USD $106,000
USD $89,253
Campaign funds will be received by Ashley Harvey
After dealing with dizziness, vertigo and headaches, our dear friend Kyle had an MRI of his brain on October 4th which revealed a large, extensive tumor on his brain stem.
After initial consultation with doctors, it was determined that the tumor is inoperable.
Over the past two months, as they prayed and sought the Lord’s direction and leading, Kyle has had both a shunt placed to drain fluid and relieve symptoms, as well as a biopsy on the tumor to identify the exact type of tumor and to help inform their best course of treatment.
Kyle’s tumor has been identified as a Grade 3 Astrocytoma. Thankfully, his genetic make-up means that he is very likely to respond to treatment. His prognosis is a high likelihood of 3-5 years with the standard of care - radiation and chemotherapy.
After meeting with oncologists and radiologists here at home in Indy, Kyle and Ashley flew to Texas to get second and third opinions and to discuss alternative treatment options with the Burzynski Clinic and MD Anderson.
After much prayer and discussion, they decided to start treatment at the Burzynski Clinic the week of November 27th. This treatment included around the clock infusions, biweekly injections, and a few oral medications. They stayed in Houston for a few weeks and then flew home to continue the treatment in Indy. This also includes blood work every week as well as a follow up MRI in late January 2024. They should know by then how he is responding to the treatment. We are all thankful for their opportunity to start this treatment and believe the Lord will continue to provide.
However, this approach is considered alternative treatment as it is not the typical standard of care (which includes radiation and chemotherapy). The Harveys have decided against radiation at this time, as they believe it is best for their family. Kyle’s tumor is located deep in his brain stem which is the hub of communication to many important areas of the body. If they had decided to proceed with radiation, several inches of healthy brain cells would have to be radiated to get access to the tumor. Additionally, the prognosis for standard of care is an average of only 3-5 years. We are all praying for much longer.
Because this treatment is not the standard of care, and because many of these medications have
just recently been approved by the FDA, insurance does not cover most of the cost. Additionally, patients generally receive treatment for an average of 3 to 8 months. Therefore, the total cost for this treatment will be a tremendous financial burden on their family.
Kyle and Ashley started alternative treatment at Health and Wellness in Carmel, Indiana in October and have already paid out-of-pocket for this care at nearly $20,000. However, we would love to see friends and family rally around them to help with upcoming costs for additional alternative treatment with the Burzynski Clinic.
The costs for travel, temporary housing, logistics and medicine for the initial three months are estimated below. If the Lord leads you to consider helping financially, they would be blessed by your act of giving.
Thank you for your continued prayers and consideration of their financial needs.
Estimated Financial Needs
$ 3,000 - Air Travel to Houston (two trips)
$ 3,500 - Lodging in Houston (two trips)
$ 1,000 - Car Rental (two trips)
$ 1,250 - Initial Consultation
$ 17,000 - Burzynski Clinic Fees (December 2023)
$ 17,000 - Burzynski Clinic Fees (January 2024)
$ 17,000 - Burzynski Clinic Fees (February 2024)
$ 59,750 - TOTAL through February 2024
Continuing to pray for you all.
This Direct Funding Grant is provided by GiveSendGo Charities. We pray that you will continue to find Hope as you press through the difficulties caused by this situation. May God bless you and continue to provide. Philippians 4:19
Continuing to pray for you all. We love you.
Prayers and love to all of you!
Continuing to pray for you all.
We’re continually lifting you up in prayer.
Prayers for your family!!
We continue to pray for you all every day. We love you!
Prayers continue for your family!
We love you all and are praying for you every day.
We are praying for your family and continue to lift you up to the God Who Sees for strength and hope and healing and guidance! Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes up to the hills, where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth."
Praying for you in all areas. Your lives are such a witness to God's sustaining power and strong faith!
Praying for you all.
The way you all have been honoring God through this whole thing has been so impactful in my life.
You are so brave and so faithful! May God heal Kyle and bless all of you greatly!!
July 24th, 2024
December 29th, 2023
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