Supporting the Johnston Family


 USD $55,000


 USD $42,750

Campaign created by Chris Munley

Campaign funds will be received by Russ Johnston

Supporting the Johnston Family

We are supporting the Johnston family during this time of need.  We are praying over Brenda for her to be held in God's hands for healing and recovery.  While she is overcoming her medical situation, we invite friends, family and church family to help them by way of Give Send Go funds to equip Russ with the means to quickly obtain food, cover rising medical expenses, and support services for he and their children.

Recent Donations
Julia French
$ 50.00 USD
1 day ago

Praying for miracles

The Swinks
$ 200.00 USD
4 days ago

Encinitas LOVE

Kichanan family
$ 100.00 USD
4 days ago

Sending love.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
4 days ago

You all continue to inspire us with your faith. We keep each of you in prayer daily. Lots of love being sent your way!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
4 days ago

Sending prayers for Brenda and your beautiful family

Jen Wells
$ 50.00 USD
8 days ago

Healing prayers always

Autumn Rose
$ 50.00 USD
9 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
9 days ago

Praying for you all.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
14 days ago

Praying everyday for you Brenda and your amazing sweet husband and children. May God surround you all in his love and comfort.

Maureen Harmon
$ 200.00 USD
21 days ago

Continuous Prayers

Anonymous Giver
$ 1000.00 USD
21 days ago

Mightily lifting you all in prayer. Am envisioning a beautiful blanket of God’s extravagant Love and Peace wrapped around you all. May this blanket breathe God’s healing energy into you all - may it hold you all close and bring you strength and courage beyond our understanding. So much love flowing your way.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
26 days ago

Praying for all of you!

$ 1500.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 55.00 USD
1 month ago

Praying continually!!!

Stephanie Joyner
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

May God surround you all with love and strength. Praying for healing and miracles for sweet Brenda. Sending our love from Ohio to you all. May God bless you. Love you, The Joyner Family

Miyazaki Family
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Praying for Brenda and your whole family every day, Russ - for healing and a continued miracle!

Julie Brown
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

The McHugh Family
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Praying for Brenda and her family

Jen Wells
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Healing prayers always

Julian Betts Carolyn Lee
$ 200.00 USD
1 month ago

We wish you all the very best this Christmas. Just know that your California friends are thinking of you!!!


One Year…

February 3rd, 2025

February 2, 2025

Today marks one year…

12 months since we were told that Brenda had gnarly brain tumor…and our lives, both as a family and individually, were changed forever

365 days of our own version of Groundhog Day…ironic isn’t it?

I have no plan or agenda for this post…no outline or direction…I just know that I need to write something on this momentous day…

So I’m just going to write and whatever ends up on the screen…

My apologies.

I’ve physically left my property 4 times in the last month (that I can remember). Twice to go to the ER and twice to go to Trader Joe’s. One of those times I took my kids with me. They had been begging me to take them to get a milkshake for quite sometime. Now before you start feeling sorry for them…It’s not that they don’t get sugar on a regular basis. It’s that Dad doesn’t get out to do stuff with them very often anymore…they wanted me specifically to take them. After being asked over and over, I told them to get in the car and that we were going to Trader Joe’s…then the feedback started. “But we want to go get milkshakes…blah blah blah”…when you have 4 kids, you often get crushed by the feedback. I held my ground…”We are going to Trader Joe’s!” “But Daaaaaaddddd…” I finally looked at them and asked…”Are y’all only coming on this trip because you want a milkshake, or do you actually want to spend time with me?”

Here’s the thing…In my mind, I knew that I was taking them to get milkshakes. The answer to their requests had already been decided and was waiting for them…they just didn’t know that. I was more concerned about the journey…the time spent with me…all of us together.  

They responded with “of course we want to spend time with you Dad” and changed their posture. As we cruised past the entrance to Trader Joe’s, you could see their brains trying to process why and what was happening…then they figured it out and were simultaneously very appreciative and stoked. It was in that moment though that God hit me with something…call it a revelation…and it hit me like a brick to the face from Home Alone 2.

God impressed upon me that He already has what I have been asking Him for…just waiting for me…done and dusted…but what He desires is for me to spend time with Him. Just like me with my kids, He’s not concerned about the milkshake (the healing, the provision, etc.)…that’s easy for Him. He wants our relationship to grow and for me to go on the journey with Him.

Wow. Simple…yet so massive.

This entire last year has been filled with countless ups and downs. It has truly been a rollercoaster on a physical, mental, emotional, and even on a spiritual level. It has been an insanely tough and trying journey. I have had times of solid faith with an extremely positive outlook…and I’ve also been on the brink of walking away from faith altogether if I didn’t get what I (and hundreds of others) have been praying for over the course of months. Thankfully, God is patient and kind, gentle and gracious and hasn’t abandoned me during this challenging and confusing time…and I’ve had some solid friends that have helped get me down off the proverbial ledge.  

One can look at this journey in so many ways. It’s difficult sometimes to see the good when you’re absolutely exhausted, beat down, worn out, and have little hope that tomorrow will look any different than today…

But then your friend shows up to drop off your daughter and you say to him, “today marks one year since we found out”…and he says:

“Praise God! Look how far you’ve come…and she’s still fighting!”

Looking back there is no denying that God has been with us. There have definitely been times when I’ve questioned what the heck is actually going on…and what is He doing…and where is He?! I’ve had a bunch of these times recently as things seem to be getting worse and more is piling on…the hits just seem to keep coming. But I am continually reminded that He has walked with us on this journey…that it could be far worse than what it has been…and that He has protected and blessed us in so many ways, more than what we even know or realize.  

There are some challenging days ahead, there’s no doubt. We are going to be facing some serious financial obstacles as well as some logistical hurdles…we aren’t sure about the other areas, but we’ll have to cross those bridges when we get there and trust that God will provide.  

I finally finished this Bill Johnson message tonight on YT (it only took me like 5 weeks to finish it)…but in this message, he talks about how Trust is central to our relationship with God and how it is impossible to please God without Faith.

So I’m at the point in this journey where none of this makes any sense. I could take you down the long path that I’ve gone down, questioning why this happened to a servant of the Lord and daughter of the King like Brenda and also why God has chosen not to fully heal her yet…but it’s fruitless and honestly we won’t be any closer to the answer when the conversation is over than when we began. What I have to stick to is that God’s ways are higher than mine and so are His thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9) and I must choose to place my trust in those, even if I don’t understand them. I must do what it says in Proverbs:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” + Proverbs 3:5-6

My Pastor buddy encouraged me to ask God to give me a word…a word that I/We can refer back to and stand on as we continue to navigate this journey. I can’t confidently say that I’ve heard what it is yet…but the word TRUST really seems to be sticking out lately.  

One thing is for sure, God has been and is currently still walking through this valley with us and y’all are physical, tangible proof. You have supported us in so many ways…with your prayers, your letters, your meals, your gift cards, your donations, your time and the list goes on…we couldn’t have gotten through this without you and looking back, it’s proof that God was with us because he used Y’all in some very real ways! We are so thankful for all of y’all and pray God’s blessings and favor over you and your families!

More to come as we get some more detailed results this week following Bren’s latest ER scan. We appreciate your continued prayers and support!

We celebrate one calendar year of this journey with y’all and appreciate your help along the way! May God Bless you and keep you…


Update One Year… Image
Back to the ER

January 28th, 2025

On our way back to the ER…may have had another seizure or something similar.

Please Pray!!


Please Pray

January 16th, 2025

Headed back to the ER. Details to follow…Hoping it’s something minor.

Please Pray.

Thank You!

Pray for Miracles

December 30th, 2024

Friends & Family:

Big day tomorrow.  Please pray for Miracles!

Luke 8:50 || Praise you Jesus!

Thank you!

Merry Christmas!

December 25th, 2024

Quick Update…

Thank y’all so much for all of the prayers!  Brenda is back home!  We spent half the day in the ER and then got to come home.  She’s extra tired and still recovering from the events on Sunday. She has been resting and we are treating & monitoring certain things until her next scan and Dr. appts on the 30th.  We will keep everyone posted through here.

Another milestone reached…she got to spend Christmas with her kids, parents, and me!  Doctors weren’t sure if she’d make it to Easter and we just celebrated Jesus’s Birth together!  Praise the Lord!!

We appreciate all of the Love & Support!  Please keep the prayers lifted!!

Thank you and Merry Christmas!

Update Merry Christmas! Image
Please Pray

December 22nd, 2024

Unusual update here…but we need as many people praying as possible!!

We are currently in the ER.  Bren took a little Ambulance ride this morning.  Have had a CT and are awaiting results and next steps.  Don’t know anything yet…but we need your prayers please!

Please also pray for our kids and family…and all medical providers.

Thank you!!

Update #25

December 22nd, 2024

It’s been a tough couple of weeks…

Jim Gaffigan jokes about what it’s like to have a fourth kid…”Imagine you’re drowning, then someone hands you a baby.”

I’m pretty sure my college golf coach used to daydream about ways to torture us…and quite a few of those ways seemed to involve obscure, early morning workouts. For a brief stint, he had us in the pool treading water with our hands above our heads…which eventually evolved into holding bricks above the water. During those 6AM moments, drowning started to seem more tolerable. After the last couple weeks…and almost 11 months…treading that water is looking more like a vacation. Chuck me them bricks!

Hopefully that made you laugh.

Several people have asked us to share more of the hard times and challenges…more of the reality of what we are going through. I’m not sure that most people actually want to hear that stuff. At best, it sounds like whining and complaining…and nobody wants to be around a complainer. I’ll try to give you a little taste though, just to accommodate the requests. 

Bren’s parents and my dad all had to go back home to handle some odds & ends, so we’ve been without family backup for about 9 days. During this time, the dishwasher AND oven stopped working…which was perfect timing since my daughter only had about 25 dozen cookies to bake to fulfill her Holiday orders (shameless plug…my daughter is an unbelievable baker ( ))! I’m pretty sure my kids have secretly made it a game to see just how many dishes they can use in a single day. They also like to wait until dad’s finally hits the couch to then all 4 ask for something at the exact same time…but I digress. It’s also been a tough couple of weeks both emotionally and physically. We’ve had a couple of setbacks physically…which then of course prompts fear, doubt, anxiety & worry, and leads to more stress, emotional breakdowns, etc. All the while, regular life just keeps on happening…work, end of semester stuff, Christmas…yada yada yada.

Geez Guy…could you quit your whining and complaining!!

Several months back, also during a challenging stretch, a friend of mine reached out to me and shared the story of Jairus’s daughter. If you haven’t read that story, it can be found in Mark 5:21-43 and Luke 8:40-56. This reminder touched me greatly. That night, my youngest daughter asked me to read her a story from her Bible before she went to sleep. I said, let’s close our eyes and just open the Bible to whatever page we happen to land on and see what story God has for us.  

Wanna take a guess?  

I mean what are the odds out of the thousands of pages and stories in the Bible that we would open up and land on the exact same one?! My eyes immediately started watering…God was clearly speaking to us. More on this later.

A newer friend of mine, one that is deeply rooted in the Spirit of God, has been encouraging me to believe in what can’t be seen…not merely in what can. This is particularly important for us because essentially everything in this world right now is pointing towards one outcome…but we have to chose to believe in a different outcome, even if the supporting evidence is not what we are tangibly seeing right now.

One of our family Christmas traditions is that we drive around together, looking at Christmas lights and listening to Christmas music (Boy Bands or JB preferred 😉). As we are doing this the other night, my youngest tells us that she just had an image (vision) pop into her head. This image was of “knots” (tumors) in mommy’s head and these knots eventually disappeared. She also had the image of Jesus coming down and putting His hand on mommy and praying for her…and then she was healed. She proceeded to have this image pop into her head several times over the following days.

Last night, this same Daughter asks me to read a Bible story to the whole family, right before we start to watch a movie together. She opens her Bible and lays it on the couch…

…would anyone like to guess what story the Good Book is opened to when I sit down?! (You can’t make this stuff up!!) Now what are those odds?!

What is God trying to show us through repeatedly drawing us back to this story about Jairus’s daughter??

One of my best friends on the planet for 20+ years called me yesterday to check in. Through the course of catching up, golf talk, jokes, etc. I share with him how much I’m failing. He begins to encourage me during a time when I really need it. He proceeded to tell me that there’s way more impact to all of this than I even realize. He reminded me that we all fall short of the Glory of God (Romans 3:23), even on our very best days. He encouraged me that the important thing is to keep getting back up when we fall and to keep running the race set before us (Acts 20:24, 2 Tim 4:7). Ultimately, he reminded me that I need to consistently turn to the Source for my answers, direction, and peace, which is the Word of God.

So I went back and re-read this Scripture that God keeps bringing to our attention…Luke 8 and the story of Jairus’s daughter. What really reached off the page and grabbed me were these words from Jesus:

“Do not be afraid; just believe, and she will be healed.” + Luke 8:50

So back to my new friend’s encouragement: Don’t get locked in on merely what you can see…

her symptoms flaring up, her mobility seeming to get worse, doctors giving us certain opinions…(Jairus’s daughter being pronounced dead already!!!)

Jesus has the final word. He says:

…don’t be afraid

…just believe

…and she will be healed

Yeah…We’re gonna go with that.


Please forgive us for not being able to get Christmas cards and Thank You cards out to y’all. We just haven’t had the capacity to tackle that this year. 

We are reminded, especially during this season, just how much we need Jesus and the miracle of His birth. We are also reminded of just how much God has done for us and how much He’s blessed us. We consider each of y’all a blessing from God and we are so thankful for you. Despite not getting to share this season with you as much as we’d like, you’re still in our thoughts and prayers. We hope you have an amazing Christmas with your families & friends and experience God’s full love through Jesus. 

Please enjoy a gathering/party on our behalf!  

God Bless us everyone! - Tiny T.

Update Update #25 Image
Update #24

November 29th, 2024

Where does one even begin?

We have so much for which to be Thankful!

We are thankful first and foremost for God’s rich mercy and grace, giving His only Son to take our place on the cross, taking what we deserve and being the eternal sacrifice for us so that we can be His children and co-heirs with Jesus to His kingdom.

We are also so thankful that Brenda is here with us this day, getting to celebrate yet another holiday together as a family. There was a time when we were told she might not even make it to Easter…and here we are, 6 birthdays and numerous holidays later, comin’ in hot on Christmas! We are so thankful and blessed beyond measure.

There are countless things to be thankful for and the past 10 months has really reminded us how fragile life is and all the things we often took for granted…but this year it hits differently.

A short list of what could go on forever:

  • The Country and Families into which we were born
  • Kids (and lots of em)
  • Family & Friends
  • Our Health (believe it or not)
  • Our Freedom to worship God and those that have given their lives for that freedom
  • Churches
  • A safe place to call home
  • Food and running water 
  • Clothes, Shoes, and Transportation
  • Laughter and Jokes
  • Sports, Activities and Games
  • Music/Worship Music
  • Healthcare and Healthcare workers
  • God’s Creation and Provision through natural treatments He’s put on this Earth
  • Protein Bars and Chips (funny…but these have kept me going for months on end)…

And the list goes on…and on…

This whole journey has reshaped the way we think…and thank. We are grateful for many of the challenges as they are shaping our character and that of our kids. We appreciate so many things that we used to take for granted…because we thought it/they would always be there. Now we try to live each day, one at a time…or as the golfer in me says, One Shot at a Time…appreciating as much as we can.

Gratefulness will change your perspective…and that will change your heart. Sometimes it’s not easy…it’s a choice. We have to continue to choose gratefulness and positivity, especially during this difficult and stressful time. We have relied on God’s grace so much in order to do so.  

In the Spirit of Thanksgiving, we are truly grateful for each and every one of y’all. We look at y’all as a gift from God. We truly believe that He is using y’all to bless and help us…and we thank Him and praise Him for all of you! We couldn’t have made it through this time without your prayers, without your help, without your love and encouragement. We appreciate you so much! 

We’ll never be able to fully express how much we appreciate you for all you’ve done. We’ll never be able to repay you for your generosity or give you back the time you’ve invested in our family. Please know that you are storing up for yourselves Treasures in Heaven as you are helping this family…and we greatly appreciate it. Our prayers are with you and your families!

Every Day is a Gift…and we appreciate y’all helping give us extra days!

Happy Thanksgiving Y’all!

Update Update #24 Image
Update #22

November 15th, 2024

“So I have good news…”

…is what the Oncologist said as she entered the room.

“…about your scan. It looks almost identical to your previous scan…I literally can’t tell the difference between the two when looking at them side by side.”

Meaning that there isn’t any visible new growth.  

Previously, things had really ramped up from a growth standpoint to where the Oncologist and Radiologist were both very concerned.

“Did you start anything new or change anything since the last scan?” she asked…

“…Well whatever you did or are doing, you should probably keep doing it as it seems to be helping.”

The report from the Naturopathic Oncologist on a lesion specific basis (not in exact order):

Lesion 1 - slight change, 1-2mm

Lesion 2 thru 5 - stayed the same or slight decrease in size

Lesion 6 - GONE

Lesion 7 - GONE

Lesion 8 - GONE

Do I need to quote ‘NSync right now?!

I mean are you kidding me??!!!

We went from growth ramping up again to a concerning level and new lesions appearing (on the previous scan) to growth seemingly coming to a complete halt and even some lesions disappearing altogether. That doesn’t JUST HAPPEN with this aggressive type of tumor.  

But SOMETHING happened…


The Lord has lead us to make decisions each step of this journey. As y’all can probably imagine, there are a lot of voices along the way, including ones in our own heads. It’s quite a challenge to single out and decipher which one is God’s voice during this process so that we can listen and obey, making the wisest next step and decision possible. We really needed to hear God’s voice at our last appointment and were praying specifically that we’d hear what He has to say to us through the report that we got in that first meeting.  

“So I have GOOD NEWS”


Do you know how badly we needed to hear that??!! We have been filled with a NEW HOPE since.

God has lead us to all of the decisions that we’ve made, including specific treatments…even some new ones that we started almost immediately after that last scan…and subsequently, we receive GOOD NEWS!!  

Isn’t it just like God, the Source of the Ultimate GOOD NEWS, to deliver us the Good News we needed, right when we needed it?!

God has led these decisions and He has provided the resources to make these treatments happen, all along this journey. Each and every one of you has played a major part in this. God has used YOU to help accomplish what He wants to accomplish with this journey that Brenda and our family are on right now.  

You may think that it isn’t that big of a deal…but that thought, that quiet voice, that prompting that you had that propelled you to give that $100 or to say that encouraging thing or to pray specifically in that moment…that was God USING YOU in this journey! When you chose to listen to that and act on it, you chose to obey God and He used YOU to Help and BLESS US!!!

We cannot THANK YOU enough for all that you’ve done…for your continued support and encouragement along the way…we truly couldn’t have done it without you. God is sovereign over all the resources in this world…and He can choose to align them however He sees fit. He has chosen to move some of those resources around, using all of YOU to be a part of this, to aide us in this journey.  

I PRAISE HIM right now and Thank Him for all of y’all!! We are so grateful for you and appreciate everything you’ve done and have been for us along the way!!

And so…we continue the journey and stick to the plan that we’ve been on for the past 30-45 days. God is using it to make a difference and we believe He will continue to do that! The next scan is Dec. 30th and we ask that you would please be praying for more results, more reports like this that demonstrate His Power, His Authority, His Healing that defies logic and probabilities and reveals His true Goodness and Greatness!

Can I brag on my bride for a second? She is the most incredible person I know! (I used to be the most incredible person I know…but God has cured me of that infirmity)

She is so unbelievable. One day following this last report, I look over and she is crying (this is not unusual at this point). I rushed over and inquired into what was going on.  

“Good tears or Bad tears?”


“What’s going on?”

“This may sound crazy…”

“Babe…Nothing sounds crazy at this point!”

“I just feel honored that God has chosen me as a vessel to be used for His purposes!”

I’m sorry…WHATTTTT??!!!!!!!

Lady, you were told you have a terminal brain tumor. You were told you had weeks to live. And you’re…HONORED???!!!

I looked back at her and said…”You are the Real Deal”…”and I am a fraud!”

This is what real, legitimate faith looks like and this is what it truly looks like to follow Jesus and be one of His disciples. She is a living example for many…but above anyone else, she is an example for me…every single day. I Thank God and Praise Him for her!

I’ve personally had a really tough couple weeks. Does this really come as any shock that immediately following the best news that we’ve probably received in 9 months, Satan tries to steal, kill, and destroy like He always does? Nah, not really. Not looking back, it doesn’t. But when you’re in the thick of it, you sometimes don’t recognize what’s going on…and he’s crafty, often using things and people that don’t make it obvious.

The accumulation will get to you. Could be recent, could be decades-long. You wish things had been different. You had hoped for a different experience. You wish that had been one way. You hoped they’d at least change over time. You think what you need is THIS…but then you realize…

You can’t change them.

You can’t control that.

You aren’t going to get it.

It didn’t work out that way.

It’s not going to change.  

So God brings you in for an “I” exam. He adjusts your prescription. You get different lenses through which to view things. And then you realize…

”I” don’t actually NEED what I thought I did. I mean it would be nice, don’t get me wrong…but “I”don’t NEED it.  

He recalibrates you. Gives you a new vantage point from which to view things. So now you realize that even though you aren’t getting what you thought you needed…you don’t really need that anymore.  

You’ve been elevated…and your Source has changed.  

It’s Freeing.  

Yeah there are still difficult times and moments…but you aren’t captive in a prison, waiting on something that’s never going to come from someone that’s never going to change. You now report to a higher source and receive what you need from Him…and you let Him handle the other stuff.

My “I” exam doesn’t change their prescription or lenses…but it changes mine. Call it leading by example, call it being the bigger person, call it taking the high road…whatever you want to call it, it’s a shift in focus and ultimately, a shift in Surrender & Worship.

So 2 of the worst weeks of this whole journey for me, immediately following the GOOD NEWS we received, has eventually provided revelation and freedom.

He DESERVES our PRAISE and THANKS…no matter what we are going through. HALLELUJAH!  

I’ll leave you with this…possibly my new Anthem:

Update #21

October 29th, 2024

Quick Update:

Brenda goes for her next scan this Thursday at 8AM EST (that’s 5AM for y’all Left Coasters).  We will then have appts on Friday and Monday with the various Docs to discuss the results.  We would really appreciate your prayers during this time.  Please specifically pray that God would demonstrate His power and authority to these healthcare workers…that they would get to witness and see His work in action.  Please pray that they would see the Way Maker, the true Healer, the one that is greater than the odds, the pharmaceuticals, and the prognoses!  We want these appointments to count for something greater.

Today, we went to get blood work done and after we sat there for 10 minutes, waiting to get called back…we went into the tiny office where the Phlebotomist draws the blood…all day, every day.  She essentially does the same thing to every patient, every time.  Sticks the needle in, draws the blood, and 45 seconds later…Have a nice day.  Now we’ve done this countless times at this point and I have noticed the Gospel music playing in the background most of those times…but today, it hit differently.

If your job is doing the same thing day after day, you probably struggle sometimes to see how you might impact folks in a positive way…especially if you only see them for 45 seconds to a minute at a time.  After all, how much can 45 seconds really affect your life (I have 4 kids…this is obviously a ridiculous question)?!  

It’s pretty amazing what the Power of God can do, even in that short interaction.  The lady didn’t say anything profound, didn’t give us a prophetic word or anything like that…she honestly didn’t say too much at all besides to just be kind in her delivery.  But she had that Gospel Music playing…filled with a Life-Giving Message…that gave a boost to a struggling Caretaker who needs these moments of encouragement numerous times a day, just to keep going.  That Phlebotomist probably has no idea the impact she is having simply by being obedient to the Lord, turning on that Gospel music as she pricks people all day long.  She may never go on to Pastor a church, author Theology textbooks, or sing on the soundtrack for The Chosen…but God is using her to potentially impact hundreds of people per week, often going through a scary time in their lives, right from that 7x5ft closet of a room…45 seconds at a time.  PTL!

What can we do to positively impact those around us, even if it’s in little bites?  When we interact with someone, we may never know what they are going through at that moment in their lives.  We have the opportunity to either speak LIFE…or speak death.  I can tell you from walking through this journey, I need all the LIFE I can get!  Often, it comes from the least likely of folks and not the ones from which you’d naturally expect.  So, we never know what folks have just gone through or are currently going through and what kind of impact our seemingly small acts of kindness or encouraging words might have on their lives.

I can tell you this for a fact…y’all’s continual acts of kindness, prayers, and generosity have made a HUGE difference in our lives!  We have often emotionally/mentally survived off of the encouragement that you’ve offered…and your generosity has kept us afloat during a very stressful time!  

To give you a little tangible example:

Just 2 of Brenda’s (2 dozen plus) treatments cost approximately $110/day…and those occur 3x/day.  That’s approximately $36.67 per session of those 2 key treatments.  So when someone donates say $40, they may not think that’s a ton…but they actually just paid for one session of those 2 very impactful treatments and helped us keep going, extending Bren’s beautiful life and healing process, which impacts many others including 4 kids, a husband (that’s Me), parents, siblings, & other family members, church and tennis friends, random folks reading rest stop bathroom stall walls…and the list goes on.  The impact of a small act can be exponential…and we often don’t even know or realize it.  

Thank y’all so much for your continued investment into our lives and journey.  These are truly Kingdom investments. Storing up for yourselves treasures in Heaven.  + Matthew 6:19-21

Blessings to all of y’all this week!

Update #20

October 12th, 2024

I am not okay 

I'm barely getting by 

I'm losing track of days 

And losing sleep at night 

I am not okay 

I'm hanging on the rails 

So if I say I'm fine 

Just know I learned to hide it well

I know, I can't be the only one 

Who's holding on for dear life 

But God knows, I know 

When it's all said and done 

I'm not okay 

But it's all gonna be alright 

It's not okay 

But we're all gonna be alright

+ Jelly Roll

I bet y’all weren’t expecting Jelly Roll…but when I first heard those opening lyrics, it hit me…

It’s easy to believe in God’s goodness and kindness when your problems are ones that ultimately, you can solve (or at least you think you can). Yeah, we go to God and we ask Him for His help, blessing, favor, direction, wisdom, etc…but in the back of our minds, we know that even if we don’t get the answer we are looking for or if we don’t get it fast enough…we can ultimately figure it out (dip into our savings account for a bit, ask a relative or close friend for help, etc.). Sometimes, whatever the issue…it seems really important at the time (it is), but in the end, if you just wait long enough and keep trying…or if you just follow “these steps”, it seems to work out. It may set you back for a while…it may suck while it’s happening…but you know in 6 weeks, 3-6 months, one year etc. that it pans out for most…so you pray and ask for help, and hope that you get it (at least the way you want it), but you don’t absolutely depend on it. You often fight your own battle while asking for some backup.

What happens when the odds are 0%, or 100% (depending on how you look at it)? What do you do when there aren’t any known solutions and/or next steps and everything anyone throws at you is a roll of the dice…but they will only potentially buy you some minutes, not fix anything…and also could make things worse?  

When the juice isn’t worth the squeeze and you’ve tried all other steps and you finally come to realize that you cannot “figure this out” and it’s not gonna all “just work out”…

What do you do when you finally come face-to-face with the fact that you can’t win this fight? What do you believe and how do you view God then? When you’ve been praying for miracles and healing and you haven’t seen what you’ve been praying for (yet)…do you still view Him as good and kind?

When there’s seemingly nothing else and no other hope, people tend to turn to God…which is great and often that’s what it takes for some folks…

What happens when He hasn’t delivered yet? Do you still believe? Do you still seek? Do you still Praise? What if He never comes through with the answer you desire or the miracle you need? Is He still capable? Still worthy? How can He be Good and Merciful and Kind if He has the power and yet won’t do it…or didn’t do it (the way you thought it should be done)?

These are questions that go through my head daily and ones that require a good wrestle. I recently watched this message and it has restored some hope for me for the future…I really recommend watching it, I think it will Bless you.

“He said: “Listen, King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the Lord says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s. Tomorrow march down against them. They will be climbing up by the Pass of Ziz, and you will find them at the end of the gorge in the Desert of Jeruel. You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you.’ ””

‭‭+ 2 Chronicles‬ ‭20‬:‭15‬-‭17‬ ‭NIV‬‬

So when you’ve arrived at the conclusion that this fight is too much/too big to handle and overcome…then you’re finally right where you need to be, which is in a place of recognition that this is ultimately not your battle and not your problem…this is God’s battle and a God Problem.

“So he said to me, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty. “What are you, mighty mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will become level ground. Then he will bring out the capstone to shouts of ‘God bless it! God bless it!’ ” Then the word of the Lord came to me: “The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this temple; his hands will also complete it. Then you will know that the Lord Almighty has sent me to you.”

‭‭+ Zechariah‬ ‭4‬:‭6‬-‭9‬ ‭NIV‬‬

I found this incredibly helpful in understanding the backstory to this scripture and also what it means for us today.

Despite how difficult it’s been at times to see what’s going on…to understand the timing…I have to continue to believe that God will finish the work that He has started in Brenda. I know that His ways are not my ways and His thoughts are not my thoughts…

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

‭‭+ Isaiah‬ ‭55‬:‭8‬-‭9‬ ‭NIV‬‬

So I can’t really expect things to happen or look like what I’ve created in my own head. I must continue to trust and have faith in the One that is Greater in all ways and know that regardless of the outcome, He is working for the good of Brenda:

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

‭‭+ Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭28‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Quick Health Update:

Brenda’s last scan was approx. 3 weeks ago. Several areas remained relatively unchanged, which we choose to view as a positive due to how aggressively this type of tumor can grow. There was an area where it seemed to shrink very minimally (1-2mm) and then a couple areas of small growth (again, millimeters). We discussed plans with the traditional docs and naturopathic oncologist and weighed the risk/reward. We’ve ultimately decided to go a path of more aggressive, holistic treatment that will target the bad cells specifically, but minimize side effects and maintain the optimal quality of life during this time. This means upping certain current modalities as well as adding several new ones into the plan. 

“Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit”

“Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s.”

So what does this mean for us? It’s a great question and one that I’ve been pondering. I really don’t think it means that we just give up, sit on the couch, eat chips and wait…hoping that it’ll all work out. It says in Zechariah that “The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this temple; his hands will also complete it.” God still used his hands…they were empowered by His Spirit.  

I’ve been praying for supernatural miracles, hoping that one day I’ll wake up and walk around the corner, only to find Brenda riding the bike with a full head of hair and no signs of this battle whatsoever. I’ve been hoping that one day I’ll come back from the store and she’ll run and jump into my arms, completely healed…and we’ll fall to the ground crying and worshipping/praising the Lord for His miraculous healing. But those are my thoughts and my ways…

Maybe His ways look differently. Maybe His ways take longer. Maybe He uses the hands of the surgeons, the hands of the radiologists, the hands of the oncologists, the hands of our family, the hands of our church and neighbors, my hands…and every single hand of y’all’s to…

“complete it.”

We appreciate all of the support so much. We seriously couldn’t have done all of this without your continued prayers, encouragement, and financial support. It has been MASSIVE and we are so grateful and thankful for y’all. The next scan is in 3 weeks…we ask that y’all would continue to pray not only for healing and wisdom, but also for some confirmation as well.

Thank you and May God richly bless all of you!

Update Update #20 Image
Update #19

September 17th, 2024

From Brenda:

Glioblastomas are the most aggressive and most common type of cancer that originates in the brain…and the fact that I even just looked that word up and read/posted it is a miracle in and of itself. I have chosen to keep my mind in a positive place and limit the amount of tumor information I consume since diagnosed…but it feels like it’s time to speak about it. I still have trouble choking out the word cancer because it does NOT define me!! But we can’t continue the story without it. 


The most frustrating part of this journey for me has been the cognitive struggle - this has changed me physically and mentally in so many ways. I often feel like a prisoner in my own body, not being able to do the things I used to be able to do and watching other people do them for me. Who knew this Mom of 4 could miss doing laundry and making food?!! Apparently it’s very hard for me to be taken care of because my preference is taking care of everyone else! How do you gracefully manage each day when you feel like parts of your normal life have been completely taken away from you?! 


I miss driving, I miss washing and brushing my hair, I miss playing tennis, I miss working out and riding the Peloton (it’s funny, but I miss the instructors).  

Let’s be honest - I cry at least once a day…releasing those endorphins feels pretty good.  I am surrounded by such a good support system in my family. I’m immediately loved on, prayed for and encouraged by all my family. But the waiting is so hard! The grieving (of my old life) is so hard. 

I try to remember in those moments that Jesus died for us so we could live in total healing and have hope in the waiting (He never leaves or forsakes us!) (Deut 31:6) He also promised in John 16:33  “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you WILL have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world!”


 To keep walking through this, some of you have been my early morning recipients of scripture and worship songs because I can’t help but share how the Lord is speaking to me. I feel this has become a newfound purpose and way God can use me to love on and encourage others as we start each day. Russ and I have talked about how we sometimes feel like prisoners…captive to our home, medical routine, etc…and a prisoner in my own body that no longer feels like mine. And yet, Paul was able to be used quite a bit from prison (not that I’m anything like Paul). It just goes to show that God isn’t done working through us, even in the toughest of circumstances.



One thing I keep thinking about is a sermon I heard that was talking about how Jesus is still referred to as the son of David…a couple thousand years later! We hear that title even now in reference to the son of God, and what an impact David had on the world that Jesus could still be referred to as the son of David. I keep thinking about the impact all I am going through has on my family and I realize this journey is not all about me! This journey is one that God has prepared our family for (in advance) and is more of a kingdom perspective journey - a realigning, repositioning, and repurposing of future generations. I know it might seem “crazy”…but to me, this shows how much He cares for our family and how much HE LOVES US!! He loves us enough that He wants to refine us, draw near to us, lavish His love on us, lift us up, change our perspective, help us help others, teach us empathy…and the list goes on.


More Than Able

When did I start to forget

All of the great things You did

When did I throw away faith for the impossible

How did I start to believe

You weren't sufficient for me

Why do I talk myself out of seeing miracles

And now I see all that I have

Oh, I've got my confidence back

I put my trust in the One

who still does miracles

You do miracles 

You are more than able…

Who am I to deny what the Lord can do?

Can you imagine with all of the faith in the room

What the Lord can do, what the Lord can do

And it’s gonna happen

Just let the Waymaker through

He’s gonna move, He’s gonna move

I've come a long way 

I've seen how You work

There's so much goodness and grace

Much more than I deserve

'Cause I know who l am

And I can't stay where I'm at

We've come this far by faith

And I just can't turn back

'Cause He's not done with me yet

He's not done with me yet

Theres so much more to the story 

You’re not done with me yet

God is more than able

Who am I to deny what the Lord can do

+ Elevation Worship
 & Maverick City





The weapon may be formed, but it won't prosper

When the darkness falls, it won't prevail

'Cause the God I serve knows only how to triumph

My God will never fail


There's power in the mighty name of Jesus

Every war He wages He will win

I'm not backing down from any giant

'Cause I know how this story ends

Yes, I know how this story ends

+ Elevation Worship


After my latest emotional meltdown, instead of focusing on the things I can’t do…I decided to sit with the family and make a list of things I CAN DO – a much needed mental shift!  

Here’s a snippet…



Swim/Workout in a pool








Watch family movies


Give Hugs & Snuggle

Be a role model

Hit tennis balls in the backyard

Put on shoes

Go on a golf cart ride

Sit by the shoreline

Do school with the kids

Dance (Yes, I floss)

And I’m continually adding to this list daily!


I love the lyrics to “More Than Able” - You’re not done with me yet! 

There’s so much more to MY story!! I can’t wait to celebrate God’s victory with you!!!

Quick Update:

Brenda has her next MRI this Thursday with Dr. appointments spanning the 3 subsequent business days. 

We ask that you would please continue to pray for Miracles…for unexplainable and undeniable results as we head into Thursday and the Dr. appointments.  

Please join us in praying for strength to keep fighting and remembering that the battle has already been WON and we WILL see a VICTORY!  

Thank you for your continued support…for partnering with us on this journey…we couldn’t have done it without you!  

The Lord be with you!

Update Update #19 Image
Update #18

August 19th, 2024

2 Doctors walk into a hospital room…

(No, this isn’t the beginning of a bad joke)

…and they tell us, you’ve got 2 options, and neither of them are cures.  

I followed them out into the hallway to have a very realistic conversation.  

What happens if we leave here and do absolutely nothing…how long are we talking?  


What happens if we do the radiation?

“Weeks…depending on how much radiation you get through. If you get through all of it, then maybe a couple months.” (We were on Day 3 of 30 Days of radiation)

Wait, so are you saying she may not make it through all of the radiation?

“I honestly can’t answer that.”

This was March 29th. Since then, not only did she finish 6 weeks of radiation…but we’ve celebrated Easter, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, 6 Birthdays, our Anniversary, and several other milestones.  

Miracles on Miracles.

I want to use this post for 2 key purposes:

Part 1: To give you the latest update on Brenda’s scan

Part 2: As somewhat of an Accountability Post to let you know where your donations have gone and how they’ve blessed us

Part 1: Scan Update

We try to be wise about how much personal medical information we post on here. We don’t want to share too much…but enough to keep y’all informed. Bren had her most recent scan at the beginning of the month and meetings with multiple doctors over the days to follow.  

Here’s the short version: The first two docs essentially told us that not much had changed since her last scan (2 months prior)…that it looked 95% the same with a small area that could be a number of things (growth, radiation damage, scar tissue…it’s too difficult to tell from the imaging). There was also still a significant amount of swelling, which is to be expected. They gave us a few options on what we could do from here (Chemo, a couple pharmaceuticals, and a device). I must admit, at first, this took some of the wind out of our sails. We’ve been hoping and praying for miracles and for these cells to be killed off, healed, restored, etc…and it looks the SAME??!! But then we reminded ourselves that this is an extremely aggressive tumor and having virtually no change in a 2 month span is actually a major positive and something to celebrate. So we went about our business and tried to focus on the positive.

A couple days later, we met with the Naturopathic Oncologist to get his take on the scans and what our options were from his perspective. He read the reports of our scan and informed us that one of the tumors (the main one I believe) had actually shrunk 25-35%.  

I’m sorry…what did you say?

Yeah…he said it had SHRUNK!!

Praise the Lord Jesus!!! This is unbelievable news. I think we were both kinda in shock and disbelief. It’s very hard sometimes to know what to believe when you have multiple doctors on your team and they often don’t fully agree or share the same information.  

He also shared that some of her blood markers were trending in the right directions…the high ones were coming down and the low ones were going up (to simplify things)…the ratio was getting better.  

Why wasn’t this shared at the other two offices? Why was nothing mentioned about the Shrinkage (Seinfeld…IYKYK)?! Well the Naturopath had his theory…and it lines up with my thoughts…but we are going to just leave that where it is for now. The main point is that things were even more positive than we knew or realized!

This deserves so much PRAISE!!

But why has it been so hard to praise recently? Why is this not enough to sound the alarm and shout from the mountain tops? I think it’s partially because it’s not the immediate miracle that we’ve been hoping for…and it’s honestly hard to see change day-to-day when you’re in the thick of the jungle. It’s also just an exhausting and disheartening journey…I’m not going to lie. It’s brutal from so many angles…ones you may have never even thought of if you haven’t personally been through this…and I definitely had never thought of until we were tossed this live grenade back in February.  

It hit me the other day though…when I realized I hadn’t been praising and thanking God enough for this amazing news. I was reminded of that conversation that I had with the Surgeon and Radiologist (both Men of Faith btw) back in March. At that point…this thing was growing so rapidly and was so aggressive that they projected “Days to Weeks”. And now, 4 months later…not only has it been stalled out and has remained “virtually unchanged” since the last scan 2 months ago…according to the MRI report, one of the tumors has actually SHRUNK!

I need to be on my knees and face, PRAISING the PAINT OFF THE WALLS over this report!!!!

God may have already sealed this healing in Heaven for Brenda…but it’s taking time for it to be carried out here on Earth…and there may be a reason for it that we just don’t fully understand…yet.  

Not Now is Not No!

My good friend sent me this message and I really wanted to share it with you. It came at a time when I really needed to hear it.

(More unpacking of this message in a later post…but for now, please take time to watch/listen to it…I think it will bless you)

Have you ever been mowing your yard and started crying?

I was out mowing my yard and listening to the message I posted above. A landscaper that does a lot of work in our neighborhood comes over and stops me while I’m mowing. He proceeds to tell me how much everybody in the neighborhood loves Brenda and Me (we all know he just meant Brenda) and how they are all praying for us…

His name is Jesús.

So during a time where I’m really struggling and I’m outside trying to just get a break and listen to an encouraging message…a man of seemingly humble stature intentionally seeks me out to make sure I know how much we are loved…and his name is JESUS!!!!!!

I mean are you serious?! I find this to be more than coincidental.  

This happened 2 weeks ago and I’m still tearing up as I’m typing this out. Talk about humbling and encouraging and mind-blowing all at the same time. God knows exactly what we need…exactly when we need it.   

Part 2: Financial Accountability 

I wanted to give y’all just a quick snapshot as to where the funds that y’all have so generously donated have been applied. We are so thankful for your generosity and God has used you to bless us so much…we truly couldn’t have done it without you and we appreciate y’all so much!

As mentioned previously, there is the “standard of care” that is partially covered by insurance…and then there are many additional treatments, therapies, supplements, etc. that are outside of this “standard of care” that are not covered by insurance whatsoever. To keep it simple and tangible, I’m just going to record a short list below that will give you a glimpse into the expenses associated with all of this journey:

+ Insurance Individual Deductible (traditional/standard of care): $3500/year

+ Insurance Individual Out of Pocket Max (traditional/SOC): $7000/year

+ Medical Bills not fully covered by Insurance: TBD 

+ Hyperbaric Chamber including necessary accompanying therapeutic equipment: $20K

+ Additional Therapeutic Equipment: $3500

+ Monthly Supplements: $3K/month

+ Specialty Medicines: $3K+

+ Additional Bloodwork/Testing: $2K+

+ Physician/Specialist Appointments and Plans: $250/hr and $450/plan (many hours and plan revisions accruing)

Again, this is just a snapshot and isn’t fully comprehensive. This also doesn’t include things like Family Counseling & Therapy, Home Modifications, Specialty Food & Diet requirements and many other things that one would normally never consider outside of specific medical situations.  

I wanted to share some of this info with you to make sure you knew that your support has gone to help our family significantly with these incredible financial obligations. We are so appreciative for the continued love, support, and prayers. You have been the hands and feet of God and He has used you to bless our family so much.

From the bottom of our hearts…

Thank You!

The Triune God is the keeper of our calendar. He’s the only one that knows the number of our days…

…and every single one of them is a Gift.

Thank you Lord for Another Day.

Praise Him. Amen.

Update #17

August 1st, 2024

Oh, lately I feel like I've been on my own

Walking these streets, but they don't feel like home

Trying to fight it, but I just can't seem to break through

Oh, I need some rest and I need a way out

I wish I knew what all this was about

All of these questions just lead me straight back to You

Miracle Worker make me new

I know there's nothing You can't do

I don't know who else to run to

Miracle Worker, I need a miracle soon

Running on empty, at the end of my rope

Never thought I'd be the one losing hope

Put on a smile when I need to be someone else

I'm broken in pieces, lonely inside

But I heard that You save each tear that I cry

I know my help only comes from You

Miracle Worker make me new

I know there's nothing You can't do 

I don't know who else to run to

Miracle Worker, I need a miracle soon

I need a miracle…

+ Forrest Frank & Tori Kelly

When I heard this song for the first time, my immediate thought was…they literally took the thoughts right out of my head. This is me. This is how I feel right now.  

I 100% believe that God still works miracles and that He is capable of anything…He is the God of the impossible. But I will admit that right now, I really need to see it with my own eyes…

I was reading through the Book of John and was intentionally focusing on the miracles that Jesus performed/worked. I arrived at the story in John 4:46 where Jesus Heals an Official’s Son:

“So he came again to Cana in Galilee, where he had made the water wine. And at Capernaum there was an official whose son was ill. When this man heard that Jesus had come from Judea to Galilee, he went to him and asked him to come down and heal his son, for he was at the point of death. So Jesus said to him, “Unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe.” The official said to him, “Sir, come down before my child dies.” Jesus said to him, “Go; your son will live.” The man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him and went on his way. As he was going down, his servants met him and told him that his son was recovering. So he asked them the hour when he began to get better, and they said to him, “Yesterday at the seventh hour the fever left him.” The father knew that was the hour when Jesus had said to him, “Your son will live.” And he himself believed, and all his household. This was now the second sign that Jesus did when he had come from Judea to Galilee.”

‭‭+ John‬ ‭4‬:‭46‬-‭54‬ ‭ESV‬‬

When I read this, there was one verse that glaringly stood out to me…when Jesus said:

“Unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe.”

I have to confess…this is me right now. I “believe”. I believe that it’s possible and I believe that He still does these things and I believe that He’s fully capable…but I NEED to see it.  

“I need a miracle soon!”

So often as the “seasoned Christian”, you feel like you should have it together from a faith standpoint. You feel like you’ve been a Christian for so many years and have learned so much along the way that you should just believe and never waiver. Also, people are watching you…so you feel this pressure or need for your faith to seem impenetrable and unshakable, never wavering. Which is a great plan…until you get punched in the face (IYKYK). 

This verse really ministered to me. I try my best to have strong faith and believe in what I can’t see…to believe that God has a plan for Bren and for our family…clinging to the countless stories of miracles both in the Word of God and in our world today. But sometimes…I need to see something to truly believe at a deeper level.  

This Official obviously had some belief that Jesus could help, as he specifically sought Him out for assistance. But Jesus knew he needed to see his son healed to deeply believe. And after his son was healed, it says in verse 53…”And he himself believed, and his whole household.”  

I personally think seeing Brenda healed would catapult my faith/belief to a whole ‘nother level…and that of my whole household. It would impact our family for generations to come.  

As we were driving the other day, we somehow got on the topic of how we up and moved across the country to California when I was in Seminary, making no money and Brenda had just accepted a job as Director of Youth Ministry. Have you ever lived in or at least visited California? Do you know how difficult it is to survive as a family off of a Youth Pastor’s salary?  

As we were reminiscing, we started calling out all the times God helped us “make it” during those times. We found out we were having our first child 2 weeks after arriving in CA. So now we were poor AND pregnant! My inner man-voice said…You gotta get a job!! I had no idea what I was going to do at that moment. At just the right time, God provided a job in the insurance business through a friend and ministry partner of mine (who is still my close friend…and current boss as I sit here and write this)! *Miracle

I was unexpectedly laid off twice during our time in CA. BOTH times…within 3 months…God provided me with another job…including a salary increase! *Miracle *Miracle

As we start to trace back the timeline of our lives, it’s far easier to see God’s presence…to see Him walking with us through those moments when you don’t know how you’re going to make ends meet or how you’re going to make it. You start to see Him in those folks that host you in their home, giving you a free place to live for 3 months…or in the well-below-market deals you got on a car because your boss sold you his for “what he owed on it” or your friend’s brother-in-law just happened to be the Sales Manager (true stories). *Miracle *Miracle

These are God things…His Blessings and Miracles. As we recount these…and trust me, they are countless…we realize that these are His Signs and Wonders that we need to Believe. + John 4:48

As I write these blogs each time, I sometimes think to myself I hope these words help or bless someone that’s reading them…but what actually happens is that God ministers to me as the words pop right off my fingertips. I realize as I get to the end of what I’m typing that God has been there through every step and hasn’t failed me yet and has given me what I need, each and every time. He is trustworthy and faithful…and as it says in 1 Peter 5:7…He cares for us.

Friday, Brenda goes for her next scan. She said the last 2 days have been her best 2 days since all of this started. She said she just felt differently. I keep praying that God would finish what He has started and not delay her healing any longer…that He would speedily act in healing and delivering her. + Luke 18:1-8

We ask that you would pray the same with us over the next 2 days as she goes for this scan. Please pray that Jesus would move in a mighty way and that all of His healing Power and Authority would be over Bren in these coming days!

Father God, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit…We need a miracle soon!


Update Update #17 Image
Update #16

July 26th, 2024

My Journey - Part 1

Brenda here - I figured maybe it was time I added to the update, although I can’t promise it will be quite as eloquent and moving as this newfound gift I am now seeing in my husband who has quite a way with words! I tell him every day his résumé keeps expanding! I am beginning to understand all the time that’s put into these updates as I have been interrupted probably 10 times already in the last 10 minutes…but I will put in my best efforts as encouraged by friends and family to share my story from my perspective. Focusing and refocusing is difficult for me these days.

I want to rewind back to the beginning of this journey…and speaking of beginnings….in the beginning, GOD. He has given me 41 years of life and has been faithful and sovereign the entire time!

Let’s hop back to August 2020 when all of this really began without us even knowing. Russ and I had been praying for a while about moving out of California. God guided each step of the way in our decision-making process…even from over 2400 miles away! Even our house buying experience was a miracle, but that’s a story for another day. God brought us back to a town where we lived right after we got married at 22 and 23 years old…just puppies. Little did we know that it would be a place with one of the best medical teams and neurosurgeons in the country! It was a place that was closer to family so that we could “get to them” if they needed us during a crazy and unpredictable time…again, we never knew it would be the other way around.

Let’s talk miracles. As I retell this story, it’s impossible to tell without also sharing all of the miracles we’ve experienced. Already, throughout this unexpected journey, there are almost too many to count, but I will do my best to recount a lot of them! In fact, one of my missions each morning is to read about miracles in the Bible and listen to songs about miracles to remind myself…It is possible…All things are possible…God is the God of the Impossible!!

At the end of January, the 26th to be exact, I woke up with a headache and I had a tennis match to play…so I sucked it up and went to help my ladies team. I honestly thought it was from the lasagna I ate the night before (because of the gluten) or from the adjustment I had on my neck the day before. My partner and I won both sets (6-0, 6-0) and my headache subsided for a small amount of time. When I got home, the headache was still lingering, so the athlete in me said “sweat it out”…so I hopped on the bike and did another workout. The headache continued and every time I stood up, I had to grab my head because of the radiating pain I was experiencing. We weren’t sure what was causing it…we live in the land of allergies and pressure change, some other ladies suggested it could be hormones as they had experienced that before…so we thought it could be related to that or one of my food sensitivities, etc. After several days of this, I realized I needed to go to the doctor, as I feared the worst because I’ve never had migraines. We went to the doctor and they did bloodwork and even gave me an IV for potential dehydration and something stronger to attempt to knock out the migraine. They also said we should probably do an MRI to see if it was related to my neck and to rule anything else out. Russ called one of the imaging places and they were scheduling 2 weeks out. He called another one, the closest to our house, and they had an appointment available the very next day (Miracle 1).

After saying goodbye to the kids for what Russ and I thought would be an hour or so…we headed to the imaging place a few minutes up the road. When we got there, they wouldn’t let Russ walk me back without signing a bunch of paperwork and made it clear they didn’t really want additional people back there…so he just waited outside. I hopped on the table for what we thought would be a pretty routine scan, but after laying for a few minutes, the tech came over and told me that the machine was malfunctioning (Miracle 2). I remember feeling frustrated because they couldn’t get it to work and I didn’t want to have to go through all of that again and wanted some answers! After three attempts to reboot and calling IT, I had to get off the table and wait in the lobby. We were told that they weren’t going to be able to get the machine up and working again that day and that we’d have to reschedule. As we were standing in the waiting room, getting ready to walk out, one of the techs came and asked us to go back in the hallway to talk with her. So Russ, who was previously told he was not allowed to go back with me, was now permitted to go back? At that moment, I was very confused about what was going on. With a trembling hand, one of the three ladies standing there handed Russ a piece of paper that said we were to go immediately to the emergency room because they were able to get 4 images before the machine broke and a radiologist was able to read it for them while we were waiting (Miracles 3 and 4) and the images showed a large cranial mass. The machine breaking kept me from laying in a dangerous position for an extended period of time (more on that later). The fact that they got several images right before it broke and found a radiologist that was able to read it that quickly not only sped up the process of me getting seen and treated, but it also prevented me from going back home and sleeping another day/night (or longer) before being able to get another MRI…again, more on this in a minute. We truly believe this was God at work.

After we got to the ER, I was completely confused and unsure what all of this was headed towards and what it meant. We got checked in and they immediately took me to get a CT scan. We then went into a room and some neurosurgeons showed up to explain what was going on. It felt like a foreign language, because I had no idea what they were even talking about. They told us I had a tumor that was blocking the ventricles in my brain and causing the fluid to build up, which was the cause of the migraines. The three F’s that I heard that day…and that I’ll never forget:

Fluid. Fatal. Fentanyl.

From there, one of the surgeons said I could absolutely not lay down for another MRI because of the amount of FLUID (F #1) in my brain…that alone could be FATAL (F #2). Now press rewind…looking back, the fact that the first MRI machine broke down literally saved my life! Next the surgeons said we needed to install an emergency drain in my head to deal with the fluid that was unable to properly drain due to the tumor. The crazy part about this surgery was that I did not go under anesthesia and was totally awake for it! I will never forget laying there as they drilled and screwed into my head. I compare it somewhat to getting dental work done where you know they are doing something, but it feels a lot different when it’s into your skull and brain! There was a small chance that I could’ve experienced a stroke or other things during that surgery…but I didn’t, not even really any pain (Miracle 5).

When he put the needle in what I’m assuming was my brain to numb things prior to the drain, I think that is when the FENTANYL (F #3) kicked in! Going back a little bit, I remember when the nurse said that fentanyl was going to be what they gave me to keep me calm and keep the pain away. That word alone freaked me out because of all the horrible things I’ve heard about fentanyl in the news. But I have learned that when it’s used in a controlled manner, it has a purpose! It helped get me through brain surgery number one!

To be continued…

**Quick Update – We have been doing a whole host of natural therapies, including some brand new ones over the past couple weeks. Things are going well, all things considered. Bren has her next Scan on Friday, Aug 2nd. Please continue to pray for God’s hand to move and work through these therapies and for this upcoming Scan. We would love some positive, encouraging news from this Scan as we could definitely use some encouragement. There are many ups & downs, twists & turns while on this rollercoaster journey. We cling to our faith in what we cannot see…but it does get difficult at times as we are human and fall short.

Thank you for your continued prayers…we need all that we can get!

One Day at a Time. Every Day is a Gift.

“Now Faith is the Assurance of Things Hoped For, The Conviction of Things Not Seen.”

+ Hebrews 11:1

Update Update #16 Image
Update #14 & 15 (part 2 of 2)

June 29th, 2024

Continued from update 14….(be sure to read update 14 first)

You saved Brenda’s life numerous times where she only had days to live

You provided top notch medical care right here where we live so that we haven’t had to travel all over the earth (You may have even moved us here fully knowing what was coming down the road)

You have provided help with our kids during this time

You have provided finances to help with the incredible expense of trying to fight this gnarly disease

You have provided family, friends and all the encouragement that comes with those folks to help us keep fighting

You have given us wisdom in decision making

You have kept us healthy during this time 

You have helped me with my job, which thus helps the family 

You have alleviated stress through numerous avenues, including family counseling, messages and music from many great Pastors and Christian Artists…and all of the aforementioned.

You have continued to give us visions, words of faith and inspiration, prayers, etc. to keep our faith strong, morale high and to help us stay encouraged to keep fighting & living one day at a time

We PRAISE You Lord Jesus!! 

A current update on Brenda, in the form of more praise:

+ We praise you Lord that Brenda’s largest tumor has decreased in size and changed in composition

+ We praise you that her brain herniation is no longer there 

+ We praise you that there seems to be minimal damage/effects from radiation at this point

+ We praise you that some of her markers seem to be trending in the right direction

+ We praise you that she has generally felt well throughout this journey

+ We praise you that we’ve had a team of natural/holistic/integrative physicians that have coached us and helped us support Brenda’s body through this journey using things that you, Lord created and put on this earth

Hallelujah!! (a joyous and thankful praise of the Lord)

A Couple Specific Prayer Requests and Next Steps:

Brenda’s immune system is very strained. In particular, her Killer T Cells (the ones that specifically go after cancer cells…think of them as Soldiers) are extremely low. We’ve been doing things to support and try to spur on the production of more Killer T Cells, as well as to increase the number of cytokines (think of them as the Ammo that the Soldiers use)…but her body is struggling to do it. At this point, we basically need to give her a pseudo immune system…installing some soldiers in there to help go after the bad cells. We have chosen a route that attempts to maximize results while also minimizing risk and the threat of a huge shot to her quality of life. This obviously means more therapies that are not covered by insurance (approx. $2K-$3K/month in addition to the current costs)...(insert snarky comment about “health”care).  

* Will you please pray specifically that God will ramp up Brenda’s natural Killer T Cell production, whether He chooses to do that supernaturally or through therapies and earthly mediums.  

* Will you also please pray that God continues to provide the financial means for these therapies. He has provided thus far, largely through this support team, and we believe He will continue to do so.  

Thank you so much!

We are continuing to believe that the Lord God is healing Bren and will see that through to completion. We don’t know exactly what the journey will look like…but we are believing for it. In fact we are Praising God and thanking Him in advance for the Divine Health He has for her!

A friend shared this scripture with me this week and it parallels another scripture he shared with me weeks ago. I have been trying to live this out as I believe the Word of God to be true and alive…so if it’s in the Bible, it must be possible and available!

+ Luke 18:1-8

Please take the time to read this, chew on it, pray it and live it with us. 

May God bless you and your families and may His favor be upon you. Praise Him!!

Amen & Amen

Update Update #14 & 15 (part 2 of 2) Image
Update 14 & 15 (1 of 2)

June 29th, 2024

This update will continue thru update 15:

We Praise You

“Let praise be a weapon that silences the enemy

Let praise be a weapon that conquers all anxiety

Let it rise, let praise arise

We sing Your name in the dark and it changes everything

We sing with all we are and we claim Your victory

Let it rise, let praise arise

We'll see You break down every wall

We'll watch the giants fall

Fear cannot survive when we praise You

The God of breakthrough's on our side

Forever we lift Him high

With all creation cry, God, we praise You

Oh, we praise You

Oh, we praise You

Let faith be the song that overcomes the raging sea

Let faith be the song that calms the storm inside of me

Let it rise, let faith arise

Let it rise

We'll see You break down every wall

We'll watch the giants fall

Fear cannot survive when we praise You

The God of breakthrough's on our side

Forever lift Him high

With all creation cry, God, we praise You

Oh, we praise You

Oh, we praise You

This is what living looks like

This is what freedom feels like

This is what Heaven sounds like

We praise You, we praise You

This is what living looks like

This is what freedom feels like

This is what Heaven sounds like

We praise You, we praise You

This is what living looks like

This is what freedom feels like

This is what Heaven sounds like

We praise You, we praise You

We'll see You break down every wall

We'll watch the giants fall

Fear cannot survive when we praise You

The God of breakthrough's on our side

Forever lift Him high

With all creation cry, God, we praise You

Oh, we praise You

Oh, we praise You”

+ Brandon Lake

Praise You Anywhere

“Sometimes you've gotta dance through the darkness 

Sing through the fire 

Praise when it don't make sense 

Sometimes you've gotta stare down the giant 

Worship from the lion's den

Sometimes you've gotta shout it from the mountain 

Louder in the valley 

Trusting that He's gonna get you there 

Sometimes you've gotta welcome the wonder 

Wait for the answer 

Worship with your hands in the air

I'll praise You anywhere 

Praise, give Him praise, give Him praise 

In the highest 

praise, give Him praise, give Him praise

In the highest

He is worthy 

Yes, He is worthy of all of the praise

Sometimes you've gotta praise in the prison 

Cry out to heaven 

Shout it 'til the doors swing wide 

Sometimes you've gotta stand on your shackles 

Brave in the battle 

Worship with your hands held high

I'll praise You anywhere 

Praise, give Him praise, give Him praise 

In the highest

praise, give Him praise, give Him praise 

In the highest

He is worthy 

Yes, He is worthy of all of the-

Praise, give Him praise, give Him praise 

In the highest

Praise, give Him praise, give Him praise 

In the highest

He is worthy 

Yes, He is worthy of all of the praise

Faithful all my life 

Blessings day and night 

Countless reasons why 

I'll praise You anywhere

Every promise kept 

Goodness every step 

Each and every breath 

I'll praise You anywhere

Faithful all my life 

Blessings day and night 

Countless reasons why 

I'll praise You anywhere

Every promise kept 

Goodness every step 

Each and every breath 

I'll praise You anywhere

Praise, give Him praise, give Him praise 

In my highest

Praise, give Him praise, give Him praise 

In the highest

He is worthy 

Yes, He is worthy of all of the praise

Oh, I'll praise You anywhere 

Oh, mountain, oh, valley 

I know that You're with me there 

I'll praise You anywhere”

+ Brandon Lake


“Let everything (let everything) 

(Hey) that has breath 

(Hey) praise the Lord 

(Hey) praise the Lord

I'll praise in the valley 

Praise on the mountain (yeah) 

I'll praise when I'm sure 

Praise when I'm doubting (yes, sir)

I'll praise when outnumbered 

Praise when surrounded 

'Cause praise is the water 

My enemies drown in

As long as I'm breathing 

I've got a reason to

Praise the Lord 

Oh, my soul (c'mon) 

Praise the Lord 

Oh, my soul (hey)

I'll praise when I feel it 

And I'll praise when I don't 

I'll praise 'cause I know 

You're still in control

Because my praise is a weapon 

It's more than a sound (more than a sound) 

Oh, my praise is the shout 

That brings Jericho down (oh)

As long as I'm breathing 

I've got a reason to

Praise the Lord (c'mon) 

Oh, my soul 

(So I'm gonna) praise the Lord 

Oh, my soul

I won't be quiet, my God is alive 

So how could I keep it inside? 

Praise the Lord 

Oh, my soul 

(Praise the Lord)

Come on, let me see that dance 

Put a dance on it tonight 

If you're grateful 

Come on, aye, aye

I'll praise 'cause You're sovereign 

Praise 'cause You reign 

Praise 'cause You rose and defeated the grave 

I'll praise 'cause You're faithful 

Praise 'cause You're true 

Praise 'cause there's nobody greater than You…

…Let everything (let everything) 

That has breath (that has breath) 

Praise the Lord (praise the Lord) 

What? (Praise the Lord)”

+ Elevation Worship feat. Brandon Lake

I’m sure you’re starting to see a pattern here. I love Brandon Lake’s songs because they often talk about Praise and Miracles…and I truly believe that those are interconnected.  

We watched a message recently where the Pastor talked about how God inhabits the praises of His people. + Psalm 22:3

He also taught that when we praise the Lord, He literally goes to battle for us like a warrior! + Isaiah 42:10-13

Now there’s no way I can do this message justice, so I have pasted here for you to check it out. I promise you’ll be blessed by it.

Brenda and I are doing our best to live a life of Praise…regardless of our circumstances. We will use our circumstances to fuel our Praise!  

We praise Jesus because of who He is…because He deserves it. We also praise Him for what He’s done…for all who call Him Lord…and also for the individual miracles He’s worked as well, both in others’ lives and in ours.  

We ask that you’ll start joining us in this Life of Praise. Here’s a brief list to get us started:

Lord we Praise you for who you are (Father,

Son & Holy Spirit) and we Praise you for what you did for us on the Cross! We also Praise you for the everyday blessings & miracles that you still do today…

Update Update  14 & 15 (1 of 2)  Image
Update #13

June 6th, 2024

I was once told, “Don’t tell God how big your problems are…Tell your problems how BIG our GOD is!”

Dear Glioblastoma (aka satan’s spawn):

You probably feel pretty good about yourself right now. You likely feel confident about your current position. I’ll admit you’ve had me against the ropes several times. You’ve knocked the wind out of me. You’ve caused doubt and provoked fear. You’ve even begun to chip away at my hope. You’ve put some dents in the old armor…I’ll admit that.  

I must give you fair warning…you have no clue who you’re up against. You’re dealing with the Creator of All Things who literally breathed them into existence. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The God of Moses and David who took down Goliath. The God of Daniel in the Lion’s Den and the “Other in the Fire” with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. The God of John the Baptist, Joseph & Mary, of Saul/Paul and of 12 common folk that went on to spread the Gospel, start “the church” and along with Paul, write most of the New Testament. The God who endured the worst possible death imaginable as an eternal ransom for all of us who believe in our hearts and confess with our mouths that He is Lord. The Great I Am. The Way, The Truth, and The Life. The Alpha and The Omega.  

Regardless if it’s on this side of Heaven or at the foot of the Throne…

You lose.

Lord Jesus wins.  

So enjoy it while it lasts G…because you don’t stand a chance against our Jehovah Rapha.  


God’s adopted son

The verse Isaiah 43:2 continues to pop up. Numerous people have sent it to Brenda and then it keeps appearing in “random” (more like ordained) places, like a sticker she found in her pocket.  

“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.”

Brenda has her first MRI post radiation tomorrow (Friday) at 9:30AM EST. We ask that you would please join us in prayer for her Complete and Total Healing prior to this scan and that the results would literally baffle and the minds of the doctors and all looking inward. We know God’s Power and Authority to heal…we read about it all through the Bible, we hear stories of it and see it in our communities, and we personally have experienced it.  

Did you know that both Brenda and I have had our knees healed? Brenda fell out of the back of our van one time while trying to unload a bike. She laid there on the sidewalk in pain, waiting for me to come pick her up and take her to the ER. The woman who lived in the house right behind her approached a crying Bren and said, “can you please make sure to keep your kids off my lawn?” She didn’t ask her if she was OK or check to see if there was anything she could do for her… She just didn’t want the kids messing up her landscaping. We went to a healing service at church weeks later. Bren felt a warm sensation in her knee when they were praying for healing…yet the pain wasn’t completely gone. Fast forward several more weeks and we saw the woman on a walk to school. She approached Brenda and said that she had been thinking about their interaction over the Summer and she felt horribly that she wasn’t more compassionate and didn’t tend to her needs at the time. She was very apologetic. Brenda told her she was completely FORGIVEN and not to carry that burden with her any longer. The next morning, Brenda’s knee was pain-free and she hasn’t had an issue since.  

Pretty amazing huh? Praise Jesus!

Oh and I also had a completely torn ACL and God healed it…No Surgery or anything! More on that later.

All this to say…we fully believe that Brenda will be healed. He’s done it before and He’ll do it again!

Please join us in PRAISE today and tomorrow for EVERYTHING God has done in our/your lives! Let’s praise him for everything from food on the table to gas in the car to complete and total healings to our Salvation on the Cross! Let’s see how this can radically change our perspectives and affect those around us!

Thank you for continuing to lift us up! Let’s BELIEVE together in what God is doing in Brenda’s body…but also what He’s doing in all of our hearts!

Praise Jesus!!!

Update Update #13 Image
Update #12

June 3rd, 2024

  An update on Brenda’s status/progress will be coming very soon…but I felt that this topic deserved its own post.

We have continued to be blown away by all of your support, kindness, generosity, prayers, encouragement, and love! It has truly been humbling and has made us feel incredibly loved. It has also alleviated stress and given us peace.


You have donated your hard earned money.

You have donated your business services.

You have donated your time (ex. sitting with Brenda or transporting kids).

You have donated your energy and sweat (sitting in hospital rooms til all hours of the night or mowing laws and pulling weeds).

You have donated your kind and encouraging words.

You have lifted up your prayers.

You have paid for things that you don’t even realize you’ve covered.  

You have helped keep 4 kids’ lives more “normal” than they would’ve been during a time that’s been crazier than they even realize.

You have helped alleviate stress off of a brain-patient that doesn’t have the capacity to deal with stress…and a caretaker that has so much stress, he probably can’t withstand a whole lot more.  

You have truly blessed us beyond measure. We cannot begin to thank you enough.  

By helping with our financial needs, you have helped us with our physical needs, with our mental needs and our emotional needs. 

It blesses us so much and eliminates stress to be able to make timely, often immediate decisions based on necessity, not merely on financial means.  

This also even helps meet our Spiritual needs.  

Blessings make you humble.

They make you grateful.  

They strip down pride.

They cause you to realize that you can’t do it alone…nor should you.  

They make you aware of your gaps and weaknesses, which causes you to rely on others’ strengths…on God’s strength.

God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness. + 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

“A” church is a synagogue, a building, a facility, a place that hosts many (often incredible) things such as worship services and messages, programs for kids and adults, soup kitchens to feed the needy and the like.  

“THE Church” is the bride and body of Christ here on earth. The arms & legs, hands & feet of Jesus…acting to help deliver His blessings and miracles to those in need.

Y’all may not even realize it or maybe didn’t give it a second thought…but you have been the Church for us…the real life hands & feet of Jesus, acting and blessing us during this time of extreme need. + Acts 2:42-47

My words are insufficient and fall massively short…but with the sincerest of hearts:

Thank You.

Update #11

May 16th, 2024

“It's like it was yesterday 

I was a praying for a miracle 

Scared to have a little hope


And now looking back today 

Seeing all the things You've done 

I can't even add them up

One, two, three 

Up to infinity 

I'd run out of numbers 

Before I could thank You for everything

God, I'm still counting my blessings 

All that You've done in my life 

The more that I look in the details 

The more of Your goodness I find


Father on this side of Heaven 

I know that I'll run out of time 

But I will keep counting my blessings 

Knowing I can't count that high”

+ Counting My Blessings | Seph Schlueter

It’s been a little while…my apologies for the delay, we’ve had a lot going on. Let’s start with something positive:

Bren finished Radiation!! This is a bigger accomplishment than most people even realize. It’s not an accolade that either of us ever wanted on the resume prior to Feb 2nd…but when you’re tossed a live grenade, you sometimes find yourself doing things you said you’d never do. It’s a weird thing when they hand you a certificate, essentially a diploma, for “graduating” from radiation. You’re like…thanksss??? And yet simultaneously you’re clanking that bell like you’re auditioning to be Will Ferrell’s replacement.

Brenda was an absolute BEAST during radiation. She didn’t complain once. Every time I finished my final prayer lap and she was walking through those automatic doors, I’d ask her how it went…and like clockwork, she’d say, “Easy Peasy”. EASY PEASY??? You just had a mouthpiece jammed in your mouth, a mask put over your face and your head nailed down to the table so it can’t move, and then a nuclear reactor circle your head shooting laser beams into your skull…Yeah, sounds just like Sunday Mornin’ to me.  

But she’s built differently. She’s a college athlete, she had a C-section followed by 3 V-backs with No Meds (Moms, you know), she’s been married to me for 19 years…obviously, she’s resilient and a fighter. Yet the biggest reason of all is that she has the Spirit of the Living God inside of her. She has strength beyond all explanation.  

2 Corinthians 12:9-10

Since finishing radiation a week ago, we have celebrated a birthday, Mother’s Day, and are about to celebrate Brenda’s birthday. This, by the way, is MASSIVE! On one hand, it’s not a special birthday…it’s a number that would get overlooked by normal celebration standards. But this time, this number is MAJOR! It represents more than just trips around the sun…it hits different. We are so appreciative for THIS birthday! (Please send Brenda a HBD message if you can) 

We have had some ups and downs since I last wrote and she finished radiation. I’ve honestly struggled with what I should write. I could share about the tears or about the mini (I’ll call them nano) panic attacks I’ve had in my mind, I could tell you about the physical, mental, and emotional struggles and the thoughts that go through your mind about the future at 1AM. I could tell you about the times where I’ve thought:

God, where are you right now?

What are you doing?

Where is the healing?

Why Bren of all people?

…but then I heard this song.

Counting My Blessings.

I was quickly reminded that God has been with us this entire time. He’s been with us through this valley of the shadow of death…comforting us. I’m reminded of the visions Brenda has been given (we’ll get to that in another post), of all of the encouragement, all of the support and love and prayers, and the miracles that have happened already. So we start counting our blessings…and we keep counting…and keep counting…and never stop counting. We PRAISE Him for these blessings…and we keep praising Him through it all.  

We’re reminded to ”Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.“ ‭‭James‬ ‭1‬:‭2‬-‭4‬ ‭

And reminded…

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1

So the trials increase our faith & perseverance. Boasting about our weaknesses and depending on God to be our strength during times of weakness increases our faith. Counting our blessings & praising Him increases our faith and strength during times of weakness.

Does anyone see a pattern?

Hebrews 11:1-40

We don’t know exactly what the journey ahead of us will look like. We know the end of the story though…and we cling to that, keeping our faith strong during the ups and downs, the challenges and hurdles, the trials of many kinds…

…and we keep Counting Our Blessings!

There are 100+ Blessings that I could count off right now…but I’m going to leave you with a miraculous one. Many of you probably don’t know this story yet, so I’ll share the quick version in hopes that it will help increase your faith and awareness that God is with us.

This all started with a headache. A headache that kept getting worse and wouldn’t go away. After days of it not going away, regardless of what we threw at it (per Doctor’s orders)…we called to set up an MRI (thinking it might be related to her neck). Most of the clinics were booked out over a week, if not longer…but there was one place, the one closest to our house, that had availability the next day. We went for the appointment and right about the time she should have been finishing up, the front desk called and told me the MRI machine had gone down and they were trying to reboot and get it back up and running. After being on the phone with tech support and trying 3 different times, they came out and told us that it wasn’t happening that day…but asked us to come around to the back with them. When we got back there, they told us that before the machine went down, they were able to get 4 images and they had someone read them. With a trembling hand, this lady handed me a piece of paper that said “Go immediately to the ER…Large Cranial Mass” with the measurements below it. Have you ever been sucker punched in the gut? Imagine that happening and then having to try to keep it together so your wife doesn’t completely freak out as you drive her to the ER…all the while, every thought imaginable is flashing through your mind. So we rushed to the ER that is approx 25 min away and when we get there, after sitting amongst the zombie apocalypse for about an hour, they take us back and immediately do a CT. Then a Neuro team comes in to meet with us and tells us that they can’t even lay her down to do an MRI because the mass is blocking multiple ventricles and the brain fluid is so aggregated and can’t drain (the source of her migraines) that if they do lay her down for the MRI, she could die. They have to immediately install a drain in her brain in order to even lay her down to do the MRI. Sounds like a nightmare right? Well it was…and yet, looking back…we see the miraculous workings of God.  

During the initial MRI at the first clinic, if they had kept her laying on the table until they fixed the machine and then performed the MRI, she could’ve died. If they hadn’t gotten those initial images and had merely sent us home to come back a different day…she would’ve gone to sleep that night possibly never to arise again. If we hadn’t been able to get into that clinic the next day and had instead had to wait over a week…she wouldn’t be with us. We see God’s presence in this, walking with us and moving in ways to protect and bless. It’s easy to go to the place of…well why didn’t He just heal her in the first place so she didn’t have to go through all of this. It’s a valid question and one we may not know the answer to until we are with Him one day…but we have to trust that He has a reason, a purpose, and a plan that is greater than ours…and that may just be so that you can be reading this right now and it draws you closer to God…because He cares for you.  

1 Peter 5:7

We consider this a Miracle and we count this a major Blessing…along with countless others.

I pray God’s blessings over you and your families and I pray that you start to see all of the areas where God has been present and has blessed you along the way. Let’s Praise Him together!

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Update #10

April 30th, 2024

Every Day is a Gift.

Bren just made it through day 25/30 of radiation. We have 5 treatment days left. There seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel…but what tunnel? Which tunnel? And what is the light? That radiation is over? Then what? What’s next? And what will be the light at the end of that tunnel?

The tunnels are never-ending. If it’s not one, then it’s another. I heard a pastor once teach that you’re either currently in a storm, coming out of a storm, or about to head into one. So what do we do when we find ourselves in a storm? (Matthew 8:23-27)

Have you ever heard that song “Live Like You Were Dying”? I wouldn’t call Tim McGraw a Prophet or a Theologian for that matter…but take a moment to listen to or read the lyrics. The opening 9 bars literally describe my life 3 months ago. Now I can promise you that I won’t be going Sky Divin’ or 2.7 seconds on a bull named Fu Manchu…however, I have been learning to live every single day as if it may be my last. My last day to serve and love my Bride in ways that I didn’t do before, or maybe complained about or “didn’t have time” to do…or to be the Father that I should’ve been this whole time, but was distracted by work or the internet or just my own selfish ways...because “all of a sudden…it wasn’t such an imposition”. I have thought back about the times I’ve fallen short and could’ve done more or better…and it makes me want to use my remaining time differently (however much I have left). The truth is we are ALL DYING…some just sooner than others…but we have NO CLUE as to when our last day will be (only the Father knows that)…so in this regard, Brother Tim had it right. We need to live every single day as if it were our last…because we never know. He sang, “like tomorrow was a gift…and you got eternity to think about…what did I do with it”?

As we passed that same ole Baptist church sign again today, the message had changed. Today it read:

“Thank you Lord

for Another Day.

Praise Him.”

Brenda and I literally pray this every single day when we wake up in the morning (typically between 2-5AM these days). We hug and with our arms wrapped tightly around each other, we thank God for another day. This way of living changes your perspective on pretty much everything. Yes, it’s stressful, I’m not going to lie. Do I wish she was miraculously healed already and I didn’t have this little, nagging worry in the back of my mind at all times…of course. But now, everything is different. A walk to the mailbox together or sitting on the porch next to each other is a date. There’s contentment and joy in getting to sit down and watch a show together. I love just getting to look into her eyes and kiss her on the head. Small problems that would produce stress previously now seem almost meaningless. Chores that she’d ask me to help with in the past that I hated have now become a way that I can serve her…and it’s my honor!

If you’re reading this, I have to encourage you to cherish every moment you get with your spouse, kids, family & friends. Tell them, but more importantly, show them that you love them. Don’t go to bed or leave the house angry…because you just never know.  

Every Day is a Gift.

On that note, I want to make sure that we take the chance to tell all of you how much we appreciate you being on this journey with us. I will never ever get to personally thank all of you, or thank you enough, for all of the support, encouragement, prayers, financial support, etc. that you have given to us. I also will never be able to repay or return all the favors. Please know that you have helped us so much and we truly appreciate it. We pray Psalm 91 over you and your families as well.  

I have a request…it may be a strange one, but hear me out. We want Brenda’s story and journey to reach as many people as possible. If it helps just one person come to know Jesus, it was worth it. We also can use all the prayers we can get. Would you please consider sharing our page on your social media (whether that’s FB, IG, LinkedIn…whatever)? We hope this reaches many folks for the Kingdom of God!

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans‬ ‭15‬:‭13‬)

Update #9

April 20th, 2024

Today we finished day 18/30 of radiation. For those of you mathematicians…you are correct…yesterday’s post was 2 days behind.   

Bren has had an incredible week. One of the medicines has her sleep all wonky, and so she’s been going to bed at 11PM and getting up by 1AM, ready to grip & rip. I literally almost have to fight her (inside story) to get her to stay in bed past 3AM before I take her downstairs to her “spot” where she begins her early morning routine that consists of prayer, worship, reading the Bible, listening to guided Neuro meditations, drinking her coffee, etc. God has been filling her so much with His Spirit and Love that it is overflowing in so many ways.  

Yesterday, on our drive to radiation, she told me that during her time with the Lord, she could physically FEEL the healing taking place. Then on our way back from radiation, right about where the church sign is, we were listening to this worship song and she got another vision. She shared with me that God showed her a vision of herself, wrapped up in a cocoon-like manner, shielded from the Enemy (Satan) so that he can’t affect her…because she doesn’t belong to him and cannot be gotten to by him…she belongs to the Most High God and is thus Protected! AMEN!!

Today, as I made my laps around radiation, I was sharing with the Lord about how every time we seem to have a normal moment, this dark cloud follows me and reminds me of what’s going on and how bad it is. It makes me feel like life and the future is bleak. Brenda has shared the same exact thought with me…how when things seem to be going well, the dark cloud reminds her of “reality” and tries to crush her hope. As I was sharing this with the Lord today, I expressed how I didn’t want to live with this dark cloud any longer and wanted to put my full trust in Him…and I kid you not, the sun came out and shone so brightly and warmly on me that I immediately looked up at the sky and realized it had been behind these clouds the entire time. The clouds had just parted, right in the middle and the sun hit me in a Divine way. I’m not over exaggerating this…it literally brought this sense of life and peace and tears to my eyes and I began to praise Him for His Light & Life and the dark cloud was gone. I proceeded to keep walking and praying in this glorious sunlight until Brenda emerged from the front doors, at the exact time that I reached Lap #7 (Jericho)!

Afterwards we went to Whole Foods to pick up some stuff for dinner to celebrate tonight and Bren stayed in the car. When I got back, she told me that she felt this absolutely overwhelming sense of Peace and that she felt like the dark cloud was GONE! I hadn’t shared with her the story from my prayer walk this morning…in fact, she’s probably learning about it right now as she reads this.

As much as I hate all of this, having to watch her go through it and having to go through it myself…it has been a blessing in so many ways. We have learned and grown so much through the process. I never liked the first several verses of James, because I honestly didn’t want to have to go through trials…I wanted to be comfortable…but I can now appreciate and understand his instructions far better than before.

James 1:2-8 & 12

I told Bren today that I’m at the point where I have to just put it all in God’s hands, whatever the outcome. That doesn’t mean I’m “quitting” or “giving up”…it means I’m surrendering control…Full Surrender to the Lord. Yes, I still have to use the brain He gave me to make the best decisions I possibly can…but the future is in His hands. If He decides to take her home to be with Him earlier than we had hoped, then she will receive the glorious, eternal inheritance that He has reserved for her…MASSIVE WIN! And if He decides to heal her and bless all of us with her presence for 50+ more years, then she will run her race for His Glory like never before and we will all Praise Him the rest of our days! Hallelujah!!!

I hope that you will join us in trying to let go and trust Him more and more each day…and I pray that you will experience the peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:4-7).

“The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust in Him.”

Nahum 1:7

Update #8

April 18th, 2024

I’m sitting here on the porch while Brenda talks with her friend on the phone. Our neighbor is walking their new puppy by the house. It’s beautiful outside. It almost feels…normal. 

Today marks Day 15 of 30 for radiation. We still have very mixed feelings about this. I’ll save my opinions for another time. Let’s focus on the positive. Brenda is halfway through with her treatments, Praise God. She has had a fantastic week with a stretch of great days, Hallelujah! It’s a two-sided coin, and the dark cloud keeps following me wherever I go…but we are trying really hard to focus on the Lord and His timeline, having faith in what we cannot see and don’t fully know. He’s at work and He is sovereign over all.

I had a different prayer sesh this morning as I did laps around the radiation clinic. I shared with God how I don’t understand why a woman that loves Him so much and wants to be a light for Him in this dark world has to go through this when people who curse His name and couldn’t care less about Him don’t. I expressed how I don’t understand His timeline either…He could heal her in an instant, with one breath or touch of His garment (Matthew 9:20-22)…{Pause}

We have friends that have walked away from their faith in the Lord, or just don’t believe in general, and our prayer this whole time is that they would see our faith through this journey and that it would inspire them to turn to Jesus. We have also prayed that Brenda would be miraculously healed and that miracle would demonstrate His power & authority and draw them back to the Lord. The truth is we’ve already experienced several miracles along this journey, but they aren’t necessarily obvious ones that people would know unless we explained them. But selfishly, I want the BIG Miracle…the one that’s so undeniable and so obvious that no one could deny that it was the work of the Lord.  

{Un-pause} I’m growing impatient at times and the order of things just don’t make sense to me. So I shared this with the Lord. I also shared my feelings and lack of understanding about this unbelievable woman having to suffer through all of this, even if it is to bring others to the Lord…why does she need to go through all of this when there is plenty of other evidence out there that speaks of the Greatness and Goodness of God. Creation itself speaks volumes. Why does she need to face death because they refuse to open their eyes/hearts to see or refuse to bow to the King? (Romans 14:11-12)

The only sense I can make of this at this point is that God wants to use Brenda’s story and journey to get some folks’ attention and impact them for His Kingdom. We were on our way to radiation the other day and she looked over at me and said, “You’re going to think I’m crazy for saying this, but if our friends [that don’t know the Lord] are somehow impacted by all of this…I would go through it all over again!” That is the heart of the Lord right there…the Holy Spirit living inside her…a sacrificial heart. This woman amazes me every single day. (Philippians 2:1-11)

*By the way, I don’t think she’s crazy for saying that…I hope and pray that is the ultimate result of all of this. If you’re reading this right now…We love you and we hope that you know just how much Jesus loves you too…because He endured way worse than Brenda so that you can be with Him for all of eternity!

Rewind back to my very honest prayers with God as I was making laps. I asked God for some encouragement, some glimpse into the future to give me some hope to keep going. We started driving home and as I shifted into the right lane, I had to come to a complete stop, pretty rapidly. Now I knew there was a church on the corner, but I rarely pay it any attention as it’s location is right before a stoplight under an overpass and we are normally just trying to cruise on through. Because I had to stop so abruptly, I decided to look over and the old school church sign letters read:

“Faith in God Includes

  Faith in His Timing.

  Trust Him.”

Now the foundation of my theological position is not propped up by denominational church signs (cause there are some pretty bad ones out there)…but in this moment, I felt like God was winking at me and giving my heart the reminder and the encouragement it needed during that time.  

God is God…

and we are not.

I pray blessings over each and every one of you today. Thank you for continuing on this journey with us.

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Update #7

April 3rd, 2024

As I sit here on my front porch steps, trying to write this update, I honestly have no idea where to start. I would love to offer some inspiring message, full of positive updates to make everyone feel better…but the truth is, I’m exhausted and beat-down…I feel pressure and stress from angles that I didn’t even know existed…and I literally have tears in my eyes as I compose this. There are so many highs and lows when it comes to this journey. That’s why we appreciate y’all and your encouragement & support so much…it helps us keep going…it helps me get up every day, knowing what I’m going to face.

Hold on, Bren needs me. Be right back…

(This post was written over the course of 2 days)

I am currently making laps around the medical center where Bren is going through her radiation treatment and praying over her as I loop it. I am praying that Jesus and His Holy Spirit will physically be present with her in this fire and that she would not be burned and not even smell of smoke! (Daniel 3:24-30)

As a golfer (and wannabe tennis player), I’m reminded of all the ups and downs, momentum shifts, obstacles and challenges that we face over the course of a round or match…and I have to keep telling myself: 

One Shot at a Time.  

But it’s so incredibly difficult. This is when your true faith is put to the test.

A lot has happened over the last week and a half. We started Radiation and did a few sessions, but she was getting very sick. We ended up having to go spend a night in the ER and they did updated scans. The tumors/lesions and the inflammation had increased so quickly and were causing the symptoms to be worse. We were given a major choice between 2 paths. We ultimately chose the less risky path that would also produce the better quality of life. These decisions are not made lightly and not without many prayers, tears, etc. Bren has improved since in terms of symptoms, but the road ahead is riddled with uncertainty and the statistics are not in our favor. It’s a good thing that our God is the God of the impossible…because that’s what we need right now.

We are now sitting on the back porch with her parents and our close friends. I just made a comment to her and she said, “I’m too blessed to be stressed!” Here sits a woman with the most aggressive brain cancer one could possibly have and that is her perspective. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve looked over at her and asked what she was thinking about and she responded that she’s thinking about someone else and what they are currently going through. My bride has handled this with so much grace, class and humility…it’s been so unbelievable to witness and has set such a Godly example for so many, especially me. Her heart is so incredible and God is using her through all of this to share His love. 

(This is now Day 3 of me trying to finish this update…there are so many things to do at all times that it’s harder than one might think to actually sit down and finish an update)

A little about Brenda. She’s currently feeling better. Today was Day 6 of 30 for Radiation. She is doing better symptom-wise and she keeps fighting. We keep praying. I keep doing prayer laps and anointing her with oil as I pray over her brain. I keep asking God for His healing and restoration of her cells. She has a story to tell. She has people to minister to and God’s love to give. She has kids to raise and a husband that needs her. She has siblings and parents that need her shining light. There are people that have never met her that need to hear her story that is filled with love and laughter and tears and grit and hope. The world needs her to be healed. We need her to be healed. I need her to be healed.  

Lord Jesus - Through all the Power of your Holy Spirit…we ask that you would please heal her. Amen.

I’ll leave y’all with one final story for now. Brenda‘s wish and desire for Easter was for all of us, family and friends, to do our own sunrise service at the beach. Honestly, as exhausted as I’ve been, it sounded like way more work than what it would be worth. My good friend reminded me that this would be a memory maker for our entire family and I knew that this would greatly please Bren. We decided to make it happen, regardless of the effort required. The day before, when she was supposed to be resting, she couldn’t fall asleep or turn her mind off. I asked her what was going through her mind and she said the Holy Spirit was giving her an Easter message. I asked her what it was and jotted it down for her. The next morning, we set out for the beach and of course we were running behind schedule because everything takes longer than we realize these days. As I was hustling to push her out to the beach, we got to the sand right as the sun had crested over the ocean. We both burst into tears as we marveled at God’s beauty and glory. We then got to spend the next hour or so worshiping, praising, singing songs, and just being in his creation, celebrating the resurrection of our Lord Jesus! I got to share Bren’s message that the Spirit had given her the day before. It was worth every single ounce of effort! I will never forget getting to stand there and hold her hand as we praised our God for what he has done for all of his children.

We may never see complete healing on this side of heaven… But I will leave you with this scripture, which our pastor preached his Easter message on, that reassures us of the inheritance that we have in Jesus:

1 Peter 1:3-12

Thank y’all so much for your continued support, encouragement, and prayers. We appreciate you so much! May God bless you and your families abundantly and may the love and peace of Jesus fill your hearts.

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Update #6

March 21st, 2024

Today we started our day by meeting 2 local Pastors for prayer…our church’s Pastor and one from down the street from us. Let me rewind a few weeks…

Several weeks ago the thought hit me…when something happens to us in life (illness in particular), we will search the ends of the earth, seeking to find any possible cure or treatment and will then pursue it with all of our time, energy and currency. As Christians, we believe that Jesus is the Great Physician and that His Holy Spirit is empowered to move and heal people, bringing Heaven to Earth. When His Spirit is moving, miracles happen. So then I thought…we listen to all of these Doctors, to their prescriptions and recommendations, and we seek out all the natural therapies and supplements known to move the health needle from literally all over the globe…but should we be seeking the Spirit and chasing His movement like we are medical applications? Should we be searching for and running after healing ministries, retreats, revivals, and the likes in hopes of encountering the movement of the Spirit of the Living God? This series of thoughts convicted me and challenged me to take a step in that direction.  

Knowing that traveling would not be easy, recommended or even allowed…I started by searching for “Healing Ministries” in our area. What I uncovered from there was a Pastor whose bio read like this:  “…Pastor K continues to transcend beyond the four walls of the church; bringing healing, restoration and hope through Jesus Christ to those in need. Most notably, she operates in the prophetic giftings and as a result, has witnessed thousands of lives restored from cancer, diseases, depression, oppression, barrenness, divorce, suicide, and poverty…”

I immediately felt that I should reach out to this church. I looked up their address and lo and behold, they were located on the very street, 2 houses down from the house where we made our first offer when moving back to this area. This did not seem merely coincidental…so I reached out and left a VM. A short time had passed and I received a phone call from the Pastor’s assistant to set up a call. We did and when we first spoke to Pastor K, she said that she doesn’t do anything without hearing from The Spirit and that God had told her to reach out to us and to Expect a Miracle. She prayed some of the most passionate and powerful prayers over Brenda that day, via the phone, and told us that we were welcome to meet her at the church sometime and she would anoint Brenda with oil and pray the Prayer of Faith over her. Through a series of texts, she reminded us that God told her to tell us to expect a miracle, but He didn’t say how or when…at this point, only God knows that.  

Fast forward to this morning…the Pastor of our church, we’ll call him Pastor A, humbly showed up and joined us to meet Pastor K for some prayer and anointing. Again, Pastor K passionately called out to the Almighty God, Lord & Savior Jesus and His Holy Spirit and anointed Brenda with oil as we all laid hands on her. It was such a powerful moment and I was so blessed to witness the culmination of 50+ years of this Pastor’s calling intersecting with the humble willingness of our Pastor to join her in their church building (but on God’s turf), and to call out together on our behalf. I had tears rolling down my face pretty much the entire time.  

This is our feeble, human attempt to chase after the movement of the Holy Spirit in hopes that we can experience the Spirit like never before. Whether that ends up in Brenda’s complete and supernatural healing…or whether God chooses to use the hands and brains of the doctors or the natural plants and supplements that he has embedded into His Creation…that’s completely up to Him and we are fully surrendering to His Almighty and Great Power and Plan.  

Brenda is scheduled to start Chemo and Radiation this coming Friday. We ask that you would continue to pray for her Journey that God would be with her every step of the way and that He would use her Journey for His Glory. 

We ask that you will join us in this journey in whatever way you can…seeking the Spirit of the Living God! We are eternally grateful for all of you and for your continued support! We love you and may God bless you and keep you!

Jeremiah 29:11-13

Update #5

March 11th, 2024

Yesterday marked 2 weeks since Brenda came home from the hospital following her Craniotomy. It honestly has been an incredible 2 weeks for her, full of resting & recuperation, regaining a little weight & strength, incisions healing, support & encouragement from family and friends, laughter, and walking closely with the Lord!

It has also been a very busy 2 weeks full of quick decisions, expenses, structure, planning, etc. None of these things fall into the category of what I would call “Fun”…but it’s part of the game and We WIN as a Team!

I’m currently sitting here at the clinic while she gets her Pre-Radiation mask fitting and CT scan to use as a blueprint for targeting the lesions and remaining tumor in her brain. This afternoon, we will go for another MRI to also use for this purpose. Let’s press Pause on this moment for a bit…

I’ve been thinking off and on about the miracles the Lord has performed in the Bible for weeks now. Different ones keep coming to mind. It says in John 21:25 “Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.” I have to be honest, until the other day, I didn’t even know this verse. But it got me thinking…what “other things” did Jesus do that didn’t even make it into the Bible? And He did so many that the world couldn’t even contain the books that would be written recording them. And then my mind went to John 14:12-14 where it says

 ”Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.“ So then I start thinking…if Jesus performed all the miracles that we read about in the Bible, and then so many more that it would fill up enough books that the world couldn’t contain it, and then He tells us that whoever believes in Him will do the same works He did, and greater (paraphrasing)…then WHAT MATCH is this BRAIN TUMOR against the POWER of the LIVING GOD?!!!!!!!

Yesterday, as I thought about impossibilities, I was reminded of the story of Joshua and the walls of Jericho and how obeying the Lord by walking around them (following specific instructions) literally caused seemingly impenetrable walls to fall to the ground. I decided that I was going to start walking around our house while I Praised the Lord and prayed over Brenda. Now one of 3 things is going to happen: The Lord is going to Move, I’m going to solidify to my neighbors (via their Ring cameras) that I am as crazy as they thought, or I will finally get rid of these dang Moles that have plagued my yard…I’m hoping for ALL 3! As I walked and praised, in all my humanity and imperfection, somehow attempting to find the right formula of words…the song Gratitude by Brandon Lake kept playing in my ears and head…and I’m reminded that “All my words fall short” and “I’ve nothing else fit for a King…except for a heart singing Hallelujah.” Hallelujah!

Let’s revisit the Pause we took earlier. My hope, prayer, and desire is that the results of this MRI this evening are absolutely BAFFLING and MIND-BLOWING to the medical community and all those looking in at our FAITH Community. This is a House of Miracles and I want all observing to see what OUR GOD can do!!!  

Will you please join us today in praying for this specifically?! Will you also join me and my “faith walks” around our houses this week as we walk, praise, & pray and see not only Brenda’s “walls” come crashing down, but also the “walls” in your own lives as well?!

Words are not enough to express the appreciation we have for all of the support you’ve given us along this journey. We couldn’t have done it without you and God has used you in amazing ways! Please know that you are loved and we pray for the Lord’s blessings over each and every one of you! Thank you.  

Please keep sharing this Journey of Faith as God is not done yet…using Bren’s story to impact many for the Kingdom of God!

Joshua 5:13 - Joshua 6:27

Hebrews 11:1-40

We Walk in Faith!

Update #4

March 8th, 2024

We just celebrated 2 weeks since Brenda’s Craniotomy.  She has now been out of the hospital for a week and a half and has been steadily recovering, regaining strength and being awake and ALIVE more each day!  Yesterday, we had 6 medical appointments and spent the day running from one to the next.  It was quite the information overload and exhausting for all of us, but especially for Bren.  She handled it like the warrior that she is and we knocked out some necessary steps that lead us to our next steps.  Monday she will have another CT Scan and MRI in preparation for Chemo & Radiation to start the following Monday and continue for 6 weeks.  Then she’ll get a month “break” before she restarts more traditional treatment.  Simultaneously, she’ll be doing some complementary treatments/therapies to help support her body through this process and make it as effective as possible.  These treatments/therapies have been challenging from multiple angles and are costly (not covered by insurance).  

We are still believing for our Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, and Holy Spirit to move and completely heal Brenda.  We ask that you would continue to pray with us and BELIEVE that the Lord will not only hear our prayers, but that she has already RECEIVED TOTAL HEALING from this evil disease.  Please pray over it specifically by name (Glioblastoma).  Please pray that by the time of her next scans, there would be NOTHING left to be seen…that the Lord would have crushed that Glio to dust and swept it up/cleaned it out…in the name of Jehovah Rapha AMEN!!!

Also, in full financial transparency, this whole process is incredibly expensive.  Once your deductible and out-of-pocket max are paid, insurance will only cover the “standard of care”.  If you really want to increase your odds, one must invest in many alternative and complementary therapies /treatments, which are not covered by insurance.  That being said, we ask that you would please consider sharing our GiveSendGo page with others in your lives, social media, etc. to help get our story out there so we can help Brenda as much as possible and so her Testimony will reach many for God’s Glory!

We cannot thank all of you enough for partnering with us and being part of our Team in this fight/journey!  The love, support, and prayers have been overwhelming (in a good way) and humbling and it is giving her strength and a will to fight!  We thank you for keeping us going!  

This is a House of Miracles!!

God will be Glorified, regardless of what that looks like.  

Daniel 3:16-30

Update #3

February 27th, 2024

Brenda successfully discharged from the hospital and returned home on February 25th. She has had a couple solid days in a row with minimal pain and now begins an approx. 30-day healing process before beginning the next stages of treatment. Please keep Brenda and the family in your prayers during this time as they prepare for the next steps. Please continue to pray for Brenda’s recovery from the 5 procedures she has undergone, miraculous healing for the remaining tumor and lesions, as well as wisdom and discernment for the next decisions in the treatment journey.

*Please feel free to share this Give Send Go Campaign Link to your Social Media or with Friends & Family in an effort to help raise awareness for the Johnston family. Thank you!

Ephesians 3:14-21

Update #2

February 24th, 2024

Update #2:

Brenda made it through surgery successfully without any notable complications. The surgeon came by today after looking at the post-op MRI and said it looks good…they were able to remove approx 90% of the tumor. So that part was a big success. No stroke, blood clots or issues as of now. We obviously still have a long road with more treatment ahead…but the surgery was a win! Brenda is dealing with quite a bit of pain in her head (not incision-specific). Please pray for continued comfort, relief, and healing post-op. Thank you!!

Every Day is a Gift. 

Praise Jesus!!

Update #1

February 22nd, 2024

Message from Brenda and Russ: 

“We would first like to thank all of you from the bottom of our hearts for the unbelievable support you’ve given us during this time. Your prayers are helping us during this incredibly tough journey and we are clinging to the Word of God and the Healing Power of Jesus, believing for His miraculous healing for Brenda’s brain/body. Your generosity has absolutely blown our minds and brought us to tears of joy and astonishment. We are so thankful to have you as part of our team as we navigate this uncertain path ahead.   

Brenda will undergo brain surgery today (Thursday, Feb 22nd) and we would appreciate your continued prayers for her healing and recovery. Thank you so much and may God Bless you and your families generously and cover you with His Mercy and Grace!”

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.