The Jarrol School Project
The Gambia is home to 2 million beautiful and smiling people. Although the country consists of over 90% Muslim population, acceptance and open hearts to hear and learn about the love of Jesus Christ is ever spreading within this small country. About 4 hour up country, there is a village called Jarrol. Jarrol is located over 3 miles from the nearest school, causing the children to haver to walk 6 miles each day to earn an education. Because of the long distance, most children do not attend school at all. The Jarrol Christian outreach team as acquired and built a small school over the last 2 years using little funds and a lot of prayers! This school will not only provide a positive education for the children of Jarrol, but will provide a beginning path to share the love God has to offer, not only to the people of Jarrol, but several neighboring villages near it. Although the building has been built, there is still a lot of room to grow and provide a safer and well rounded place of education and christian fellowship including running water, bathroom facilities, benches and chairs, and school supplies. If you can not donate, please keep those working on this project, the school, the fellowship, and the people of Gambia in your prayers.