USD $1,065
Campaign funds will be received by Amber Madsen
The Madsen family has been fighting quite the battle this Fall. Kimball was diagnosed with necrotizing fasciitis and has undergone multiple surgeries with more still to go. It has been a tough battle but Kimball, Amber and their boys are strong, wonderful people who we all know will get through this but, in the meantime, we want to do whatever we can to help out.
As we gather for Mimosagiving, we invite you to consider a donation to our cause to make sure Amber, Kimball and the boys have the Christmas they deserve.
This is purely at your discretion, we understand that we all have various charities, organizations and our own families that we take care of during the holiday season. If you can donate, that would be fantastic and thank you very much. Happy holidays!!!
We love you all!
Love you boys so much!
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