I Original Independent Feature


 USD $30,000


 USD $795

Campaign created by Alessandro & Fabian Gordillo

Campaign funds will be received by Alessandro Gordillo

I Original Independent Feature

Have you ever asked:

"Just One More?"

This phrase is spoken through the lips of a nameless man who is the main character of the independent film project "I". He sits on top of a hill overlooking a town, where he is in the midst of an inner metaphysical conflict that is affecting his already crestfallen perspective. "Denim", as classified by the man's style of clothes, possesses a mysterious envelope that is only known by the symbol on the front of it: "I" 

Another nameless character, who is less friendly than Denim, watches from the distance. "Mister Ermine" known by the fabric of his cravat, wishes for Denim's sadness to fully consume him, for his own hidden agendas

Throughout the story, our hero runs into various situations that challenge his worldview on goodwill and benevolence:

  • A drug dealing operation
  • A bunch of hoodlums meeting with an old lady
  • The aforementioned old lady robbing a good samaritan
  • A corporate manager using his silver tongue to entice a street preacher to minister to him at first,
  • and many other circumstances  

In the midst of it all, Denim just wishes for some sense of altruism to be acted in the surroundings in which he finds himself. A light blazing in a dismal environment......and it's not getting any brighter. 

More than a film, A Call to Arms for a Time such as This.

A project that has been seven years in the making, "I" is a narrative that wishes the viewer to look deeper at the world we live in today, and in turn themselves. In the challenges that we currently confront in the present, such as Political Correctness, COVID, A biased state of mind, and our demons, there seems to be a constant cycle of frustration, fear, and uncertainty. This film displays how would one man's particular frustrations & disillusionment (Denim) unveils the selfish & callous nature of society under its distorted narrative and how those with hidden influence (Ermine) wish to exploit it for their latent motives.

"I" centers itself on the fact that humanity is falling apart at the seams and they either are oblivious to their self-destruction or couldn't care less about the matter. This movie does not give you the luxury of going through the motions. It is a testimony addressing the shortcomings & negligence of human decency and how we can get back on track with proper love and humble understanding. When committing to this project, you not just providing funds for the actors, craft services, location, or editing software. You are agreeing on being part of a great revolution, not of political upheaval and religious revival, but a way of saying, "Once I was Lost, but now I am found."

"I" is more than just an ambitious indie film. It is a contemporary allegory of how much callousness has grown within Humanity and how we all must reconcile with not only God and each other, but to make amends with our fellow brothers and sisters and truly wish to see our Father once again. 

Phase One

As it currently stands, we at The Father & Son Productions, wish to complete a "prototype" of the film for Angel Studios, as a means of gaining more support for this passion project. 

Once we are successful in our endeavors upon completing this "torch" as they call it, we will enact Phase Two: Submitting the film as a means of setting the foundation to complete it in its extended & original format. 

Those who are involved in Phase One will be given credit in the film's development and given digital copies. If Phase Two is successful, matters will be discussed including the involvement of the feature's production to background actor positions, all the while receiving credit in both phases.

We continue to pray for God to guide us in this time as we anticipate on making something extraordinary, but if that door opens or closes for us, it is by His decision we must respect (Revelation 3:7-9).

For questions or concerns about this project, please contact us at thefatherandsonproductions@gmail.com.   

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
9 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
10 months ago

Thank you for making a video about my Sister in Christ Francine!

Bianca Beharry
$ 25.00 USD
1 year ago

Ana Franco
$ 25.00 USD
1 year ago

Kristina Carrizo
$ 40.00 USD
1 year ago

All the best!!

Tadeo Gordillo
$ 150.00 USD
1 year ago

Good luck!

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you on your generous contribution! It is a splendid suprise!" By Alessandro Gordillo

$ 20.00 USD
1 year ago

Make it big!

Response from Campaign Owner:

"and how!" By Alessandro Gordillo

$ 250.00 USD
1 year ago

Good luck.

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you so much. Your generous donation out of your heart is dearly noted within our production. More than you could imagine. " By Alessandro Gordillo

Julio Guadamuz
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
1 year ago

Eric Chavez
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Dimitri Craven
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Good luck youguys, you do great work

The Reyes Family
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Go get ‘em Alessandro !!!!

$ 10.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
2 years ago


Update #4-Proof of Concept Short and New Social Media Campaign

January 6th, 2024

Thanks to God's grace and our supporters' generosity, we have completed a Proof of Concept Short and submitted it to various film festivals. Plans for the original feature-length film are still in motion and another Proof of Concept Short is underway. However, we need more supporters and benefactors to make this passion project grow and let it bear the fruits of our labor!

Also, watch for various shorts that are part of the social media campaign on the social network scale! 

They will be under the hashtags #Father&SonProd & #IndiefilmI

In whatever way this leads us, to God be the Glory! 

Update #3 - New Donors

June 25th, 2023

This update is a commemoration for our donors, JEFF & RALPH, for their recent donations. Their support and their enthusiasm is greatly appreciated. 
Update #2

May 7th, 2023

Out of our hearts and because of their beloved support, this update is an acclaim to two of this campaign's most generous donors: Jeff Giba & Bobco.

Thank you for your donations to this passion project, and as soon as wee get it rolling, we will have a part for you in the movie.

May the Lord bless you and bless this project!

Update - Official Trailer Release and New Goal

April 7th, 2023

Hello, Everyone!

Thank you for showing your support for this passion project!

Even though the production deadline was not reached, we are intending to see this through until we reach the overall milestone of Phase One.

In efforts to spread the word, a new trailer has been posted up and our goal has gone from three thousand dollars to thirty thousand dollars! Funds are low, but ambitions are high. But of course, prayers are still needed if we are to trust in God's wisdom and direction. 

Thank you all and God Bless!

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.

  • For blessings upon this project and patience within its development