Commitment to Freedom Fund for Jorge Riley


 USD $33,000


 USD $1,693

Campaign created by Fellow U.S. Patriots United

Campaign funds will be received by Jorge Riley

Commitment to Freedom Fund for Jorge Riley

Thank you for visiting Jorge Riley’s campaign to support his enduring commitment to freedom.

This page was created on behalf of Jorge (pronounced George) Riley to assist with legal fees and financial setbacks resulting from his efforts on Jan. 6, 2021, to speak out against voter fraud and a stolen election. Jorge traveled from California to Washington, D.C., to protest the blatant fraud that occurred during the 2020 presidential election. Jorge’s indisputable commitment to freedom was on display that day as he peacefully protested the subsequent installation of an administration that has sought to destroy our freedom and liberties.

Let’s take a moment to learn about Jorge Riley’s background. As a child, in the 3rd grade, he cared for his three younger siblings, overseeing adult tasks such as laundry, cooking, and general supervision - all after attending elementary school during the day. As a youth, he studied martial arts, and in high school, he joined Air Force AFJROTC while excelling in water polo.

Jorge knew from an early age that he would join the U.S. Military. When he turned 17, he joined the Army with his mother's permission, and three weeks after graduation, he headed to Basic Training in Ft. Benning, GA.

He graduated as an E3 from AFJROTC service and held the position of Company Guidon Bearer. Soon after that, he shipped to Ft. Campbell, KY. He was quickly sent to Recon and grew up as a Scout/Sniper. Jorge made a name for himself, was sent to the line, and became an M240b machine gunner. He spent time mainly as a squad leader and even received a special promotion, receiving his E4 rank after 18 months of service.

Jorge was honorably discharged from the U.S. Army in 2001 and returned to the civilian world as a highly decorated and permanently disabled veteran.

Jorge’s military training and the oath he pledged to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic,” heavily influenced his trip to.Washington D.C. and his presence there on January 6th. When Jorge left the Army, he had no genuine support and had to look at himself and realize how injured he was from service.

While serving in the Army, Jorge’s back broke in three places, causing bulging discs that he still deals with today. Jorge was determined to use his GI Bill to find a career that would ideally allow him to sit at a desk. Being with no resources, he spent a while homeless, even living in the woods behind his college to be close to school and keep up with homework.

Eventually, Jorge saved up enough money to rent a room in a house, then later saved enough to rent a one-bedroom apartment near college. Jorge studied hard and helped others sign up for college and get through their classes; he assisted others so much that he was eventually elected student body president.

Jorge is the first person in his immediate family to graduate high school. He has since earned over five college degrees, with two more nearly complete, totaling almost 7 degrees.

Staying true to his commitment to freedom, Jorge has been a long-time conservative figurehead in the Sacramento, CA region. In 2008, Prop 8 was listed on the CA ballot, and the dispute over gay marriage began. One of Jorge’s colleagues in the student government wrote a resolution arguing that marriage was a sacred union between man and G-d and should not become tainted by homosexuality. Jorge fought to support the resolution and became demonized by the LBGTQRSTUV Community. Those on the side of G-d's word made international news and were called controversial. When the Prop 8 election was over, Jorge was approached in favor by the Republican Party and given a seat at many of their different club tables.

Jorge worked hard and climbed the ladders until he was a State Delegate. He eventually became elected President of the Sacramento Republican Assembly. He sat on the State Board as the Corresponding Secretary for the Californian Republican Assembly (Christian Caucus).

When January 6th occurred, Jorge went to support President Trump and to defend his country from what he imagined may escalate into a Civil War. Jorge loves his country more than anything and believes that United States elections are fraud-ridden. After his involvement with January 6th, Jorge became heavily criticized for being a representative of the GOP. He was subsequently labeled "an Insurrectionist."

The GOP demanded Jorge’s resignation on news stations across California. Soon after that, GOP leadership confronted him and asked him to resign. After being asked by multiple members of the Sacramento Republican Assembly to vacate his role, Jorge agreed and stepped down after speaking with the club.

This chain of events brings us to the present day, where Jorge has appeared twice in Federal court in Washington, D.C. He was sentenced to 18 months in Federal prison and will begin his incarceration on Nov. 28, 2023.

Jorge was not violent while in the U.S. Capitol. He went from room to room in the Capitol, praying with fellow Patriots for the fate of the United States. Jorge protected two women who were in danger of being crushed by a massive, chaotic crowd in a packed room. Jorge used his stature to shield the women from harm, even though he is disabled.

Jorge is a political prisoner;  any funds donated to this campaign will aid him in fulfilling legal bills incurred that he owes to the federal government. Any additional money raised will help him regain financial stability as a disabled veteran, especially after serving 18 months in prison.

Jorge has a family, including his longtime girlfriend and their 1-year-old daughter. His unjust imprisonment is causing emotional strain and financial burdens for his family, most notably the heartache of being kept from his baby daughter during this extremely difficult time.

If you cannot donate (in Biden’s economy, this is understandable!) Jorge welcomes prayers.

Your Fellow U.S. Patriots United 

Recent Donations
Bill Cardoza
$ 100.00 USD
7 months ago

Linda and I are praying for you Jorge

Bill Cardoza
$ 100.00 USD
8 months ago

William Cardoza
$ 100.00 USD
9 months ago

William Cardoza
$ 100.00 USD
10 months ago

Praying for you my friend!

Bill Cardoza
$ 100.00 USD
11 months ago

Bill Cardoza
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Praying for you my friend.

Bill Cardoza
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Praying for you my friend!

$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Going home Going home This is my daily dream since I arrested.

Anonymous Giver
$ 30.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 year ago

God bless and be with you Jorge!

David Jaworski
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Disgusted Patriot
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Hang in there Jorge! God is with you. And Americans are too.

Norman H Reece
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Praying for you, Jorge!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Jorge, I saw you on the Pete Santilli show. Your story is both amazing and heart wrenching. You possess what I call The Warrior Spirit. God Bless you for standing up to evil.

$ 15.00 USD
1 year ago

Praying for you Jorge and all of the J6 hostages!🙏🙏❤️🥰

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
1 year ago

Stay strong Patriot! Your actions don't go unnoticed, we are with you.

Bill Cardoza
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Praying for you my friend!

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
2 years ago

Praying for you!

patriot Granny
$ 15.00 USD
3 years ago

Thank you for your service, in and out of the military. Am praying for justice to prevail, and the suffering of those captured, jailed and tortured to end in freedom. May God bless you wonderfully!

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
3 years ago

Praying for you.


Update #5

November 22nd, 2024

Jorge was released from Lompoc Federal Correctional Institution on July 12,  2024. His release came due to the ruling upheld by the Supreme Court case, Fischer v. USA, which clearly demonstrated that the DOJ, under the direction of Joe Biden, incorrectly applied the 1512(c)2 charge to Jorge, and hundreds of other January 6th defendants. 

It's important to reiterate that Jorge was not violent during his time inside the U.S. Capitol. He was exercising his 1st Amendment right which guarantees U.S. citizens the right to free speech. In fact, the 1st Amendment clearly states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Jorge was politically persecuted for petitioning the government for grievances involving the election fraud that occurred in 2020. 

Jorge is free, for now, until the current Justice system decides on how to rule on his case. Not surprisingly, the DOJ is still trying to charge Jorge with the very felony that he was released from prison on. When the Fischer v. USA was decided by the highest court in the land, it set a precedent for people like Jorge. The charges are wrong, misplaced, and he served lengthy time in federal prison for a crime didn't commit. In addition to wrongfully serving a person sentence, he has been heavily financially impacted and his reputation has been severely damaged.

A U.S. veteran, who is 100% disabled, should never be treated this way; what the government did is purely politically based and they can never be forgiven. 

Update #4

March 25th, 2024

As Jorge finishes his 4th month of incarceration, we want to ensure all of his friends, family and supporters he is optimistic and hopeful! Jorge has received so many letters from Patriots and friends from all over the country who support and pray with him continually. No matter what he is facing, Jorge will always come out of any challenge triumphant! This has been true time and time again, as he has fought for conservative beliefs, values and freedom over the last several decades. 

Jorge sends his sincere thanks and a fist bump to all those who support him, and who continue to pray for him. Likewise, to those who don't support him, and those who take time to write negative messages filled with discontent over his actions - he is thankful for them, too. The hate filled people give Jorge a reason to solidify his position on conservative values, and reinforces what he stands for - it's exactly why Jorge holds the commitment to freedom which he rallied for on January 6th. 

In other words...the haters give him a reason to do what he does! 

Jorge looks forward to being released from Lompoc prison in the near future so he can continue his Commitment to Freedom! 

Romans 8:31 tells us: "What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?" 

Take heart in knowing God is the most high, the most almighty; and God will continue to bless Jorge while he is incarcerated. We give thanks and praise to the Lord as He walks alongside Jorge during this time.

To his friends - thank you immensely for your love, prayers, and support!

Update #3

February 9th, 2024

As of early February 2024, Jorge has been in federal prison in Lompoc, CA for a little over 2 months. Jorge is extremely grateful for the prayers and support from friends, and even strangers, who have donated their hard-earned money to help him get through his prison sentence. 

While in prison, Jorge has quickly shown his positive and leadership-driven nature by taking on numerous jobs in the penitentiary - some of which include teaching classes to other inmates and working in the prison library. By taking on jobs, it shows his initiative and desire to do good for himself and for others around him, which is a trait Jorge has shown all his life. 

Jorge spent his birthday in prison during the month of February, 2024. Just a couple of days before his birthday, Jorge received a visit from his 1-year old daughter and his girlfriend. This visit tremendously lifted his spirits and was a welcome moment for his daughter, who has been separated from her dad for over 2 months. 

Please continue to keep Jorge in your prayers and keep optimism high, as the future is looking more promising. We await  the day when Jorge will be released and reunited with his daughter and family! With God's grace, Jorge will get through the rest of his prison sentence and come out stronger than ever. 

God Bless all who read this, and thank you for your support. 

Update #2

December 30th, 2023

As of the date of this update, Dec. 29, 2023, Jorge Riley has been incarcerated for precisely one month. Jorge is doing his best to keep a positive attitude and outlook while in Federal prison. 

He has taken a strong initiative and is teaching classes to fellow inmates including courses on resume building, teaching business fundamentals, basic accounting and even working in the prison library, and sweeping floors.

Jorge is highly educated and is working continually in prison by sharing his knowledge gained through decades of college study to help empower other inmates. This comes as no surprise to those who know Jorge well - he is always looking to help other people!

The past few weeks have proven to be hard in other ways for Jorge. Due to severe medical problems and very old age, his dog, Princess Penelope, was surrendered to the SPCA in Sacramento. She had a growing tumor, a heart murmur and various other health issues. At the age of 16, for a dog, it was Jorge’s request and in her best interest to allow the SPCA to provide her the medical care she needed. The final goal is to have her rehomed if she is fit for adoption after her medical needs are addressed. Jorge didn't get the chance to say goodbye to his long time dog, and he will miss Princess Penelope very much. 

Also equally devastating is the loss of Jorge's close friend and fellow Patriot, T.J., who passed away unexpectedly. Jorge found out the somber news just after arriving in prison. We offer our prayers to T.J.'s family and ask God to comfort all those who knew him. Jorge didn't get a chance to say goodbye to his good friend T.J., but we know he is at peace with the Lord.

Let us not forget - we are absolutely in the midst of a spiritual war. What our nation and world is enduring right now is not just "hard times", these are struggles and spiritual battles in the heavenlies. While our wondrous God is supreme, the almighty, and most high, the devil is still trying to tear this world down. Jorge tried to fight against the evil and dark power by showing up on January 6, 2021. We know that even though the last 3 years have been miserable for our Nation, goodness lies ahead as we are still one nation, under God.

As Jorge continues to serve prison time for an unjust sentence, our focus needs to remain on the Lord. We know that God has a plan bigger than any of us. While we may not understand His plan, we know that He is good always.

Paslm 23:6 assures us: "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: And I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever."

Please continue to keep Jorge and his family in your prayers. He hopes to visit with his daughter as soon as the prison will allow it.

Update #1

December 2nd, 2023

As of Nov. 28, 2023 Jorge is confirmed to have surrendered to Lompoc USP in California. He will begin serving an 18 month prison sentence as punishment for exercising his 1st Amendment and speaking out against voter fraud. 

We ask for your prayers as Jorge is removed from his family and daughter, and that the prison treats him fairly and acknowledges his physical disabilities and that he receives appropriate care while serving time.

Thank you for your support. 

Prayer Requests

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