LeRoy’s Road to Recovery


 USD $7,992

Campaign created by Emily Bechtel

LeRoy’s Road to Recovery

On October the 16th LeRoy Bechtel had a large brain bleed (hemorrhagic stroke). Many of you have asked "How can I help?". The truth is that the real need lies in the new expenses & "unknowns" that face Ruth, Leanna, and LeRoy. 

The rehab hospital that LeRoy needs is currently shutdown in our area due to the affects of Hurricane Helene. Meaning, the family will potentially need to stay elsewhere. 

These funds will go directly to Ruth Bechtel, LeRoy’s wife & directly support the care/new expenses she is faced with.

Thank you for all of your prayers. We see them moving.

An Update on Dad - 10/27/2024 

It’s been 11 days since dad had a massive hemorrhagic stroke (a brain bleed).

In those 11 days he’s gone from ER to Neuro ICU, to a Trauma Step-down unit, to a general Med-Surge unit. 

He is stable, and continues to make some progress, but it is very slow and very small. He seems to be a little bit stronger every day - stronger voice, stronger grip in his Right hand, and stronger resolve. He still has little to no feeling on his left side, and no strength at all in his left arm or leg. He is able to eat semi-solid and soft foods. All liquids must still be thickened. His mind seems to be quite sharp still. 

His access to PT is limited as the hospital is short-staffed and overworked after the impact of Hurricane Helene in the region. Dad’s doctors and nurses have been encouraging Mom to exercise his limbs and joints, and to take on a greater role as caregiver. This has been difficult to come to terms with and a big adjustment. 

The hospital still has no permanent water source, and is having to truck in water every day, so visitors are limited to one at a time. 

Mom and Leanna have been there with Dad every day since his stroke. Emily and I have been there much of that time, too. Emily has been such a blessing to our family and Dad. As an RN, she is able to give him individualized care and attention, when she is there. She also has a wealth of experience and knowledge, having gone through a similar experience with her Mom. 

Dad will be evaluated for an intensive inpatient rehab facility on Monday. There is a very good rehab hospital in Asheville, called CarePartners, which has been closed since the hurricane, due to not having water. The next closest one is in Johnson City, TN - Quillen Rehabilitation Hospital - typically a 45 minute drive, but slightly longer now due to a destroyed bridge on I-26 and a detour through Erwin, TN. 

If Dad is approved for the rehab hospital in Johnson City, then housing, gas, food, groceries for Mom and Leanna, and other things we can’t even think of or anticipate at this point, will be pressing needs in the days ahead.

It will be a very long road to recovery for Dad. This has been very hard for all of us, but we know that God is good, that He is the Great Physician, and that He is holding Dad in His hands through this whole ordeal. 

We continue to covet your prayers and support! 

Thank you. To God be the glory, 


Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
1 month ago

Faith Ind Baptist Church
$ 3000.00 USD
2 months ago

Gordy Chapin
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

We were so sorry to hear of this serious condition you and your family is faced with. We pray God will give you a peace in the middle of this crisis and strength to deal with the rehab. Stay strong brother - love you. Gordy

Wilma Smith
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

I am so saddened by the latest news. It is events and times like these when sheltering in God's care is the best and only way. May the Lord give of you His overwhelming peace and presence. Praying He will provide your every need and keep you in His tender care.

Joanna Fox
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

God is certainly our refuge … a very present help in time of trouble. We hurt for you guys & stand behind you praying in faith for God’s healing power, physically & emotionally, to be poured into your lives. Knowing that His constant love will hold you close & His Spirit will fill you with shalom & hope of your future inheritance.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Faith mighty faith the promises that looks to God alone. Laugh at Impossibility and looks to God alone.

$ 200.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
2 months ago

Praying for the Music Man
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

The DeMeyers
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

The Canham Family
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 300.00 USD
2 months ago

Hank and Sue
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Continuing to pray for your healing LeRoy!

Wayne Leach
$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

Leroy met so much to me when I was a young Trumpet Player. May God send you beautiful music to help you heal.

Steve and Judi
$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

Praying for you both for strength and healing.

Roger and Linda Bailey
$ 500.00 USD
3 months ago

Patty Li
$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago

Sending prayers and love,

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
3 months ago

We love you all so much! Praying for healing, strength, peace, encouragement, and provision. . . in Jesus' mighty name!

Cornelia Tiller
$ 36.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 800.00 USD
3 months ago

Leroy has meant so much to many people. Happy to help and pray for his recovery.


Update #2

November 2nd, 2024

Yesterday was a really good, and surprising day with Dad. 

But first, some context and disappointment. 

Dad, at the time of this update, has still not been transferred to a rehab facility. 

There was some confusion between the doctors at the Rehabilitation Hospital of Kingsport and the doctors at Mission Hospital in Asheville. We’re not sure how or why the confusion occurred but here’s a few things we found out along the way. 

Dad had a midline shift of 8mm. A midline shift is a shift of the brain past its center line. A midline shift indicates that there is pressure in the skull, pressing on the brain, and is a very serious and potentially life-threatening diagnosis. In Dad’s case, the midline shift is a result of his brain bleed, but the brain is re-absorbing that blood, and at his age and condition that is the only viable treatment option. 

We also found out that Dad’s hemoglobin levels were low. This can indicate bleeding somewhere in the body. In Dad’s case, his low hemoglobin levels were a result of low fluid intake. Initially, the medical team was limiting his fluid intake to help keep his blood pressure down and well-regulated. Since then, they have increased his fluid intake and his hemoglobin has returned to normal levels. 

Yesterday, Dad was upbeat and seemed to have more energy. He was moving his Right arm and hand freely and reaching and grabbing for things on his bedside table. This is a major improvement and shows that his strength is returning. 

Dad was actually able to wiggle the toes on his Left foot! That is a major improvement and shows great progress as his brain tries to repair itself and make reconnections. 

We were told that part of his brain that had been damaged by the brain bleed was related to music, but Dad was singing a little yesterday. 

We went to the hospital discouraged, frustrated, and bracing ourselves, but we found Dad in the best state he has been in since his stroke and showing great progress and improvement! 

We are praising God for the healing work, progress and improvement in Dad, and looking forward to him being approved to be transported to the rehab hospital in Kingsport, TN. 

A keyboard has also been secured for Dad and shipped to the rehab hospital in Kingsport, thanks to Mom and Dad’s church in Bradenton, FL - Calvary Baptist. 

Continue to pray with us that Dad would be approved and transported soon, and continue to pray that God would provide housing for Mom and Leanna near the Hospital in Kingsport. We are praising the Lord for His financial provision, while praying for continued support, as well. 

We thank you for your continued prayers and support. 

Update #1

October 30th, 2024

Dad is supposed to be transported to a rehabilitation hospital in Kingsport, TN some time today. 

Kingsport is over 60 miles from Weaverville, NC, where Mom and Dad live. Travel time is about an hour and a half. 

Prayer request: Pray that we can find Mom and Leanna an affordable place to stay, which isn’t too far from Dad’s rehab hospital. 

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.

  • Pray that we can find Mom and Leanna an affordable place to stay, which isn’t too far from Dad’s rehab hospital.