ZAR R2,000,000
ZAR R1,500
Campaign funds will be received by Peter Hammond
There is a desperate and urgent need for quality training of Chaplains throughout Africa.
Massive Church Growth in Africa
Especially as Operation World informs us that, present trends continuing, the number of Christians in Africa is set to double in the next 25 years. By 2050 we expect to have 1.2 billion Christians in Africa. The most urgent needs are Bibles and Bible teaching.
Our Mission is distributing over 100 tonnes of Bibles and Gospel books in about 100 languages every year. That needs to dramatically increase to meet the exponential church growth throughout the continent. The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. The Great Commission must be our supreme ambition.
The last command of Christ should be our first concern. The Church is called to be a House of Prayer for all nations.
We are called to "…disciple the nations, teaching obedience to all things that the Lord has commanded…" (Matthew 28:18-20).
Strategically Positioned in the Heart of Central Africa
Zambia is uniquely positioned in South Central Africa as an Oasis of stability and religious freedom, surrounded by troubled countries who have been torn apart by vicious civil wars. Since 1991, Zambia is committed to being a Christian nation and therefore has accepted the responsibility and duty to send out Missionaries and Evangelists into Congo to the North, Angola to the West, Mozambique and Zimbabwe to the East. And when Zambian soldiers are called upon to participate in international peacekeeping operations, they have the opportunity to be evangelistic witnesses to other troubled parts of the world.
"The harvest truly is plentiful, but the labourers are few. Therefore, pray the Lord of the Harvest to send out labourers into His harvest." Matthew 9:37-38
Quartermaster Store for Missions Throughout Africa
Frontline Fellowship will continue to do our best to provide sufficient Bibles, Gospels and Bible teaching materials, as well as produce and supply textbooks for chaplains, including the Old Testament Survey and New Testament Survey books. We also provide Chaplains Handbooks as textbooks for the Chaplains Training School.
“the Gospel of Christ… is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes…” Romans 1:16
Livingstone Chaplains Training School of Excellence
Dr David Livingstone is a highly respected name and example of excellence immediately recognisable worldwide. As Livingstone is so closely associated with Zambia and the Victoria Falls, the very name is inspiring and recalls images of the spectacular Victoria Falls and the mighty Zambezi River, which are powerful images of the Living Waters of Christ which must flow from our innermost beings.
A Mission to the Military for Over 42 Years
Frontline Fellowship grew out of a Bible study and prayer fellowship in the South African infantry. Over the last four decades, Frontline Fellowship has played a leading role in ministering to soldiers throughout South Africa, South-west Africa, amongst the UNITA freedom fighters of Angola, and RENAMO resistance fighters in Mozambique, and in working to train and set up the chaplaincy of the Sudanese People's Liberation Army of South Sudan, developing a comprehensive program for chaplaincy training. We have now been asked, by the Chaplain General of Zambia, to help establish a Chaplains Training School, at the Zambian town of Livingstone, near Victoria Falls and the Zambezi River.
Africa for Christ
This would not only be for military chaplains but also for training chaplains for the police and correctional services/ prisons and not only chaplains in Zambia but also chaplains from throughout Africa. This is a most strategic and important leadership training project that will have great impact for Evangelism and Discipleship throughout the continent of Africa and beyond.
"All the ends of the world shall remember and turn to the Lord and all the families of the nations shall worship before You. For the Kingdom is the Lord's and He rules over the nations." Psalm 22:27-28
My father was a Chaplain in the US Army. I trust this school will teach these future Chaplains how to apply the law of Hod to every area of life and advance His Kingdom.
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