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Dad Defends Democracy John Cameron J6 Defense Fund


 USD $25,500


 USD $10,152

Campaign created by Glen Morgan

Campaign funds will be received by John Cameron

Dad Defends Democracy John Cameron J6 Defense Fund

John Cameron became the 12th man from WA State charged in the Jan. 6th protest.

John Cameron is a loving husband, and father. He was new to politics - recently shifting from political apathy late 2020.  Until then, he paid little attention to the drama and noise of politics.  In Oct when deciding who to vote for President, he noticed the corruption of corporate media sources - particularly Hunter Biden’s Laptop, and the coverup.  This obvious censorship prompted him to support Trump.   John cast that vote not so much FOR Trump, but AGAINST censorship and corruption like the coverup of the Hunter Biden laptop story.

After the 2020 election, John (like many) became concerned.  John overcame the fear of being outspoken - the same fear many have.  The fear of losing business, being ostracized from friends and family, and facing the “Woke” rabid Left’s attacks.  All valid concerns.  John stopped being silent.  He began writing, researching, and doing what he thought was right.

By the time of the Jan 6th rally, he needed to see things for himself.  John had never been to ANY political rally before.  He had no idea what to expect.  John went to DC to protest his concerns peacefully about the election transparency and corrupt media.  After the Rally, John followed a crowd of people (hundreds) walking to the capitol.  There was no violence, vandalism or destruction of property caused by or seen by John that day.  John returned to WA State and posted on social media about his experience and what he personally saw.

First contact with the FBI was on Feb 20, 2021.

He was fired from his job on April 26th, 2021.  Then he was deplatformed by Facebook, of course.

On Dec 16th, 2022 at 8am, the FBI using a dozen agents, came to John’s house.  He notified them his entire family was sick with COVID. They handcuffed him and questioned him on the porch in freezing 28-degree weather with his fever. After the porch interview, they went through his home (he was in handcuffs) with a search warrant, gathering articles of clothing and the American flag he wore on Jan 6th.  John turned himself in on Jan 5th, 2022, spent the entire day in leg and waist irons, and placed in a solitary cell until his pretrial hearing, then released. John still has a major legal battle ahead of him - the next hearing is on May 2nd.  

The massive resources of the Federal Government have been mobilized to charge John with four misdemeanor charges including the great misdemeanor crime of illegal parading and picketing.  Seriously.  

There have been over 725 J6 arrests (mostly nation-threatening misdemeanors, like John’s charges) and only 1 has been dropped.  

There have been over 16,240 Antifa BLM arrests - over 90% were dropped.  Despite the $2 billion in reported property damage, documented violence, arson, and seizing blocks of a major American City.  Instead, people like John are targeted and persecuted.

John needs the resources to make this an effective legal fight and conduct proper discovery.  He is willing to push back and expose the truth.  Why did Nancy Pelosi turn down 10K troops?  Why hasn’t Ray Epps been charged?

There are several reasons why I am supporting this effort to help John.  

1. I despise the double standard being used to legally harass John.

2. I’ve known John for over a year, and I know he is a good guy.

3. I know and like John’s attorney, Angus Lee.  

Help me help John and his family fight back.  Today it is John and his family.  Tomorrow it could be you and yours.

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Life has been very unfair to you in this moment. I wish you well and hope that when you get through the rough you will have better times ahead.

Little E
$ 75.00 USD
2 months ago

My heart hurts for you but I do believe God is with you and has great plans for you as his faithful servant. What has been done to you can as easily be undone regarding your family and your kids in particular. Keep the faith.

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
2 months ago

I am praying for your and your family. It ain't over till its over. God has something amazing for you.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Be strong, God bless.

Lori Ruhl
$ 20.00 USD
2 months ago

May God bless you!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Prayers for you and your family

$ 20.00 USD
2 months ago

Stay strong and courageous- you are on the right side of history

Bridget Murphy
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

I am so sorry for all you have gone through. You will be stronger for all of this and God is with you.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Debbie Andrle
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Hang in there. Have patience. God will deliver you.

$ 20.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

Finding words is difficult concerning ur situation that are u. There r many words/phrases that in certain situations hv become "canned." So am doing this instead. Know also am praying that "like David" u will recover ALL!

Al Van Cleave Kim Van Cleave
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

God Bless

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
2 months ago

As a fellow J6er and former resident of Kitsap county, I pray you see Jesus guiding your steps daily. Thank you, Lord for John. Bless and keep him, Lord Jesus. Give him the strength he needs to get through this living . I’ve watched two people that I know go to prison. This is an injustice beyond what I could’ve possibly imagined. Bless you for your courage to fight.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Stay strong brother, God has plans for you!

$ 20.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
8 months ago

Joshua Arguien
$ 25.00 USD
8 months ago

Grace S
$ 35.00 USD
9 months ago

Just listened to you on Truth is Freedom podcast. Stay strong in the Lord!

$ 500.00 USD
1 year ago

Thank you for being one of the good guys standing up for our nation. I’m sorry this has happened to you


Here is video John has worked on for a while.

January 12th, 2023

Update #1

August 16th, 2022

Hello all you fellow Patiots,

My apologies for not keeping you updated.  My name is Glen Morgan, I am an activist in WA State, with 


I created this fundraiser for John, and didn't have the password info to keep everyone updated so I will do so now.

John plead guilty to Misdemeanor Illegal Picketing and Parading based on his attorney's advice.  John wore a "Count All Legal Votes." Tshirt in the Capitol and was caught on camera chanting "Stop the Steal."  There was no way to avoid a guilty verdict, especially in DC's very democrat demographic.  The law for illegal picketing is clear.  To fight it would cost tens of thousands of more dollars than John already spent.

Sentencing was yesterday, the 15th of August in the year of our lord 2022.  John was sentenced to 30 days in jail to be served in 3 day segments, as well as 3 years probation.  This sentence is one of the more severe issued for any non violent offender ie picketer from any J6 judge, and the most severe from John's judge, Thomas Hogan.  The severity of the sentencing was not due to the picketing offense itself, but due to John not expressing enough remorse afterwards, and fundraising on social media.  He should have kept his mouth shut and towed the party line.  But that's not really like John. 

His incarceration was really due to not thinking the right way, and the judge got very physially animated when reading his sentence, as if he was struggling with something he didn't want to do.  We imagine him to be under political pressure to make examples of Patriots like John, and punish them more harshly.  Word of note, very rarely before J6 would a picketing charge end up with jail time, for J6ers it's common.

Please pray for John and his family and consider donating again.  The cost to defend himself including lost business has been immense.

Washington Post Article

Another hit piece article

You can follow John

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Twitter @johnrockshomes

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