Ghana Mission


 USD $32,610


 USD $18,910

Campaign created by Mary Parker

Campaign funds will be received by Mary Parker

Ghana Mission

Now I Can Say YES!

When I run into people I haven't seen in awhile, the conversation doesn't end without someone almost always saying "Hey, how long are in you country for?" or "What country are you living in now?"

I use to internalize this as a failure.

I knew God made me to be a 'Global Ambassador' for Him and yet I hadn't been on the global mission field since 2018. And, before that-- it had been 5 years. 

I tried and tried to find opportunities to work, live & serve overseas, however, nothing came of my attempts. 

Nevertheless, New Years Eve of 2020, after a day or prayer, God said its time to go and I want you in Ghana!

Whoa! He was so specific and so direct. 

Of course I was on board and I thought by mid-2021 I'd be there. But it didn't happen. 2021 & 2022 went by and I remained stateside. 

Angry, frustrated and confused I continually asked God why. Why weren't opportunities opening for me! He answered and said this--You've been trying to get there, walk in your calling, without me. This time I need you to do it WITH me. Ouch! 

Instead of an immediate miraculous departure to Ghana, God took me through a challenging, uncomfortable yet, as it often is when He's working something out in you, rewarding path of healing and restoration.  Healing in regards to:

  • Depression
  • Restoration regarding my identity in Christ
  • An understanding of HOLINESS
  • How I was not created to live without Him--In order to have peace I can't survive without relationship with Him

This is why my life was in disarray. Living outside of purpose can make your life miserable. (Let's talk more about that later).

I went through all of this to get to the point where I understood my responsibility is to live everyday with the mind of Christ. He needs me in synch with him in order that I may be used by Him according to the purpose and calling He assigned me. 

During the past 2 years, He's strengthened by spiritual gifts, my leadership skills and now He's sending me off. 

This is where I need your support: 

  • God has given me the departure date of January 15 2024.
  • I'll begin my work in Ghana with the non-profit Destiny Empowerment Center.
  • I am in the process of interviewing for work-from-anywhere positions.
  • Over the past few years, I've only worked part-time and I am asking for your support to go toward the following:
    • 1-time expenses needed to prepare to leave
    • In addition to living and work expenses for my first year
    • Take a look in the GALLERY images for the budget details 

    It's a challenge for me to be transparent and ask for financial support. However, I shall be obedient and I stand confident in God's instruction. 

    Please consider being apart of God's supernatural process to transpose me to the land He's called me to in order to do the work He's asked of me. 

    Not everyone who reads this will be a believer in Jesus Christ. As the church folks say, God works in mysterious ways! I thank you for your trust in me--for your belief in me to do what I say. 

    Thank you for your consideration. You can support with a:

    • One-time donation
    • A monthly commitment for the next year
    • Support with material items needed to prepare. 

    See the gallery images for the budget details.


    • Online Donation (
    • 1-Time or Monthly Donation
    • Tax Deductible Option:
      • Mail Cash, Check, or Money Order to:
        • Destiny Empowerment Center  //  ATTN:  Rev. Dr. Moses Asamoah Jr.  //  550 E. Little Creek Road  // Norfolk, VA 23505
        • Make Payable to:  Destiny Empowerment Center  //  Memo Line:  Mary Parker's Mission
    • Physicals Item(s) (email:

    Thank you for doing this journey with me! Let's Goooo!

    Yours Faithfully, 

    Mary Parker

    Recent Donations
    Anonymous Giver
    $ 500.00 USD
    17 days ago

    May God's hand of protection always be upon you. Deut. 31:6

    Anonymous Giver
    $ 25.00 USD
    25 days ago

    Anonymous Giver
    $ 25.00 USD
    1 month ago

    Anonymous Giver
    $ 400.00 USD
    1 month ago

    The Greens
    $ 280.00 USD
    2 months ago

    Anonymous Giver
    $ 25.00 USD
    2 months ago

    Tish Norfleet
    $ 25.00 USD
    3 months ago

    I pray this monthly contribution will be a blessing to you.

    Anonymous Giver
    $ 200.00 USD
    3 months ago

    Anonymous Giver
    $ 270.00 USD
    5 months ago


    Anonymous Giver
    $ 200.00 USD
    5 months ago

    May God Bless the work of your hands and bring you before open doors. We declare open heaves over you today and forever more.

    Anonymous Giver
    $ 300.00 USD
    5 months ago

    Keep Going. We are praying for you. VE

    Anonymous Giver
    $ 200.00 USD
    6 months ago

    Anonymous Giver
    $ 345.00 USD
    6 months ago

    Anonymous Giver
    $ 340.00 USD
    6 months ago

    Anonymous Giver
    $ 50.00 USD
    6 months ago

    Anonymous Giver
    $ 100.00 USD
    6 months ago

    So happy for you. May the blessings of the Lord be with you as you walk in obedience to His calling on your life. Love and blessings 😍

    Anonymous Giver
    $ 50.00 USD
    6 months ago

    Anonymous Giver
    $ 200.00 USD
    6 months ago

    Anonymous Giver
    $ 25.00 USD
    6 months ago

    Yayyyy! Go Mary. I’m very proud of you.

    Anonymous Giver
    $ 100.00 USD
    6 months ago


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