USD $100,000
USD $5,766
Campaign funds will be received by Jason Dojnia
You're probably wondering why am I looking at this hot mess in a hospital bed and if you have a moment I'd like to tell you a story. My story. Let me apologize ahead of time for my jumping around my head isn't what it used to be.My name is Jason Anthony Dojnia. I'd like to think I'm a good father and an okay all around guy. I have had my run ins with alcohol, nicotine, illegal drugs from heroine to method for years. It took awhile but I beat them all. On my fifth year of sobriety I purchased a motorcycle. This was my own personal way to congratulate myself on a job well done. I would go all over the country for work and most times I was able to ride my motorcycle to and from offices. One trip was from Southern, Mississippi to San Diego, California. I was on track to have a 100,000 mile year. Let's jump ahead a little bit. On October 4th, 2023 I was riding with a buddy of mine that wanted to show me cruzin the coast. Oh it was amazing all the vintage vehicles, the smell of burgers and dogs on the grill, oh the pin striping with the metallic flake. It was a pristine day. That day slowly came to a end with the beautiful automobiles. As I dropped of my buddy I started my way home. My youngest had soccer practice and I was not going to miss it since we had a agreement. If he was to score we'd be stopping for ice cream before dinner. I pull away from my buddies house get out on the main road headed towards the highway to go home. This sign for some reason caught my eye. It read, It's illegal to make U-Turns on this highway. Or at least very close to that. I didn't think anything of it since I was not planning on a uturn. Everything from here is going to be hearsay because I've lost about a months time. Traffic was moving fairly decent that day. As we're starting to enter the construction zone on highway 10 west bound I move to the left lane creating a buffer between the guy in front and the guy behind me. Yes I know left lane isn't for travel but I also like to have the ability for maneuvering. Since we're in construction speed limit is 60 mph. Believe it or not I was doing 60 that's a bonus for having cruise control. We had just came through the under pass down a hill. Not like rolling hills or a mountainous pass just a hill. At the base of this is where a lot of big equipment, heavy equipment, highway making equipment had been staged and using the median as their own cut through. Which we all have seen if you've been on the highway at some point. So the cut through it is not like the ones the sneaky statie uses to catch you with no seat belt. It's rutted up has the big orange reflective cones the 55 gallon drum sized ones. Your regular orange cones scattered throughout. So you know people don't just go and throw a party. As myself and the other drives approached this guy from the east bound lane decided it would save him 4 minutes to make this uturn and not go to the next exit a quarter mile down. He made the uturn alright. Apparently he didn't even slow down. Somehow I ended up hitting him going through his car out the other side shot into the gully on the right hand side. The motorcycle went for a trip up and over his car as the bike exploded into thousands of beautiful shiny parts. Here is the part that is allowing me to tell this story. A couple vehicles in front of me was a man & wife. Just driving along enjoying their Saturday like everyone was. The are enthusiasts with motorcycles and was watching me in the mirror until I passed (I never passed them). The guy is a state trooper or fbi maybe the local fuzz i forget honestly he has a badge for sure. His wife is either an emergency room doctor or an emt something to where she knows how to keep calm in stressful situations as well as preform life saving skills on the side of a dirty, noisy highway. These two people I would repay with anything if they asked without them I'm not that father I think I am, I'm not that guy that beat drugs and alcohol. Without them. I'm a statistic. The worst part it wasn't even my fault. They worked on me until medical back up arrived the hospital tried to send an ambulance but they said my injuries were too severe and I wouldn't make it. So I was able to take a helicopter ride a very expensive helicopter ride. Now I know I told you I do not remember that's about 99.9% true. I do remember the pilot announcing to hold on this is going to be a rough landing. Before we touched down I was back unconscious.
It's now silent. Like when 11 uses that salt cryo chamber set up on Stranger Things. It's so quiet and black it's eerily comfortable. Time is irrelevant now days are nights nights are nights. I feel a drip in the back of my throat or what I assume is my throat. It itches & tickles. I can't move. I can't breathe. I'm stuck. My eyes start to move under my eye lids. So everything is still dark. It's a different dark a not welcoming dark. I don't know where I am why, why can't I move, why can't I open my eyes, what's going on? I'm starting to try to open my eyes. I can hear stuff. I can't make out what it is or if it's even a what maybe I'm abducted and on the alien ship. I can hear muffled voices but they're not directed to me. Finally my eyes open. Now I have muffled hearing and super blurry vision. Telling myself blink just blink get the diet out of your eyes try to get a sense of what needs to be done so I can get home for soccer practice. Finally what felt like hours of fighting my body to do something my hearing is coming back with the high pitch ringing I still have. My eyes are starting to reboot themselves. I can see. I can see but I can't grasp what's going on. People in fancy jackets are trying to explain what happened but it's all so much it sounds like the teacher from Charlie Brown. I'm back out. I'm not sure maybe 10 minutes maybe a day later we try again. Everything hurts, I don't recognize anyone. What's coming out of their mouths just sounds foreign. They proceed to tell me I died on that helicopter and they've done everything they could to keep me around. They told me I've been in a coma for nine days. They have finally removed the feeding tubes, the breathing tubes, some crazy straw from my nose. I don't really remember that first day on my 2nd life. I do remember hallucinations really amazing hallucinations. Some cute like the little Asian potato faces that rolled around smiling and talking gibberish. Some huge like the super soft, super bright fur dragons one red one white. Or inventive like how I could change the location of my room from hospital bedroom to being on a bench or in the rain forest just by swiping left. Then at night would come the bad ones the ones where I was locked in a box truck with 55 gallon drums of body parts or the one where I'm walking the burnt earth by myself. So real I tried breaking out of my room by unscrewing the heart monitor. ( I didn't know where I was)Now I can tell you all about University hospital and the ridiculous treatment but I don't think you want to read about fighting to get a bath or the feces covered pillows or sheets they kept me in. Or how they lost all my personal belongings because they said I signed a waiver. At what point in time in my unconscious state did I sign this said paper?I'm finally free I'm so excited I'm leaving the hospital today. Just to go to another hospital. This one is rehabilitation. Where I basically learned everything again. From talking (more structured sentences) bathing, walking putting on some chonies. Everything in a basic day I'm relearning. A week into rehab i get to see my boys for the first time since all this. Oh that was an emotional visit. Now I'm getting excited my appetite is picking up. I'm not seeing little potato people anymore. I can physically sit up with minimum help. It's a few days before Thanksgiving. I can breathe. A few friends pop in and say hi see how I'm doing. My boss calls and shoots the for awhile with me. My mom brings the boys down everything is looking better. Then the day before Thanksgiving I get awesome news they're going to release me today. I'm going home! Best feeling. We've made plans to get me later that day we're a 90 minute drive one way. That's if traffic is.good. I get a call from my boss I'm excited I have diarrhea of the mouth just saying I finally get to go home. He cuts me off he has the human resources representative on the phone with him. He's saying he has no choice it's not his plan. HR fired me. They said since I couldn't return to work within 30 days that it was against some policy they had. Now with that. I was the only one who worked in my family. Fiancee home schooled and took care of the boys. So not only did I loose my bike, my life, my job now I've lost all our insurance. Of course the youngest needs the emergency room like a week after this news. I was not able to get the doctors visits I've needed since I've left the rehab hospital. I have tried to get things like medicaid or Medicare theu denied all of us. I have a general idea of what's wrong with me but I don't know what's wrong with me. I had a lawyer at one point that was from Law Tigers. Matthew Roden. He wasted 10 months of time and quit the case with no resolve or communication. The statutes of limitations give me 365 days from day of accident to have all paperwork in order. Well I'm not a professional accident guy and I have no idea what I'm doing. I do know he quit and left me with 2 weeks time to find another person to help me. Which I did amazingly. He is going to do in 6 months what the previous lawyer couldn't do in 10. Plus what the old lawyer claims to be my signature looks like the bat signal. I'm still in need of nerve testing, my head needs testing to see what's going on up that way. I remember things from before this accident but it's patchwork after. My favorite part of all this. The guy Barry that hit me they say he's immune to anything. He didn't even get a ticket for the illegal uturn
Love you, f****er.
God bless
The human that hit you needs legal consequences!
Buddy, as hard as it is to understand god has a plan. Often we may not like parts of his plan. But you and your family will win.
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