USD $8,000
USD $5,013
Campaign funds will be received by David E Knauss
We train kids, wherever God sends us, to be God’s praisers and Kingdom builders. We invite you to invest with us in our kids through your prayers and financial support.
I am Dr. David Knauss, and along with my wonderful wife Joanne, we are God’s full-time praise music missionaries, traveling 9 out of 12 months of the year. Our mission is an amazing Scripture, Psalm 8:2, which says that kids’ perfected praises build God’s Kingdom and displace evil. We invest in our kids to be musician-warriors.
When our kids praise, whether in the physical or spiritual, in the visible or invisible, nearby or on the other side of the world, they build God’s Kingdom and bring goodness and hope to our world. Psalm 149 is a great description of how this happens.
We not only teach music, but use music to teach God’s Word. As you support our ministry, know that everything you give goes to preserve God’s Word in future generations.
We invite you to invest with us through your prayers and financial support. We thank you from the depths of our hearts and declare 100-fold blessings returned to you!
Music that praises the Lord and extols His Attributes is powerful beyond all limits!
UPDATE 1: Just thought we'd take a moment to share our praises with you. We are blessed to see daily how God turns little into big, just like He did with five loaves and 2 fishes. For instance, it costs more money to travel to our FL semester than what we receive for the whole semester. Plus, we provide about 45 snacks to kids each week, consisting of one fruit, one snack bag, and one sweet. And we purposefully bless and serve each family that hosts us. But there is never a deficit. We are full and flowing over with thankfulness. "Thank You, Faithful and True Lord, for all Your wonderful supply."
Thanks to all who support our ministry of teaching kids to praise the Lord, and we declare blessings upon you: "May the Lord turn all your smalls into large, and your larges into even larger."
UPDATE 2: My wife and I privately donated money to a ministry that is looking toward purchasing more barred instruments for more kids to praise the Lord with playing and singing. The very next day, we received form a donor the exact amount of money to the penny for purchasing instruments for our ministry. PRAISE THE LORD!
UPDATE 3: We just completed our 4th year of teaching kids to praise God, and we're presently enjoying a summer furlough. All our Fall, Winter, and Spring engagements have scheduled us again for this coming year. Our spiritual music curriculum books "Let's All Praise" are now published on Amazon.com. We're saving all donations and book royalties to purchase additional instruments for the additional kids enrolled. These instruments will cost around $8,000 and we have reached 50% of our goal. The Lord also has additional places open for us to go to train His praisers with a week seminar instead of a semester. Praise the Lord that the ministry is growing and that in these last days, He has several generations of children yet designated to be His musician praise-warriors for building His Kingdom. "On earth as it is in Heaven."
We still remember meeting you and Joanne in St. Augustine and enjoying the Godly music and discussions in the common area of the B&B! Be blessed and may your mission be blessed as well!
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