 USD $5,000
 USD $2,750
Campaign funds will be received by Luke Portch
I need help - BIG help.
As most know, I have been struggling for many years with a variety of issues. It has led me to a place that sometimes feels like an inescapable hell. Trapped in a cycle of survival rather than resolving the issues necessary to move forward. I recently had what I would call a depressive breakdown after an unusually long period of progress forward. The setback is incredibly disappointing. I am feeling quite a bit hopeless but I understand that I need to continue moving forward in a BETTER direction. This is where you come in... hopefully.
Don't misunderstand - many people have helped me - and I am very grateful. I would be in a much darker place without the help I have received. There are many times I have neglected to ask for help though, out of shame, pride, stubbornness, not wanting to be a burden on others, or not know how to ask. I think I have hurt myself and possibly those I love in doing this. So I am asking now.
Understanding/Tolerance: The biggest thing I am asking for is understanding. The past many years have been difficult for every single one of us. I have said things I regret and hopefully in most cases apologized when appropriate. I also have felt misunderstood, misjudged, mistreated, and hurt at times, real or imagined. Regardless of that, I have a sincere desire to make amends with anyone if and when they desire it.
Financial Help: Here goes the homeless addict asking for money. I know that eventually I could get out of this dark hole without asking for financial help. I have made a some progress so far. But without safety rails, when I stumble or life puts an insurmountable obstacle in the way, I often find myself back in the same place.
There have also been a couple people who have financially helped me out - just to get back to survival mode. I need to escape this cycle. I desperately do. Which means I need a plan and guardrails in place and then the means to follow through. I will outline this plan in the next section.
Accountability: Through my observable behavior as well as posts to this page, I will provide status updates of this plan and I will account for all money used.
My current situation is that I am living in Veterans transitional housing. This is a step up from couch hopping or the RV, which themselves were a step up from living in my car. I got here for a variety of reasons. I don't even know anymore how long I have been technically homeless. I have a voucher for housing assistance that I cannot take advantage of until I am on financially stable footing.
I am unemployed, though I have been trying to drive and deliver for Instacart to pay basics such as gas, food, storage, interlock/DUI fees, insurance, money to spend time with the kids, basic needs such as soap, etc. It has been moderately successful but is not sustainable. Every time I have an unexpected expense I have no safety net and go back to square one.
I have an interlock device installed in my car due to the DUI I have been charged with and am dealing with in court. It has been nine months of dealing with this and it has been very expensive. My next court date is in February and hopefully it will be resolved then.
I am in Intensive Out-Patient treatment (IOP) for substance abuse. This takes up three days of the week for the most part. I am also working on resolving other significant mental and physical health issues through the VA. This is very time and energy consuming.
MENTAL HEALTH: This is a TOP priority right now. If I can not get my mind right, I cannot do any of the other things I need to do. This means focus on recovery and IOP, maintaining balance and routine, and managing stress. A huge stressor is the financial burden that I cannot meet because of IOP time consumption and the barriers my mental health issues are presenting. I am also considering a program that a counselor has recommended to me: https://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/programs/project-odyssey
How your help will help me: By lifting the stress temporarily of the monthly financial burdens I can focus on recovery. Once my third month of IOP is done, the time requirements become much less and it won't be as much of a barrier to working.
HOUSING: This is another big priority. As it sits, I have a voucher that will assist me in getting into a place of my own that I can have my kids. I cannot get stable let alone ahead enough financially to take advantage of this voucher. It expires at the end of February, so I need to get a place soon. Of course I would also very much like to live with my children half-time as I used to.
How your help will help me: Getting over the financial hurdle to move into a place will move me forward a great deal. Not only mental health-wise to a SIGNIFICANT degree, but will be better for my children, will save me money on not having to pay for storage. It will in general, make every other thing I need to do easier.
EMPLOYMENT: As I stated above, right now IOP is a difficult but not impossible barrier to employment. What I am doing right now with Instacart is NOT working. In fact, in many ways it is taking away from my other progress. I will be done with my third month of IOP sometime in February and have a time obligation of only one day. Third priority is to apply for jobs to start work the end of February. My court case will also (hopefully) be resolved at that point and barriers to employment should be non-existent.
How your help will help me: By not wasting a whole lot of time to make very little money, I can focus on the other priorities until full-time employment becomes a reasonable goal. Being gainfully employed at that time will obviously be a huge factor in success.
OTHER FACTORS: Court case, Bankruptcy, Continuing education, Physical health concerns.
SUMMARY: I know this was a whole lot. I am willing to provide more information to anyone who asks. I have been transparent for the most part on my situation other than how increasingly depressed and exhausted I am from treading water for years now.
So I am asking for help in the form of $5000 for all the reasons stated above. That would be $2000 for two months of regular expenses, $2000 for two months of subsidized rent and utilities, and $1000 as a buffer. This is a lot of money and while I think it is unrealistic to expect anyone to provide this kind of help, I DO NEED HELP if I ever want to escape this... and I so desperately do. So if you can, please help me. Thank you.
- Luke
Thanks for the update. You are loved, Luke. Hope this helps you so that you take advantage of your housing voucher or whatever is pressing on you right now. "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me". Philippians 4:13
"I am speechless... God bless you for your incredible generosity and kindness. I came here to do another update and saw this. Thank you so much." By Luke Portch
Praying for you, Luke. Be encouraged. For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. 2 Tim 1:7
"Thank you so much, for the donation and the prayer." By Luke Portch
Praying for you Luke
"Thank you so much!" By Luke Portch
February 28th, 2025
After a lot of frustration searching and getting turned down, I may have just found a place that will accept my application. It is submitted today with the help of my case manager here at the transitional housing. In a strange coincidence, she and I were both talking to the same property manager about the same property and did not know it. Even better, she knows him and has worked with him before. It is as close to a sure thing that I could ever ask for. I REALLY hope this works out.
Still seeking employment. With the housing situation seeming to be under control and progressing at the speed of bureaucracy, I can focus work as the next major step. Knowing where I will likely live is helpful as well.
I am also progressing on the mental health side of things. In addition to continuing the treatment program I am waiting on a "community care" appointment which would allow me to seek therapeutic counseling outside the VA, and I have a psychiatric intake appointment at the VA on Tuesday for possible medications. Lots of appointments, but it will be worth it when I'm my best self again.
I haven't gone and served my one day in jail yet - that will be next week. I'm really looking forward to it! Other than that, I think everything is on track as well as I could expect. I am hesitantly hopeful. It will be really disappointing if this apartment does not work out. For now, need to stay positive and motivated to keep working.
Thank you all again so much!
February 11th, 2025
I had my court hearing yesterday. I had hoped to get the charges changed to a physical control violation rather than a DUI. However the prosecutors would not budge. My lawyer was surprised and it seems that in my case they were particularly strict. It is an important distinction to me because I was not pulled over drinking and driving, but rather was parked and drinking in my car. The overall outcome is the same as far as sentencing, but I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt. Especially when I had to plead guilty to DUI to achieve this outcome.
I'm not going to let that get me down though. I have too much good happening. The court mandated according to my substance abuse evaluation that I attend an Alcohol and Drug Information School class and a Victims Impact Panel class. I had done these months ago. It also mandated I enter Intensive Outpatient Treatment, which I have done and just graduated from. I have six more months of regular outpatient treatment to go. There is about $800 in fines and fees to pay, most of which I am able to pay through community service, which is my plan. There is also DOL license suspension for 3 months which I have already served, and 1 year of an interlock device in my car which I already have had since May. I should be done in about three months. Finally, I get to spend another day in jail. I was only in for 18 hours the first go round and the mandatory minimum is 24 consecutive hours. So that will be fun.
Overall, not much changes. I am glad it is behind me and I feel like invisible shackles have been removed. Once my jail time, fines, and interlock device are all behind me, I will feel even better. For now, I am continuing to focus on finding a place for me and the kids. It has proven harder than I expected to get through the application process. But it WILL happen. I NEED to be with my kids. And I will continue my mental health journey. In fact, I have my first weekly outpatient treatment meeting at 0900 this morning.
Once again, thank you all for your kindness. I would not be where I am without your help. The setbacks I have had over the past couple weeks would have driven me into depression and hopelessness as has happened so many times before. I feel more resilient to such challenges knowing that there is a solid foundation to stand on and that I am not sliding even deeper into financial ruin.
Today I feel happy, hopeful, and loved.
February 8th, 2025
A lot has happened in the last week. Not the least of which is the donation I just received today that I have yet to wrap my mind around. When I posted this campaign, I was pretty certain I was making a mistake. I don't believe that at all anymore. The past few years have made me very cynical. I had lost faith in the goodness of mankind. You all have restored my faith.
When fundamental human needs are met, it is much easier to behave virtuously and in my case, to make progress. The opposite is true when needs are not met, and it is difficult to not behave like an animal just trying to survive. You have given me back my humanity and basic dignity that comes with that. It is a gift far more valuable than the donations themselves.
TREATMENT: This was my last week of Intensive Outpatient Treatment (IOP). I am down to a single day of treatment a week. I have already begun applying for jobs to start ASAP. I also have an appointment with the Mental Health Clinic at American Lake VA where I am doing my treatment. This is a general mental health clinic to address my other underlying issues that led to my substance abuse. So my journey is far from over in that department.
LEGAL: I have my next court hearing on Monday. I have spoken to my lawyer twice this week and the outcome is looking pretty good. After going through the evidence, he does not believe that they have the evidence to convict me of a DUI as I was not driving the vehicle. He is fairly confident that it will be downgraded to a Physical Control violation. This practically doesn't make a difference in sentencing, however it will look better than the letters DUI on my record. I have very little stress associated with the case at this time so I am grateful for that.
HOUSING: I have been out to tour several apartments and houses. I am ready to move forward as soon as I find a place that is able to accommodate my unique situation and lack of qualifying factors. There is a place in Steilacoom that I visited today that I have hopes that I can convince the owner to understand my situation and to take a risk on me. Having full time employment would be a huge help in this department as well so I am working on both simultaneously.
Again, I cannot say thank you enough for what you have done for me. I plan to maintain this momentum that has built in the past few weeks and continue to progress further and further towards that light at the end of the tunnel. I have never been more positive and hopeful for my situation to change than I am at this very moment.
February 4th, 2025
Since my last update a few things have happened:
Thanks to kind donations I have been able to stay on top of my financial situation. This has relieved some stress. Especially with being sick and not being able to work nearly at all. This is also going into a period that I have a lot of appointments and my next court appearance on Monday the 10th.
I've been sick for the past two plus weeks and have not been as productive as I would like. I did manage to get my financial status updated with the PCHA and will start applying for apartments this week. I need to get out of where I am at - I am losing my mind here. I also need a place I can have my kids. Not being able to spend time with them, and having the constant self-loathing associated with letting them down the way I have, is a major driver to my depression and other conditions. Which are getting worse not better.
I have reached out to the VA mental health for additional help. I had hoped with my treatment program and counseling that my mind would find a stable place. This doesn't seem to be the case. I don't like pills, but I can't continue on the way I have. I am not a doctor, and I don't know when, but something broke inside me. I live in a constant state of severe anxiety and have for years and years. My hair went grey in just a couple years at a young age, I have panic attacks often. One of these attacks was on the freeway and led to a seizure. Thankfully I was able to pull over as I felt it overcome me and called 911 after it had passed. I swing wildly from hyper-mania to hyper-depression. There is more, but the point is that whatever is going on with me, it is crippling at times.
I have to change the way I communicate. Most people can't relate to my life situation and the struggles in front of me. Many people can't relate to my mental health situation either. This often leads to conflict and me appearing to be an insane person. I am no longer going to discuss my situation openly. It is NOT helpful. In fact, it is harmful. I will use this as a place to provide information on my situation for those that want to seek it out. I will be transparent and honest in my updates. I am also going to withdraw a bit. In a healthy way - not shut out the world. I am going to be a lot more selective about who I spend my time with or devote my mental energy towards.
Anyway, thank you again everyone who has generously donated. Moving forward, I will probably have smaller more frequent updates.
January 9th, 2025
When I posted this I did not know what to expect. A big part of me thought it was foolish. The cynical voice that has ruled my thoughts for a long while said, "You are wasting your time. People will be offended and disgusted that you would even ask for help this way. You are going to look so stupid! Nobody cares Luke, it is a lost cause helping you, you are worthless".
I am trying not to let that voice control my perception of the world anymore. Not to jump to conclusions about others, their intentions or opinions about me. To also accept and ask for help when I need it. I know I would - and have - helped others this way, yet it is somehow difficult to apply the same logic to myself.
It takes a long time to change patterns of behavior. I have made a lot of progress on that front. It is harder still to change patterns of thought. Particularly negative ones that have dominated for so long. I am glad that I decided to instead listen to the voices of others in regards to this.
I don't have the right words. Thank you isn't enough, but its all I've got. To check back after a couple days and see this has brought tears to my eyes. I am feeling more hopeful today than I have in a while. A huge amount of anxiety has been lifted.
I am 20% of the way to my goal. A goal I still think is absurd. It feels selfish to ask others to burden themselves for me. Perhaps it is more selfish to not be the best person I can be simply because I refuse to acknowledge that I DO NOT have the tools or resources to be that person in this moment.
This will get me to a stable footing for this month. I can focus on moving forward with the plan. Thank you again. I don't know how to send personalized thanks to the anonymous donors, but I will if I figure out how. More updates to follow.
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