Lee Rides Again


 USD $200,000


 USD $31,824

Campaign created by 

Campaign funds will be received by William Shifflett

Lee Rides Again


When your grandchildren ask what you did when our monuments were torn down, what will you say?  Will you tell them that you sat idly by and watched?  Or will you tell them that you made a stand against the destruction of our history?

Join the Gordonsville Grays Sons of Confederate Veterans as we raise funds for a new equestrian statue of General Robert E. Lee based on the one removed from Richmond's Monument Avenue. The new monument will be at full scale (21' bronze) and go on private property at Lee Jackson Memorial Park, just north of Lexington, Virginia.  This park is owned by the Stonewall Brigade SCV Camp and in coming years will become a destination for all those who appreciate Southern history to visit.

Phase one is set at $200,000 for the bronze ingots and initial process of enlarging the clay model created by sculptor Tom Gallo.  Then will come the casting process and the pedestal.  We appreciate your consideration and hope you will join us in raising a new monument to Robert E. Lee, an American hero who sacrificed everything in the defense of Virginia, the South, and constitutional government.  With your help, we will see to it that Lee Rides Again! 

Visit our website for more information on the monument campaign: www.LeeRidesAgain.com and visit www.LeeJacksonPark.com for more information on the park where the statue will go.

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
3 days ago

Joshua Day
$ 5.00 USD
14 days ago

Thank you and God Bless Robert E. Lee

Amber Osborne
$ 10.00 USD
14 days ago

$ 10.00 USD
14 days ago

I hope to see the new Lee monument soon

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
18 days ago

Mark Wright
$ 5.00 USD
24 days ago

Donating in honor of my 4th great grandfather Lieutenant Robert Shanklin Salyer of the 50th Virginia infantry

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Proud Son of Confederates
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

Dr Arnold M Huskins
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Donated in memory of Pvt Andrew J. Abee, Co. D, 11th North Carolina Infantry, POW at Point Lookout, died 20 February 1865

Amber Osborne
$ 10.00 USD
1 month ago

$ 10.00 USD
1 month ago

I hope to see the new Lee monument soon

Joshua Day
$ 5.00 USD
1 month ago

Thank you and God Bless Robert E. Lee.

Anonymous Giver
$ 90.00 USD
1 month ago

Kristin Kruse
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

Donna Evans
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
2 months ago

Heard about campaign on Gab. God bless!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Joshua Aaron Day
$ 5.00 USD
2 months ago

Thank you and God bless Robert E. Lee !

Amber Osborne
$ 10.00 USD
2 months ago

$ 10.00 USD
2 months ago

I hope to see the new Lee monument soon


November Update

November 13th, 2024

Happy Fall everyone, we are approaching $110,000 raised between online and mailed donations! Thank you for your continued support of the Lee Rides Again project. Our camp was busy this summer setting up at fairs, relic shows, and heritage events to spread the word.

Our sculptor, historical artist Tom Gallo, has been working some changes to the clay model over the summer and fall. Understandably he has also had to take some time for other projects as he is generously donating his time for Lee Rides Again. We will be picking up the model in the next few weeks and plan to update the website as soon as possible with a new photo gallery.

We are also talking with a company that can digitally scan the clay model and produce miniatures of it. Many of you have been patiently waiting for this and we hope to have the model scanned in January, at which point we will be able to give information on sizing, cost, etc. Thank you again for standing with us as we seek to rebuild the monument to one of America’s greatest heroes.

Fundraising and progress update

April 7th, 2024

Happy Confederate History month from the Gordonsville Grays! 

The Lee Rides Again monument project is moving forward with almost $95,000 raised in total!  We are looking forward to displaying the model at the SCV Virginia Division Convention in a couple weeks. Our artist, Tom Gallo, has been refining it at his studio the last several months and we will soon have updated photos to show the changes and remarkable detail he has added.

Our next step is to have a foundry digitally photograph and map the clay model into a 3D computer model. We are talking with a couple foundries about this process and both are friendly to our cause. One specifically refused to melt the Charlottesville Lee monument when offered the job. Once the model is mapped, we will have a bronze copy made at its current scale. This will be much easier to transport and display than the clay model and in the future it will be raffled off as a fundraiser. Our goal is to have the bronze model on display at the SCV National Reunion in Charleston this July. Smaller copies of the model are still planned as well for donors to be able to have one of their own.

Once we have the bronze model cast, we will be focused on expanding the campaign to those outside of our immediate heritage organizations. Americans are disgusted at the destruction of our history and want to do something about it. Thank you to everyone who has supported the Lee Rides Again project so far! You are all a part of this critical work to preserve the legacy of General Robert E. Lee for generations to come.

To learn more about our effort to recreate Richmond’s Lee monument, visit our website at www.LeeRidesAgain.com. 

Update and response to melting of Charlottesville Lee

October 28th, 2023

We are now just over $70,000 raised toward the new Lee monument!  (The amount shown on the givesendgo campaign only reflects what has been donated online.)  Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far! Our sculptor Tom Gallo has been hard at work on refining the clay model and we will be posting updated photos of his work to our website in the next couple of weeks. In the meantime, please read our recent public statement on the destruction of Charlottesville's Lee statue:

“By now you’ve probably heard that Charlottesville’s Lee monument has been melted down. We’ve been told this was necessary for ‘healing’ and ‘reconciliation’. The statue was melted in secret, supposedly out of fear that hate groups would target the foundry. The irony is that the Charlottesville City Council and the Jefferson school were the only hate groups involved in the recent court case and destruction of the monument.

Everything they’ve done has been motivated by a hatred for Robert E Lee and those who admire him. City Council gave the monument to the Jefferson school out of hatred, knowing their plan was to melt it down. They removed it and cut it into small pieces out of hatred. They delayed and obfuscated the court case out of hatred (even hatred for the rule of law). They published photos of Lee’s head in the furnace out of hatred. They’ve chosen the anniversary of the statue’s unveiling to announce the selection of a new design out of hatred. Their campaign has been one of division, vindictiveness, and spite, not healing and reconciliation.

The Gordonsville Grays, however, have never been motivated by hatred. Indeed, we are motivated by more powerful things: love and admiration. Love for our Southern heritage that no professor, no city councilor, and no governor could ever tear down. Love for a tradition of duty, honor, and courage that no foundry could ever destroy. Admiration for a man who sacrificed everything in defense of his home and deeply held principles. Admiration for a brilliant general who preferred to be known simply as a humble Christian.

We have chosen to respond to the hatred directed at General Lee by leading the charge to raise a new monument in his honor. The efforts to crush our spirit and make us angry have only encouraged us that our mission is more vital than ever—it is our responsibility to remember our history.

To date we have raised over $70,000. Thanks to the Stonewall Brigade Camp 1296, we have a spectacular location to raise it at the new Lee Jackson Memorial Park. We have a small scale clay model that was unveiled in April. Sculptor Tom Gallo has been hard at work on refining it for the last several months (new photos coming) and we will soon be taking it on tour to help raise funds.

If you are among the millions of Americans who still hold dear the legacy of Robert E Lee, won’t you stand with us? When your grandchildren ask what you did when they melted down the statue of Lee, what will you tell them? Did you sit idly by or did you make a stand against the destruction of our history? The men of the Gordonsville Grays are making a stand and we encourage you to join us. If you’re able to donate you can mail a check to:

Gordonsville Grays

PO Box 204 Gordonsville, VA 22942

*Please note Lee Rides Again in the memo

Or you can donate online (small fee goes to transaction provider) at givesendgo.com/leeridesagain.

We also need your prayers. Lee’s true greatness was not in his incredible ability to lead men, but in his incredible humility to follow Jesus in all things. We recognize that without God’s blessing we will not succeed. Join us and together we will see to it that Lee rides again!"

Gordonsville Grays


Location announcement!

April 25th, 2023

Since the Lee Rides Again project began, the question we have been asked most often is where will the statue go? After a year of searching, the Gordonsville Grays are proud to announce that our future monument now has a home. After much consideration we have decided to partner with the great Stonewall Brigade Camp 1296 to put the monument at the new Lee Jackson Park just north of Lexington, Virginia! While our original location area was proposed between Richmond and Charlottesville (close to Gordonsville), we can hardly imagine a better location than Lee Jackson Park. There the monument will have unparalleled visibility on land owned by the SCV and only a short drive from General Lee’s final resting place. If you have not heard about the yeoman’s work being done by the Stonewall Brigade, you can read more about the park on their website: Leejacksonpark.com. It is going to be a destination for Southerners where we can honor our history for generations to come. We couldn’t be happier to partner with camp 1296 and we look forward to the day when visitors to Lee Jackson Park will be able to see a magnificent equestrian statue of General Lee just as we once did on Monument Avenue. Stay tuned in the weeks to come as we will be making another announcement on the Lee Rides Again project soon. We are now over $50,000 raised and we thank every one of you that has donated, from $5 to $1,000 you are all a part of raising a new Lee monument!
Update #2

July 28th, 2022

Our current total raised from online and mailed donations for the Lee Rides Again monument campaign stands at $39,455.21!  Thank you to everyone who is supporting and believing in this project, with your help we will have an equestrian statue of General Lee once more in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Update #1

December 10th, 2021

As of 12/05/2021 across all platforms we've taken in about $8000 in donations. That number is the gross donations not the net after payment processing fees were incurred. 

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.