USD $5,000
USD $4,260
Campaign funds will be received by Joshua Lemley
Hi Friends!
Joshua Lemley recently moved to Jared AFH in Vancouver, Washington USA, which is a long-term adult care facility. They are able to give him the around-the-clock care that he needs. This costs about $1,000 per month. This takes all of his social security checks, leaving him with NO money left over for any other expenses, such as chiropractic care, naturopath, special foods, and personal care items.
His parents have been taking care of Joshua in their home, but they are not able to continue.
About Joshua: For many years, Joshua has served the Church of God (7th Day) by teaching Sabbath School classes, going on mission trips (with PMT), and sponsoring children (through the orphans and widows program). Disabled and underprivileged children have always been dear to his heart. He worked as a Teacher's Aid, mentored kids, and made sure every child in the church had their very own Bible.
All of his life, Joshua has given generously to others. Now we'd like to do something to help him.
Joshua has a gift for encouragement. He used to write blog posts on spiritual topics, however, his mobility makes it difficult to write. If you could send an encouraging note as well, that would be appreciated. He likes getting phone calls also.
Please give monthly. This money will go directly to Joshua, and be used to buy clothes, snack foods, personal care items, chiropractic care, and non-medical travel expenses. Extra things to help him thrive, not just stay alive.
For the past few years, Joshua has been disabled due to an early-onset Parkinsonian disease, as well as an unknown muscular condition. In spite of going to various doctors and specialists, both conventional and alternative, they have not been able to stop the disease completely.
This campaign is being managed by Sarah Whitney (sister) and Robert Stephens (cousin).
Sending warm wishes and prayers to you, Joshua.
Praying for you in Alabama!
Thanks for the update! Good luck! Jim
Praying for you.
Praying for you to have a wonderful life!
It's always nice to hear how you are doing. Good luck with achieving your goals! Jim
Thanks for the update. Praying for your continued progress. Jim
I am excited about your improvements and how positive you are feeling right now! I love the idea of you helping children with disabilities. I pray that can happen, God Bless you!
February 3rd, 2025
I have not written in updated while I have finally downloaded my speech writing program. I have been handling the weather little bit better but we've had a week of nice weather to. I do better with the weather nice although I think the mold and marking my brother me to. The chiropractor has been helping. I'm actually paying like five dollars less now a week. I keep trying to go back to my YouTube videos. I'm working with the employment specialist at Columbia mental health to see if I can maybe go back to school. I just have trouble keeping going on things sometime. That's one bad thing about being disabled sometimes it leads to not being able to keep going. Wanna get back into doing things. To accomplish something learn more. If I have people following me here that do not follow me on YouTube it would helpful subscribe to my channel and tell others. I've been going on a walk through the times a day most days going to the CDM's center two times a week. It weeks ago is not able to go couple days because the weather just bother me too much. I've been sleeping ready pretty deep but need help at night. I want to get so I can cook some. Hopefully I will be able to go to the Johnny Camp this summer maybe more than one I need to get signed up. They're working on maybe finding someone to help me with some things of the camp they were not need to be with me all the time they might even be able to volunteer with all things. If you know anybody that would be interested in volunteering at Johnny camp contact joni and friends or go ahead and contact me. I'm working on pulling myself out but I haven't gone out yet but I'm getting better and getting stronger. I want to write a book about disabled people tell people understand. I appreciate everybody's help and encouragement and prayers. I am growing all closer to him am learning my value. Any to keep fighting and appreciate those that are lined up with me. I still need donations I am more active so I'm able to get out more but I have to pay for best fare and I would be nice. It would be nice to have money to buy a sandwich month or somthing. I don't like going on other people. Most people don't. Thank you
December 6th, 2024
l have not given an update in awhile. The crazy weather is realy hard. Even on days when it seems to be nice the preasure can be high. Pray for people who are affected by the weather. Yesterday was really bad for a lot of people. lt looks like l willl be getting involved with Jonney and friends. God seems to bee moveing that way. l am working on getting a job with children just part time. l am also maybe getting trainging. l am selling stuff to rarn extra ony. Last week at chrch was the singpiration at church. l sang 2 songs the week before was thanksgiving potluck. We went to my cousins in olympia for thanksgiving. Pray that l can get the support l need. l have been walking every day pray that l can continue. Even though l can't see it all the time God is working. l appreciate you.
November 4th, 2024
Thankyou for your support. lt's really helping to get some of my needs that l can't afford. My chiropractor is working on getting my body to work better with the weather and pressure and stuff. my cousins came for my nieces wedding. So lve gotten to spend time with them. This was a little bit of a hard week. l've been going to a place where they have activities and stuff. They also have physical theropy there. lm going there in a little bit. l had a couple friends visit me this past week. lt's good to have friends. My Dad was gone to ministral counsel. l really enjoyed my cousins visit. yesterday l went to my parents for my dads birthday and to visit my cousins. l must have gotten 15 hugs from one of them. They are very speacial.
October 18th, 2024
Hi l am not doing good with my updates and thats not good l owe my supporters better. lhave been having a little bit of troubles with motivation, but l have been more active . l have been riding cvan but it osts 1.23. l may be able to volinteer soon. l ca't earnn actual money but l can volonteer maybe. l've been getting better but still having trouble with the weather. l am learning about music and how it can help me. l am gooing to a speacial center l think 2 days a week where l can do activities and stuff. l can get pt there too, have a few mooore sessions at home too. l went to the mall a couple times, l went fishing with one neighbor. 2 of the neigbors are moveing.
September 21st, 2024
I havn't done an update in a while. l am progressing l handle foods better. Last week me and another resident went to the adventist church the pastor gave a good sermon about how the bible talks about confessing our fault s to somone. not anyone that stupid. but when we bring it into tht open it helps us find healing. lve been working on past hurts that l have and dealing with them. lm struggleing with the rain. lm having more oppertunities to get out last friday l went on the cvan to walmart. l'm with my counselar to help me be more active. Im also going to try to figure out if l can work a little. well see. lve been a lot mor active just struggle with when my drugs wear off. evry 3 hrs.
August 31st, 2024
l havn't written an update in awhile. Ive had some tough days the lasst couple weeks. l have also had some better days. Right now it is not working to adjust my drugs. l have been learning ABOUT using nutrician though. My chiropractor has been helping me a lot more. l have been actually able to work on some deeper problems. lve been going to a real goood consular.he has been helping me to make goels toward having a better life instead of being trapped in an adult family home. So l can actually have a job have a family live in my own place etc. Last week l went to portland for church. the car had problems and had to be towed home. the aaa guy got it fixed easily. A brother in the church took me and l walked inthe park by the church. l went to the spanish service. lve been meeting a lot of nice people in the neeighborhood. l still need help fiancially. for a litllel longer. Thankyou for your support.
Pray that l sell my trailer
August 20th, 2024
Hi everyone l'm doing much better. We'vr come A long ways.. l am seeing more improvement from the chiropractor. still have a long ways to go. l have A counsolor. He wants to help me get more of what l want and need.. l think l am tolloraatingg more foods. l am getting a little better with my youtube channel. l am able to do more for myself. l appreciate those who continue to give. God bless you. l went to pertland for church. lvbeen having more possitve days. today l had a thought. We shouldn't fight like a wounnded tiger or a posom.
August 11th, 2024
Do you remember a year ago. lt was a lot different many people gave helped me get to this point. God worke through other people to push me through. Thankyou for your love support and prayers.
August 11th, 2024
August 8th, 2024
l just got back from my chiropractor appt. He told me to come when my meds were wearing down, he said it worked good. He thinks l should go down on my meds. He thinks lm doing good. lm supposed to go back in 2 weeks. Pray that l find some way to earn money. l don't like begging we went up to the kalama church sabbath, then to Heidi's. l appreciate everone's help and support. Don't give up on me now l'm finally getting somwhere.
July 29th, 2024
Hi Somthing happened in the last week. l've been getting a lot better. lve been able to walk all the way arround the block. Thew Sabbath before last, we went to Kalama. l walked a lot there. The chiropractor has been helping a lot, finally. He has some ideas. I've been doing better emotionally. Last Sabbath we went to portland, for church. Don't give up on helping me now.
It's raining today so l'm not doing quite as good, but it's not to bad.
Praise the Lord
July 19th, 2024
l have not updated in awhile and l could use some donations. Somone gave me a big one last month. Last sabbath there was a baptism at oxbou park. l was able to walk down a rough path accross a creek and back with help. one day this week l walked all the way around the block by myself. l am having some good t imes. praise God. A couple weeks ago l was able to heal some from some past hurts. lt felt really good.lm still going to the chiropracter he is makeing progress.. l think i may have some new people to help me walk. the sabbath before last Uncle tim came to visit from arkanses., we went to kalama for church. l had some rough spsotss this week, but we are almost through. thankyou
July 3rd, 2024
l have not posted an update in 3 weeks because l went to the joni and frienos camp week before last. lt was amazing and l needed it. l got a better perspective and a week of perfect. lf l could get what l got at camp all the time l would improve drastically. l felt really good. still haf my med crashes, but comsidering l did good.l wish lcould have a better environment. My camp was paid for with donations like everything else, Plese keep giving. last sabbath we went to kalama the week before we met at the house of somone in the church, because the portlant church was closed for reepairs. You can pray that l can be slomwhere l can get moore personalized care and where l can work towards independence. Pray also l can get some way of earning money so l don't have to rely on friends. l have been meeting more people in the neghborhood and been able to encourage them. my caregivers nieces are here that helps. l wish i could grow my youtube channel. l increased my meds.
Oh l almost forgot l was able to dig up somescars from the past and they are healing
thanks for your support
June 11th, 2024
This week lve been still fighting. lve been feeling more hope. lm feeling like l'm ready to get involve with che children at church. l have a dream of making a program for children with disabilities. lt will defanently be a challenge. my sermon last week on you tube was about the good samaratin. lve thought of a little different angle. l'm supposed to go to the jhonny and friends camp next week. , pray for my feet this week.
June 4th, 2024
This week was a little hard. My neurologist upped the meds, lm having trouble adjusting. lm taking somthing natural. l've been learning alot about things that can help the brain heal. A lot l can't do because l can't aford it. lt's hard but l think lm still. healing. l can go to the batroom my self drink myself eat myself. stand up and sit down. l do steps better. a lot of things. SAbbathe l went to the adventest church and sunday l went down to marion for a funeral. Saw some people l hadn't seen in a long time. lm struggleing a lot this week. lt could be partly the weather. l know a doctor that could help me wit that, but l can't afford it. lm going to do a sermon on the good samariton.
May 29th, 2024
l've come a long way but l have a long way to go l stand straighter don't dart as much. l used to have to have help walking the deck and have to have someone turn my around and sit me in a chair to turn me around now l can do it myself a lot of times l can even turn around on my feet not holding on to somthing. l walk up and dow stairs.
May 29th, 2024
l have still been improving although the crazy weather is bothering me. l want to go to a natropath but can't afford. l only had one appoinment last. week. well actually lhat pt last monday and this tuesday, and chiropractor thursday. l found a couple amazing trratments for parkinson's one l haven;t studied enough. The other is a $50 medicine, l have to buy. Sabbath l went to the porland church and a friend took me somwhere to walk it was a great day . Sunday l went to my sister in laws graduation at her church. l've been thinking about doing a sermon on the good sanaratin. last week l did the unrighteous judge.
Thankyou so much for your help
May 21st, 2024
l had a bad week last week but its getting better. Last week l had 3 appointments massage. Neurologist and chiropractor. they gave me a couple more doses of medication. lt helped a little . l am still improving slowly. l need to trust God more and learn to pray with more power. Sabbathe we went to Portland then visited a lady in the nursing home then went to a music thing at the adventast church. l went for a walk with my Dad on the way home. L have a couple people who want to do ministry with me lm not syre what but keep praying. Your donations have been helping. Thankyou
May 13th, 2024
lve still been getting better slowly The chiropractor has been helping prayer has been helping the meds have been helping. lm having some trouble @ night. We went to Kalama 2 weeks in a row. i need to go back to portland. l got some donations but l still could use more. lm thinking it's time to get new shoes.
l had my birthday party finally last sunday. several people came. l went to the yard garden and patio shew. the air plant guy gave me a new one because mine died. Hopfully l can keep this on alive. lt s about ready to flower. last time l went to portland l waled downstairs all by myself. l got one more person to help me walk. My Dads back to hrlping. l've been going on my scooter again, l'm doing better.
April 30th, 2024
l didnt' have too bad of a week. l went to my primary wednesday actually l went via online. He wants me to check my tstosoron and a couple other hormones because l get hot flashes and l told him legs ached..and a couple ither things.. l went to the yard garden and patio show yesterday. lt was a lot of fun. l went to chuch in portland. l am going to buy much of my special food l am not getting many donations. L have somone who is helping with most f of my chiropractor.. l need about $5 a week for my chiropractor. l have givesendgo gofundme paypal messenger and cashapp. l appreciate all your help.
April 24th, 2024
l forgot to menchon monday night l was crying a lot and feeling discouraged. l actually had read hebrews 12 and part of it hit me. l begin to wander if l missed to many oppertunities. On my walk at the park l met l guy. l was wearing my joni and friends tshirt, His family is involed in Joni and friends, and he prayed for me. So God sent another angel. l needed it.
April 23rd, 2024
Thankyou for your support . l tried posting on gofund me but no ones given yet.. l have been continueing to get better during the day but nights of been problem. Last sabbat went to the adventist church. Dean took me for a walk in the evemng l think l missed monday last week. Tara came on thursday. l and sharrie has been doing extra shifs.. My chiropractor is maling some progress.. Was it last week l had a message. my mri came back l have a broken femer torn miscle and streched muscle. My doctor says the tight muscle could have broken the bone. Any way l have an appt with my primary care this weekend. My parents came over to do Lords supper with me last night..........
April 15th, 2024
today l went to the dentist my Dad took me. The recptionest said the could not help. We found a guy to help me. After my appointment the doctor said somone could help me get into the car but the receptionist said no one could help. That really upset me. Yesterday l had an mri. lve been haveinng trouble with my leg for several weeks. l had a break a pulled muscle and a torn muscle. No wander my legs been hurting. Oh well. l have had some pretty good walking days. l went to the portland church Sabbath. l am doing better with out the night time dose l think my chiropractors making progress. Your support is helping. l have not been getting as much help. l need some more donatins.
April 8th, 2024
last week was up and down Sabbath before last my sister and parents came over and we did church here. Then we went to the park and walked l did very good walking. last week l had some pretty good walks. l skipped a coulple days, but was still able to walk pretty good. l walked all the way to the park. l may have done a little too much. l think this rain is bothering me l need to go to a dr to help with my mold toxicity but am sruggleing affording everything already. l think it's also time to buy new shoes. last sabbath was the beast day l think l did pretty good. Yesterday my sister came down and took me out to eat l walked into the restaurant by mysel and back to the car. One day last week l walked to the swing and got on it myself.
l think one of the meds l was taking was bothering me. lm still working on getting my meds right.
I think it is about time to order shoes.
Thankyou for your support.
March 28th, 2024
Had a cold the last couple week so it's been a little rough from that last Sabbath l was home sick so l didn't go to. church. L havn't walked in a week until yesterday and l am getting better again, l wa s able to go a good distance pluss l walked hallfway to the park. At dr allens l was able to get on and of the table better and he was able to do a couple adgustments he hadn't been able to do in awhile. lm somtimes able to get on and of the toilet some, and l can ussually go to the sink and wash my own hands. l have been reading in John l read about the wedding in Cana and noticed Jesus words lt's kinda like he was saying hey lm not part of the wedding party l only have six of my disciples l'm not ready. Then mary said do what he says. lt's like he was pushed into a corner he had to act. somtimes l feel like that.
Other people have noticed mr getting better. Somtimes l just get tired of the rollar coaster and somtimes l'm afraid because l have no clue what's going on. Somtimes l want to believe lm actually believeing but it's hard. l owe my parents $500. Somtimes l wish l could eat what's set before me but it doesn't work. l have to eat good. How much of that is faith and how much is That l really do need good food.
March 15th, 2024
The last couple weeks have been a little hard with my leg hurting and everything going down a little. Went for a walk every day. L met a guy in the park he has a big family. They be able to help. My dad is having surgery today on his hurnia. l went to the portland church last sabbath. My dad gave the sermon. One of my friends came and walked me today and l met with a lady who is trying to get more recorces. the walk went really good better then it has for a few weeks. L had a neurologist appt wednesday he upped my meds. l actually had a really good day today. God is good
March 6th, 2024
February 21st, 2024
Thankyou everybody for your support and prayers. l've been doing pretty good had some really good times. 3 Sabbaths ago at church l went to the bathroom 2 times by myself, and l walked down the steps into the basment by myself. Then l walked up myself, two sabbaths sgo l almost did lt myself. Two sabaths ago l went to the river to walk. I was able to go around things up and down hillls over rough ground. It was a differnt place so l was able to s[ee how a was changing. At the park lve been going further 8-10 times instead of 7, And lve gone the whole length of the park myself a couple times. the chiropravter has been able to go a little deeper l am handle it better. l think i am handleing more foods. l've been working on my spanish more. l've been able to do more veriety. some freinds came over today. And yesterday my busy from Johny and friends camp and the area directer came over. Ive been in a couple of newsletters and Jonnie talked about me on her program. Jonnie asked people to send me cards and letters for valentines day, l got a whole bunnch. l don't know how god uses my life so much but it has nothing to do with me. l literally don't know what l am doing. l need to be more open to God using me. He takes someone like Johhny who on her own is nothing usless and changes the world. l can do a little more but still on my own lm nothing Johnny is a good picture of that because she literly can't do anything with out her friends. l have always been able to scrach my nose. l did go to that neurologist we will put hat on seperatly. lm drinking on my own usually, putting my shirt on somtimes opening and closeing doors typing. turning walking backwords standing against the wall. l have not been on my scooter in a while
GOd bless you
January 29th, 2024
l didn't realize its been a month since this has been updated. l am actually able to type now. Yesterday l went to the portland church and was able to walk down the stairs by myself. Everybody wa excited. Tomorrow l go to the functional neurologist. He is supposed to be the best in the country. lt will take 3 hrs. Hes doing a lot of tests. One of the neighbors has started to help me. My caregiver took 2 of us to the movies. l was not able to get out for a week because we had winter, but l did go out onto the porch. l went to a different adventist church last week because of the snow.
l've been thinking about how much l am worth. l am worth a lot. Worth is put on someone or something by someone else. l am worth the bloood of Jesus l am worth having food clothes and a place to live. l am worth having my needs met, l am worth being treated with respect , l am worth being loved.
i am doing better. Thankyou for your support. lf you give me $50 l will pray for you for 10 min just kidding that part was a joke But please continue to give and share my campeign
Please pray that l have others come help
God bless you
December 23rd, 2023
The neurologist put me on a new medicine. It's actually the same Parkinson's drug that I tried to take a few years ago, and couldn't because reacted badly to it at the time. But this time, it's helped me a lot. I'm able to talk better, stand better, and have more energy. It's taken a lot of my symptoms away. It doesn't make sense to me, but I feel better. The chiropractor is also helping. It's probably a combination of the two things that are helping.
I went to the Adventist church last week. There is an Adventist guy who comes and does a Bible study with me. And last week I went to a birthday party at my sister's house. I read the Bible a lot.
I have been thinking a lot about people with emotional problems. You might not realize them, but they have struggles. Maybe you know they have a problem, but they can't help it. Maybe the way they speak shows it. Sometimes pain comes out in ways that it shouldn't. So we should realize that sometimes we speak in ways that hurt other people, because of the emotional pain that we feel.
A neighbor has been coming to help me walk. I'm walking better now, and able to walk about a half mile.
In January I have an appointment with a different neurologist in my area. He is a functional neurologist. The problem is that I will have to pay cash, and it costs about $600. I appreciate all you who have donated to me. I still need your help.
Thank you for all who have called and visited.
November 19th, 2023
I was more depressed this week. But I'm trying to be thankful more. For example, I'm learning to focus on things I should be thankful for. For example, the people who walk with me, and people who are nice to me.
I went to church yesterday. We had Thanksgiving potluck in Portland. I've also been going to the Adventist church.
My dad takes me on a walk most days. I have a few other people who walk with me.
I'm still go to the chiropractor once a week. The chiropractor and the massage therapist are helping me. He charges $55. Physically, I feel like I'm getting better. I have an appointment with a neurologist on December 5, but he doesn't take medicare. He costs $600. Supposedly he specializes in the condition I have. So in the next few weeks, I need to raise money for this, in addition to my food and other expenses.
Pray that God opens my eyes to things to be thankful for. And that God brings me friends that I can minister to.
Please share this request.
October 22nd, 2023
My neurologist wants to put me on a different medication for Parkinson's. I don't believe it's going to work. I'm going to see him on Tuesday.
I think I'm doing pretty good, physically, but I've gone down a little. My uncle wants me to go to John's Hopkins hospital. He says that they're the best hospital in the world. It's hard for me to travel. I don't expect them to help me.
My depression is a little bit less. I don't think about dying all the time now. The person who was walking me got hurt, so I skipped a few days. My dad and sister have been walking with me.
I went to the Seventh Day Adventist church. The people come and do a Bible study with me every Tuesday. This church is easier for me to get into. The week before I went to church in Portland. At the COG, I have to be carried up the stairs.
You can call me at 360-903-2127. If you want to send money, you may also send it to my parents.
I'm on Facebook. You can send me your prayer requests. And pray for me that I have a desire to live. I pray that God would open closed doors.
Thank you,
September 29th, 2023
I've been very depressed lately. I feel like I'm ready to give up. Everything hurts. It hurts because of the muscle tightness. Someone moves me every hour or hour and a half.
I visited a chiropractor last week. He's working on my nerves. I think he is helping me. It's tough because I need help doing everything. If I had help, I could lay down on the deck on my back for 5 minutes, but I can't do that. So it's a challenge. I think I could get more independent if I had my own caregiver. But if I had my own caregivers, I wouldn't be able to afford the care home.
Thanks for the money you've been giving me. I need it for my doctors appointments. And I buy special foods, like meats. I go to a chiropractor 4 times a week, and get a massage once a month. Even a haircut costs money, and I'm running out of money. My doctors and food is getting expensive.
Please pray that I have joy, and a desire to live. You can call me at 360-903-2127
- Copied by Robert Stephens
August 17th, 2023
Thank you to all who support me. It means a lot.
I moved into a new care home at the end of July. This one is able to give me more care. I have been able to talk to some of the other people here. Some of them feel like they're trapped, just like I do. I was depressed today, but a caregiver prayed for me.
Many people don't understand why I feel the way I do. My biggest need is for a friend. I encourage you to visit a care home and visit with the people. Take them to the store. Take them shopping. It doesn't matter, just do something with them. People are very lonely.
My new phone number is 360-836-5288
I fell last Friday and hurt my back. I went to two different chiropractors.
(Written by Robert Stephens)
July 26th, 2023
I'm thankful that two people have been walking with me every day.
I'm in the process of changing to a different care home. The new one would give me more care. I'm waiting for Medicare to approve the extra cost.
The donations have helped me with my other medical expenses. For example, I got a different chiropractor recently. And I've gotten new shoes.
Please pray for me to want to live. And to feel a purpose. I have a purpose, but I need to feel it. And pray for the doctors caring for me.
June 25th, 2023
From Joshua Lemley:
I went to the Joni and Friends camp last week. It was a long drive to get there. They were so nice to me. I made some new friends. They had a special dance Thursday night. Three girls danced with me. They had a morning class time. Then activities in the afternoon. Then worship service in the evening.
I did a lot of walking at the camp. There was a class for the adult campers. I went to the campers class part of the time, and also the adult class. They talked about how the apostle Paul went through troubles and trials. We look for an eternal reward in the future. I went to the carnival for kids. And ziplining. I went to the beach on a track chair.
I worry about my dad. He's going to have surgery on his lungs. He's the one who was walking with me. I will need more care, and I'm not going to have my dad's helping me walk. I was slightly suicidal today. I feel this way because it's partly an emotional let-down after the good experience at camp. A guy from church has been calling on the phone and encouraging me.
Please keep praying for me. I appreciate phone calls and visits.
June 13th, 2023
Update from Joshua:
I’m looking for a way to get someone in my family to care for me. My dad has done a lot for me. He's been taking me for walks, and taking me places. But it's hard for my dad, and he's getting older.
I’ve been off of Facebook for now. Except Facebook Messenger. Facebook is a waste of time, and a lot of drama. I’ve been doing a lot of praying.
I’m getting a massage this week. And later this week I’m going to a camp for people with disabilities. It’s by Joni and Friends. (joniandfriends.org)
My side has been in a lot of pain because my rib popped out of place. I went to a chiropractor. They helped me. My uncle wants me to go to Johns Hopkins. He thinks there is a doctor there who can help me.
June 4th, 2023
From Joshua,
I was feeling bad last week. I felt like I was losing my mobility. I got so that I couldn't walk. I was off balance and dizzy. I've been weak lately. I'm still walking, but yesterday I fell 4 times in one day. I call a friend every night and he prays for me, and tries to keep me encouraged. I tried a new chiropractor, but I can't tell if it's helping.
I signed out of Facebook for the last few days, because I waste too much time on it. But you can call me on the phone here at the care home at 360-952-8849
June 4th, 2023
May 11th, 2023
From Joshua:
Thank you so much for all you have given me.
I'm looking for shoes. I've bought a couple of pair of shoes to try out.
I need someone to take walks with me. I need help getting up and down sometimes. But I can get around in my scooter. I need to get well. I have an appointment with a new chiropractor next week.
I had two visitors yesterday. A cousin and a friend. The Jehovah's Witness come Wednesday. Seventh Day Adventists come on Tuesdays. The counselor comes on Wednesday.
April 11th, 2023
April 2nd, 2023
A note from Joshua:
I've been feeling less depressed this week. The emotional struggle is very real. Yesterday my sister Heidi took me to church.
I started going to a different chiropractor. At first I though chiropractic helped me. Now it seems to not help. I'm looking for a different chiropractor and an naturopathic doctor.
I can walk with help. My parents or someone from the care home will walk behind me with a wheelchair while I walk. There are 5 residents here, and there is about to be 6. I've been connecting with the other people in the care home. Especially the one with Parkinson's disease.
Thank you!
March 21st, 2023
Note from Joshua:
I thank you all very much for the donations. They really going to help.
We had a special church service (Super Sabbath). I went up and prayed at the altar. They have been fasting and praying for me. They took me into another room and prayed for me for awhile. It really helped me emotionally. I had almost lost my faith. I had almost given up. I felt hopeful. They did a workshop, and spoke about church growth and how everyone needs to be involved. I can't do that. I feel like all I go is go to church and sit. That's all I can do. But I have been working on my emotions, and I am getting better emotionally and spiritually. Physically not so much. It's still a struggle, but I'm starting to believe more. I believe God wants me to be healed. But God is using me here where I am. I'm reading book that talks about "praying God's will". The book talks about sickness. I think that if God is loving and compassionate, then he has put me in my situation. I could do more if I was healthy. Jesus said "Greater works than these you shall do because I go to my Father" I've been praying that God will heal me. I've been praying for people who I need to forgive.
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