Campaign Image

Supporting Jameson Reeder Jr and family


 USD $250,000


 USD $94,631

Campaign created by James Miller

Campaign funds will be received by Jameson Reeder

Supporting Jameson Reeder Jr and family

While on vacation with family and friends in the keys, our friends 11 year old son Jameson Jr. was attacked by a shark while snorkeling. Jameson is an amazingly strong young man. He was able to get his family’s attention and hang on to a noodle float until the boat could get to him. God was watching out for him and has been in every detail. They could have lost their sweet boy, but Jameson knew Jesus was with him. A larger nearby boat came to their aid and on it was a nurse. They were able to get Jameson to shore quickly where medics and a helicopter could take him and his mom Mary to Miami Children's hospital. The whole way Jameson said “Jesus is going to save me” and he did!  Jameson’s dad and siblings could not fly with him, but had to stay back with friends who helped get them out of the keys and into Miami. Jameson Jr. was stabilized and underwent surgery to amputate a remaining portion below his knee. We are asking for prayers and any additional financial help to support this dear sweet family as they recover both physically and mentally from this traumatic experience. One thing we know for sure, is Jameson Jr.’s fearless faith in God carried him through. 

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
26 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
1 month ago

$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Daniel Freitas
$ 500.00 USD
2 months ago

As a father of a 11yo old girl, I could not fathom the despair if that happened to her. Tell James we love him. And will pray for him and the doctors. May he recover, and enjoy a prosperous life.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Praying for Jameson, the doctors and the family.

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
6 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
7 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
8 months ago

Rebecca Quinn
$ 100.00 USD
9 months ago

Praying for Jameson’s continued recovery. Really admire his spirit and trust in God.

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
9 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
9 months ago

Have good luck this year see play baseball see you new leg awesome

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
10 months ago

$ 1000.00 USD
11 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
11 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 15.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
1 year ago


Update #12

August 14th, 2024

2 year surgery update via instagram.

Thank you for your prayers!🤲

Update Update #12 Image
Update #11 - Join us to hear Jameson Jr’s story of Great Faith!

November 13th, 2022

Please come celebrate Jameson Reeder Jr.'s Life and Story of Survival at Galuppi’s on the Green. Jameson’s testimony and experience will be shared.

For event details and to RSVP, click this link

God Bless!

Update Update #11 - Join us to hear Jameson Jr’s story of Great Faith! Image
Update #10 thank you for your prayers and support!

September 10th, 2022

Jameson Jr. is out of the hospital, and here is the link to the video of the ABC interview.

Part 2 of our story airs at 7:20 am tomorrow on GMA -ABC.

Please visit 

For more updates!

Update Update #10 thank you for your prayers and support! Image
Update #9

August 27th, 2022




Friday, 8/26/22


We are so happy to report that Jameson Jr. had a very successful surgery this morning! The skin grafting went extremely well and now the open wound of the leg can begin to close and heal.  Since the surgery was successful, he will need no more surgeries during this hospital visit and can be released as early as one week from now! 

Since Jameson has woken up from his surgery, he has felt very minimal pain, praise God.  And his eyes have never been wider than when he found out he didn’t need another surgery and can go home very soon! This made him so very happy.

Hopefully my next update will be of my nephew leaving the hospital to go home and begin this new journey that lies ahead of him. 

Thank you all SO much for your prayers. We know God’s hand has been with our family every step of the way.

Update #8

August 26th, 2022



Thursday, 8/25/22


Calling all prayer warriors again. Jameson Jr. is scheduled to have his fourth surgery tomorrow morning (Friday 8/26). If all goes well, this will be the final surgery during this hospital stay before he can be released to go home.  Please pray that surgery goes smoothly and the doctors can accomplish all that they need to. 

Most importantly, please pray for his pain levels as this has been the biggest obstacle for him this week. 

He has been doing so well, but this is pain a 10 year old should never have to experience.  The outpouring of love from everyone has been such an amazing source of hope and strength for him during this time.  My family is forever grateful. Thank you for your prayers, more updates to follow.

Update #7 =

August 23rd, 2022



Tuesday, 8/23/22


Thank you all so much for the many prayers over Jameson’s surgery yesterday.  Without going into full detail, yesterday’s surgery didn’t go completely as planned.  The surgery lasted about 4 hours, which is the longest one he has had so far.  The initial goal of the surgery was not able to be met as the doctors had to make adjustments while operating on my nephew’s leg.  Although the outcome of yesterday’s surgery was very positive, he still needs to have one more surgery next week before he can be released from the hospital.  Next Monday, the 29th, will be Jameson’s 11th birthday.  Let’s say he wasn’t the most excited about needing to remain in the hospital for his birthday and still needing another surgery, but we will all make the most of it for him! 

Unfortunately, he is experiencing a lot of pain today.  We are praying and believing for peace and comfort over him as the team of Doctors and nurses figure out the best options for his pain management.  Today will be focused on getting rest and quiet time with his mom and dad.  Would you please join me to continue praying for Jameson jr. as he overcomes many challenges on this new journey? 

Thank you all for the continued support and the many great messages we have received during this time! 

Update #6 ~ from Josh Reeder

August 22nd, 2022



Monday 8/21/22


Jameson Jr. has done exceptionally well on his road to recovery. Since the shark attack happened last Saturday, we have seen him continue to overcome new challenges each day. 

Please pray with us as he faces his third surgery on his leg today. Pray for an excellent outcome and minimum pain. He’s such a warrior! 

Here is a recent photo of Jameson Jr.

showing off his positive attitude in a difficult circumstance.

Update Update #6 ~ from Josh Reeder Image
Update #5 ON MY NEPHEW JAMESON JR. Friday, 8/19/22

August 20th, 2022

Jameson’s latest surgery went exceptionally well as the doctors stated they were able to accomplish most of what they wanted in that particular surgery. However, there will be more surgeries to follow as early as next week. The doctors have been extremely happy with the progress of the surgeries and their outcome, especially since stating that this was the worst shark attack injury they have ever seen on a child.

The day after the surgery was challenging for Jameson Jr. as he struggled with pain most of the day and facing his new realities. Thankfully, his spirits were lifted again as we gathered as a family to cheer him on after physical therapy. Family and community are so important during this time. Jameson’s siblings have been able to get great quality time with him and their mom and dad. They are holding up very well and have been able to have as much fun as they can with all of their grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins that they get to be with each day. We are so grateful to be able to love on them when we can.

Many have given so much support to our family through various means. Prayers, finances, words of encouragement, food, groceries, rental car, and lodging offer to help in so many ways during these times. We are all VERY grateful. The medical cost of everything up to this point is still unknown. However, what is known is that this life-altering incident and the financial burden that follows does not stop once they check out of the hospital. The journey ahead of Jameson Jr. will continue far into his adult years.

The question of how long Jameson Jr. will need to stay in the hospital still remains. It could be a minimum of a few weeks; however, things are changing and progressing each day, so it’s hard to calculate fully.

Many other inspiring amputees, athletes, and shark attack victims have reached out, and we are all looking forward to connecting them with Jameson Jr. soon for him to hear their stories of victory and overcoming the challenges that they faced. Again, we are blown away by how the world has reached out to offer any glimpse of hope for this sweet 10-year-old boy and his parents. Truly incredible.

We have continued to count our blessings as we remember the horrifying news we received Saturday, 8/13/22, a day that has forever impacted us all. We continue to trust the Holy Spirit as He leads my brother and sister-in-law with the decision-making they are faced with daily.

Many thanks and blessings to you all. 


Update #4 (from Josh Reeder)

August 17th, 2022

My family and I arrived from Hawaii yesterday late afternoon and headed straight to the hospital to be with everyone.  I cannot put into words how good it felt to wrap our arms around my brother Jameson and his wife Mary, and even more importantly to physically hug our precious nephew last night. 

As you can imagine, it has all been a lot to process as we are all coming together as a family unit over the last 24 hours. The more we talk together and learn about the facts of how everything unfolded, the more and more evident it appears that it is a pure miracle he is still alive and with us today. My brother and sister-in-law are doing really well considering, but need prayer for increased strength, wisdom, and rest in the these very moments. 

Everything has gone very smoothly since his first surgery. The doctors and nurses have been absolutely incredible, not just with Jameson’s care, but with the whole family.  

I cannot say enough amazing things about Jameson Jr. and his attitude through this whole thing. His heart is so full to be surrounded by his family right now. His outlook on this massive life change seems very positive so far. He was telling us how if he does really well with his physical therapy that he will be able to get out of the hospital and go home soon.  He is already setting up some goals for himself like the incredible young boy he is.  While you can see the shock and emotions processing in his eyes you can still see this bright light of positivity shining through. It really is incredible and inspiring. We are all so very very proud of him. 

As far as prayers needed from this point today they are as follows:

Today Jameson Jr. will be undergoing another surgery as the doctors clean up around his knee and make sure that there is no infection and that muscle and bone are good to go for next steps. Please pray and believe with us for zero infection in this area as it is crucial for steps moving forward for physical therapy and so on. 

Next, please pray for his pain levels to be at the nearest minimum as the wonderful nurses and doctors by his side are figuring out what is working best for his pain management right now. 

Again, please keep covering Jameson and Mary in prayer for their strength of heart and mind and for them to be able to get adequate rest when able.

Lastly, continue to pray for sweet Jameson Jr. as he enters into the journey of physical therapy and the mental and emotional aspect behind everything. 

We will do our best to continue with updates on our end for the family. We want everyone to know that we have communicated with Jameson Jr. and his mom and dad about the overwhelming outpouring of love and support that have come in from you all through phone calls, texts, emails, and social media, not just to us but to our entire family. They are brought up to speed and are aware and extremely touched by everyone’s love, prayers, and generosity towards the fundraiser during this time. They are blown away. As you can imagine they have several unread messages as they are placing all their focus and attention to sweet Jameson’s care. Thank you for the space and grace you have given them during this time. 


A quick message to the media*

We are receiving your messages and kind condolences and plan to respond soon as the family does wish to get Jameson’s brave story out to the world and share the faith he had in God for saving his life.  

For any future inquiries on interviews please email me directly at

Update #3

August 15th, 2022

God is amazing. 

In less than 24 hours, Everyone here helped raise enough funds to reach our Goal. We will continue to pray and ask God to heal Jameson Jr further and update the Goal amount. 

Your prayers and love are indeed a blessing!

Update Update #3 Image
Update #2

August 15th, 2022

God is amazing, and his Love is being poured out to the Reeder family by all of you in your prayers and financial support. 

1st Goal is almost met! 

We will be increasing our Goal once it has been met. For those who may not know the Reeders, here is a link to Jameson Sr. Ministry, Urban Village

The family is in full-time Ministry, and we are not sure what health insurance they have. But with the support we have seen so far, I believe we can reach any Goal God sets out for us to reach!

Please continue praying and spreading support for Jameson Reeder Jr and his family! 

Update #1

August 14th, 2022

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.

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