Please fill out the information on the reply form to request your Merry ChristMASS gift before the deadline of Dec.14th (mail date) in order to be included in the Novena of Masses.

Form Click here or below:

Update Update #8: The Perfect Gift for a Merry ChristMASS! Image
"Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis. Requiescant in pace, Amen!"

October 27th, 2024

"Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis. Requiescant in pace, Amen!"

Dear Faithful,

Thanks be to God and our Lady Queen of the Holy Rosary! We confirm that we have have received the list of your beloved deceased souls and Father will start the 30 days of  Holy Masses for them on all Souls Day, Nov. 2nd.

Thank you for your generosity to the souls in Purgatory! For those that requested Holy Mass cards, they are being sent in the mail to you  this coming week.

And we pray: "Eternal rest grant to them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through   the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen"

Thank you to each of you for all the souls you added to this special 30 day novena of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as we humbly beg for   their Eternal Rest.Please add your prayers during November to these Holy Masses. 

Deo gratias et Mariae!

MassConversions Team

P.S. Happy feast of Christ the King tomorrow!  Viva Christo Rey!!!! 

Update "Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis. Requiescant in pace, Amen!" Image
Join a 30 Day Novena of Traditional Latin Masses for the Souls of the Faithful Departed!

October 6th, 2024

Let us aim to release many souls from Purgatory by having 30 Holy Masses offered for their souls!

A Traditional Priest is offering a 30 day novena of Holy Masses for the month of November in honor of the souls of the Faithful Departed.

Send in names of souls of the Faithful Departed (deceased souls, requiescant in pace) that you wish to be added to this 30 day novena of Holy Masses. The more the better!

MassConversions is collecting the Mass Stipends for this Traditional Catholic Priest who will be offering the 30 day Novena of Holy Masses (only in the Traditional Tridentine form) with the names of as many souls you would like to add to be placed on the altar.

If you would like to give this Novena of Holy Mass as a Gift to a soul, a remembrance card, can be requested. MassConversions will send a beautiful Mass card to you or who you direct. We will also let them know who it was that sent the gift of the Holy Masses.

Fill out the information here if you have not done so already, to request before the deadline of October 25th, 2024 in order to be included in the 30 day Novena of Masses and receive the Holy Mass card.

Mass Stipends help support our Traditional Priests greatly! The suggested amount is typically $10-25 per Mass. For the Month of the Holy Souls, it is typical to do $5 per name or $15 per family. The faithful are free to offer whatever they can. Donate the stipend here on Givesendgo or for checks, please make checks payable to the MassConversions Director: “Alexandra Clark” & write in Memo “Mass Stipend”. No fees are removed for checks.

To obtain a mailing address for the check or for questions, please email

In addition to you adding souls to the Masses, we are encouraged to join them in being reminded of what Our Lord told St. Gertrude the Great that each time she piously recited the following prayer, it would greatly ease the suffering of those holy souls in purgatory:

Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen.

Update Join a 30 Day Novena of Traditional Latin Masses for the Souls of the Faithful Departed! Image
Update #5 Immaculate Heart of Mary Novena of Masses Accomplished!

August 24th, 2024

Blessed be the Immaculate Heart of Mary!

Dear Faithful,

Thanks be to God and our Blessed Mother! Father has concluded the Novena of nine Traditional Latin Masses offered to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on August 22nd, 2024!  All your intentions and lists of souls were brought to Almighty God and the Blessed Heart of Mary Immaculate!  Deo gratias et Mariae!

We pray this brings about MASSive amount of graces and many holy MASS conversions!

And we pray: "Offering the spotless Lamb to Your Majesty, O Lord, we pray that our hearts may be set aflame by the fire that burned so wondrously in the Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Through the same Jesus Christ, thy Son, Our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end." (from the Roman Missal, Aug.22) 

Thank you to each of you for all the souls you added to this special novena of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as we humbly offer our hearts to God with these Holy Masses with infinite thanks, infinite praise, and infinite reparation and infinite love!  May the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary be soon!

Deo gratias et Mariae!

Update Update #5 Immaculate Heart of Mary Novena of Masses Accomplished! Image
Novena of Holy Masses for the Feast of Immaculate Heart of Mary August 22nd

July 6th, 2024

Join a Novena of nine Traditional Latin Masses offered to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on August 22nd, 2024!

"Offering the spotless Lamb to Your Majesty, O Lord, we pray that our hearts may be set aflame by the fire that burned so wondrously in the Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Through the same Jesus Christ, thy Son, Our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end." (from the Roman Missal, Aug.22)

A novena (from Latin: novem, "nine") is an ancient tradition of devotional prayers repeated for nine successive days. For nine days, the Blessed Mother along with the disciples waited in the upper room, praying in preparation for the Holy Ghost after Jesus' Ascension into Heaven. Thus, the tradition of praying novenas began with the Apostles, and the Blessed Virgin Mary.

In preparation for the great feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, a Traditional Priest is offering nine Holy Masses that will end on August 22nd. Send in names of souls you wish to be added to this novena of Holy Masses, either for your own soul, your family, friends or any other living or deceased souls. One can also send in particular intentions they would like to be added to this Novena of Traditional Latin Masses.

St. Claude de la Colombiere said "MORE honor is Paid to God BY A SINGLE MASS than by all other Actions of Angels & Men." Let us Thank the Immaculata dearly in this novena of Holy Masses! Let us beg the Holy Ghost to sanctify our souls and make us saints with this novena of Holy Masses through the Pure loving Heart of Mary our Mother and perfect Advocate!

MassConversions is collecting Mass Stipends for this Traditional Catholic Priest who will be offering a Novena of Holy Masses with the names of as many souls you would like to add to be placed on the altar.

If you would like you can request MassConversions to send a beautiful Holy Mass card to you or who you direct. We will also let them know who it was that sent the gift of these Novena of Holy Masses. Fill out the information below (copy and paste it to an email first) to request before the deadline of August 3rd in order to be included in the Novena of Masses and receive the Holy Mass card.


~Reply Form~(Copy and paste this into an email)

Dear MassConversions, I would like to request to be added to the Holy Novena of Masses for the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Below are the names of the souls I would like to be prayed for and placed on the altar during the offering of these nine Holy Masses (N.B. these Masses will only be Tridentine Masses offered by Priests in good standing in Communion with the One Holy Catholic & Apostolic Church):___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Would you like a Holy Mass Card to be sent? □ Yes □ No And if yes, please indicate to whom and where to send it:___________________________________________________________________________________________

Mass Stipends help support our Traditional Priests greatly! The suggested amount is typically $10-25 per Mass. The faithful are free to offer whatever they can. For the Mass Stipend, credit card can be given on the GiveSendGo or please make checks payable to the MassConversions Director: “Alexandra Clark” & write in Memo “Mass Stipend”. No fees are removed for checks. One can also use the online donation page found by clicking here. Please Accept my Mass Offering of:

  __$15 __$25 __$50 __ $100 __$500 or $ _______ for the Offering for the Novena of Holy Masses.

I have sent it online or by mail. (Please indicate which one):

Please email MassConversions Director, Alexandra Clark at with your list of souls and/or intentions for the Nine Masses, (copy and paste the above form into the email) before the deadline of August 3rd in order to be included in this Novena of Masses & receive the Mass Card. To obtain a mailing address for the check or for questions, again, please email

Blessed be the Immaculate Heart of Mary! 

Update Novena of Holy Masses for the Feast of Immaculate Heart of Mary August 22nd Image
Join Novena of TLM Masses for Pentecost!

April 20th, 2024

Join a Novena of Traditional Latin Masses that end on the great feast of Pentecost on May 19th, 2024!

COME, Holy Ghost, fill the hearts of Thy faithful, and kindle in them the fire of Thy love. Send forth Thy Spirit, and they shall be created; And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth. Let Us Pray: O God, Who hast instructed the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Ghost, grant that by the same Spirit we may be always truly wise, and ever rejoice in His consolation. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. (From the Roman Missal)

A novena (from Latin: novem, "nine") is an ancient tradition of devotional prayers repeated for nine successive days. For nine days, the Blessed Mother along with the disciples waited in the upper room, praying in preparation for the Holy Ghost after Jesus' Ascension into Heaven. Thus, the tradition of praying novenas began with the Apostles, making the Pentecost novena the original novena.

In preparation for our own souls for the great feast of Pentecost, as well as praying for the new catechumens and children receiving the Sacrament Confirmation around this time, a Traditional Priest is offering nine Holy Masses that will end on the Feast of Pentecost, May 19th.Send in names of souls you wish to be added to this novena of Holy Masses, either for your own soul, your family, friends or any other living or deceased souls. One can also send in particular intentions they would like to be added to this Novena of Traditional Latin Masses.

St. Claude de la Colombiere said "MORE honor is Paid to God BY A SINGLE MASS than by all other Actions of Angels & Men." Let us Thank the Holy Ghost dearly in this novena of Holy Masses! Let us beg the Holy Ghost to sanctify our souls and make us saints with this novena of Holy Masses!

MassConversions is collecting Mass Stipends for this Traditional Catholic Priest who will be offering a Novena of Holy Masses with the names of as many souls you would like to add to be placed on the altar.

If you would like to give this Novena of Holy Mass as a Gift to a soul, who perhaps is receiving Confirmation, you can request MassConversions to send a beautiful Mass card to you or who you direct. We will also let them know who it was that sent the gift of the Holy Mass. Fill out the information below (copy and paste it to an email first) to request before the deadline of May 12th in order to be included in the Novena of Masses and receive the Holy Mass card.


~Reply Form~(Copy and paste this into an email)

Dear MassConversions, I would like to request to be added to the Holy Novena of Masses that end on Pentecost Sunday. Below are the names of the souls I would like to be prayed for and placed on the altar during the offering of these nine Holy Masses (N.B. these Masses will only be Tridentine Masses offered by Priests in good standing in Communion with the One Holy Catholic & Apostolic Church):_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Would you like a Holy Mass Card to be sent? □ Yes □ No And if yes, please indicate to whom and where to send it:_______________________________________________________________________________

Mass Stipends help support our Traditional Priests greatly! The suggested amount is typically $10-25 per Mass. The faithful are free to offer whatever they can. For the Mass Stipend, credit card can be given on the GiveSendGo or please make checks payable to the MassConversions Director: “Alexandra Clark” & write in Memo “Mass Stipend”. No fees are removed for checks. One can also use the online donation page found by clicking here.

Please Accept my Mass Offering of:

  __$15 __$25 __$50 __ $100 __$500 or $ _______ for the Offering for the Novena of Holy Masses.

I have sent it online or by mail. (Please indicate which one):

Please email MassConversions Director, Alexandra Clark with your list of souls and/or intentions for the Nine Masses, (copy and paste the above form into the email) before the deadline of May. 12th in order to be included in this Novena of Masses & receive the Mass Card. To obtain a mailing address for the check or for questions, again, please email

Veni Sancte Spiritus! 

Update Join Novena of TLM Masses for Pentecost! Image
The Holy Week Novena of Masses Begins Tomorrow! Deo Gratias et Mariae!

March 21st, 2024

Blessed be the Holy Face of Jesus & His Sorrowful Mother!

Dear Faithful,

Thanks be to God and our Blessed Mother!   Father has received all your intentions and lists of souls to pray for.  He will begin the Novena of Masses tomorrow, March 22nd and will end on Easter Sunday.  

We pray this brings about MASSive amount of graces and many holy MASS conversions!

Please unite your penances and prayers to these Holy Sacrifice of the Masses as we humbly offer our hearts to God with these Holy Masses of infinite thanks, praise, and reparation!

Deus miserere nobis!  Deo gratias et Mariae!

Update The Holy Week Novena of Masses Begins Tomorrow!  Deo Gratias et Mariae! Image
Update #1: Join a Holy Week Novena of Traditional Latin Masses that end on Easter Sunday!

February 24th, 2024


Thank you to all those that joined the blessed ChristMASS novena!  

We are now ready and these priests are eager to pray for more souls for this Holy Week Novena of Masses

“The Blood of Christ is shed for sinners in Holy Mass.” - St. Augustine

What an immense grace it is for us to possess the adorable Blood of Christ in the Holy Mass. The Catholic Church owns no greater, nor more costly treasure, for a single drop of this Blood, which is united to the person of the Divinity, outweighs in value all the riches of Heaven and of earth. This Precious Blood is not only present with us in the Mass, but we have it for our very own and as our own we may offer it to Almighty God for the forgiveness of our sins.

Send in names of souls you wish to be added to this novena of Holy Masses, either for your own soul, your family, friends or any other living souls.

St. Claude de la Colombiere said "MORE honor is Paid to God BY A SINGLE MASS than by all other Actions of Angels & Men." 

The value of offering a single Mass is incalculable! We give God infinite praise, love, thanksgiving, and reparation. Recall the story too, of the Miracle of the Butcher’s Scales. A poor woman could not afford a piece of meat & offered to have Mass said. The unbelieving butcher said, “you go and hear Mass for me and when you come back I'll give you as much meat as the Mass is worth.” When she returned, he took a slip of paper and wrote on it "I heard a Mass for you." He then placed the paper on the scales but no matter how much meat he placed on the scales the paper always proved heavier. 

As we grow closer to God, by our prayers, fasts and penances, what a great gift then we can offer to not only to God but to our family and friends during Holy Week, a grand ending to Lent and preparation for the great feast of the Resurrection, giving them the gift of nine Holy Masses for the salvation and sanctification of their souls! 

MassConversions is collecting Mass Stipends for a Traditional Catholic Priest who will be offering a Novena of Holy Masses ending on Easter Day with your name(s) on the altar. 

If you would like to give the gift of this Holy Week Novena of Holy Mass and offer a Mass Stipend, MassConversions will send a beautiful Easter card to you or who you direct, that the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass has been offered for and which priest has done the offering. We will also let them know who it was that sent the gift of the Holy Mass. We have this GiveSendGo page set up for online donations or you can write a check to MassConversions Founder “Alexandra Clark” who is transferring the Mass Stipends to the various Priests. 

Please fill out the information (copy and paste it to an email) in the form below to request before the deadline of March 12th in order to be included in the Novena of Masses and receive the Easter card. 


 ~Reply Form~ 

Dear MassConversions, 

I would like to request to be added in the Holy Week Novena of Masses that end on Easter Sunday. Below are the names of the souls I would like to be prayed for and placed on the altar during the offering of these nine Holy Masses (N.B. these Masses will only be Tridentine Masses offered by Priests in good standing in Communion with the One Holy Catholic & Apostolic Church): 



Would you like a Easter Mass Card to be sent?

 □ Yes □ No And if yes, please indicate to whom and where to send it: 



Mass Stipends help support our Traditional Priests greatly! The suggested amount is typically $15-25 per Mass. The faithful are free to offer whatever they can. For the Mass Stipend, credit card can be given or please make checks payable to the MassConversions Director: “Alexandra Clark” & write in Memo “Mass Stipend”. No fees are removed for checks. One can also use the online donation page found below, but please note that fees are removed by the Credit Card Processor. 

Please Accept my Mass Offering of: 

  ­__$15 __$25 __$50 __ $100 __$500 or $ _______ for the Offering for the Novena of Holy Masses. 

I have sent it online or by mail. (Please indicate which one):

Please email or mail form back to

MassConversions Attn. Alexandra Clark,  before the deadline of March. 12th in order to be included in Novena of Masses & receive the Easter Card. For the mailing address or for any additional questions please email

"Dearly Beloved of Christ, to give alms in the name of Christ is a: source of comfort to the Faithful , a sure defence of our Soul's safety, the bulwark of our hope, the protection of our Faith, a healer of sin, something placed within the power of the one who uses it, something great, something simple, a crown of peace without the dangers of persecution...a necessity for the weak, a glory for the strong, an aid by which the Christian attains to grace of Soul, merits the favorable Judgement of Christ, and may regard God as a debtor to himself. Let us strive promptly and generously for this Crown of the Works of Mercy. Let us enter this Contest of good will; at which God and Christ are Present. And let us who have begun to rise above this life and this world not dally on our Journey because of any earthly desire. If the day of the Contest...shall find us contesting, swift, ready, the Lord will not fail to give us the reward of our merits... He will give those who have won, a garland of white lilies for their good works." ~St. Cyprian's Semon on Good Works For Laetare Sunday                   

Update Update #1: Join a Holy Week Novena of Traditional Latin Masses that end on Easter Sunday! Image

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.