Help Support Me in Publishing!


 USD $3,027

Campaign created by Madalyn Rae

Campaign funds will be received by Madalyn Piwowarski

Help Support Me in Publishing!

Howdy, all! I’m Madalyn Rae—I’m a 20-year-old singer-songwriter from Scranton, PA who writes heavily Scripture-inspired music.

I’ve been writing music since I was 10–albeit not very *good* music, but it was the beginning of a life-long pursuit after the heart of the Father. 

I’m a very private person—I spend most of my time alone in the woods by the river with nothing but a Mountain Dew, Bible, and a guitar—so when the Lord told be I was being selfish in my solitude a little over a year ago, I was hurt.

I’d been writing these songs for years, and keeping them to myself. I knew the Lord wanted to do something with them, but I wasn’t comfortable with me being the one singing them.

So I started posting an original song on Instagram once a week. 

Around the same time as I started posting, I was heavily struggling with suicidal ideation. The Lord has since done a number on me, and I can confidently say that part of my past is no longer something I carry. I digress.

With all of this going on—everything I was struggling with behind the scenes, the inspiration that bled into my songs—it was uncomfortable to obey the Lord and share my music. Pretty much only friends and family followed me at the time, and for me to be sharing the most vulnerable parts of myself with them was terrifying. But at the very least, maybe one or two people who needed to hear the message in the lyrics would hear it, and at the most, maybe a very small label would sign me as a staff writer—that way I wouldn’t be selfish, right? The lyrics and the message would be known, but never my name. It’s a win-win!

Not what the Lord had in mind.

From May 2023–December 2023 I remained faithful in my once-a-week posts, and even though I saw little to no fruit, I was confident that the Lord was showing them to the right people, and I was very comfortable with the minute impact the Lord may or may not have been making on other’s lives through the lyrics He gave me.

Come April, I felt the Lord tugging at me to release a snippet of a chorus I wrote back in December. The song wasn’t finished, and it was a personal prayer. I wasn’t comfortable sharing the desperation of it—I didn’t like the melody, or how simple it was, and I wanted to keep it as a prayer between me and God.

The tug grew, and I gave in on a Monday afternoon and posted a grid post with the lyrics in the caption, praying that it would reach the ONE person it needed to reach as I pressed “share.”

“And even when You tell me to lay my Isaac on the altar, You’ll find that I don’t love the promise more than You. And even though I believe that You’ll provide a ram, who am I, as a man, not to trust You?”

Three strangers DM’d me, telling me how desperately they needed to hear the words in that prayer. One woman told me she just recently lost her son, whose name was “Isaac.”

I broke.

“Maddie, you’re being selfish.”

I went to my church that Wednesday after a really bad haircut, sat down at the grand, quickly recorded what I thought was a bad video, and posted it before I went to bed that night.

The next morning my phone was buzzing off the hook, and I quickly saw why the Lord desired my obedience. 




My greatest desire is to remain obedient to the Lord. My sole purpose in being is simply to bring glory and honor to His name—whether that be in the comfort and solitude of the river and woods (my personal preference), or on a platform He chooses to allow me on, it is He alone who decides what a vessel shall be used for—my comfort is not part of the equation. 

As uncomfortable as all this makes me, I want to remain obedient to the call He’s given me—if that means laying down every hope for the future I’ve ever had (my “Isaac,” if you will), every comfort, every dream, then let it be done. 




I want to be able to get these songs out to you all at their best. I heavily believe that the music we write as Christian artists is an offering—and I don’t believe in giving the Lord half-hearted offerings. I look at Cain and Abel, and how Cain withheld his best from the Lord.

I don’t want to do that. If I’m going to do this, I’m not going to put it out there just to have it out there—I’m going to make sure that it’s in the Lord’s timing, in the Lord’s way, and at its best. I never want to give the Lord something that wasn’t crafted with care—but that does cost money.

Many of you have been telling me to open up a crowdsourcing page so you could help me raise the funds to produce an album—

—again, this is another thing that makes me uncomfortable. I like to work hard for what I do—I’ve worked at McDonald’s since I was 17 (still do), and by working my behind off I was able to pay for my first two years of college in cash, and buy my first car without taking any loans out. I’m very prideful in my work ethic, and don’t like hand-outs. If you’re going to give me something, I want to earn it—

—but I’m beginning to recognize that this one is far beyond me. I literally CANNOT do this on my own. And I don’t want to be so selfish in that I rob any of you in your desire to help. 

Everything y’all give here will go straight into the music—paying for production, travel, equipment—nothing will be used for anything outside of this ministry.

So yeah. I’m Madalyn Rae, and I’m trying very hard to be obedient to the Lord, regardless of the discomfort it might bring me, and doing my best to bring glory to His Name.

I’m not sure what else to say, but from the bottom of my heart, thank you. 

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
5 days ago

God bless you. Your message really hits hard.. in a good way. I hope the best for you, you're amazing!

Anton Mazzaroth
$ 25.00 USD
20 days ago

Keep making soul-dancing songs from the pipes God gave you, pipes made from the gold of Heaven's streets. Soli Deo Gloria; Propter Regnum!

Anton Mazzaroth
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

Keep making soul-dancing songs from the pipes God gave you, pipes made from the gold of Heaven's streets. Soli Deo Gloria; Propter Regnum!

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
1 month ago

Love your songs so much. They found me in a place where I felt broken and God is using your music to heal and restore the broken and I thank you for allowing Him to use you to do so as uncomfortable as it is. Faith many times is. I pray you are able to publish your music one day and to reach a crowd full at a concert someday. I would be most ecstatic to join if a concert one day was the goal!!

Matthew Nickerson
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Truly a gift from God!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

God given voice

Anton Mazzaroth
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

Keep making soul-dancing songs from the pipes God gave you, pipes made from the gold of Heaven's streets. Soli Deo Gloria; Propter Regnum!

$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Your music is both beautiful and powerful. Really looking foward to the upcoming releases. The Lord will use it in mighty ways for his purposes. God bless you abundantly.

$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago

I’ve been blessed, and believe in your gift and would like to bless you in a way, thank you for the fun streams, God Bless.

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
3 months ago

I believe in your gift, given to you by our Heavenly Father. Continue to write and sing and glorifying God.

Jacob Meckler
$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

Great music

$ 5.00 USD
3 months ago

I am so beyond grateful to have found your music… and now a snippet of your story you’ve shared with us, we’re all called to a purpose outside of ourselves and seeing you pursue yours, and change me in doing so inspires me to be open to god will for my life I’ve recently been getting into Christian music, and as a fellow 20 year old your music seriously resonates with me

$ 5.00 USD
3 months ago

Been watching your videos on Instagram and I NEED to be able to listen to your music

$ 17.00 USD
3 months ago

Hey, you just showed up on my explore page & I was immediately taken into your music. Your love for God is so obvious & your music is pure & authentic. I couldn’t find you on Spotify, so here I am chipping in so that you can share the music with the world soon and very soon. Keep going, Sister. Stay grounded but let him lift you to places where you can shine FOR HIM (Matthew 6).Love from Germany

Anton Mazzaroth
$ 25.00 USD
3 months ago

Keep making soul-dancing songs from the pipes God gave you, pipes made from the gold of Heaven's streets. Soli Deo Gloria; Propter Regnum!

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 35.00 USD
3 months ago

I cannot wait until your songs are published!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
4 months ago

Your voice touches my soul, I can’t wait to listen to your music

Anonymous Giver
$ 40.00 USD
4 months ago

May God bless you in everything you do. You are a blessing to a lot of people, and you reach a lot of people through your music.


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