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5 Year Multimedia Proposal


 USD $30,000,000


 USD $200

Campaign created by Charles Sperry Andrews IV

Campaign funds will be received by Human Connection Institute

5 Year Multimedia Proposal

D E - H Y P N O T I Z I N G


Feature and documentary film(s) Awaken
Audiences worldwide and successfully popularize
24/7 online access to life-changing experiences of
a commonly sensed spiritual intelligence
in multiple languages
via a free membership app.

We appreciate your donations
no matter how small or large.

Your Contributions are Pivotal to
the Initiation of This Global Effort.

A near death experience at age four led to a lifetime of experiential and objective research.
With a background in physics, neuroscience, philosophy, art and art history, healing, mysticism, (para)psychology and filmmaking, C. Sperry Andrews 4th explored two-way telepathic awareness internationally with thousands of people and hundreds of groups for over thirty years, founding HCI in 1991. Sperry's Human Connection Project began with the help of the Mind Science Foundation in San Antonio, Texas in 1988 where he collaborated with award winning psychologist Dr. William Braud for five years; and as an Adjunct Research Associate from 1990 to 1992. He has developed techniques that are readily learned and lived in everyday life, helping thousands of people in the U.S. and Europe achieve and maintain experiences of collective consciousness.

He has collaborated with eminent scientists and educators conducting both objective and experiential research into the emergence of a commonly sensed consciousness, giving invited presentations on his institute's projects at the World Business Academy, Duke University, University of Connecticut, the Association for Research and Enlightenment, and the Academy for Spiritual and Consciousness Studies, presenting this project at the United Nations in 1992; to provide empirical scientifically derived images of our interconnectedness via news reports, print media, talk show formats, feature documentaries, and dramatic films; so 'billions' can awaken full access to 'our' combined intelligence.

TESTIMONIALS: for the Group Insight Game

"Sperry Andrews’ approach to facilitating collective and mindful group consciousness is vital for bringing together and empowering people in everyday venues, as well as in business settings and corporate cultures. I have experienced first-hand how simple yet powerful Sperry’s approach is, and how it can easily be applied across diverse settings and populations. His process enables insight to spontaneously arise in a spirit of openness and conscious communication that facilitates people moving forward to implement creative solutions to individual and group movements. I wish every person, business, and corporate culture would integrate and implement Sperry’s work into the everyday hum of both workplace culture and personal life. His work encourages interactive, energetic, and authentic communication and creativity to emerge effortlessly."
- Richard Miller, PhD. Psychologist, President of the Integrative Restoration Institute

"Our conscious conversation simply and gently, yet profoundly, revealed the truth that all of humanity has been seeking forever. In just a few minutes, as Sperry pointed our awareness to awareness itself, the illusion of separation began to dissolve. My sense of having a separate body melted in the warm, delicious energy that engulfed the whole group. Emotions transformed into what I experienced to be the empty fullness spoken of by the sages. It was blissful, and once experienced, nothing can be the same. This is a life changing event."
- Judy Woodrow, editor

"The remarkable work of Sperry Andrews and the Human Connection Institute in developing ways to move people into collective and global consciousness is worthy of wide recognition and attention. As we move from me to we, Sperry's work will serve as a guiding light to collective consciousness."
- John Jacob Zucker Gardiner, leadership professor at Seattle University

"Sperry created an experience of group consciousness where the barriers between us melted, and we came into a co-creative flow. In this space, we were completely free from inhibition, doubt, judgment, or fear. We had access to much higher levels of understanding, compassion, wisdom, and trust. There was also a sense of super-charged creative energy and infinite potential it felt like we could accomplish anything. This creative state has helped me to be far more effective. I now experience that my work seems to be created through me effortlessly, saving hours of productivity. The state that occurred in the group setting provided a foundation for harnessing the full intelligence and wisdom of a team. It evoked a kind of creativity and innovation that is far beyond what we normally experience."
- Sherri L, Stamford Graduate and Women's Leadership Coach

"As a Senior Program Manager in the computer industry, I have firsthand experience working with high performance teams. With limited resources and tight deadlines, team synergy is crucial. Sperry's work experientially promotes an immediate shift in consciousness, enabling a higher level of group alignment and synergy. Highly recommended for team development!"
- Paul Simons, PMP Program Mgr.

"Sperry's BIO"

"How IT was Discovered"

12+ mins

"How Consciousness is Enlightening Humanity"

14 mins

"How to Awaken Humanity before it's Too Late"

21 + mins

"Unity Consciousness - Online Guidelines"

19 + mins

"Shared Consciousness and its Co-Creative Capacities"

3 + mins

Recent Donations
$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

Love you Sperry and everything you’re bringing to our precious planet!

Ori Shapira
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago


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