USD $10,000
USD $2,920
Campaign funds will be received by Melanie Hodges
Melanie Hodges, friend, mother, teacher, and wife - has been in remission from tongue cancer for the past few years. While going through her initial treatment, Melanie placed her children at King's Christian Academy (KCA) after years of homeschooling. Once in remission, Melanie felt the Lord call her to KCA where she has since taught as a 4th grade teacher and done so with great love and passion. Due to recent events, Melanie had to go in for updated testing where it was discovered that her cancer has returned and has impacted a greater surface area. Though the doctor was confident that he successfully removed the cancer, pathology results from the mass removed show that the cells are very agressive and invasive - waiting to return at any moment. Melanie remains in a lot of pain and feels a heavy burden to seek further medical attention at a facility more equipped to meet her medical needs.
The Lord has provided an opportunity for Melanie to receive treament at the MD Anderson Head and Neck Cancer Treatment Center in Houston, Texas. Through God's provision, Melanie was able to fly down to Houston today (10/01/2024) for an initial consultation. While God's provision has paved a way for Melanie and her Mom to fly to Houston, the need remains for financial contributions to make the road to recovery possible. Contributions made to the Hodges family would go towards the following: medication, medical bills, travel (flights, vehicle rental, gas) lodging, food, and meals for her husaband and two children who remain in Virginia while she seeks treatment options. Financial support can also be sent via VENMO @Melanie-Hodges-17
Melanie has asked that we let all supporters know, any donations exceeding her needs will be donated to King's Christian Academy in their mission to "Equip Warriors for Christ."
When Melanie realized that her cancer had returned, the first thing she said was "I just want to teach these kids and show them the love of Jesus. I just want to be with my family and in the classroom." Not once has she been concerned about herself, but rather the impact of her not being here on her students and her family. When asked if we could help in any way, Melanie was very hesitant, stating that there were more people in need than her. While we are called to serve others, part of being a good servant is allowing other saints to serve us in our time of need.
Please join us in serving Melanie and her family in their time of need.
Thank you in advance for your love, support, prayers, and contributions for the Hodges Family.
Friends and Family of Melanie Hodges
Praying for you!
Praying!!! to our great Physician. He is able!
We’re praying for you!
Praying for you Melanie.
In my prayers.
Prayers for you and your sweet family. Prayers for the doctors caring for you and that they come up with a treatment plan that provides total healing and relief from pain. Amen
We are praying for your healing and speedy recovery
May the lord heal you internally and outward. Prayers for you.
Praying for you!
Praying for you, Melanie!
Sending lots of prayers!
With love
Sending prayers and happy thoughts your way!
December 12th, 2024
I wanted to share an MD Anderson [MDA] Houston update: Last week I had scans and tests at MDA, and I am thankful that the scans reveal there is no cancer in my jaw. There is an infection there that we will be treating. Unfortunately, CT Scans and biopsies now show cancer has spread to the lymph nodes in the right side of my neck, where cancer has only previously been on the left side. I will be going back to Houston for neck dissection surgery on 1/10/25 to remove lymph nodes and a salivary gland. It is not known at this time whether I will need more chemo and radiation, but it is possible. My doctor was prepping me for immediate surgery when I was there last week, but blood work shows my thyroid levels are way off, therefore surgery was not safe until we can regulate the thyroid. Please pray the meds that I am on will regulate things so I can have this surgery in January.
Friends and family, you have been so kind to reach out to me or my family over the past few months. Thank you so much. Your love and prayers for me and my family mean more than you know. Please continue to pray!
-Melanie Hodges
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