Help IDF Elite Combat Paratroopers


 ILS ₪38,600


 ILS ₪13,609

Campaign created by Gabi K.

Campaign funds will be received by Orazi Klaf

Help IDF Elite Combat Paratroopers

Info English, Hebrew, and Russian. המידע באנגלית, עברית ורוסית. Информация на английском, иврите и русском языках.


My name is Gabi- born in Israel, raised in Houston, Texas. My Israeli husband and I moved to Israel in 2004 and have raised three beautiful children in the rivers and mountains of quiet Northern Israel. We have raised our children to deeply believe in and love this country. 

Since October 7th, the unbearable stories and the personal and collective pain is too much to contain, and yet, here we are, a country that doesn't have the space to mourn for we need to protect and defend ourselves.

All three of our children are currently serving Israel during these impossible times. More specifically, our son is an elite combat paratrooper who is about to enter Gaza. Though donations are coming in daily, the IDF is still unable to provide all that it needs to keep its soldiers safe. I turn to you as the mother of one such soldier. We're asking for help for my son, and 14 of his fellow troop mates, to purchase for them critical gear to keep them safe and try to protect them from all possible harm.  

Thank you for standing with us and showing up in the most significant of ways. Thank you so much. May we know better days, and may all of the citizens and soliders of Israel return home safely. 

-Gabi, a mom who just wants to be able to hug her son again

(Our request in Hebrew follows below. הבקשה שלנו בעברית מתחת)

I have no other country אין לי ארץ אחרת

Even if my land is on fire גם אם אדמתי בוערת

Only a word in Hebrew penetrates רק מילה בעברית חודרת

To my veins, to my soul אל עורקיי, אל נשמתי

Aching in the body, hungry in the heart בגוף כואב, בלב רעב

Here is my home כאן הוא ביתי

I will not be silent, because my country לא אשתוק, כי ארצי

She changed her face שינתה את פניה

I will not give up on herלא אוותר לה

I will remind her אזכיר לה

And sing here in her ears ואשיר כאן באוזניה

Until she opens her eyes עד שתפקח את עיניה

I have no other country אין לי ארץ אחרת


שמי גבי, נולדתי בישראל, גדלתי ביוסטון, טקסס. בעלי הישראלי ואני עברנו לישראל בשנת 2004 וגידלנו שלושה ילדים יפים בנהרות ובהרים של צפון ישראל השקט. גידלנו את ילדינו להאמין עמוק במדינה הזו ולאהוב אותה

מאז ה-7 באוקטובר, הסיפורים הבלתי נסבלים, הכאב האישי והקולקטיבי כבד מנשוא, ובכל זאת, אנחנו כאן, מדינה שאין לה אפשרות וזמן להתאבל כי היא נדרשת להגן על עצמה

כל שלושת ילדינו משרתים כעת את ישראל בזמנים בלתי אפשריים אלו. ליתר דיוק, הבן שלנו הוא צנחן קרבי מובחר שעומד להיכנס לעזה. למרות שהתרומות מגיעות מדי יום, צה"ל עדיין לא מסוגל לספק את כל מה שהוא צריך כדי לשמור על ביטחונם של חייליו. אני פונה אליכם כאמא של חייל אחד כזה. אנו מבקשים עזרה עבור הבן שלי, ו-14 מחבריו לצבא, לרכוש עבורם ציוד קריטי כדי לשמור עליהם ולנסות להגן עליהם מכל נזק אפשרי

תודה שעמדתם לצידנו ועזרתם בדרכים המשמעותיות ביותר. תודה רבה לכם. שנדע ימים טובים יותר, ושכל אזרחי ישראל ולוחמי ישראל יחזרו הביתה בשלום

-גבי, אימא שרק רוצה לחבק את בנה שוב


Меня зовут Габи, я родилась в Израиле, выросла в Хьюстоне, штат Техас. Мы с моим мужем переехали в Израиль в 2004 году и вырастили троих прекрасных детей среди рек и гор тихого северного Израиля. Мы воспитали наших детей, чтобы они глубоко верили в эту страну и любили ее.

После 7 октября, личная и коллективная боль невыносимы. и тем не менее, мы здесь в стране, у которой нет возможности и времени скорбеть, потому что она должна защищать себя.

Все трое наших детей сейчас служат в израильской армии в эти трудные времена. Точнее, наш сын – элитный боевой десантник, который собирается войти в Газу.

Хотя пожертвования поступают ежедневно, ЦАХАЛ по-прежнему не может предоставить все необходимое для обеспечения безопасности своих солдат. Я обращаюсь к вам как мать одного такого солдата. Мы просим помощи для моего сына и 14 его однополчан. приобрести для них оборудование. Крайне важно сохранить их и постараться защитить от любого возможного вреда.

Благодарим вас за то что вы были рядом с нами и помогали нам самым значительным образом. Большое спасибо. Пусть нас ждут лучшие дни, и пусть все израильские граждане и израильские солдаты вернутся домой с миром.

Габи, мать, которая просто хочет снова обнять сына

Recent Donations
Chris and Alicia Kolar
₪ 200.00 ILS
9 months ago

We love you and are praying for you.

Anonymous Giver
₪ 200.00 ILS
1 year ago

₪ 300.00 ILS
1 year ago

Dear Orazi, family and team, Have a wonderful birthday! Words cannot express my gratitude to you for protecting and fighting for us, letting us live our lives and ensuring the security of the state of Israel. May G'd bless you all and I wish for you all to come home safely and soon. Love,Shelley & family

₪ 100.00 ILS
1 year ago

Thinking of the boys and wishing a very SAFE birthday to the birthday boy

Ilona Sturm
₪ 75.00 ILS
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
₪ 20.00 ILS
1 year ago

Hope this Helps. -ROMY-

Asher D
₪ 50.00 ILS
1 year ago

Am Yisrael Chai!

Anonymous Giver
₪ 500.00 ILS
1 year ago

₪ 200.00 ILS
1 year ago

Thank you to all our solders from Atlanta, GA.

Michael Lemeshev
₪ 54.00 ILS
1 year ago

Florida Hockey Family
₪ 500.00 ILS
1 year ago

Slyozberg family
₪ 250.00 ILS
1 year ago

Alex Tal
₪ 300.00 ILS
1 year ago

Steven Aberman
₪ 180.00 ILS
1 year ago

lindsay greenblatt
₪ 36.00 ILS
1 year ago

Sending strength and light

Anonymous Giver
₪ 250.00 ILS
1 year ago

Michael Simmons
₪ 2000.00 ILS
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
₪ 200.00 ILS
1 year ago

₪ 200.00 ILS
1 year ago

God bless our soldiers and bring them back home safely!

Anonymous Giver
₪ 36.00 ILS
1 year ago


Day 220- Our Boys Enter Again Tonight

May 13th, 2024

As I write, they are probably crossing the border into Gaza. Our boys. Our brave, beautiful boys enter, for the third time. Today, Israeli Memorial Day... A hard day in which we recall the 25,000 who have died so that we may live. Three of them were close friends from their unit. Maoz who looks so much like our son that we always confused them in the pictures- with American parents who moved here because they believe in the Jewish State; Rotem, the eldest of five from the most loving family- such a fine young man; Israel- a lone soldier from Canada who liked hockey and dried mango- two things in common with our son. All three 20/21 year olds, all three had their entire lives before them, all three gave the ultimate sacrafice so that we may live. 

God, please protect our sons and bring them back whole in body and soul, and quickly. 

Update Day 220- Our Boys Enter Again Tonight Image
Day 114- Jan 28 Not Normal

January 28th, 2024

So I wrote a long post and I lost internet when I published so it all got deleted. Seems fitting. 

In summary, I wrote a long post about how things aren't normal:

1- Since Dec 27, the boys have had one water-bottle shower. Not normal.

2- The hostages are still living in every minute of every day. Still there. Not normal. 

3- That every sound makes us jump and no one fully sleeps, in case. Not normal.

4- That every time the phone call rings, we hold our breaths. Not normal. 

5- That we're spending enormous amounts of money on thermal wear, undies, socks, sleeping bags, and food cuz they are cold and need things and can't eat cans of tuna anymore. Not normal.

6- That we as parents are in a position to ask for more money to help with the endless supplies. Share if you can. Uncomfortable and not normal. 

7- That the world stage keeps hating Jews and holding us to standards/demands/accusations that no one else in the history of the universe ever had to. Insane and not normal. 

8- That for my son's 21st birthday we're sending a box. The box. I hate the box. We're grateful to be able to send him and his troop fun b-day things that we hope won't get stolen or lost en route. I kissed and hugged the box and whispered 'happy birthday' cuz that's how I can reach out to him right now. I hate the box. Sending the box with things to enemy territory is all we have in terms of contact. I hate the box because I'm jealous. Maybe he'll hold the box. I want to be the box. I want to hug him for his birthday and forever. I don't want him there and I don't want us to be in this war. I don't want my only contact to be the box. The box and a few broken phone calls with constant booming sounds. That and a few handwritten letters that make us feel like we're in the 1940's. Not normal. 

9- We're evacuees from the North and went home to rescue Cat #3.  It was during these few hours when we realized that the home that we so long for means nothing. We just didn't care. Yes, it was the home we raised our kids in; yes, it was the home that held us safely for the last twenty years; and yet, it was nothing. Just walls. If we're not a whole family, it doesn't matter. We just want to be all five of us again. Like normal.

10- Lastly, in spite of all the rainbow of hard emotions that we are all feeling, we know this.... that the Jewish people will not be slaughtered silently... that we will fight... and it's a just fight and we will win this fight and we will pay unbearable costs to be able to live safely in our homeland. We will be strong and we will get through this. We will remain resilient and optimistic and powerful, and we'll try to cry only after our boys turn away when they go back in. And that the Jewish people will remain here... and one day, there will be a new normal that we will embrace with our beloved boys again. 

Update Day 114- Jan 28 Not Normal Image
Update #4 Day 51 of the War- Here We Are

November 26th, 2023

I've had a lot of trouble forcing myself to sit down and write. Too many emotions around all of it, all of which you know about, but mostly the immense joy with hostage releases, the immense rage that we are in this war, the immense sadness for all of the loss and broken families which can never be fixed, and the immense terror regarding what each day of ceasefire means regarding the safety of our boys.

Our boys entered Gaza on Saturday, November 4 at night and have been there ever since. Today is their 24th day there and we've had close to no communication with them. As parents, it has felt, and continues to feel like years. As a group, we've heard tiny bits of information and are holding on to each morsel as gems. From two minute phone conversations from two of the boys and from a photograph of a letter we each received, we've learned some of the following:

  1. on their eighth day, they got to change their underwear
  2. in their third week, our four boys found a house with running water, and, in pairs, took cold showers, while the other pair stood guard
  3. they are sick of the army's food rations but they are filling up on it
  4. they found an old transitor radio and are enjoying some music from the Israeli military-run GalGalatz radio station
  5. tomorrow (we hope), they'll be taken to a rest area in Gaza for showers, a change of uniforms, a BBQ, and some phone time

We've been told they will probably be in for at least another two weeks and then may get a 24 hour visit home. All we want is to hug our boys. And when this is all over, we want to hear their stories and laugh and know that it is all behind us. 

But in the meantime, we'll continue to be the resilient, tough, emotional, beautiful, stubborn, strong, optimistic people that we are and know, that Am Israel Chai, and nothing, and no one, ever, will break us. We are united in ways that we never imagined possible, and continue to witness tiny and huge miracles and acts of kindness and love to and from total strangers daily.

Our boys are heroes. They are legends. They chose to be elite combat soldiers for Eretz Israel and chose to stand and protect us and our right to exist. We could not be more proud of them, their fighting for us, and knowing that they are making modern history by ensuring our survival. 

They have remarkable lives waiting for them after this war and our and your prayers of protection will help guarantee that they will all get to live out all that is after this surreal reality that we are now living in. May God protect our brave, young children/soldiers, keep them safe, and return them in wholeness of body and soul. 

Amen Amen Amen.

Update #3: Day 23 of the War- Mixed Emotions

October 29th, 2023

Parents were allowed to visit on Thursday and/or Friday and we all brought our sons' favorites homemade foods or spoiled our boys (as a group) with hamburgers, pizza, and more. It felt joyous and calm and we all started to believe that this was going to be the 'new normal' for us- they train all week, we get updates, we meet them on the weekend and this felt really nice (all things considered). Our families got to share time with our boys all together and laughter (which we've missed) and just relaxing (which we've forgotten how to do) took over. Felt really marvelous.

My husband and I were able to get the backpacks from the airport due to the generosity of the community in Brooklyn and a dear Canadian volunteer named Jeremy. We were so excited to share the joy and excitment of the entire process including a video that I started to create (with the soldiers faces blurred) showing them surprised and grateful to receive the backpacks. 

Before I had a chance to work and share the happy moments, things abruptly shifted here. On Friday night tanks entered Gaza and by Saturday afternoon, our boys called to say that their phones were being taken away and that they won't be in contact with us for a while. Every parent's greatest fear of course is that their son will be on the frontlines. So we all tried to sound strong and encouraging while saying goodbye to our sons. 

We know that there are ground troops in Gaza. We know that more and more will enter as we progress. We know that the boys are not going in for a short mission and coming back out. They have work to do and will be there for long stretches of time in order to achieve their missions. 

I wish I had happier news. We're all holding our breathes. Watching the news too much. Trying to do anything to stay busy and be functional because what else can you do when you face such fear regarding what is most precious to you?

I won't be including pics or videos right now because it doesn't feel right, it doesn't make the mood that we're all in right now. 

We've reached about a third of our financial goal and I've already been notified of more gear the boys will need for the winter soon to arrive. Please do what you can to share our campaign more. We'll keep you posted on any and all updates that we have. For now, our only source of information is the news. 

We believe in our boys and know that they are highly-trained, skilled, sharp, in-shape, united, and brave. They will take care of each other and do an amazing job defending our country. We could not be more proud of them for their fired-up and inspirational attitude of determination and optimism. How we feel about them and their willingness to fight and contribute for our survival as a country is beyond what I can express.

May our boys return to us safely soon. Thank you for showing up for our boys.


A Huge and Generous Donation- Day 2 of Fundraising, Day 19 of the War

October 25th, 2023

We are moved and deeply touched by the generous contribution of Beis Moshe Shmiel Shul and Kingsway Jewish Center of Brooklyn, New York. The mother of one of our paratroopers spoke with her brother in New York and his community immediately stood up and took financial responsibilty of our first and most urgent request from the commander. This community has single-handedly taken upon themselves to purchase nine much-needed steel-framed heavy-weight backpacks. They even purchased an extra internal support frame to try and alleviate some of the pressure from the boys' backs. We'll keep you posted on how things develop with this shipment. We are so deeply excited and grateful beyond words for their support.

In the meantime, we'll keep collecting funds and checking items off the list of much-needed supplies that their commander sends to us. 

Thank you guys!!!

Amazing progress on Day One!

October 24th, 2023

Got a huge donation of gear from such a beautiful community. Will be able to share the details so very soon. Also, there are 19 young men in the troop (not 15 like I said yesterday). More room for love! 

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.