USD $7,500
USD $2,755
Campaign funds will be received by Paul Malson
A resident in Milton Fl has suffered multiple setbacks over the last few years including a disabling car wreck, a tornado felling a tree on her mobile home and most recently a fire. All these struggles have forced her to move into a shed on her property. We found out about Lorrie's plight and struggles and offered to help. We started in a small way and before we even began, Lorrie initiated work on her property. Her resilience has caused a groundswell of support. From just helping in a small way, people began to dream bigger. Individuals offered greater support and our desire grew to bigger dreams. We began to pray for a replacement mobile home and the dismantling of the destroyed home.
And wow! The community has stepped up:
* One family offered a replacement mobile home in good condition.
* A business offered to complete the required electrical connections.
* One individual is moving the damaged mobile home off the property without cost.
* Many people have worked on the property and provided what small items she has room to store.
New we need your help. We need at least $7500 to move and setup the replacement mobile home.
Will you change one life with a donation of any amount? 100% of every donation will go to this great need.
Thank you.
Pastors Paul and Vivian
C’mon neighbors, EVERY dollar COUNTS!
Hey, happy to donate and admit this time I was wrong after being scammed by a very similar story.
Happy to help this effort.
I am happy to be a small part of those that have reach out to help you. God Bless you, and them
Wish I could do more.
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