USD $100,000,000
USD $1,250
Campaign funds will be received by Michael Carbonella
Praise the LORD thy GOD,
Whom Makes All Things Possible.
All Glory & Honor are HIS;
You should be aware, that all churches, synagogues & mosques have been Declared "non-essential"; by GOD the FATHER, at the conclusion of the Trial In Paradise. I reached out to many, asking to clean house, and willing to transform them by branching them into the KINGDOM; but they rejected cleaning their houses, and thus rejected Me. No surprise as they rejected My LORD JESUS; first. And also, not a problem; as they need US, and WE have no need for phony shepherds. Though, I pray these shepherds understand, the "funds" they collected for GOD'S CHURCH/KINGDOM, and now withhold from the ONE TRUE CHURCH/KINGDOM, shall burn along side them in their eternity in : These shepherds will never forget they chose money/power (the world) over the LORD thy GOD'S Messenger, ARM & WILL. I now go to the Flock directly, to show you why GOD declared ALL your shepherds "non-essential"; in the Year of our LORD 2020.
FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER AT: @PoliticalMoron1 or visit PoliticalMoron.Com if you wish to know the KINGDOM thoughts, news, happenings, and all things KTP.
These places of worship, are not the only ones pulling the wool over your eyes. There are many phonies leading you all down the path to destruction. It is time for the Family of Israel, the Elect, the Chosen, the Flock of Christ, to GATHER in ONE HOUSE and under ONE ROOF. This, is the KINGDOM of TRUTH & PROSPERITY: Consisting of, "The Church of the Worthy LAMB, the SON of GOD, JESUS the Christ"; and Seven EPIK's (Economic Particular Internet Kingdoms) which will reach around the earth to represent the Children of the Most High, during the reign of the anti-christ. Time to start building is "now" My children.
Do you wish to wait longer for fools? Believers, in JESUS CHRIST, need KTP more than they can possibly imagine. Good Healthy Food; Quality Air; Hospitals that Heal not ; Easy Access to Energy; Guaranteed Banking; the AUTHORITY TO SAY " YOU" THE NEXT TIME THEY THINK THEY WILL POISON US, fire US, shut our businesses; Security & Peace through teaching Morals; and so much more depend on you recognizing the TRUTH.
It is now time for the CHILDREN of GOD to have their SANCTUARIES apart from fools speeding towards the fires, and sulfur, of . Let us leave that, for them. GOD FORBID, we be forced into their evil any longer. It is time to BUILD the CHURCHES that Branch into GOD'S PLANNED FUTURE, for the prosperity of the Seed of Mankind.
I the High King Allen, invite you, to JOIN the Great Gathering of the Elect, as WE Build the Church, from the Ground UP!
The funds Donated shall purchase beautiful churches & synagues being sold all around the USA. Which muslims are now buying up. KTP shall restore these churches Physically & Spiritually. We shall fill them once again with Families of Believers giving Worship & Praise to GOD Almighty. Believers who haven't given up on the seed, or given into the deceptions of the devil. Believers that are Truly GOD'S Community, GOD'S FAMILY. GOD'S CHOSEN.
KTP is initially seeking to raise One Hundred Million Dollars. Might sound like a lot but isn't much considering how many churches need to be restored & rebuilt. It is really just the start. But if we don't start, we will never see a real church again.
In September 2020 GOD Declared all governments/churches of the earth non-essential, except ONE, the KINGDOM OF TRUTH & PROSPERITY. This is why the demons & devils are running amuck.
READ the First Act of "Political Morons - Heavens Witness to the Sold Souls Betraying GOD & Nation" (Found here: PoliticalMoron.Com/political-morons.html), and understand what has happened in Heaven; understand the Special Generation you're apart of. The LITTLE BOOK (Revelation 10:9) WAS CREATED FOR THIS GENERATION.
No demons nor devils will be telling the Children of the Most High, the Citizens of KTP, that they can not - Come or Go, Buy or Sell, as they please; as these are RIGHTS GIVEN TO THOSE WHO WORSHIP THE ONE TRUE GOD. Worshipping the FATHER, SON & HOLY GHOST, the LORD of Lords, the KING of Kings, the CHRIST, JESUS, unashamed and unobstructed in peace and prosperity is one of our many inheritances for remaining true to the end. Praise the LORD THY GOD!
No More Diapers over your faces. No More Forced Vaccines/mRNA's. No more adhering to the whims of utter losers. No more threats of vaccine passports, as we are free to move about within the Seven EPIK's.
Know that many who ask you to wear diapers over your mouth & noise, who poison your bodies with graphene nanotechnology (Made in China, and deposited in you), shall burn in , and rot in jail before the LORD takes them, penniless and broken. You'd think they'd just Repent. Seems a lot easier, doesn't it? We pray for them to see the Light in JESUS Name, BUT:
KTP, is Lots of Freedom, Lots and Lots (you'll understand soon). As of September 30th 2020 KTP is the ONLY ESSENTIAL GOVERNMENT/CHURCH RECOGNIZED BY GOD; And as GOD'S Angels can not work for that which GOD has Declared non-essential, all the LORD'S Angels now work for KTP. The now non-essential governments of the world, ruined it for themselves by breaking the social contract; And what A BLESSING THIS IS FOR MANKIND. Gather Flock! Fear Not! For I TELL you, I AM here... Support the KINGDOM OF TRUTH & PROSPERITY, first with Faith, then with Prayer, and finally with what you can afford to give.
If you do not have funds to Donate please pray with us the Plan to Victory Phase I, as this will help us greatly. These 4 Dimensional Prayers are Heard in Heaven. One can find them here - https://politicalmoron.com/plan-to-victory-phase-i.html
May Blessings Shower Upon You,
PS - Check out the exposure of evil inside the New York City Department of Education, where they have created a fraudulent process to push the devils' agenda assaulting God's Children, as these sick twisted people worship the Beast. This Very Important Public Service Announcement that was ignored by all your favorite Conservative Commentators, can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJnX8ScukUU&t=280s YOUTUBE REMOVED THIS VIDEO & WE (Heaven) RESPONDED BY REMOVING Susan Wojcicki. WE will continue to remove those whom Block & Censor KINGDOM Communications/News, from here, to the fires of .
https://www.PoliticalMoron.Com HOME PAGE - Hear Audio of HKA's Full Bio-Weapon BAN Speech on 8/16/21
https://www.PoliticalMoron.Com/blog.html FORM 101
https://politicalmoron.com/plan-to-victory-phase-i.html PRAY WITH US
https://www.Patreon.Com/theEmpowermentCreator SUPPORT KTP CONSISTANTLY
PURCHASE "Political Morons" the LittleBook >>> https://www.PoliticalMoron.Com/political-morons.html
*DO NOT BE DECEIVED, BELIEVING JESUS LEFT you TO SUFFER IN THIS AGE, FOR I TELL you, HE DID NOT. Only with lack of faith, can you be destroyed. So have Faith FLOCK.
Deuteronomy 28 3:13
God Bless you!
God's blessings add no sorrow. May the Lord multiply these gifts and may his favorite surround you like a shield in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!! Amen amen !
““Celebrate the Festival of Harvest with the firstfruits of the crops you sow in your field. “Celebrate the Festival of Ingathering at the end of the year, when you gather in your crops from the field.” Exodus 23:16 NIV https://bible.com/bible/111/exo.23.16.NIV
“He will also send you rain for the seed you sow in the ground, and the food that comes from the land will be rich and plentiful. In that day your cattle will graze in broad meadows.” Isaiah 30:23 NIV https://bible.com/bible/111/isa.30.23.NIV
Psalm 91 🙏🙏🙏
“The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.” ’” Numbers 6:26 NKJV https://bible.com/bible/114/num.6.26.NKJV
May God continue to give you the increase ???
“Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” I Timothy 6:12 NKJV https://www.bible.com/114/1ti.6.12.nkjv
August 6th, 2023
Before you have nothing to give, start donating to KTP, so the future will be bright. It is really that simple. There is no Church or Government any longer for Believers in CHRIST other then KTP. You will lose all your rights if I AM unable to find Faith. The Preachers/Bishops/Reverends etc. do not have faith. Don't tell me they do. Because if they did, I WOULD NOT BE HERE! Only "I" will do what is needed, as they know GOD'S PLAN not. Nor will I tell such fools.
Let US Build. While they break down. Let US Lead. While they fail. Let US Show the Power of CHRIST & the Christ Family. While they show their disdain for all that is good.
Praise be the LORD thy GOD, who makes all things possible.
Be Blessed My Brethren,
September 14th, 2021
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.