Supporting Gail after Hurricanes Helene and Milton


 USD $6,525

Campaign created by James Conway

Campaign funds will be received by Gail Hamilton

Supporting Gail after Hurricanes Helene and Milton

Greetings All!

As we approach the end of this Campaign to Help Gail, I want to express my sincere Thanks to All for your generosity and thoughtfulness during this past Holiday season. Below is Gail's personal message to All summing up her sincere and heartfelt Thankfulness! Godspeed to All and Thanks, again!

Jim Conway

"I cannot begin to tell you what your kindness and generosity means to me. In the time of devastation when the world looked only bleak and dark without end, you stepped in and gave me something unexpected - a small light at the end of a long tunnel. You made me feel as though I was not alone and that you were willing to help me out of this darkness. I never realized how easy it is to become homeless. And with the homelessness comes so many problems. It is difficult for anyone to understand unless you have experienced it, and I would never wish it on anyone.
I will never have the home I lived in for 34 years and that is heartbreaking. And I will never have the photos and memorabilia from family and friends throughout my lifetime. So, I will have to carry all of that in my heart for the rest of my life and that will have to be enough.

Your willingness to step in and help gave me the strength I needed to move forward to deal with some of the problems associated with homelessness. I still have problems, but I am in a better place than I was before. My sister and her husband have provided a place for me to live temporarily, and that has been a God send. The money you have donated is being used to replace furniture and household items all lost in the storms and that is another God send.

The most important message I can send you is for you to understand that your willingness to help someone in times of dire need is more meaningful than anything else you might ever do in your lifetime.  I am so humbly grateful to each of you for your support."

Always, Gail

Original message:

Our friend and colleague, Gail Hamilton, has been devastated by the double hit of hurricanes Helene and Milton on the Gulf coast of Florida. Her home in Treasure Island is a total loss and she is at ground zero in terms of trying to start back up and build a new life and residence. Being a part-time resident of Florida myself and having worked and traveled with Gail over the past few years, when I saw the devastation of the hurricanes impact, I reached out and contacted her. Gail is a strong and independent woman but I asked her if we as friends and colleagues could somehow reach in and try to help her in a small way rebuild her life to which she humbly agreed.

Let’s come together at this critical time and special time of Thanksgiving for all we have and give a little of what we can to humbly help get Gail back on her feet in terms of rebuilding a home and her life.

Thank you, All !

James Conway

Houston, Texas and Vero Beach, Florida

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
18 days ago

I wish I could get more but this is just a token to let you know your friends care.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Praying that our second gift will further meet your needs Gail. Thanks to Jim for keeping this campaign alive.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Sending and love and prayers to my buddy, Gail

Donna Amos
$ 400.00 USD
2 months ago

Max Fratoddi
$ 250.00 USD
2 months ago

Gail, I hope by now you have been able to start to rebuild your life in FL. Best wishes, and I look forward to keeping in touch. Max

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

I pray this gift will provide you some of your current needs as you recover from a dreadful hurricane season.

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
2 months ago

Bob Seedhouse
$ 2500.00 USD
2 months ago

We Wish you The Best Gail ! Always, Bob

Brad G
$ 200.00 USD
2 months ago

Gail - Sorry to hear about your home. I'm glad you are ok!

$ 250.00 USD
2 months ago

We love you, Gail and are praying for a new home and a bright new chapter in your life. Please come stay with us for a while.

Mike C
$ 200.00 USD
2 months ago

I am very sorry to hear of the devastation to your home, Gail. My thoughts are with as you work towards restoring your life, as best that you can.

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
2 months ago

Gail - We are so sorry for what you are going through and we wish we were there to help you. We love you and are thinking about you! Leslie

Richard Rivers
$ 200.00 USD
2 months ago

Gail, Had no idea you were dealing with this situation. Hopefully this effort, thanks to Jim, will help you get back on your feet. Rich

$ 200.00 USD
2 months ago

Gail, so sorry to hear about your situation. Hope you get back to a place you want. Wish we had had the chance to work together again. All the best

Vince S
$ 500.00 USD
2 months ago


Lets Help Gail rebuild
$ 500.00 USD
2 months ago


Update #1

January 28th, 2025

 Greetings All!

As we approach the end of this Campaign to Help Gail, I want to express my sincere Thanks to All for your generosity and thoughtfulness during this past Holiday season. Below is Gail's personal message to All summing up her sincere and heartfelt Thankfulness! Godspeed to All and Thanks, again!

Jim Conway

"I cannot begin to tell you what your kindness and generosity means to me. In the time of devastation when the world looked only bleak and dark without end, you stepped in and gave me something unexpected - a small light at the end of a long tunnel. You made me feel as though I was not alone and that you were willing to help me out of this darkness. I never realized how easy it is to become homeless. And with the homelessness comes so many problems. It is difficult for anyone to understand unless you have experienced it, and I would never wish it on anyone.
I will never have the home I lived in for 34 years and that is heartbreaking. And I will never have the photos and memorabilia from family and friends throughout my lifetime. So, I will have to carry all of that in my heart for the rest of my life and that will have to be enough.

Your willingness to step in and help gave me the strength I needed to move forward to deal with some of the problems associated with homelessness. I still have problems, but I am in a better place than I was before. My sister and her husband have provided a place for me to live temporarily, and that has been a God send. The money you have donated is being used to replace furniture and household items all lost in the storms and that is another God send.

The most important message I can send you is for you to understand that your willingness to help someone in times of dire need is more meaningful than anything else you might ever do in your lifetime.  I am so humbly grateful to each of you for your support."

Always, Gail

Prayer Requests

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