Support Brooks Medical and Financial Obligations


 USD $100,000


 USD $4,375

Campaign created by Jathan Cribb

Campaign funds will be received by Jathan Cribb

Support Brooks Medical and Financial Obligations

Hello, I'm Jathan Cribb.

My brother Brooks is grappling with serious health issues and needs support. Despite trying to keep working, he's dealing with intense back pain due to severe nerve and spinal problems.

The team at SpineGroup Alabama is working hard to ease his pain. Right now, they're planning a second epidural to reduce the pain enough for a nerve implant trial called a Spinal Cord Stimulator. This implant could trick his brain into feeling less to no pain. If this works, Great! if it doesn't work, he will need surgery to fuse the vertebrae in his lower back, which we're hoping to avoid because of the long recovery time and time off work it would require.

On top of this, he's facing a possible prostate cancer diagnosis and is waiting for a biopsy which has been scheduled. If it is cancer, he'll need yet, another surgery, leading to more time away from work. The costs of co-pays, deductibles, and lost income are really adding up.

Funds will be used to cover the medical bills and other expenses (like his rent, electric, gas... etc.) that he is not able to pay because of the lack of work. These funds will be deposited into a destinated bank account and handled by a third party to make sure that all his medical bills and other expenses are taken care of.

Any financial help would be used for the relief from the mounting medical bills and other non-medical bills ONLY, as mentioned before. Any financial help and prayers would greatly be appreciated!

All Donors will be listed as 'Anonymous'.

Thank you in advance and may God bless you, Jathan

Galatians 6:2 and James 2:15-16

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 1200.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 150.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 2000.00 USD
3 months ago

in person donation

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

Praying for you. May God Bless and keep you, May His face shine down on you and give you Peace!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 450.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
4 months ago

Praying for you.

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you so much for your prayers. They mean a lot to me!


Update #16

December 6th, 2024

Well, Brooks had a CT scan the first of this week and tomorrow we see the Urologist to see if the Prostate cancer is contained. Please pray that it was contained just to the Prostate. 

We do have an appointment with another Urologist in Birmingham for a second opinion.

Please, please keep him in your prayers. And thank you for all those who have been able to donate to help Brooks out. We all really want to thank you very much for your kindness. And, as I said before, if you can't give... we understand. We just ask you to pray for him.

Update #15

November 19th, 2024

Tomorrow is the day that we take Brooks back to Birmingham to get the staples out from the Spin Stimulator Implant and have it re-calibrated. Please pray that they can calibrate it to where he can at least tolerate the pain.

Again, I want to thank all of you who have donated to help him thought this time in his life. Even if you are not able to, we still appreciate your prayers.

As far as the cancer goes, he has a CT scan scheduled for the first part of next month to see if the cancer has spread. Please keep him in your prayers for that as well that it has not spread. I know God can heal him completely as well so your prayers for that would greatly be appreciated.

If you would like to donate, there are several ways that you can do so. One way is using this platform. It goes directly to an account specifically for this purpose and is listed as anonymous. Another way is to give through the Church at the Brook in Millbrook, Alabama and mark it for Brooks and the church will make sure he gets it. You can also give it to him in person. Either way, we really appreciate your donations.

Please, do not feel bad if you can't give. Your prayers healing and provision are more valuable than money could ever be. We love you and may God bless you for what you can do.

I will keep everyone posted as thing progress.

Your Brother and Friend in Christ, Jathan

Update #14

November 13th, 2024

Just an update for Brooks. He has an appointment next week on Tuesday to have the staples from the Spinal Stimulator Implant and have it re-calibrated as I mentioned before. Please pray that they can calibrate it so that he can, at the least, stand what pain is left.

As for the CT scan for the Prostate cancer to see if it has spread, he’s scheduled to have that done on the third of next month. Please pray that it has not spread to his other organs.

We want to thank everyone who has given, and we appreciate those who could not give but have been praying for him. If you are able to give, you can do it here online where it is direct deposited into a special account that is just for this purpose, or you can give it in person. If you attend his church, which is Church at the Brook in Millbrook, Alabama, you can give there as well. Just mark it for Brooks.

We can’t thank you enough for what you have done both in praying and giving. May God bless you and your family, and I pray that none of your loved ones have to go through things like this. If you have, you know how painful it is both physically and mentally. So please keep Brooks and us, his family, in your prayers.

Again, thank you so very much.


Update #13

November 5th, 2024

Brooks saw his urologist today. On October 15th, part of his biopsy results came back with a concerning sample. The doctor recommended a second test, called a Prolaris Biopsy Test, for that sample.

Today, we received the results of the second test. His markers are above the threshold that distinguishes active surveillance from active treatment, indicating that he falls within the active treatment range.

The doctor ordered a CT scan to determine if the cancer had spread from the prostate to other areas of the body. If the results show that it has not spread, localized treatment with radiation and hormone therapy is recommended.

We didn't discuss scenarios if it spread. The doctor took an optimistic approach, ‘We'll address it if we need to.’

We need a Mericle.

Please pray that the cancer has not spread and that the treatment works, if Brooks decides to proceed.

Second, regarding the Stimulator Implant, he is still experiencing significant pain. The stimulator was calibrated during the procedure, but this was done generally as he was under anesthesia or local anesthetic. He will continue to have pain until his post-operative follow-up, where the stimulator will be re-calibrated without the influence of anesthesia or local anesthetic.

Please pray for him. He’s got a lot going on at this time and needs all of our prayers for God’s power and strength.

I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to everyone who has contributed to support him during this challenging time. Your assistance means a great deal to him. Thank you very much for your generosity and support.

If you are able and willing to contribute, you may do so on this website which will so that it was given anonymously. Alternatively, donations can be made through Church at The Brook or in person. If you are unable to give, that’s okay! We covet your prayers. He sincerely appreciates any form of support during this challenging period and continues to need both financial assistance and our prayers.

I will try to keep everyone posted as much as I can. May God Bless all of you.

Update #12

November 2nd, 2024

I would have had this posted way before now, but I kept running into issues with the platform giving me a "404 Page not Found" when I submitted the update, and believe me, I've tried several times. The people at Give Send Go have been gracious in helping and I want to say, 'thank you'.

But here it is. This was on Monday October the 28th...

Just a quick update on Brooks. We got the final Spinal Cord Stimulator implant done yesterday. As you'd guess, he's in a lot of pain from the surgery. They did calibrate the stimulator during the procedure, but he'll need to go back in three weeks to fine-tune it.

I checked on him today, and he's still hurting quite a bit. It seems like his back is causing more pain than the surgery itself. Pray that when they adjust it in three weeks, he'll feel a difference.

He's got some restrictions based on the post-op instructions until he goes back. At that time, along with the calibration, they'll remove the staples.

Hopefully, this will give him the relief he needs. It's not going to get rid of all the pain, but we're hoping it will ease most of it, and meds can manage the rest.

Fun fact: The implant used was a paddle similar to one of the ones in the attached image.

You can also check out this animated video showing how the procedure was done. Just follow this link... Spinal Cord Implant Animation

Huge thanks to everyone who donated online and in person. You guys don't know how much this means to him. Keep him in your prayers, and if you get a chance to donate, we'd really appreciate it.

We love all of you, whether you can give or not. Just please keep him in your prayers.

I'll still keep you posted as he goes through this journey. God Bless!

Update #11

October 14th, 2024

We want to say a special thank you to an anonymous doner. I say anonymous because I'm not sure if they would want to be known. But thank you for your donation. Matter of fact, we want to thank ALL of the doners that have given. We still have a long way to go. But I want to say thank you, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my heart for all your help. May God bless all of you!

Like I said we still have a long way to go. We have an appointment to see the urologist this Tuesday the 15th to find out the results of the biopsy. So, pray that God will intervene.

We really do covet your prayers during this time, and any financial support would be greatly appreciated.

Again, I can't say it enough, Thank you! Jathan

Update #10

October 12th, 2024

Just got word yesterday that Brooks is schedule for the Spinal Stimulator Implant on Oct the 28th. Please pray that he will be able to endure the pain until then. When implanted, it will be much different than the temporary one he had. With the implant of course everything will be under the skin. It will be controlled by a remote control not your cell phone in case of a cyber-attack or loss of signal and so on.

I've posted a picture that will be similar to the one that Brooks will have implanted.

When he does have the permanent implant put in, he will be in pain for a while because of the implant process itself. So, again, please keep him in prayer because he is going to have to go through the pain of the initial implant before he will be able to have relief from the back pain that he's been enduring for years now. Pray that this works as they say.

It's will relieve at least 50%-75% of the pain and the remainder will be handled with medications.

I hate to sound redundant with this, but any financial help with the mounting medical bills and expenses would really be appreciated. 

We covet and thank you in advance for prayers.

thanks, Jathan

Update Update #10 Image
Update #9

October 12th, 2024

Sorry for such a late update. Brooks did go for his biopsy this last Wednesday, but we will not know the results until this next Tuesday the 15th after around 2:30pm. 

I do want to thing all the donors so far. You don't know how much this means to Brooks. Not only does it help with his financial needs, but in a small but noticeable way, it helps his morale as well.

Please keep him in your prayers this week. Waiting on new of something like this can be very unsettling to say the least. Pray that the fear of the unknown doesn't discourage him but that he remembers that God is still bigger.

May God bless all of you who can give... and if you can't give financially (because know that times are tough right now), Your prayers are also greatly appreciated and may God bless you as well.

Be looking for an update as we go through this journey together. God bless, Jathan

Update #8

October 10th, 2024

Yet, another update. Brooks is scheduled to go back to the urologist on the 15th to find out the results of the biopsy. We are praying and believing that it's just a growth and that it will come back benign. Like I said before, God is able to do more than we could ever ask or think. And all Glory goes to Him.

Just keep Brooks in your prayers. This has become more than a physical battle, but also a spiritual one as well. Anyone who has ever gone through something like this will attest to that fact.

I just want to thank all of you for your prayers. That's worth more than you think. If you feel led to help financially, please donate.

May God Bless and Keep you in Jesus Mighty Name... Let it be so!

Update #7

October 9th, 2024

Thanks to all who are praying. Today, Brooks is going to have the biopsy done on his prostrate to determine if he has cancer or not. Please pray that it comes back benign and that it is just a growth. I know that Jesus is able, and your prayers are critically needed at this very moment. Brook is on his way to the hospital now for the procedure.

As far as the spinal stimulator is concerned, Brooks has decided to go ahead and have a permanent one implanted. Although it does not relieve all the pain, it does relieve at least 60% of it. He's trying to avoid surgery. As I said before, if he has surgery, he will be spending the rest of his life having to go through surgeries.

Your prayers and support are greatly appreciated. Thank You.

Update #6

October 8th, 2024

Tomorrows the big day to see if this temporary Spinal Stimulator will do the job. He has three programs on the device. Program one gives him a choice of being able to manage the pain without the tingling. It does give him a range to go from low to high without the tingling effect. You start out with the low position and move it up as needed to relieve the pain but then go back to low for maintenance.

The second program is a bit stronger than program one. This is the program that he has set on now at 25%. it does give him tingling down his legs and arms, but it is the only point that gives him relief.

The third program is even stronger. Thankfully, he hasn't had to use that one yet.

We're praying that the stimulator can be adjusted to a point that will give him the relief that he needs and still allows him room to move up if necessary.

On another note. If you would like to donate, please use this platform as it is designated strictly for Brooks' recovery, medical bills and utilities as needed.

May God bless you and keep you.

Update #5

October 2nd, 2024

Back home from Birmingham. Brooks is going to have a rough a couple of days. He's going to have pain when the Novocain wares off, which will be later this evening and part of tomorrow. Then he still needs to get used to the setting on the stimulator. After that, we're praying that it will help with the majority of his pain. I talked with the technician today, while we were still there, and he said that it will only relieve the pain somewhere in the 70-percentile range. But I know God is able to do more then we could ever ask or even think!

I will keep you posted of Brooks' progress as we go along in this journey. Again, keep him in your prayers. And, as aways, we sincerely appreciate your prayers and support.

May God bless everyone that has help us so far. I can't say it enough, we really appreciate everything.

Update #4

October 2nd, 2024

We are in Birmingham today for Brooks' spine stimulator trial. Please pray that this works for him and that it will relieve the pain that he's in. If this works, we have another appointment for Tuesday next week to have the temporary implant removed and depending on the outcome and the insurance approval, he will get an implanted permanently. All this depends on how he does with the temp during the next 7 days. Again, please remember him in your prayers. Thanks. 

Update #3

September 30th, 2024

Brooks had to go through a Psychiatric Evaluation per his insurance to see if he 'qualifies' for the Stimulator implant as I mentioned in the last update. We are now waiting for the insurance to approve the trial now. Prayers are needed for that to be approved by the insurance.

Also, Brooks has been indefinitely laid off from work because of his disability. So, any help would be greatly appreciated. This account is set up for the funds to go to a special account that is set apart just for the donations that are given online and will only be used for medical bills and his rent and utilities. It will not be used for any personal wants. The account the funds go to is a designee's account and will be distributed appropriately.

Also, please keep him in prayer this next week on Oct 7th (which is pre-op) and Oct 9th for the biopsy for his prostate to see if he has cancer. Please pray that it comes back benign.

Thanks to everyone that has already donated. We really do appreciate it more than you know.

God is Good - All the time!

Update #2

September 19th, 2024

We took Brooks to the Surgical Institute of Alabama in Birmingham today for a second opinion. The surgeon took a look at his MRI, MRI results, and X-Rays and said that the Spinal Stimulator would be his best option in his (the surgeons) opinion. The surgeon told Brooks that if he were to have surgery, he would be in for a lifetime of multiple surgeries. Prayers are really needed that the Spinal Stimulator will work. He first has to go through a Psychiatric Evaluation per his insurance to see if he 'qualifies' for the Stimulator implant. Please pray that everything goes well with the evaluation.

Once the evaluation is done, we will still need to get the insurance to preapprove the implant. So please pray for that as well. 

I know that it sounds like a lot of prayer request in one update, but I know we serve a God that is bigger than anything that is thrown our way. Any help financially would be greatly appreciated as well. 

Numbers 6:24-26: The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.

God be with you in His Sons name that is above all names... Jesus!

Update Update #2 Image
Update #1

September 12th, 2024

Took Brooks for another epidural injection yesterday (9/11). At first, we did think it worked. But this morning it seems to have let up, although he can still fill his back pulling on the nerve, he does have some relief. Thanks to all who have been praying for him. We'll keep you posted thought the process.

The next thing on the list is the Spinal Stimulator that they suggested trying first. Hopefully the pain will stay at bay until he can have the trial run with it. They're plan is to 'temporally' insert the probs in his spine for a week to see if that helps. if it does, then they will implant it. Until then, he does have a follow up visit in two weeks and that's when they will make the decision to move forward with the implant.

Please still keep him in your prayers. We give God all the Glory for the things He has done so far, and He will see us though the rest!

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.

  • Please pray for the pain that Brooks is going through now. He could barely get around this morning when I saw him.