USD $17,000
USD $490
Campaign funds will be received by Marcus Faye
Vine & Branches Outreach is the title for the ministry my wife, Sarah, and I have started. We chose this name because of The Bible Verse, John 15:5 - "I (Jesus/God) am the Vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing." Sarah first felt the call to missions in the spring of 2022, but I didn't get the call until the fall of 2023. In the past we have participated in various church related outreaches, but now we are now ready to take the next step and go into full-time ministry, specifically "cross-cultural" work.
We finished a missions curriculum while mentoring under a couple currently serving full-time in the Philippines. They led us through their program & we made our first trip for hands-on work at the end of 2024. While there, we aided in teaching and supporting local churches as well as trips into unreached/remote villages to provide basic services and Christ centered outreach. We witnessed veteran missionaries living day to day while working for The Kingdom, saw the stresses and joys of fulfilling their call.
We are scheduled to do a 9 month stay in the middle east for 2025, with the hopes in making connections to creating a home base in the area. We will be in Israel & Cyprus working in various organizations. Some work will include working in the Aliyah Return Center to help Jewish people who are relocating and working with the Bedouin community in the southern part of of the country.
Our heart is to live out The Great Commission of Matthew 28:18-20, "Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
If you feel The Lord leading you to donate to our cause, you will be sponsoring/partnering with us to do God's work in spreading the gospel to all nations. Donations will be used towards securing flights and travel expenses, lodging, utilities, and outreach materials. Regardless if you donate, we would still greatly appreciate your prayers! We are specifically asking for prayers for 1-Doors to be open (Col 4:3-4); 2-Safety & Service (Rom 15:30); 3-Boldness & Wisdom (Eph 6:19-20) To be updated and receive a newsletter, send us your email (Vine.Branches.Outreach@gmail.com) and we will put you on our list. Thank you so much and God Bless!!!
"How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent?" Romans 10:14-15
Marcus & Sarah Faye
Alabama, United States
Cross-Cultural Workers
May God bless each of you and your ministry.
May God bless each of you and your ministry.
May God be with you!! ye
May God bless each of you and your ministry.
May God be with you!! ye
May God bless each of you and your ministry.
May God be with you!! ye
May God bless each of you and your ministry.
May God bless each of you and your ministry.
May God bless each of you and your ministry.
May God bless each of you and your ministry.
I pray God continues to illuminate the way and that the path be continuously obvious where you shall go. Love y’all and am so proud.
February 10th, 2025
This month we have been very blessed with several speaking opportunities. We shared with our home fellowship about our trip to The Philippines and spoke about the vision we feel God is leading for the remainder of the year.
We made a trip to Augusta, to see friends and update partners. While there, we made a point to attend the Emmaus Georgia-lina Community Gathering. We were able to worship with friends while I was blessed to be allowed to play music with members from the band, Mended. We were able to testify to how Emmaus helped put us on the path that we are on and how much we appreciate the program and our friends-family-community there.
We were also invited to teach the weekly Torah Portion (Shemot - Exodus 1:1 - Exodus 6:1) and share our testimony at The House of New Beginnings Messianic Fellowship, which is hosted in Three Nails Gospel Church. It was an honor to share a Shabbat with another fellowship.
We were then allowed to speak at 2 churches that are shepherded by Brother Sonny Moon; Ellis Chapel & Methodist Church of Sardis. I was excited to introduce them to how Jewish synagogues teach the Torah portion and how the Messianic bridge the Torah and New Testament together. Both churches were extremely welcoming and supportive. I feel blessed....
December 19th, 2024
September 3rd, 2024
This is Marcus's Story
September 3rd, 2024
Pride in Asking
That verse is a beautiful call to discipleship, isn’t it? It is a favorite for preachers to tell you to go out and tell The Good News - to your neighbor, to your co-workers, at the supermarket, and everywhere you go. They are correct, that is exactly what you should do. But go a step further, do you know the next verse?
“And how can they preach unless they are sent?...” Romans 10:15
I take 2 things away from these passages. 1- Yes, we absolutely should be sharing with everyone, in every situation and 2 - Someone has to be SENT to spread the news to the unreached. … “How can they preach unless they are sent?”
This is difficult for me, as I am sure it is for most of you. I have 40 + years of living a certain way (prideful and independent). I have been brought up believing in the “American Dream.” If you want it, work for it; taking “hand-outs” is shameful. And that isn’t all bad advice. If you are like me, you have seen or heard about how in the last 50+ years the rise of sham/scammers taking people’s donations for “causes” only to line their pockets and build their big house and buy nice cars. But that isn’t God’s design, that is corruption from the enemy. As HIS church, as HIS body, we all have different roles. Some teach, some support, some go, some stay. Every role is important. But someone has to go…. And they have to be sent.
September 3rd, 2024
What is & Why the 10/40
“Jesus came near and said to them, ‘All Authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of The Father and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20
The 10/40 window is a rectangular area on the globe that stretches from 10-40 degrees north of the equator, from western Africa to just east of Japan. It covers about 70 countries & is home to around two-thirds of the world’s population. It is also referred to as “The Resistant Belt,” housing the majority of the world’s Muslim, Hindus, and Buddhists.
There are approximately 5.37 billion individuals residing in 8,763 distinct people groups of the 10/40 window. 6,043 (69%) of these people groups are considered unreached & have a population of 3.32 billion.
Most mission agencies & churches send less than 1 in 100 (1%) of their missionaries to Frontier Peoples. Only approximately 10% of long-term missionaries serve in unreached people groups.
We as believers are called to disciple. It is our duty and our HONOR to proclaim The Gospel of Our Savior! God said Go to All Nations - - -
“I heard the voice of The Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’ Then I said, ‘Here am I; send me.” Isaiah 6:8
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