Indigenous Healing app to Circle the Walk of Peace


 USD $695,000

Campaign created by Bunny - Sings Wolf - Engberg

Campaign funds will be received by Bunny Engberg

Indigenous Healing app to Circle the Walk of Peace

Global Healing Event Announcement

CIRCLE THE WALK OF PEACE PATH: Help make history at Mato-Tipila (Devils Tower National Monument )

Join us in the 2025 inaugural gathering that manifests Crazy Horse's prophecy: a transformative, globally LIVE-STREAMED moment to GATHER ALL NATIONS in PEACE. This powerful ancient Lakota star knowledge healing site (Grey Horn Butte, Tree of Life) is a thousands year old sacred indigenous healing site within the 1868 Black Hills Treaty lands of Wyoming.

"Upon suffering beyond suffering: the Red Nation shall rise again and it shall be a blessing for a sick world. A world filled with broken promises, selfishness and separations. A world longing for light again. I see a time of Seven Generations when all the colors of mankind will gather under the Sacred Tree of Life and the whole Earth will become one circle again. In that day, there will be those among the Lakota who will carry knowledge and understanding of unity among all living things and the young white ones will come to those of my people and ask for this wisdom. I salute the light within your eyes where the whole Universe dwells. For when you are at that center within you and I am that place within me, we shall be one." - Crazy Horse

A Global Celebration of Unity

Prophecies from ALL true ancient spiritual visionaries are coming true in this revelational humanity healing time!

Help us gather a world of indigenous elders, spiritual leaders, and peace practitioners dedicated to help manifest a powerful living art installation for JOINING us in the quantum moment, to resonate the loving ONE-ness of all creation.

Help us form a human circle of the quantum RESONANCE created with joined hands, hearts, and intent around Mato-Tipila to abundantly reverberate source, sound, vibration and display of the cosmic creative energy-resonance of love IN PRACTICE for and with all our relations.  Mitakuye Oyasin.

As we film this living art form to CLARIFY, CELEBRATE, CONNECT the PRACTICALITY of our UNITED HEALING VISION,  to LIGHT the CIRCLE THE WALK OF PEACE PATH WORLDWIDE for our human relatives OF ALL CULTURES, FAITHS, NATIONS, at a moment in time when every ONE on the planet will be invited to join this live-streamed momentous event!

While physical attendance will be limited to a selected 1300 in-person participants to respect this ancient, 1000's year old Black Hills sacred site, and to align with National Park Staff's mandated park regulations presently under U.S. Park's oversight , the power of this gathering will be amplified through global live-streaming, allowing a worldwide audience to view & participate in resonance with this transformative global healing initiative as ONE human family united.

And in that few moments humanity will be given the definitive opportunity to recognize the fear that now unites us is useless, manipulative, and separating, so that we may shape-shift that energy in that moment,  to

GATHER human hearts, communities, nations with the all-powerful, all-healing creative source energy of LOVE.

Your Support Creates History

Your contribution directly enables:

- A traditional tipi village base camp near the monument for participants to gather and stay

- Coordinated transportation system for efficient, respectful site access (30 buses to transport to and from the site)

- Travel and accommodation for indigenous elders who have long-dreamed and well prepared to attend

- Global live-streaming from four directions around and above the site (photographers to manage and coordinate live video feed)

- Essential logistics (permits, security, safety, insurance, extra Park Service staff, facilities)

- Documentation of this historic gathering for future generations (video LIVE-stream during the arrival, joining the circle, resonance from the four directions and film record from above with special permit for respectful hired helicopter to fly-by above, then filming of THIS HISTORY-CHANGING EVENT will be edited and made into a utube video to be accessed globally for all our relations).

Begin Your Journey Today

• The IndigenousHealing app offers an easy way for all people to participate in this sacred work: The app curates various ways for reflection and deep consideration, that show the science and reason that confirms Healing IS totally viable, an "inside job" discoverable as each human authenticates their own powerful inner wisdom voice and sovereign capacity as a sacred, valuable peace of this grass roots global moment

• Access ancient wisdom validated by modern science: Here is opportunity to transform perceptions to perspectives based on knowledge and the well-proven truth of the science that aligns closely with our ancestor's wisdom now readily available online within this free app for everyone on the planet!

• Join a protected digital refuge for authentic connection and learning: A safe in-app community space to converse, nurture, encourage one another with no pesky algorithms, tracking, nor commercial agendas

• Connect with global communities and a growing number of well-researched, sustainable life-nurturing projects of fellow passionate and well-informed peace practitioners

• Share in sacred knowledge and sustainable solutions: Connect with our human family members who also envision and and are committed to establishing a new paradigm of well thought out, working communities utilizing healthy, wellness life-ways and practices for the good of the whole

• Experience heart-centered natural healing wisdom practices from diverse traditions: Discover the truth of the proper human diet that restores and secures the health stolen from us by "profit driven" systems that have manifested so many reversable dis-eases.  Explore methods and success stories of those who have already healed themselves with proven, effective practices that can realistically heal humanity. These free and affordable human practices now shown clearly within the app, recently "discovered" (remembered) by science and put into practice that are already benefiting hundreds of thousands of our human relatives are not presently being "reported" by the main stream media outlets that most people subscribe to! Now you may easily access information to benefit body, mind, spirit by each individual committed to honoring life which effectively empowers each of us as conscious, sovereign, divine BE-ings who may now choose to rejoin the cosmic circle of life resonance (mending the sacred hoop) and thus participate in the restoration of sustainable nature-based daily peace and wellness practices for ourselves, our communities, and the world ("world healing" is an inside job and responsibility of each living heart).

  • Help us light the path and Circle the Walk of Peace Path as cooperative, united way-showers joining the healing resonance with natures ONE-ness, so that future generations to thrive.

Preparing for Sacred Participation

For those called to join the physical gathering at Mato-Tipila in 2025, completion of the IndigenousHealing app's wisdom teachings is required. This preparation ensures that all participants:

• Understand and align with universal principles of wellness, integrity (truth), love, compassion, gratitude and One-ness resonance

• Share a common foundation of awareness of indigenous wisdom gleaned from many cultures

• Arrive fully prepared to contribute their highest expression of divinity and energy resonance to this global healing ceremony (living art)

• Can serve as conscious and informed conductors of peace and unity (all inclusive love, reciprocity, in understanding and practice) within their daily walk toward a more precise alignment with natural laws of the always life-sustaining 4 steps of healing 

• Just as ripples spread from a stone touching water, each prepared participant's presence will help amplify this sacred ceremony's healing influence across all creation

Our Sacred Promise

• Always free

• No advertising

• No data manipulation

• Complete privacy within our Indigenous Healing app family tribe

• Respect for all life-honoring and naturally sustainable wisdom traditions

• Safe space for genuine seekers

Connect With Us

1. Download the IndigenousHealing app to begin your inner journey of sovereign self-discovery

2. Join the IndigenousHealing Facebook Group or follow Lakota Dakota Nakota Nation on Facebook

3. Share your gifts, experiences, insights with all your contacts who desire healing of our planet, to INSPIRE, SUPPORT, ENCOURAGE more of our global relatives to discover their own unique expression of sovereignty and JOIN US IN THIS GLOBAL IMPACT MOMENT of conscious awakening/healing in resonance in ONE-ness

4. Share this vision with those who wish to also learn how to resonate with global unity and world healing

HELP HUMANITY JOIN TO CREATE -  A NEW GLOBAL REALITY - LOVE, COMPASSION, WELLNESS, PEACE (to replace and dispel and transform the "dark fear" that now unites humanity globally), 

Advance the Big Global Healing vision of one-ness to bless seven generations forward with balance, harmony, abundance, peace for ALL our relations.

Through both physical presence and virtual participation, we CAN strengthen our global human family's bonds and mend the sacred hoop.

Together, we are now invited to GATHER AS ONE - to heal a heart, heal nations, heal the world!

We warmly, passionately welcome you to support this historic gathering through this essential fundraising campaign and share this vision of the profound importance of unity and healing in our time.

Your contribution helps ensure this sacred event remains accessible to all called to participate, whether in person or through virtual connection.

Mitakuye Oyasin (We are all related!)

Bunny Sings Wolf Engberg

Indigenous Wisdom Keeper

Dreamer and Curator of the heartful give-away found within the app

Living upon Sacred Landscapes on the Wyoming side of the sacred Black Hills (see interview at Mato Tipila with Bunny singing her "Buffalo Dreams" song at the end - follow in this link)

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
8 days ago

I want to thank Bunny for her responses to my emails and appreciate what she is trying to do here.

MPNL History Bowl Team
$ 200.00 USD
3 months ago

Thanks so much! We're happy to have you speak to our group!

$ 20.00 USD
5 months ago

$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

SGT Geiter
$ 50.00 USD
8 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
8 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
9 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
10 months ago

Thank you for your Lakota way, and for all you do!

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
11 months ago

Thank you


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