USD $10,000
USD $5,025
Campaign funds will be received by Kim Salopek
My mom, Kim Salopek was recently diagnosed in November 2024 with head and neck cancer (throat), stage 1. If you are able to do so, please help with any contribution amount towards the high costs of her holistic treatment. She has already had a few oncologist doctor visits, bloodwork, a CT scan, a biopsy, a PET Scan, and also 4 visits with her naturopathic doctor. The naturopathic doctor visits are not covered by insurance. She is also taking a lot of costly herbal supplements. Healing prayers are truly needed and appreciated as well. She is faithfully trusting in her Lord and Savior, Jesus, the Greatest Physician of all to bring complete healing and deliverance from this very rough journey. Thank you so much, and may God bless you.
Prayers sent for your full recovery, Kim! At times of crisis like this, the lord offers to take your yolk for His yolk is easy and His burdens light. Listen to His still small Quiet Voice and gain your strength from it.
Kim , hope this helps with your situation. Prayers and God Bless
"Thank you so much good friend, Mark for your very overgenerous and thoughtful donation. I appreciate it so much. Prayers for you, too. God bless you!" By Kim Salopek
"Thank you my very dear, sweet, & longtime friend. I appreciate your overgenerous & thoughtful donation so much. Thank you for your continued prayers." By Kim Salopek
We love you and will continue to pray for you and your family.
"Thank you so much for your kind, generous, thoughtful donation, & continued prayers. I appreciate it so much. We love you all, too. God bless you.
Sending all our love. Liam and I pray for you every night. Love, The Perkins
"Thank you Perkins Family for your kind, thoughtful, & generous donation. I appreciate you & Liam’s prayers every night so much. God bless. Love, Kim" By Kim Salopek
Prayers for you!
"Thank you so very much for your kind, thoughtful, & generous donation. Thank you also for your prayers. They mean a lot. God bless you. Love, Kim " By Kim Salopek
Praying for you. Your sister in Christ
"Thank you so much, my Sister in Christ for your kind, thoughtful, & generous donation. Thank you for your prayers, too. God bless you. Love, Kim" By Kim Salopek
Keeping you close to my heart and in my prayers. Xoxo.
"Thank you so much, sweet Kristina for your kind, thoughtful, & generous donation. I appreciate your continued prayers so much. God bless you. xoxo " By Kim Salopek
January 29th, 2025
My recent naturopathic doctor visit on 1/24/25 at 3:30 p.m. went pretty well. However, in spite of having to make the very dreaded decision to send our beloved 15 year old Sheltie Heidi over The Rainbow Bridge that very same day that morning, it brought on added stress as I was in deep grief. My doctor even noticed this from the testing results she administered. She put me on 3 new herbal supplements, one of them is $110, and the other two were $34 and $20. I also needed a nutritional supplement that was only $11. I can’t thank all of you enough for your over generous and thoughtful donations. I appreciate them all so very much from the bottom of my heart. I also can’t thank you all enough for your continued prayers, and I know and faithfully trust that my wonderful Savior and Healer Jesus is working it all out according to His great will for me. May God bless each one of you. Much love and hugs. 🙏✝️❤️🤗
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