USD $10,000
USD $1,532
Campaign funds will be received by Joseph McCoy
This givesendgo is set up by some of us New Hampshire Republican State Rep's who support Trump and All Americans Civil Rights, Joe McCoy has also reached out to Corey Lewandowski, Trump's Campaign Manager, who met and took pictures with Joe and it's shown in these givesendgo pictures, And Karoline Leavitt ,Trump's now Press Speaker who lives in New Hampshire and Knows Joe Personally,, And, They both along with others told Joe they would let Trump know and the McCoy's are still waiting for that to take place. This is their story, Joe and Linda McCoy have been embroiled in a legal battle with the town of Pittsfield, New Hampshire, over their rights for their Freedom Of Speech, and ,(( Their biggest Trump sign in New Hampshire )), That huge Trump sign Hit The Front Page News Papers, and (( Millions of Patriots Saw Trump and Loved It !) ( But Their Town Select Board Members Did Not ), and the Chair of that board was also their (New Hampshire District 13 Republican Chair, James Allard), and that Rino involved Joe McCoy made sure lost his last 2 election, and James Allard, Always Voted With The N.H. Democrats, even against parents rights in New Hampshire, James Allard told The McCoys to Remove Trump (Due To Complaints), or, pay their 500.00 Per Day Fine, Right Before Trump's 2020 Election, The McCoy's Refused, fought their town, and then was told the fine was going to start and ( And They Did Not Want To Get On His Again ),( Documented), so they had no choice but to remove their huge Trump Sign, 500 dollars a day? who could afford that? they are Still Fighting For Their Freedom Of Speech, And All Of Ours, Their case was placed in ( The Democrats Court ), The McCoy's Proved The Violations, the Corruptions by the town, and the Town's Lawyer, and those Democratic Judges involved, (The Town Admitted They Never Saw The Complaint), (They Were Caught Lying Under Oaths in depositions,) The Town (Refused To Answer Joe's Filed Right To Know), and then they Deleted Town Documents to Hide from the McCoy's During their lawsuit,) The Towns lawyer (Submitted False Statements In His Legal Briefs That Joe McCoy Proved), And, (Town Board Members, And Defendants, And Over 100 Others who lived in town had trailers on their properties and still do today, still right on their property's, and when Joe complained about all their trailers on their property's the town said ( Those Were Not On Their Agenda), of course Because None Of Them Had Trump On Their Trailers, The Town Board Members were also found to be Close Friends with the Judge, One Even Admitted ( He Knew The town, and, He Practiced In Town ), That Judge, (He Knew The Defendants, And, Many Board Members Also ), And, That Judge, He Would Not Recuse himself, and was also a known Democratic Voter. The Other Judges Involved, Ignored, And Violated, The US Supreme Court Laws stating It Is ( Illegal For Any Elected Official To Force, Or Remove A Political Sign From Private Property ), The Judges also Ignored The Merit And Proven Facts They Claimed During Court Hearings The McCoy's Presented To Those Courts Were Enough To Move Forward With Trial, And then, Those Judges Sided With The Town's Admitted Violations, Corruptions, Ignored Their Lies, Their Violations and Corruptions Proven, And Dismissed The McCoy's Case. Those ((Democratic Judges Were Happy, ((The McCoys 52 Foot Trump Trailer Sign, Was Gone From Voter's View, during the 2020 Election.)). The McCoy's are still fighting for Their and all of our Freedom Of Speech, they have to, it's their civil rights, but financially, they lost everything they had, just for standing up Loud and Proud for Trump, they lost their 401k, their Trump trailer contents, their personal property, and alot more, and they are still looking for Legal Help, they will Fight, Fight, and Fight ! If any of you know of any good Trump Lawyers reach out to Joe McCoy on his fb page... Linda and Joe are disabled, Joe lost his leg due to a construction accident during this legal battle, and now his leg is just a metal rod, it dosen't bend, and its hard for Joe to even walk these days, also, Joe has been dealing with another medical issue, Colon Cancer, for 2 years now, and on top of that, as a result of the costs accrued for their legal battle with the town, and over whelming medical bills, they are now in threat of losing their home because their property taxes they could not afford to pay due to being on disability and only getting 802.00 dollars per month, and they had to apply for fuel assistance to stay warm this winter. Joe proved all the violations, but when a Trump supporter has to fight for their rights in those Democratic Judges Court, they are treated just like they treated Trump. Now some of us New Hampshire State Republican Rep's are trying to help Joe and his family, we have donated, and we stand with Joe and his legal battle, and now, They need our help, from their Friends, and Neighbors, and all of us Patriots in kind, and they needs Trump's Help, to restore them to a position of financial stability and ensure they can stay in their home Joe worked his entire life to fully own, and Not Be Forced To Live In Their Truck ... , (("They Need Your Help Patriots")), So Please, donate what you can to the McCoys who since day one has stood up (Loud, and Proud, For Trump), God Bless You, God Bless Our America, and above all, God Bless Trump ! ((( If any of you reading this has any way, or knows anyone, who can reach out to President Trump, Please do that for the McCoy Family, Trump fights for those who fight for him, and the McCoy's ,They Are Still Fighting and Will Not Stop until their Justice is Restored To Them.. Take a good look at Joe McCoy's FB Page and see what can happen to any of us when we stand up for President Trump...
(( Read Joe's Facebook posts for more background on the legal battle with the town of Pittsfield )) ...
Please donate what you can to Help This Couple Keep Their Home....
Best wishes
Thank you patriots. I pray 🙏 you save your home and may God protect you
God bless you. Keep up the fight.
I have huge flags on my property, too This is just awful what they are doing to you and have done to you
Let's go Patriots
Prayers being sent!
God bless
God Bless 🇺🇸
Please share. Happy to help this cause
All the best. I’m glad I was able to help a tiny bit.
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