Mongolia Mission Trip


 USD $5,000


 USD $150

Campaign created by Elizabeth Thompson

Mongolia Mission Trip

Hey guys!

I have an incredible opportunity to join Harbor Church for a mission trip to Mongolia, with stops in Hong Kong and Fiji as well. To be honest, I had no intention of joining any trips this year, as we've just moved back. But God kept pricking my heart, so here we are. I've learned obedience doesn't always make sense, but His plans are always best.

On this trip, we will be visiting multiple full-time missionaries in these fields to encourage them and help in any way they need, we'll be assisting in feeding centers, a deaf school, as well as other opportunities to share the love of Jesus with more people around the globe.

I would really love your support, in covering us all in prayer, and financially, if you're able, as this is a huge leap of faith. I know God will show up and I can't wait to bring you all along on the journey with me!

Thank you so much!

Recent Donations
Christina Gooler
$ 50.00 USD
29 days ago

Love you Liz!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
29 days ago


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