USD $19,330
Campaign funds will be received by Carli Taufer
Friday January 10, 2025 Kip suffered a stroke. He had been recovering from pneumonia and respiratory illness since Christmas. On Thursday, he starting feeling numbness in his left arm and on Friday he starting having facial drooping. An ambulance took him to OSF Medical Center where he was diagnosed with a blood clot in his carotid artery and a blood clot in his brain. He was taken to interventional radiology where they were able to remove both clots. He currently has left sided paralysis. He had surgery to remove part of his skull to relieve the pressure. He has battled through so much and is greatly humbled by all the love and support he has received. He will be transferred to Shirley-Ryan rehabilitation center in Chicago sometime this week. Please continue in prayer for his progression towards complete healing. He boldly proclaimed, "My God can, My God will and even if He doesn't, I will worship Him!" They will be incurring financial costs in the coming months as Kip stays at the center: (ambulance transfer, travel, food, transportation costs, etc) Please lift Kip up to the Lord and support as the Spirit leads. They are so thankful for each one of you!
Praying for continued recovery and restoration.
Praying each day for the Lord to give you new strength and healing, Kip! Surrounding your family in prayers, too, as you all love each other through it!
Prayers for a fast recovery for you. All your hard work is already paying off!
Praying for you Kip and family!
You are in our constant prayers
Carli and Kip, we've been praying for you and your children and hope Kip will make a complete recovery. We love you. Greg Kaiser.
Praying for Kip, Carli and family!
Happy to give to someone I have benefitted so much from.
Praying for you.
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