Father & Son J6 Defense Expense Fund


 USD $25,000


 USD $500

Campaign created by Viola Kroush

Campaign funds will be received by Toney Bray

Father & Son J6 Defense Expense Fund

On January 6, 2021, my now son-in-law & his father, Ethan & Toney Bray, felt led by God to be in Washington DC, and to be counted as one of many people in America that know deep down that the 2020 election was interfered with.

Jan 6 was a life changing event for thousands of American Patriots; many are still facing charges for exercising their first amendment rights. On June 8, 2023, Ethan & Toney were arrested at work on felony charges related to J6. Just as many other trials were ending on all the J6 political prisoners, more and more charges are being brought up on American Patriots. This has turned from cases of justice to flat out revenge. Ethan & Toney were hunted by the left wing activist group “Sedition Hunters” under the nickname “#GASMASKTWINS”. That group badgered the FBI until they could celebrate the arrest.

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Isaiah 5:20

In November 2020, the Brays attended their first political rally. The whole family went to show other Americans that they are not alone in feeling something odd with the recent election. They had a great family experience marching to the SCOTUS and praying on the steps for relief. As the event ended, they returned to their downtown DC hotel to prepare for dinner nearby. As they walked back outside, about 100 ft from the hotel door, they found women crying saying people were being attacked and the police weren’t helping. At that moment Toney sent his wife and younger son back into the hotel for safety, while he and Ethan went to see if they could help anyone or prevent more injuries. After asking around they find out that ANTIFA along with some BLM protesters were wreaking havoc on the city's visitors. It appeared they had grouped up and marched around the area hotels causing trouble at each one they came across, harassing anyone that appeared weak or to be a Trump supporter. What they saw shocked them. Antifa was in all black clothes & face covers, some wearing gas masks, and they were throwing things like bricks, large explosive fireworks and frozen water bottles at people for simply wearing anything Trump related or having an American flag. They noticed there was no concern for people, police or property. Gas bombs were being thrown, mace being sprayed, all regard for police officers were nonexistent. It was as though there was no law. Police officers were just standing there watching as the city was destroyed around them. They witnessed a street vendor’s stand toppled & robbed. Antifa then burned US flags while the police watched and did nothing. Ethan told me one day “watching it all I felt like I had a duty to help those who couldn’t help themselves. I decided that day that if I ever came back, I wouldn’t just watch, I’d be prepared to help” I couldn’t imagine what it felt like to be in the middle of that and feel helpless.

When the December “Maga Million” rally was announced Ethan & Toney knew it would be a target of the same chaos. They again felt led by God to go stand in the gap. This time they took body armor, helmets and gas masks, so they could fill the void of protection not offered by police without turning to the only other option of running to hide. Before the rally even started Antifa and BLM were again out there causing trouble while police escorted them around hotels. To think this is our America today is a sad reality. However, this time 1,000s of prepared patriots like the Bray’s stayed out most of the night reducing the amount of the outcomes of November. Even with this amount of protection multiple people were stabbed and hospitalized.

When January , “March to Save America” was announced, Ethan and Toney knew they were needed and were ready to stand again. Little did they know that they would be persecuted for it 2.5 years later.

On Jan 5 they attended the Jericho March near the Capital, where they marched around the Capital and prayed as people blew shofars. As night drew, they protected the area around their hotel and speech stages, even protecting police from rowdy BLM protesters that the police seem to allow physical abuse from. The following link is a video taken by BLM protesters of the Bray’s complaining of them being “Peace Police”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6Y4ZMJPL6E

On Jan 6 they started out early with hopes of seeing Trump speak and getting a decent view. The crowd was overwhelming and there was no direction on where to be. They ultimately ended up with a spot on the Washington Monument hill to look down at monitors broadcasting the speech, but could barely hear. They then found a guy using a megaphone playing the speech from his phone and they were finally able to hear. Then Trump said everyone would walk to the Capital and he would go too. Toney knew of another permitted rally stage at the Capitol, and felt Trump would end up on the inauguration or secondary event stage. While they had a bad view of the main speech they could leave early and have a good spot at this next event. Others must have had the same thought as many started to march there, including the megaphone owner that provided them access to the speech audio. Then they followed him down the National mall to the Capital. As they arrived the well known events of the day kicked off, people rushed up the normally nonrestricted path up to the temporary, inauguration stage. The Bray’s followed in pursuit of a front row view of a possible speech or historic actions. That they found, but now their life is forever changed. They never assaulted anyone nor caused any damage. They assisted medical response to two different fatal heart attacks by clearing space for first responders, as well as offering their medical supplies they carried to injured Capitol police.

I asked Toney why he decided to make the trip to DC. His response was one I had heard before, but I felt conviction coming from his words. He said “Viola; no one was doing anything about the irregularities, no one would listen. I could get the days off and travel, how could I as an American not stand for those who couldn't. The news stations were not telling people what was really happening, I knew I was there. I watched as they destroyed people’s lives, attacked officers and businesses. How could I not?” I was left speechless as he shared his convictions with me.

Patriotism: Love for or devotion to one’s country

I am an American; free born and free bred, where I acknowledge no man as my superior, except for his own worth, or as my inferior, except for his own demerit. – Theodore Roosevelt

Ethan and Toney are family men, they take care of their families and live their lives according to the convictions placed on them by God. Their only hope is for American Citizens regardless of race, religion, gender, sexuality, lifestyle, or political affiliation to have the same and equal rights as all Americans. Now with charges pending for standing up for their rights and many others like them they both face the challenge of unfair and biased courts in DC while trying to maintain their home, jobs, and family. Thus, the reason for starting this. We ask for prayers and to give financially what God places on your heart as we walk through this valley with them. They can not afford private attorneys, but are using public defenders. All donations will be put directly to expenses incurred while defending themselves outside of representation cost (Travel costs, private investigators, family visits, missed hours at work for court and possible future attorney work not performed by the public defenders they have now).

But we know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully; Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for the sinners, for the unholy and profane, for murderers of mothers, for manslayers, for whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for men stealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine; According to the glorious gospel of the blessed god, which was committed to my trust. And I thank Christ Jesus out Lord who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry.

1 Timothy 1 : 8-1

Recent Donations
Jake Lang
$ 500.00 USD
20 days ago

God bless!!


Update #3

September 24th, 2024

The verdict is set to be delivered from the trial on Oct 3rd. Following the verdict a date will be set for sentencing. Thanks again for all those prayers, the Lord has this under control.

"Praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved." Acts 2:47

Update #2

August 26th, 2024

Trial is set for August 26th. The Brays have made their way to DC and will face the Federal Court for their actions on January 6th. Daily updates will appear hear through the trial. Thank Everyone for the prayers. 

 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.   

Philippians 4:13

Update #1

October 28th, 2023

The Grand Jury in DC returned an indictment. Now the Bray's are waiting for the government to provide the discovery of evidence to them. Their next court date is Nov 30th, 2023.

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.