Killing Cancer, Not Ann


 USD $30,000


 USD $23,495

Campaign created by Nancy Jaminet

Campaign funds will be received by Ann Heine

Killing Cancer, Not Ann

Dear family & friends,

We are launching this campaign for our dearest sister and daughter, Ann (Jaminet) Heine. Having lived a vibrant, health-conscious life, Ann was very dismayed to be diagnosed with breast cancer (including some lymph nodes) in March 2022.Subsequent testing revealed metastasis to some bones, so it is classified as stage 4.

Ann is the faithful wife to her husband, Brian, and loving mother of 3 beautiful children, Paula, Josie, and Vincent. She is the glue and heart of the Heine household. Ann is a graduate of Franciscan University. After college, Ann taught at The Highlands School in Irving, TX, where she became engaged to Brian, who was acquiring his masters degree at the University of Dallas. They moved to Washington, near Brian’s family, where Ann has been a busy wife, homeschooling mom, and active parishioner at Holy Rosary.Running a family while battling cancer is a daunting task. It takes time, energy, and money. Financial gifts to Ann will go a long way in bringing peace to the family and easing the stress of paying for treatments and expenses that we anticipate will continue for at least the coming year.

What will your donation cover? Ann has set up a dedicated medical expense account, into which your donation will go. She wants to use the best treatments in the conventional and natural medicine worlds that are best for her situation. As anyone who has battled cancer knows, insurance only goes so far.This fund will cover the copays for seeing specialists, such as her integrative oncologist, and expensive tests and scans to monitor the status of her tumors. In addition, Ann sees specialists and uses tests and therapies not covered by insurance. In some cases, these require travel. She is devoted to shrinking the tumors, supporting her body’s immune system, and detoxing her body.She follows a daily regime of prayer, exercise, organic foods, supplements, and other therapies such as intermittent fasting and infrared sauna. Ann has done much research and continues to investigate natural supportive therapies to give her body every chance to fight off cancer without killing off her immune system.Her goal is to Kill Cancer, Not Ann!  

Above all, please consider supporting Ann with your prayers. We know how precious the Lord is to Ann, and your prayers will surround her with His warmth and love. Her main prayer request right now is for healing, of course, and for increased trust - trust in God's providential, healing love through it all. A quote from St. Padre Pio helps ground her: Pray, Hope, and Don't Worry. Kindly consider praying the following prayer (Ann says it daily).

Heavenly Father, I call on You right now in a special way.It is through Your power that Ann was created.Every breath she takes, every morning she wakes, and every moment of every hour, she lives under Your power.

Father, we ask You now to touch Ann with that same power: for if You created her from nothing, You can certainly recreate her. Fill her with the healing power of Your Spirit. Cast out anything that should not be in her.Mend what is broken. Root out any unproductive cells. Open any blocked arteries or veins and rebuild any damaged areas. Remove all inflammation and cleanse any infection.

Let the warmth of Your healing love pass through Ann’s body to make new any unhealthy areas so that her body will function the way You created it to function. 

And Father, restore Ann to full health in mind, body, and spirit, so she may serve You the rest of her life. I ask this through Christ, Our Lord. Amen. (Printed with permission from Heavenly Father Prayer Card. For copies please go to

St. Peregrine, patron saint of persons suffering from cancer, pray for us!

St. Padre Pio, pray for us!

Blessed Mother Mary, pray for us!

Come, Lord Jesus, may the healing light of your Holy Spirit SURGE through Ann’s body! 

Thank you for your support and generosity! For updates, follow this campaign on GiveSendGo.

Please consider a small donation to GiveSendGo. Aside from the processing fee paid to a financial institution to send the money, these fine folks take NO percentage of your donation. 

Recent Donations
Nick and Brooke Landis
$ 380.00 USD
24 days ago

Blessings to you and your family ❤️

Anonymous Giver
$ 1000.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Merry Christmas!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Monsignor Robert Siler
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

I will offer a Mass for Ann and the family today and during the Christmas season.

Anonymous Giver
$ 1000.00 USD
2 months ago

Hi Ann, I love you. I am praying for you and offering up masses.

Christine C
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

We all love you, Ann, and will be praying!

$ 5.00 USD
2 months ago

Prayers for your beautiful family! May our God of miracles heal you completely!

Emily Flippin Maruna
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Sending you my best wishes and thoughts of healing

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
2 months ago

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Tonja Dilly
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Laura Fidler
$ 20.00 USD
2 months ago

Sending prayers for healing and many, many gifts of financial, moral, and spiritual support.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
10 months ago

HI Heine Family, I was a friend of Paula's back in school. I wanted to let you know that you are in my prayers. My dad is currently battling Pancreatic Cancer, so I understand the toll you are going through. As I'm sure you're aware, alternative medicine is out there. My dad started taking an over the counter medicine called Fenbenzodole in Novermber of 2023 and it seems like it may be helping.

Karen and Wes Tagtmeyer
$ 200.00 USD
10 months ago

$ 38.00 USD
11 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 555.00 USD
11 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 120.00 USD
11 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 150.00 USD
1 year ago


Update #4

November 5th, 2024

Update Nov. 4, 2024

Dear Family and Friends,


Thank you for backing me on my healing journey. I keep learning what works and moving forward.

Paula’s plea in Feb. was at a low point financially and emotionally, but I was actually doing quite well physically at that time.

I always feel weird asking for donations, but I know I will feel much better about it if I can somehow give back. I pray for all who are praying for and giving to me.

But, besides praying, I thought it may be helpful to someone to feature one therapy, healing food, supplement, etc. that I am using in more frequent updates (We’ll see how long I can keep it up!) and to share more detail about my journey. I may give a more detailed account of all the ups and downs of the past two plus years, for those who are interested. But for now, I’ll jump to the most recent months, and where I am at now.

Here's the short of it:

I was doing very well. Now there are signs of returning cancerous activity. I am disappointed, but still undaunted. I know what I need to do, but I can’t do it without money. Can you help? God bless you!

Here’s the long of it:

Since I got on the targeted therapy meds in Feb. 2023, my monthly CEA cancer markers have been going steadily down, with the exception of minor upticks here and there, from 21.3 in June 2023 to 5.4 in Oct 2024. Normal range is 0 to 4.7, so I’m almost there! I’m shooting for closer to zero.

A PET scan in August 2023 showed a ⅔ reduction in the cancerous activity in the breast and right 8th rib (the worst spot in the bones), and NO activity in the sacrum (which wasn’t as bad as the rib). The bone lesions were no longer described as “lytic” (meaning, the cancer is making holes), but as “osteoblastic,” (meaning, there was growth, presumably of the healing kind, not the cancerous kind, given the reduction in the activity). They are scars!

The Signaterra test for circulating tumor DNA in the blood, taken every three months or so, went from 7.1 Mean Tumor Molecules per mL in January of 2023 to 0.04 MTM/mL in June. Then it was ZERO from July of 2023 to July of 2024!

I have some relatively minor side effects from the targeted medications. I have lost hair. It was a bit disconcerting to pull out waist long strands in the shower, so I got my hair cut to shoulder length, so that it wouldn’t seem like so much! Taking biotin has seemed to help. So, though it has thinned a bit, you can hardly tell.

My nails also became more brittle. I have to keep them filed all the way down. Oh, and my eyelashes are still there, but are much shorter.

I felt very well during most of this time. I slept, ate, and exercised well.

Unfortunately, recent changes seem to indicate that things are heading in the wrong direction.

Since the spring, I’ve been feeling more aches in the cancer spots. The past two months, especially, I have started to feel a little of the old familiar soreness in some lymph areas, to have headaches, and to have bouts of tiredness. My stomach has been aching occasionally, and my digestion is off, which I have never had a problem with before. This last one is most concerning to me, as gut health is SO important for one’s immune function. It is likely the effects of the medication. Grrrr! I have a love/hate relationship with that stuff!

And in August, the Signaterra result was not zero. It was 0.05 MTM/mL, which is “positive below the analytical range,” so not huge…but not zero. The doc ordered another test at 7 weeks, rather than the usual 3 months, and it went up a tad more, to 0.10. I am grateful to have a test that gives an early indication of a problem.

In Sept, the CEA went from 4.9 to 6.4, more than the typical occasional minor uptick. Interestingly, in Oct, it was back down to 5.4. Maybe because I kicked back into high gear with the supplements and therapies? All the other symptoms improved, too. These natural supports really make a difference!

I may get another PET scan soon, if insurance will pay for it. Though I do like to know the info the PET gives, I dread the radiation. I would really like to do a couple of other tests I have learned about that are non-toxic to regularly monitor my progress from here on out. But that means more money!

So, why is this happening?

It may be that the cancer has mutated so that the Verzenio is no longer working. The average “progression free survival” is 16.4 months, and I’ve been on it now for 21 months. And started feeling symptoms months ago. Doc says the Verzenio may still be working, but just less effectively. He has ordered a DNA test (like the original biopsy but using my blood instead of the tissue) to see if there are any new mutations that could be targeted with another drug.

I have also been much less consistent with therapies. Part of that is good. I realized I was stressing out about doing things perfectly, so I purposely loosened up a bit, and allowed myself to get back to real life and do more things that I enjoy and that are future oriented. This was healthy. But then I noticed I was being a bit complacent with the therapies, and even (uncharacteristically!) thinking “I’ll be ok; I’m on the meds.” I also got just plain tired of it all! I’m…human. Not having the money for stuff is probably the biggest reason for the inconsistency.

I wonder…if I threw ALL my therapies at it, would the meds start to be effective again? I know I’d feel better. Or maybe they are still working as they were before but need the natural therapies to be most effective? I need to be consistent with the natural therapies!

 I also had a lot of stress this past spring and summer, from two family members with serious health issues, finishing a bathroom remodel, decluttering and having a yard sale, concerns about the upcoming election, my seven chickens being killed by a dog, and of course, the ever present anxiety of “I don’t have the money to buy the supplements and therapies I need, and I am embarrassed/ too proud to ask, woe is me, whatever can I do?” I obviously have some work to do on my emotional and mental health as well!

I’m told, "Just ask! If people can and want to give, they will. If they can’t or don’t want to, they won’t. Don't complicate it, Ann! It's simple!”

So, I’m asking. I think I will even increase the goal, because I know that it takes consistency, for years, to completely heal. I'm finally working on a monthly budget so I can come up with a reasonable amount and I intend to be more assertive about getting this campaign out to more people. I know I will be less stressed if there is a larger sum available so that I can be consistent and also do things like schedule testing well in advance, sign up for cost-saving monthly subscriptions for supplements, and pay off the oncology copays before they build up.

I know it is possible to have "No Evidence of Disease." I know people who had worse symptoms than me who have done it, with an integrated or even an all-natural approach!

So, whether you donate, share, or pray, or some combination of those, I thank you, and may God bless you for it! Whatever YOU are going through in YOUR life, "Pray, hope, and don't worry!" I love and pray for you!



Update #3

February 6th, 2024

Hello Family, Friends, and Neighbors!

Cancer is a constant anxiety-mongering whisper in the minds of whoever has it. We need to get the fundraiser for my mother going again. Mom has been battling for almost two years now, and has won battles with the generous aid and support of family and friends. But she needs your further help to firmly turn the tide and leap upward on the path to recovery in this war.  

Mom has another Signaterra test result (important cancer marker test that measures circulating tumor DNA) coming in around the end of this week. Mom is feeling physically well (mostly) but we want to strengthen and nourish her bones, continue to bolster her immunity, and crush the cancer once and for all. We are aiming for a goal of $30,000.  

Mom needs the extra money to cover medicines over time that are helping but are not covered by insurance. She needs to support her bones. Because of the lack of money she hasn't even been able to do some of the things that her oncologist recommends recently. To me as her daughter I want to care for her and help her care for herself. That's why I'm publishing this update.  

Please donate, share with as many people as you can find in your heart to, and pray. No one should have to suffer in fear of cancer's menace. Let's get to our goal as quickly as possible so we can beat this thing!  

-- Paula Heine

Update #2

June 21st, 2023

Hello Friends and Family,

Good news!

The Signatera test for circulating tumor DNA result that I mentioned in the last update is 0.04, which is down from 7.27 in January!  It means that the treatments are working.  We want all future test results (every 3-6 months) to continue to be ZERO. 

I'll be getting more feedback on my condition next week at my second follow-up at Hope for Cancer.  I am very anxious!  Please pray for peace-and good results, of course!

Thank you for your past prayers and donations.  Any future prayers, donations, and sharing of this campaign are greatly appreciated!



Update #1

June 2nd, 2023

Dear Family, Friends, and Friendly Strangers!

               THANK YOU for your generosity and prayers! Your donations have enabled me to do many

things that I otherwise would not have been able to do, and I have felt the grace of your prayers.

               I’ve been wanting to send an update for some time now. I’ve struggled with how much detail to

share. On one hand, I'm not very comfortable sharing personal information in such a public

forum, but on the other hand, I have learned so much, and would like to share about what has

helped me so that others can benefit from it. (If anyone wants more specific information about

my journey, please get in touch privately and I will do my best to respond.) There are so many

blessings to report! It is also a full-time job doing all the therapies, AND I’ve had to battle my

mood (which includes overcoming the anxiety I feel about asking for money!), :-) so I’ve had a

hard time sitting down to write.

               I believe God made our bodies so they can heal if given what they truly need and protected from

what is harmful to them, so I have been emphasizing natural, non-toxic remedies. I also believe

that God gave us the intelligence to discover/create substances or tools that can be helpful, so

there is a place for many kinds of conventional medicine.

               Your donations have enabled me to purchase expensive supplements like curcumin, resveratrol,

ionic calcium, oral liposomal vitamin C, IV vitamin C; immune supporting mistletoe injections

(which is common in Europe); tools like an infrared sauna; testing not covered by insurance;

and travel expenses. There is so much I wouldn’t be able to do without your help, and I

appreciate your continued help as I continue treatment.

               Through the generosity of an amazing outside-of-GSG donor, I was able to go to Hope for

Cancer in Mexico, where I experienced many immune-building, non-toxic therapies. I’ve been

following a home program, and will be scheduling a second follow-up soon. I am also pursuing

some of the suggestions I have discovered in my research, especially those at Breast Cancer, whose founder conquered BC naturally (but also helps support women who

use conventional treatments). I have also been working with an integrative oncologist and his

partner, a naturopath, on conventional targeted therapies.

               Throughout this healing journey, I have felt well and had energy overall. I have some mild

aches, and only occasionally feel tired or weak. I feel worse when I am stressed or start taking

on too much activity and therefore neglecting my healing program. I am eating and sleeping

well, and exercising regularly. My blood work and tumor markers have generally been good,

though the Signa Terra test (for circulating tumor DNA) numbers went up. I am waiting to talk

with my doctor about the results of the follow-up test now. Blood counts since I started the

targeted therapies have gone down, which is typical, but I have felt minimal side effects from

them, mostly headaches, and those have subsided. Like many of my like-minded new friends

with cancer report, I think that my focus on immune system-building, detoxing, non-toxic

therapies has really paid off.

               My second PET scan back in Nov. showed that a lesion under my right shoulder blade is

no longer there! Unfortunately, that scan seemed to show progression of the bone

cancer. I continue to discern the best way to support my bones. The good news is that

the breast tumor seems to be shrinking, praise Jesus! I will have some objective

measurements of that soon. I am hopeful that healing of the breast tumor portends healing of

the bones, which they say heal more slowly.

               The hardest part about this cancer journey for me has been the mental and emotional aspects. I

often wonder if I am making the right decisions, and agonize over the meaning of every ache. I

frequently get paralyzed by fears, doubts, and indecision. I am learning to better manage both

daily life stress and the added fears and anxieties of having cancer, as they say that being in the

“rest and relax,” or parasympathetic, mode, is a key to good health and healing.

               Best of all, I am growing to trust Jesus more through this struggle. I know He loves me,

and wants the best for me. So I do my best to be a good steward of this body He gave me, and

pray for healing. I am blessed to be able to participate in daily Mass, literally across the street

from my home. All day, two walls (one if I am outside) separate me from the Blessed

Sacrament! I desire very much to serve Him many more years in this life. At the same time,

this cancer reminds me that this world is not our final home, and we all will die of something,

some day. HE knows when that day is, and how I will “fall asleep.” I pray for an increase in

TRUST, to LIVE, PEACEFULLY, and JOYFULLY, up to and through whatever “night” it is that

finally brings me home to Him.

               The following scriptures have helped me:

All my bones will say, “Lord, who is like You, Who delivers the afflicted from him who is

too strong for him, and the afflicted and the needy from him who robs him.” Psalm 35:10

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:32

               And my waking prayer of late is:

Glory to you who safe have kept

And have refreshed me while I slept:

Grant, Lord, when I from death shall wake,

I may of endless light partake.

Lord, I renew my vows to you;

Scatter my foes as morning dew;

Guard my first springs of thought and will,

And with yourself my spirit fill.

By Thomas Ken 1637-1711, alt. Public domain

                Please pray that I will have a joyful heart in this healing journey. I pray for all of you. And if you can donate to and share this campaign, I really appreciate it.

               “Pray, hope, and don’t worry!” – Padre Pio



Prayer Requests

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