USD $5,000
USD $1,450
Campaign funds will be received by Jill Nelson
In September 2023, my sister Jill sustained a very traumatic elbow injury, resulting in severe damage to her elbow joint and requiring two extensive surgeries to attempt to repair numerous fractures and potential tendon damage. To date she has two plates and several screws that are securing her various fractures, in an attempt to save her elbow function. She is in a long arm cast, and she is not able to work without the use of both hands. This will be very costly in time out of work, transportation to Phoenix for follow-up surgical care, assistance for activities of daily living and paying her mortgage and utilities without income. She really needs help with the basics, such as food delivery, mortgage for three months, utilities and groceries. Any help will be incredible.
Love you Jill. Get well soon.
Love you Jill. Get well soon.
Love you Jill. Get well soon.
Love you Jill. Get well soon.
Love you Jill. Get well soon.
Love you Jill. Get well soon.
Love you Jill. Get well soon.
Love you Jill. Get well soon.
Love you Jill. Get well soon.
Love you Jill. Get well soon.
Love you Jill. Get well soon.
Love you Jill. Get well soon.
Get well soon.
Dear Jill. God Bless you and Heal you!
Love you Jill. Get well soon.
Love you Jill. Get well soon.
Love you Jill. Get well soon.
Hi Jill, Sorry to hear about all the medical grief you've been goin' through. • I'm fascistbook friends with your sister Jennifer and I wanted to help. I hope you recover fast and fully and get back to your normal self again real soon!
Praying for total healing. You've been so strong through all of this. Don't work too hard. Always give God all the glory. He will work miracles in your life. Love you very much. 🥰
April 27th, 2024
April 27th, 2024
Jill has undergone her fourth surgery this week. Over 3.5 hours, her surgeon was able to remove the titanium hardware from her elbow and release the tissue around the ulnar nerve. The goal is to increase her range of motion so she can straighten her arm. She is doing well after surgery and has already started Physical Therapy to prevent the joint from freezing up. Thank you for your prayers and support.
February 7th, 2024
January 2024
Jill continues to work with her Orthopedic Surgeon and her Physical Therapist to regain full range of motion and strength. In her surgery, her surgeon was able to gain more range of motion, which she is trying hard to maintain with 7 day per week PT. Initially she could work but right now she's having to focus full time on rehabilitation, especially range of motion of her elbow, and she's having extreme pain to the point of nausea. You will see why in the pictures, with an incredible amount of swelling and bruising. My Sister has the highest pain tolerance I've ever seen, so I know she's in an incredible amount of agony. She keeps at it.
Right now she's only getting about 60% of her regular pay, and she has to drive 100 miles, each way, to her surgeon. Any donations are going toward those expenses and we are so grateful for everyone's help. Please share this campaign with others who might give even a small amount. Please see the updated picture gallery above. Jill has reached her four month goal of putting a ponytail in her hair. The little things we take for granted. 😁🤗😍
January 5th, 2024
Jill continues to work full time, in a light duty capacity, continuing a complicated Physical Therapy routine, five days per week. This includes advanced exercise devices that help to strengthen and increase range of motion of the shoulder, elbow and forearm. This has proven to be very painful, and exhausting. Food and grocery delivery is helpful in helping her to maintain her strength and nutrition for healing. Her shoulder is partially frozen, and she cannot straighten her elbow, making activities of daily living a challenge.
January 2nd, 2024
Physical Therapy five days each week. My Sister now looks bionic. She is such a trooper with an incredible pain tolerance, but food preparation and grocery pick-up are pretty difficult with one arm.
January 2nd, 2024
Jill's rehab has been painful and demanding, as she is experiencing a great deal of pain and weakness in her shoulder, coupled with the inability to straighten her elbow and to lift the shoulder in several directions. The good news is the elbow fractures are healing well and she's doing l her best to work full time, despite some recent illness. Her latest PT custom splints help to exercise her elbow in different directions.
She is eating easy to prepare foods, because it's tough to cook with one arm. She is very grateful for the help people have given to her through this campaign. Food deliveries are expensive, but so worth it when you're injured. Thank you.
November 10th, 2023
Jill continues to go to PT with some progress made in elbow mobility, lessened swelling and range of motion in the left shoulder. Recent x-rays show no fractures in the shoulder, but a possible Rotator Cuff Tear and possible ulnar nerve damage, which will require an MRI to further diagnose. Please pray for continued recovery to help Jill with activities of daily living. Currently she cannot move her shoulder too well, but she is out of the sling, splint and back to light duty at her job.
Pray that the numbness in her forearm goes away and she regains more strength and has less pain in her elbow and shoulder. Thank you prayer warriors and donors for helping her along this very tough journey. You ROCK! :)
November 2nd, 2023
JIll has again had a post operative visit with her surgeon, had her cast removed, sutures out, x-rays and she is healing. She is now going to Physical Therapy three times per week and doing a great deal of range of motion and strengthening exercises during each day. Her tendon and ligament were surgically repaired so they're being very careful. Thank you all so much for your continued prayers and support. They mean the world to Jill during this tough time.
October 17th, 2023
Jill is getting around a little better and we're praying for healing. Please pray for total healing and full use of her elbow. Please pray for pain relief. Thank you all for your generous donations for Jill.
October 10th, 2023
A lighter cast.
October 10th, 2023
Today Jill had a post operative follow-up with her Orthopedic Surgeon in Phoenix, about an hour and a half from her home. The bones are healing and she was placed in a lighter, long arm cast. On x-ray it appears the bones are starting to heal and the graft looks good. No infection in the very long suture line seen in the above photo gallery Thank you for your prayers and financial support, as she faces the challenge of no income and healing. Her spirits are higher knowing that people care about her. Please share her link or QR code with anyone who might be interested in praying for her healing or giving. Once Work Comp starts to pay her, her burdens will be much easier. Again, we are very grateful for God's provision. He always comes through.
October 7th, 2023
106/23 Jill is at home resting after her second major surgery to add a second plate and screws and to do some grafting. It has been interesting doing everything with one arm, as she's not supposed to use her left arm.
She's so grateful for your prayers and donations that will make the road without her regular pay a bit easier.
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.