UP DATE: They have been so blessed!! Forward from Deborah The children came up to see Charles & I . We needed to see them, hug them, laugh with them & yes cry!!
There are several asking for updates. I really do try to keep up. I take care of all of Charles' care outside of the medical, on top of staying connected with all the Dr's, nurses, OT & PT & a few outside sources trying to help me navigate these foreign waters. Please keep our children in your prayers as well as they keep the ship sailing at home. My sister in love,Terrie has helped with messages, research & a shoulder to cry on along with a few others.
Warriors, please continue to pray for Charles' brain to rest & to heal from the swelling & the shunt surgery. He is really struggling with his cognitive. This is serious stuff!! It tears my heart out when I see him struggle with the things that were so easy for him. They believe in time that it will heal. We're trying very hard to avoid another surgery at all costs right now.
We love & appreciate you all! It's so humbling to see all the love & support from so many! Thank you & Goodnight . Deborah❤️🙏🏼
The first part of January, Elder Charles was taken to the ER in LA Junta, CO. After tests were done, it was decided that he needed to be transported to the Penrose hospital in Colorado Springs. Surgery was done to repair a valve in his cerebral shunt that he has had since he was 15. He was recovering as he should and was released days later.
He got the 39 staples removed from his head on January 16th and on the 17th, he was showing signs again of dizziness, lightheadedness, confusion, just as he did at the first of the month.
The neurosurgeon who he is seeing, told them to get back to Penrose hospital as quickly as they can. So there they are again, in the ICU.
A multitude of tests are being done to determine exactly what is going on for them to know exactly how to go forward. He is especially having issues with the ability to sleep and to keep his blood pressure regulated
Elder Charles, Sis Deborah and their family are in dire need of prayers lifted up for them in this time of need. For strength, for answers, and for comfort and peace that only He can give.
"When overwhelmed with doubt and fear, Great God do Thou my spirit cheer.
Let not mine eyes with tears be fed, but to the Rock of Ages led."....... one of Charles' favorite songs
Being overwhelmed with not only health issues but also financial issues, they will surely welcome any love offering you can send them. Elder Charles has been out of work since the first of January and if you find it in your heart to send them any financial help, they all would greatly appreciate it. And if you cannot afford it at this time and would like to send a card of encouragement, they would appreciate that as well.
Please send all mail to:
Elder Charles & Sis Deborah Martin
23814 CR 21
Hasty, CO 81044
There is a rich heritage among the Primitive Baptists that run in this family. Elder Charles is the son of Elder Don & Sis Sandra Martin of Amarillo, TX, the grandson of the late Elder K.B. & Sis Lorene Martin of Muleshoe, TX and the late Bro Charlie & Sis Mary Wright of Floydada,TX.
Sister Deborah is the daughter of Bro. Carl Milyard from Ordway, CO.
Thank you so much for your prayers and for everything you can do for them. May the Great Physician lay His healing hands on Elder Charles and return him to his much wanted state of health. May the Lord repay your kindness in 10 fold.
Blessings to you all.
Sister Terrie Smith
(Charles Martin's sister)