USD $8,000
USD $140
Campaign funds will be received by Joseph McCoy
Trump Supporters Now Need Your Help... The biggest Trump sign in New Hampshire hit the News, and instantly was WELL KNOWN, and WELL LOVED, Then, just 2 weeks later, the Pittsfield, N.H. Town Select Board Members noticed the news papers all over town, and then showed up at the McCoy's home and Told The McCoy's - (Due To Complaints, Remove Trump, or, pay their 500 per day fine). Joe McCoy, on disability who only gets 802.00 a month, disabled with a metal rod, implanted in his leg, from hip to ankle, and dealing with colon cancer started to empty their trailer with his wife Linda, or, pay a 500 per day fine ? The McCoy's had no choice. Joe could no longer work, and they could no way afford such an outrageous fine just for standing up for Trump, and their Freedom Of Speech, . Their 52 foot Trump Trailer, full, with 1000's of items inside, bins and boxes full, they had bought over the years, to sell at their garage sales, to help pay bills, property taxes, and survive on they had to empty, With their storage now taken away, THEY DONATED, 19 truck loads, to the TOWN CHURCH, and the town BOY SCOUTS to help them at their summer yard sales, and they did better then ever before, and they thanked the McCoy's from the bottom of their hearts. But, The McCoy's lost their future, their retirement ,and have been struggling ever since. Then a lawsuit was filed once the facts were known. The town admitted in writing, (They Never Saw The Complaints), ( Had No Idea Of Who, Or Where The Complaints Came From ), but, (Claimed, it was not about Trump ?), THEY LIED ! and, By Law, The Town, Violated The McCoy's FREEDOM OF SPEECH, and, Forced TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN Off Their Property.... More evidence came, the town lied in depositions, affidavits, refused to answer his filed right to know, and all the other trailers in town? 100's of them, that Joe presented to the courts that were on many property's that were also illegal as the town swamp claimed theirs was, ( Were not on the towns agenda), including the board members and defendants. and, they admitted to that, in town board meeting minutes, and the swamp was not held accountable for anything they did, and, the town swamp did not care what happened to the McCoy's. So, the town forced their biggest Trump trailer out of town and everyone else lived nicely, with their storage trailers and items. The NH District Judge, in a hearing said, due to the Merit The McCoy Proved, the fake complaints, all the trailers McCoy showed and proved were still there illegally, and other facts presented, The McCoy's case moves forward, then 2 months later he dismissed the lawsuit, and sided with the town, Their Judge, who was found to know the town, and, practiced in town, ruled with them, and said, let's end this lawsuit, and he did, he ignored the merit he spoke so loud on in court hearings, and, he should have recused himself, but then his buddies would be locked up, and its just another action noted these days that takes place in the courts. The McCoy's will not let this pass, they stood up for their rights, and will keep fighting this, until their justice is restored to them, The McCoy's became now broke, and could not find or afford a lawyer to file to the U S Supreme Court, and are now worse off then before, and need your donations to help them, they will not be silenced, they will continue going after the corruptions involved on all levels, and if they can make it happen they will buy another 52 foot trailer, and, Trump will go right back on their property, and if the swamp comes again, too bad, No One and Nothing Will Make Them Remove ( TRUMP, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN ), Trump will stay, and The McCoy's ? they will be ALL ON BOARD to help Trump get back in our white house where he belongs, and is big time needed now, so, donate whatever you can, and let's get Trump, and the McCoy's back where they belong ! They fight for America! Let's fight for them! God Bless America! AND GOD BLESS TRUMP !
Please help Joe and His Wife, whose town Leaders , stole his Freedom of Speech
Help this fellow Trump supporter out
August 4th, 2023
August 3rd, 2023
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