Tangible Help for Ostan Family(Veteran/Caregiver)


 USD $48,900


 USD $26,702

Campaign created by Hannah Picard

Tangible Help for Ostan Family(Veteran/Caregiver)

**Scroll to bottom for Regular Updates on Funds Raised**


In Mark 2, we read the story where four men were desperate to help their paralyzed friend get to Jesus for healing. Due to the crowds, and their friend's limited mobility, the only way they could get close was to climb to the top of the house and lower him down through the roof. 

That’s just what they did! They rallied together, physically carried their friend through the town, hoisted him up on to the roof, and lowered him right to Jesus! 

Let's be those friends! Let's rally around Will and Jen in their time of need, and do whatever it takes to help them d get restored from these years of hardship. 

Friends, I have known Will and Jen since 2011 and have seen firsthand the effects of a war-related illness on Will, Jen, and their family. 

Years and years have passed with no change. 

Currently, Will has been bedridden since Dec 6th of last year (2023) and all medical attempts for healing have come and gone. 

My heart has weighed heavy with sadness for them, and yet I have not given up hope. 

I believe we are in an opportune time to rally around Will and Jen, and "lower them through the roof," so to speak! An opportunity to bring the catalyst for change in their story.

If we combine our resources, we can not only cover the costs for both Will and Jen to receive a promising medical treatment, but we can ease the burden of mounting out-of-pocket medical expenses they will continue to incur if nothing changes in Will's condition. While years have passed without improvement, I believe this is not the end of their story, and the time to hoist them down through that roof is now! 

I invite you to read and hear additional information from Jen personally. 

Let’s be those friends! Let’s unite our resources and show up in this tangible way!


A NOTE FROM JEN OSTAN (Wife and Caregiver to Will):

Two separate friends, who do not know each other, but have loved our family something fierce in this season, recently approached me about the same exact thing - rallying our "people" to help meet some very tangible and timely needs in our family. They both believe this is a pivotal moment in our story. I have dragged my feet, not wanting to ask for this type of help, but I was reminded how powerful it can be for both the giver and the receiver to watch God do a miracle in our midst! So this is my yes...

You have heard from Hannah (in the intro) and can hear from me in the video above. If you'd rather read, or you want more details, see my summary below - and as always, feel free to reach out by email. (But please be patient - I am slow to reply these days).

Here is my summary:

We are now in a place where Will has been bedridden since December 6, 2023...what used to be days or weeks at a time has shifted to months on end of him not having daily function. He has a few "good hours" on any given day, "here and there," but nothing substantive. To be blunt, there is no quality of life there - we all feel the domino effect - it has reached an unbearable measure in our lives. Will is unable to be consistently present as father, friend, or husband, and I have reached burnout on multiple occasions. I experience complete mental/emotional paralysis at times, including now.

Please know - this is not a sob story, and we are not victims. Our hope is firmly planted in the Lord. 

I will continue to share our story honestly, because I believe there are "treasures hidden in this darkness" - gifts from the Lord, for our good and for His glory - just waiting to be found and shared. YOU, our people, are among those treasures!

Currently, we have the incredible opportunity for a breakthrough treatment in Mexico to be a catalyst for healing in our lives. While the CEO of the clinic has graciously offered to pay for Will's treatment (10k+) we both still need to raise money for our travel costs, and my treatment program (10k). In addition to this, we have ongoing out-of-pocket medical/mental health care expenses for me and our girls (also battling chronic illness), as the toll of Will's deteriorating conditions has a trickle down effect on us all.  

This "ask" of our community of friends and family has been quite difficult for me to wrap my head around. Whether you give through this or not - thank you for all the ways you've already shown up in our lives. From prayers, to visits, to timely texts, DoorDash cards, gas or grocery cards - we are SO GRATEFUL! 

I know I will continue to see God's hand of provision every single step of the way! This entire journey has been a personal invitation to trust Him. And I do!

Thank you for your time and consideration. What a humbling thing it is to receive this kind of support from our community across the nation. 

Love, Jen


We are blown away by the incredible response so far! We wanted to share with you an update of how we intend to use the generous funds given, in order of priority. As of today (12/10) these funds will allow us to accomplish the first two points on this list and a portion of the third. Incredible! The estimated total of these expenses is reflected in the campaign amount:

  • Transportation and Clinic Fees for Will and Jen to attend 10 day treatment center in Mexico
  • Out-of-Pocket medical expenses incurred for Will's ongoing local treatments (tests and treatment)
  • Out-of-Pocket medical expenses for testing/treatment of chronic illness in Kate/Jen
  • Out -of-Pocket medical expenses for ongoing mental health care Jen and girls
  • Future follow-up medical care for Will using effective treatments from past that were too cost-prohibitive to continue. For example, Will attended a 10 day detox program in CA where he experienced positive effects for 2-3 months following, but we could not repeat the process. If his body is in a better place to receive treatments like these after the restorative care in Mexico, we could see vast improvement. 
  • Additional Stem Cell Treatments (shown to be more effective when given cumulatively, but are costly when paying for multiple injections)

We are beyond grateful for the opportunity to pursue any one of those treatment items - let alone the idea that multiple avenues may soon be available to us due to your generosity! (Thank you, Will & Jen)


Recent Donations
Stokes Family
$ 50.00 USD
27 days ago

Praying divine healing and strength from heaven - and earth. We love you !

Anonymous Giver
$ 400.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
1 month ago

Stokes Family
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Praying divine healing and strength from heaven - and earth. We love you !

Anonymous Giver
$ 1000.00 USD
2 months ago

Thinking of you guys always, but now especially as Christmas is upon us. Praying for God's hand, restoration and sustaining grace and peace over you all this holiday season. Love you so much.

Anonymous Giver
$ 440.00 USD
2 months ago

Keith Pace
$ 200.00 USD
2 months ago

God bless all of you!

Tim and Cherith Edwards
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Praying for you all! Love y’all.

Becca Thomas
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Sam and Karen
$ 250.00 USD
2 months ago

The Nekrutman Family
$ 85.00 USD
2 months ago

May God provide you a complete restoration of mind, body, and soul. Blessings from Israel.

Stokes Family
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Praying divine healing and strength from heaven - and earth. We love you !

chris jackson
$ 200.00 USD
3 months ago

We love you!! Chris and Jessica

$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

Praying for you and your family.

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
3 months ago

Blessings and prayers.

J Kundert
$ 25.00 USD
3 months ago

We love you and are praying for healing and peace!

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
3 months ago

Your family is treasured and we are standing with you and believing for a huge breakthrough for everyone! Praying without ceasing! Much love

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
3 months ago

Keep fighting Praying for a solution Your girls are growing up so fast Miss you speaking into our men!

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
3 months ago

Praying but send financial support as well. Love you all.

Anonymous Giver
$ 1000.00 USD
3 months ago

May our Lord provide healing!


Ostan Family - GiveSendGo Update Jan 2025

January 19th, 2025

To our dear friends, family, and perhaps even some strangers who have generously given of your resources - THANK YOU!  

The response to the "GiveSendGo" that was sent out on our behalf has truly blown us away. Your generosity has already made so much possible and will continue to provide for important medical expenses in the coming months. 

As of writing this, I (Jennifer) have already been to Mexico and back where I was able to attend a top notch medical facility for trauma care. This trip was life-changing, and I do not use those words lightly. I experienced profound healing, deep rest and rejuvenation, and left with a restored baseline of healthy functioning to be able to step back into the very real challenges I face in everyday life. The Lord met me in incredible ways, and I can say for the first time in years I am no longer in "survival mode."

What a gift! Made possible by YOU!

Since returning home, we have faced some increased health challenges in regards to Will, and one of our daughters who also struggles with chronic illness. We had hoped Will could immediately travel to Mexico upon my return, but this has not been possible yet. 

His health has taken a turn for the worse, and we are now addressing some serious concerns, including continued high blood pressure and heart related issues. These issues must be addressed and controlled before he can consider the treatment center in Mexico (this is a criteria established by their medical team). We are sad, of course, but continue to trust the Lord is guiding our steps.

Rest assured, any money donated will continue to go towards medical expenses for Will and any needs that should arise as we continue to seeks answers for our daughter, as well. 

Please pray with us that we can clearly discern next steps in his treatment plan, and that we'd continue to be connected with the right specialists. Whether Will qualifies for Mexico, or has to try something else, we are committed to continue to seek help to get him out of this bedridden state, and to help his body heal in any way it can. He has yet to break this bedridden stint lasting over a year a now (Dec 2023).

I am beyond grateful I have renewed capacity to care for him and our daughters. Please pray for me that I would continue to walk in the strength of the Lord, and that His provision would sustain us in the journey ahead. And as always, we ask you to pray for healing for Will and the trickle down effects his condition has had on our entire family.

With so much gratitude for each one of you-

Jennifer Ostan


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