 USD $8,500
 USD $1,631
Campaign funds will be received by Michelle Bahr
I am updating my campaign. My surgery has been delayed till April 21, 2025. I am still in need of assistance because I will not have my deductible met when I have my surgery and I’m already crushed with medical bills from being ill since February of this year Plus the economy is making it so it’s almost impossible for me to save for the 6 to 8 weeks then I’ll be off recovering from my surgery in April 20 25. Anything that you can donate is greatly appreciated so that I do not end up in more financial distress recovering from my next surgery. I had surgery April 20, 2024 due to complications from an infection of my diverticulitis. I lost my sigmoid colon some of my colon some of my intestines in my spleen, and it is left me having to use an ostomy bag to go to the washroom. I also have a hernia that makes it very difficult for me to digest my food because it hits the colon my life has been very hard and difficult since the surgery and it has caused my autoimmune Hashimoto’s disease to be out of control so I have to face medical challenges and bills with that condition. Also, it’s made it so it’s very difficult for me to do much because I’m always exhausted because my thyroid is out of control from all the trauma that’s been caused in the distress of losing my mother in 2022 the day before Christmas Eve. My husband is disabled, so it’s very difficult for us right now because I’m our main breadwinner so saving money has been hard. The economy definitely is crushing everybody and I understand if there’s not much you can donate but anything would be very appreciated and if you can’t donate anything please keep me in your prayers that my surgery goes well. It’s a six hour surgery and there’s only one shot to get it right because I’ve lost so much colon. Thank you 🙏🏻
Keeping yall in prayer and will continue daily praying! May our God give you strength, peace of mind and the Hope that surpasses understanding as you continue in this journey
I’m praying for your strength and faith during this time. Good is a healer and can do ALL things! —- massage envy customer
Praying for a speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹
Get well soon.
Healing thoughts being sent your way! From your old friends at Black Dot Teresa and Delores
Sending you strength and love.
March 3rd, 2025
49 days til my surgery…28 days of work. It’s been a struggle this past 2 months. I had an injury near my stoma that has caused many issues. It’s slowly healing it was better last week but has re-injured as of Friday. Not financially close to being ready for my surgery but I’m so ready to get my life back it’s been over a year of struggle with my health and strength
January 31st, 2025
Ordered what is hopefully my last round of supplies from my medical supply company and I just got the claim and it says I may owe over $1000 thank goodness I only ordered exactly what I needed this time and nothing extra last time I got supplies was after the surgery and my deductible been hit. Unfortunately now my deductible is not hit so I guess I’ll have to make payments just updating everybody the supplements, the supplies everything that I have to go through during this time Has just been insurmountable so your help has definitely made a big difference. If you can’t help please just keep me in your prayers. I appreciate that as much as I appreciate the donations.
January 14th, 2025
Been a very hard few months since November. Trying to stay positive and keep healthy. Surgery is scheduled 4/21 I’m doing my best to stockpile supplies for my family to prepare for my recovery ❤️‍🩹 time. I appreciate all the prayers and support donations have made a huge difference I’m saving all I can hopefully it will make this time of recovery easier than the last thank you everyone for all your support and prayers
December 11th, 2024
Well, I didn’t think my life could get any harder or worse, but I made a horrible mistake and looked down for 10 seconds Sunday and hit a parked car did enough damage to my truck that it’s not gonna be fixed until after the first of the year, so chances are I won’t be able to have Christmas Eve with my family I am completely heartbroken and lost because I don’t know how I’m gonna get through this financially or emotionally just updating everybody so that you know not so you feel sorry for me, but just so that you know.
November 17th, 2024
Very thankful for the new donations and all my donations it’s been kind of an interesting month so far met with my surgeon on November 4 to discuss the surgery. It will still be April 21, 2025. My body needs to lose some weight so I’m working towards that goal for the surgery. The surgery will be laparoscopic. I will be in the hospital for about 1 to 2 days Still facing a 6 to 8 week recovery. Just because of the extent of what they’re doing and the healing time that’s necessary since I have a very physical job. I’m working hard to try to save as much as I can, but your help is very important and I am very deeply appreciate it. We lost our cat of 17 years on Monday. We had to put him to sleep. He was very ill we believe he had cancer. He wasted away very quickly towards the last few days of his life. It’s not helping my stress that I need to manage to stay healthy. He was my constant companion through everything. I’ve been through over the last three years and my heart is completely broken without him in my life. Also unfortunately putting a pet down is not an inexpensive process. It cost us $700 so that definitely takes a hit in our savings but he wouldn’t have made it another day and we needed to do what was right for our baby. God bless you all and I hope you’re all doing well and thank you everyone for the prayers and for the kind donations, however large or small they are they mean the world to me and my family
October 12th, 2024
Last month I was told my surgery had to be delayed till April 21, 2025 due to all the scar tissue and damage caused by the first surgery. I also have to take expensive multivitamins collagen powder and electrolytes twice a day to help my body heal so it’ll be ready for surgery next year in less than 200 days. I have to be ready for my surgery. Things have been a little unstable lately with my colostomy bag. I’m trying to work through that and live my life the best way I possibly can. My Hashimoto’s is under a lot of strain and not under control at this moment so it’s a big struggle just to do anything. I’m constantly worn out, but I’ve continued to work and tried my best to do what I can to save for the upcoming surgery and to take care of my family. Your kindness and prayers are deeply appreciated. I just wanted to update everybody. That’s following the campaign.
September 24th, 2024
So thankful for everybody’s generosity most of the money is going in my savings, but I needed some ostomy bags because the plentiful kind that I have do not work because my stoma doesn’t react properly because of my hernia so luckily I was able to find them on Amazon because I can’t order new supplies until October 22 to have them covered under insurance thank goodness for generous friends and family, but I can get what I need to get me through on Amazon and thank goodness they’re much cheaper through Amazon then if I order them direct from the supplier, but definitely an essential for day-to-day life that I could not do without and I wouldn’t have been able to afford them had not everybody donated and been so generous and kind so I just wanted to say thank you
September 20th, 2024
Today, I want to provide an update. I had my meeting with my new surgeon on Wednesday, the 18th, and I received devastating news that I was not at all prepared for. Due to the trauma and complications from my first surgery, which created my ostomy and resulted in the removal of some of my intestines and my spleen, I will not be able to have my reversal surgery as soon as I had hoped. I will have to wait until April 21, 2025, for the procedure. My doctor assures me that it should go well, but it is a very complicated surgery that will take up to six hours to complete.
Once the surgery is done, my recovery should be easier than initially expected, which is a relief. However, my deductible for insurance will not be met, and I still need more supplies and supplements to maintain my health. Additionally, my thyroid condition, Hashimoto's disease, has been adversely affected by all the stress and trauma my body has endured this year and over the last three years.
I hope everything goes smoothly, but I will still need help, so I will keep the fundraiser active. I appreciate everyone who has donated and shared my situation. If you are unable to contribute financially, please keep me in your prayers, as this has been very challenging for me. Now that I must live with this for about seven more months, I am undoubtedly in a very sad place right now.
September 14th, 2024
For the first time in 7 months of struggling with my illness. I have hope that I’ll be okay, because of unimaginable generosity. I have tears of joy due to kindness of those who’ve donated. Thank you 🙏🏻 and God bless you.
September 10th, 2024
Had my colonoscopy on Friday the sixth things went well. I have a meeting with my surgeon on Wednesday the 18th to schedule my surgery complications because of all this my thyroid is out of control. I have Hashimoto’s disease so I’m praying that that gets improved with new medicine and I’m very thankful for everybody that’s donated and all the prayers and well wishes. God bless you all.
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